Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 01 Mar 2010 12:47 and updated at 01 Mar 2010 12:47
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.2.390 | Bhima's meeting on his way, in a grove of bananas, with Hanuman, the son of Pavana of great prowess; Bhima's bath in the tank and the destruction of the flowers therein for obtaining the sweet-scented flower he was in search of; his consequent battle with the mighty Rakshasas and the Yakshas of great prowess including Hanuman; the destruction of the Asura Jata by Bhima; the meeting of the Pandavas with the royal sage Vrishaparva; their departure for the asylum of Arshtishena and abode therein: the incitement of Bhima to acts of vengeance by Draupadi. |
Mbh.1.23.1506 | Thou art the destroyer of all, the creator of all; thou art the very Hiranyagarbha; thou art the progenitor of creation in the form of Daksha and the other Prajapatis; thou art Indra the king of the gods, thou art Hayagriva the steed necked incarnation of Vishnu; thou art the arrow Vishnu himself, as he became such in the hands of Mahadeva at the burning of Tripura; thou art the lord of the universe; thou art the mouth of Vishnu; thou art the four-faced Padmaja; thou art the Brahmana ie, wise, thou art Agni, Pavana, etc. |
Mbh.3.82.4031 | He, the friend of Pavana, O hero, is the mouth of all the gods. |
Mbh.3.83.4340 | Arriving next at the tirtha called Pavana, one should offer oblations to the Pitris and the gods. |
Mbh.3.234.11849 | Received with respect by that chief of the Kurus, the old king, the Brahmana took his seat; and asked by the monarch he began to talk of the sons of Dharma, Pavana, Indra and of the twins, all of whom having fallen into severe misery, had become emaciated and reduced owing to exposure to wind and sun. |
Mbh.3.278.13563 | And Mainda and Dwivida, and Hanuman the son of Pavana, and Jamvuman, the king of the bears, are beside Sugriva as his counsellors. |
Mbh.3.280.13698 | After the lapse of two months, several monkeys seeking with haste the presence of Sugriva, addressed him, saying, O king, that foremost of monkeys, the son of Pavana, as also Angada, the son of Vali, and the other great monkeys whom thou hadst despatched to search the southern region, have come back and are pillaging that great and excellent orchard called Madhuvana, which was always guarded by Vali and which hath been well-guarded by thee also after him' |
Mbh.3.280.13709 | Thus addressed by Rama, the son of Pavana, replied unto him, saying, I bring thee good news, O Rama; for Janaka's daughter hath been seen by me. |
Mbh.3.280.13745 | Recognising her as Sita by those unusual signs, and approaching that worshipful lady while alone, I said, I am, O Sita, an emissary of Rama and monkey begotten by Pavana |
Mbh.3.284.13901 | And seeing those foremost of monkeys suddenly give way, that tiger among monkeys, Hanuman, the son of Pavana, began to advance. |
Mbh.3.284.13902 | And beholding the son of Pavana staying still on the field of battle, the retreating monkeys, O king, one and all quickly rallied. |
Mbh.3.284.13906 | Then that vanquisher of foes, Hanuman, the son of Pavana, quickly seized that advancing leader of the Rakshasa. |
Mbh.3.284.13909 | Then Hanuman, the son of Pavana, slew in great wrath that Rakshasa along with his charioteer and horses and broke his chariot also into pieces. |
Mbh.3.285.13959 | And Hanumana, the son of Pavana, taking up a mountain peak, rushed towards one of the brothers, and with that weapon took the life of the Rakshasa Vajravega. |
Mbh.3.289.14155 | And after the son of Pavana had come back, Rama entered Nandigrama. |
Mbh.7.24.1243 | Indeed, as the wind, when it riseth, driveth away gathering masses of clouds, so did that son of Pavana rout that elephant force of the Kauravas. |
Mbh.8.87.5299 | The Vasus, the Maruts, the Sadhyas, the Rudras, the Vishvedevas and the Ashvinis, and Agni and Indra and Soma and Pavana, and the ten points of the compass, became the partisans of Dhananjaya, while all the Adityas sided with Karna. |
Mbh.12.153.9251 | Bhishma said, In this connection is cited, O chief of the Bharatas, the old story of the discourse between Salmali and Pavana. |
Mbh.12.153.9265 | Is it, O child, the case that Pavana is pleased with thee and is thy friend so that he protects thee always in these woods? |
Mbh.12.153.9266 | The illustrious Pavana possessed of great speed and force moveth from their sites the tallest and strongest trees, and even mountain summits. |
Mbh.12.153.9268 | Without doubt, Pavana protects thee through friendship. |
Mbh.13.14.1536 | Thou art the Unmanifest, thou art Pavana, thou art inconceivable, thou art the thousand-rayed Sun, thou art the effulgent Chit, thou art the first of all the topics, and thou art the refuge of life |
Mbh.13.85.7810 | After all these births had taken place, Mahadeva who had assumed the form of Varuna for his sacrifice and who had Pavana for his soul, said, This excellent Sacrifice is mine. |
Mbh.13.91.8184 | Those names at Vala, Dhriti, Vipapa, Punyakrit, Pavana, Parshni, Kshemak, Divysanu, Vivaswat, Viryavat, Hrimat, Kirtimat, Krita, Jitatman, Munivirya, Diptaroman, Bhayankara, Anukarman, Pratia, Pradatri, Ansumat, Sailabha, Parama krodhi, Dhiroshni, Bhupati, Sraja, Vajrin, and Vari, these are the eternal Viswedevas. |
Mbh.13.152.12772 | Bhishma said, In this connection is cited this old narrative of a conversation between Pavana and Arjuna, O Bharata! |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
Suggestions are welcome: email:moc.liamg|rnhtijij#moc.liamg|rnhtijij
Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text:; Wikified at AncientVoice. |