Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 01 Mar 2010 10:34 and updated at 01 Mar 2010 10:34
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.1.11 | Sauti said, Having heard the diverse sacred and wonderful stories which were composed in his Mahabharata by Krishna-Dwaipayana, and which were recited in full by Vaisampayana at the Snake-sacrifice of the high-souled royal sage Janamejaya and in the presence also of that chief of Princes, the son of Parikshit, and having wandered about, visiting many sacred waters and holy shrines, I journeyed to the country venerated by the Dwijas twice-born and called Samantapanchaka where formerly was fought the battle between the children of Kuru and Pandu, and all the chiefs of the land ranged on either side. |
Mbh.1.2.521 | Then is described the discovery by the Pandavas of golden treasuries; and then the birth of Parikshit who was revived by Krishna after having been burnt by the celestial weapon of Aswatthaman. |
Mbh.1.3.592 | SECTION III Paushya Parva Sauti said, Janamejaya, the son of Parikshit, was, with his brothers, attending his long sacrifice on the plains of Kurukshetra. |
Mbh.1.3.608 | One day Janamejaya, the son of Parikshit, while a-hunting, observed in a particular part of his dominions a hermitage where dwelt a certain Rishi of fame, Srutasrava. |
Mbh.1.3.610 | Being desirous of appointing that son of the Rishi as his Purohita, Janamejaya, the son of Parikshit, saluted the Rishi and addressed him, saying, O possessor of the six attributes, let this thy son be my purohita' |
Mbh.1.40.2122 | Afterwards, once upon a time, there was a king, O Brahmana, of the name of Parikshit, born in the race of the Kauravas. |
Mbh.1.40.2126 | No deer that was pierced by Parikshit had ever escaped in the wood with life. |
Mbh.1.40.2128 | And the deer that Parikshit, that king of men, had pierced was lost to his gaze and drew the monarch far away into the forest. |
Mbh.1.40.2130 | And approaching him hastily, the monarch, hungry and fatigued, and raising his bow, asked that Muni of rigid vows, saying, O Brahmana, I am king Parikshit, the son of Abhimanyu. |
Mbh.1.41.2152 | And Krisa replied, Even as king Parikshit was roving, for purpose of hunting, O dear one, he placed the dead snake on the shoulder of thy sire' |
Mbh.1.41.2155 | And Krisa answered, King Parikshit, the son of Abhimanyu, while hunting, had wounded a fleet stag with an arrow and chased it alone. |
Mbh.1.41.2169 | And he shed tears of grief, and addressed his sire, saying, Father, having been informed of this thy disgrace at the hands of that wicked wretch, king Parikshit, I have from anger even cursed him; and that worst of Kurus hath richly deserved my potent curse. |
Mbh.1.41.2180 | And Parikshit like unto his great-grandsire, protecteth us as a king should protect his subjects. |
Mbh.1.42.2210 | Sauti continued, And that great ascetic, observer of vows, moved by kindness, sent with proper instructions a disciple of his to king Parikshit. |
Mbh.1.42.2241 | And Kasyapa, thus addressed, replied, Takshaka, by his poison, will today burn king Parikshit of the Kuru race, that oppressor of all enemies. |
Mbh.1.49.2496 | Sauti said, O Brahmana, hear all that the king asked his ministers, and all that they said about the death of Parikshit' |
Mbh.1.49.2515 | And, therefore, the mighty son of Abhimanyu came to be called Parikshit born in an extinct line. |
Mbh.1.50.2570 | Kasyapa replied, saying, O Brahmana, I am going whither king Parikshit, that best of the Kurus, is. |
Mbh.1.51.2621 | And that lord of the Earth, that tiger of the Bharata race, the son of Parikshit, then called his priest and Ritwiks. |
Mbh.1.53.2659 | Kohala Devasarman, Maudgalya, Samasaurava, and many other Brahmanas who had got through the Vedas became the Sadasyas at that sacrifice of the son of Parikshit. |
Mbh.1.53.2677 | This sacrifice of the son of Parikshit is for the extermination of our race. |
Mbh.1.55.2726 | But thy sacrifice, O foremost one of Bharata's race, O son of Parikshit, is not inferior to any of those. |
Mbh.1.55.2729 | But this sacrifice of thine, O foremost one of Bharata's race, O son of Parikshit, is fully equal to ten thousand sacrifices of Sakra. |
Mbh.1.55.2731 | Like the sacrifice of Yama, of Harimedha, or of king Rantideva, is the sacrifice of thine, O foremost one of Bharata's race, O son of Parikshit. |
Mbh.1.55.2733 | Like the sacrifice of Maya, of king Sasavindu, or of king Vaisravana, is this sacrifice of thine, O foremost one of Bharata's race, O son of Satyavati, in which he himself was the chief priest, is this sacrifice of Nriga, of Ajamida, of the son of Dasaratha, is this sacrifice of thine, O foremost one of Bharata's race, O son of Parikshit. |
Mbh.1.55.2736 | O foremost one of Bharata's race, O son of Parikshit, let those dear unto us be blessed! |
Mbh.1.55.2737 | Like the sacrifice of Krishna Dwaipayana, the son of Satyavati, in which he himself was the chief priest, is this sacrifice of thine, O foremost one of Bharata's race, O son of Parikshit Let those dear unto us be blessed! |
Mbh.1.56.2799 | O Brahmana, the son of Parikshit, being thus addressed by Astika, became exceedingly sorry and replied unto Astika thus, O illustrious one, gold, silver, kine, whatever other possessions thou desirest I shall give unto thee. |
Mbh.1.56.2803 | Sauti continued, The son of Parikshit, being thus addressed by Astika, repeatedly said this unto that foremost of speakers, Best of the Brahmanas, ask some other boon. |
Mbh.1.58.2837 | Thus the sacrifice of the son of Parikshit, that king of the Pandava race, came to an end. |
Mbh.1.62.3023 | O son of Parikshit, this pleasant narration that giveth virtue and victory I am about to recite in its entirety: listen to it. |
Mbh.1.94.5202 | And Avikshit begat Parikshit the powerful, Savalaswa, Adhiraja, Viraja, Salmali of great physical strength, Uchaihsravas, Bhangakara and Jitari the eighth. |
Mbh.1.94.5204 | And unto Parikshit were born sons who were all acquainted with the secrets of religion and profit. |
Mbh.1.95.5281 | And of her was born a son named Parikshit, who took for his wife Suvasa, the daughter of the Vahudas, and begat upon her a son named Bhimasena. |
Mbh.1.95.5354 | And after reviving him, Vasudeva said, Because this child hath been born in an extinct race, therefore, he shall be called Parikshit. |
Mbh.1.95.5355 | And Parikshit married Madravati, thy mother, O king, and thou art born to her, O Janamejaya! |
Mbh.3.118.6047 | And O son of Parikshit! |
Mbh.3.191.9691 | And Markandeya continued, There was a king, by name Parikshit in Ayodhya and belonging to the race of Ikshvaku. |
Mbh.3.191.9692 | And once upon a time Parikshit went a-hunting. |
Mbh.3.191.9702 | Thou wilt never make me cast my eyes on water, and the king saying, So be it' married her, and king Parikshit having married her sported with her in great joy, and sat with her in silence, and while the king was staying there, his troops reached the spot, and those troops beholding the monarch stood surrounding him, and cheered by the presence of troops, the king entered a handsome vehicle accompanied by his newly wedded wife. |
Mbh.3.191.9716 | And accordingly when frogs began to be terribly slaughtered, the affrighted frogs represented all that had happened unto their king, and the king of the frogs assuming the garb of an ascetic came before the king Parikshit, and having approached the monarch, he said, O king, give not thyself up to wrath! |
Mbh.3.191.9726 | Then king Parikshit whose soul was filled with woe on account of the death of her that was dear to him, answered the chief of the frogs who had spoken to him thus, I will not forgive the frogs. |
Mbh.3.191.9731 | And hearing these words of Parikshit, the king of the frogs with his senses and mind much pained said, Be inclined to grace, O king! |
Mbh.3.191.9738 | The king of the frogs thereupon bestowed his daughter upon Parikshit, and addressing her said, Wait upon and serve the king' |
Mbh.10.16.982 | This thy son for that reason, will be called by the name of Parikshit |
Mbh.10.16.983 | The words of that pious man shall become true: the Pandavas shall have a son called Parikshit. |
Mbh.10.16.997 | The heroic Parikshit, attaining to age and a knowledge of the Vedas and the practice of pious vows, shall obtain all weapons from the son of Sharadvata. |
Mbh.10.16.999 | More than this, that boy shall become the mighty-armed king of the Kurus, known by the name of Parikshit, before thy very eyes, O thou of wicked soul! |
Mbh.12.149.8897 | There was in days of yore, a king possessed of great energy, called Janamejaya, who was the son of Parikshit. |
Mbh.12.343.22735 | Sauti said, During the continuance of his snake-sacrifice, Janamejaya, the royal son of Parikshit, availing himself of an interval in the sacrificial rites, and when all the learned Brahmanas were resting. |
Mbh.12.347.22990 | Sauti said, I shall recite to thee that ancient history, which is perfectly consistent with the Vedas, and which the illustrious Vaisampayana recited unto the son of Parikshit on the occasion of the great Snake-sacrifice. |
Mbh.12.347.22991 | Having heard the account of the mighty form of Vishnu, equipt with the horse-head, the royal son of Parikshit too had entertained the same doubt and put the same questions to Vaisampayana. |
Mbh.13.149.12537 | He that has seven flames in consequence of His being identical with the deity of fire; He that has seven horses for bearing His vehicle; or, He that owns the steed called Sapta; He that is formless; He that is sinless: He that is inconceivable; He that dispels all fears; He that destroys all fears DCCCXXVI, DCCCXXXIV; He that is minute; He that is gross; He that is emaciated; He that is adipose; He that is endued with attributes; He that transcends all attributes; He that is unseizable; He that suffers Himself to be easily seized by His worshippers; He that has an excellent face; He that has for His descendants the people of the accidental regions; He that extends the creation consisting of the fivefold primal elements DCCCXXXV, DCCCXLVI; He that bears heavy weights in the form of Ananta; He that has been declared by the Vedas; He that is devoted to Yoga; He that is the lord of all Yogins; He that is the giver of all wishes; He that affords an asylum to those that seek it; He that sets Yogins to practise Yoga anew after their return to life upon the conclusion of their life of felicity in heaven; He that invests Yogins with puissance even after the exhaustion of their merits; He that has goodly leaves in the form of the Schhandas of the Vedas, Himself being the tree of the world; He that causes the winds to blow DCCCXLVII, DCCCLVI; He that is armed with the bow in the form of Rama; He that is conversant with the science of arms; He that is the rod of chastisement; He that is chastiser; He that executes all sentences of chastisement; He that has never been vanquished; He that is competent in all acts; He that sets all persons to their respective duties; He that has none to set Him to any work; He that has no Yama to slay Him DCCLVII, DCCCLXVI; He that is endued with heroism and prowess; He that has the attribute of Sattwa Goodness; He that is identical with Truth; He that is devoted to Truth and Righteousness; He that is sought by those who are resolved to achieve emancipation; or, He towards whom the universe proceeds when the dissolution comes; He that deserves to have all objects which His worshippers present unto Him; He that is worthy of being adored with hymns and flowers and other offering of reverence; He that does good to all; He that enhances the delights of all DCCCLXVII, DCCCLXV; He whose track is through the firmament; He that blazes forth in His own effulgence; He that is endued with great beauty; He that eats the offerings made on the sacrificial fire; He that dwells everywhere and is endued with supreme puissance; He that sucks the moisture of the earth in the form of the Sun; He that has diverse desires; He that brings forth all things; He that is the parent of the universe; He that has the Sun for His eye DCCCLXXVI, DCCCLXXXV; He that is Infinite; He that accepts all sacrificial offerings; He that enjoys Prakriti in the form of Mind; He that is giver of felicity; He that has taken repeated births for the protection of righteousness and the righteous; He that is First-born of all existent things; He that transcends despair in consequence of the fruition of all His wishes; He that forgives the righteous when they trip; He that is the foundation upon which the universe rests; He that is most wonderful DCCCLXXXVI, DCCCXCV; He that is existent from the beginning of Time; He that has been existing from before the birth of the Grandsire and others; He that is of a tawny hue; or, He that discovers or illumines all existent things by His rays; He that assumed the form of the great Boar; He that exists even when all things are dissolved; He that is the giver of all blessings; He that creates blessings; He that is identifiable with all blessings; He that enjoys blessings; He that is able to scatter blessings DCCCXXI, CMV; He that is without wrath; He that lies ensconced in folds in the form of the snake Sesha; or, He that is adorned with ear-rings; He that is armed with the discus; He that is endued with great prowess; He whose sway is regulated by the high precepts of the Srutis and the Smritis; He that is incapable of being described by the aid of speech; He whom the Vedantas have striven to express with the aid of speech; He that is the dew which cools those who are afflicted with the three kinds of grief; He that lives in all bodies, endued with the capacity of dispelling darkness CMVI, CMXIV; He that is divested of wrath; He that is well-skilled in accomplishing all acts by thought, word, and deed; He that can accomplish all acts within the shortest period of time; He that destroys the wicked; He that is the foremost of all forgiving persons; He that is foremost of all persons endued with knowledge; He that transcends all fear; He whose names and feats, heard and recited, lead to Righteousness CMXV, CMXXII, He that rescues the Righteous from the tempestuous ocean of the world; He that destroys the wicked; He that is Righteousness; He that dispels all evil dreams; He that destroys all bad paths for leading His worshippers to the good path of emancipation; He that protects the universe by staying in the attribute of Sattwa; He that walks along the good path; He that is Life; He that exists overspreading the universe CMXXIII, CMXXXI; He that is of infinite forms; He that is endued with infinite prosperity; He that has subdued wrath; He that destroys the fears of the righteous; He that gives just fruits, on every side, to sentient beings according to their thoughts and acts; He that is immeasurable Soul; He that bestows diverse kinds of fruits on deserving persons for their diverse acts; He that sets diverse commands on gods and men; He that attaches to every act its proper fruit CMXXXII, CMXL; He that has no beginning; He that is the receptacle of all causes as well as of the earth; He that has the goddess of Prosperity ever by his side; He that is the foremost of all heroes; He that is adorned with beautiful armlets; He that produces all creatures; He that is the original cause of the birth of all creatures; He that is the terror of all the wicked Asuras; He that is endued with terrible prowess CMXLI, CMXLIX; He that is the receptacle and abode of the five primal elements; He that gulps down His throat all creatures at the time of the universal dissolution; He whose smile is as agreeable as the sight of flowers; or, He who laughs in the form of flowers; He that is always wakeful; He that stays at the head of all creatures; He whose conduct consists of those acts which the Righteous do; He that revives the dead as in the case of Parikshit and others; He that is the initial syllable Om; He that has ordained all righteous acts CML, CMLVIII; He that displays the truth about the Supreme Soul; He that is the abode of the five life-breaths and the senses; He that is the food which supports the life of living creatures; He that causes all living creatures to live with the aid of the life-breath called Prana; He that is the great topic of every system of philosophy; He that is the One Soul in the universe; He that transcends birth, decrepitude, and death CMLIX, CMLXV; He that rescues the universe in consequence of the sacred syllable Bhuh, Bhuvah, Swah, and the others with which Homa offerings are made; He that is the great rescuer; He that is the sire of all; He that is the sire of even the Grandsire Brahman; He that is of the form of Sacrifice; He that is the Lord of all sacrifices being the great deity that is adored in them; He that is the sacrificer; He that has sacrifices for his limbs; He that upholds all sacrifices CMLXXVI, CMLXXXV; He that protects sacrifices; He that has created sacrifices; He that is the foremost of all performers of sacrifices; He that enjoys the rewards of all sacrifices; He that causes the accomplishment of all sacrifices; He that completes all sacrifices by accepting the full libation at the end; He that is identical with such sacrifices as are performed without desire of fruit; He that is the food which sustains all living creatures; He that is also the eater of that food CMLXXVI, CMLXXXIV; He that is Himself the cause of His existence; He that is self-born; He that penetrated through the solid earth and repairing to the nether regions slew Hiranyaksha and others; He that sings the Samans; He that is the delighter of Devaki; He that is the creator of all; He that is the Lord of the earth; He that is the destroyer of the sins of his worshippers CMLXXXV, CMXXCII; He that bears the conch Panchajanya in His hands; He that bears the sword of knowledge and illusion; He that sets the cycle of the Yugas to revolve ceaselessly; He that invests Himself with consciousness and senses; He that is endued with the mace of the most solid understanding. |
Mbh.14.66.2971 | The royal Parikshit, O monarch, afflicted by the Brahma weapon of Aswatthaman, upon coming out of the womb, lay still and motionless, for life he had not. |
Mbh.14.70.3107 | Since this child of Abhimanyu has been born at a time when this race has become nearly extinct, let his name be Parikshit' |
Mbh.14.78.3438 | Even as that slayer of hostile heroes, Parikshit, has been born of Abhimanyu, so has this mighty-armed child, my grandson, sprung from Suratha. |
Mbh.15.21.871 | Beholding, however, the son of Virata's daughter, viz, thy sire Parikshit, thy grandsires somehow held their life-breaths' |
Mbh.15.35.1402 | Sauti said, After king Janamejaya had said these words, Vyasa of great energy and intelligence showed his grace and brought Parikshit from the other world. |
Mbh.17.1.14 | Installing Parikshit also on their throne, as king, the eldest brother of the Pandavas, filled with sorrow, addressed Subhadra, saying, This son of thy son will be the king of the Kurus. |
Mbh.17.1.16 | Parikshit will rule in Hastinapura, while the Yadava prince, Vajra, will rule in Shakraprastha. |
Mbh.17.1.24 | Kripa was installed as the preceptor and Parikshit was made over to him as his disciple, O chief of Bharatas race. |
Mbh.17.1.47 | The other ladies who were the grandmothers of Parikshit centered around him. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
Suggestions are welcome: email:moc.liamg|rnhtijij#moc.liamg|rnhtijij
Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text:; Wikified at AncientVoice. |