Pandu S
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 01 Mar 2010 10:19 and updated at 01 Mar 2010 10:19
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.112.6151 | And advancing with modesty, all the while quivering with emotion, she placed the nuptial garland about Pandu's neck. |
Mbh.1.123.6658 | And Dharti and Aryaman and Mitra and Varuna, Bhaga and Indra, Vivaswat, Pushan, Tvastri and Parjanya or Vishnu, these twelve Adityas came there to glorify Pandu's son. |
Mbh.1.126.6756 | Vaisampayana continued, Then those godlike Rishis of magnanimous hearts, and crowned with ascetic success, summoning one another, resolved to go to Hastinapura with Pandu's children ahead, desiring to place them in the hands of Bhishma and Dhritarashtra. |
Mbh.1.143.7760 | If Pandu's son now obtaineth the kingdom as his inheritance from Pandu, his son will obtain it after him and that son's son also, and so on will it descend in Pandu's line. |
Mbh.1.145.7807 | Thus addressed by the eldest of Pandu's sons, the Kaurava chiefs all cheerfully pronounced blessings on them, saying, Ye sons of Pandu, let all the elements bless you along your way and let not the slightest evil befall you' |
Mbh.1.147.7857 | Thus addressed, Pandu's son, Yudhishthira the just replied unto Vidura, that foremost of all learned men, saying, I have understood thee' |
Mbh.3.39.2103 | Beholding, however, the garland that he had offered to the clay image of Bhava, decking the crown of the Kirata, that best of Pandu's sons became filled with joy and regained his ease. |
Mbh.3.40.2162 | Mahadeva then imparted unto that best of Pandu's son the knowledge of that weapon looking like the embodiment of Yama, together with all the mysteries about hurling and withdrawing it. |
Mbh.3.51.2555 | All that was said by these warriors at the sight of Pandu's son defeated at dice, was learnt by me through our spies. |
Mbh.3.52.2587 | And filled with sorrow at their separation from Arjuna and at the loss of their kingdom, the mighty-armed Bhima among them addressed Yudhishthira, saying, That Bull of the Bharata race, Arjuna, O great king, on whom depend the lives of Pandu's sons, and on whose death the Panchalas as also ourselves with our sons and Satyaki and Vasudeva are sure to die, hath gone away at thy behest. |
Mbh.3.91.4899 | And the king, who was the eldest of Pandu's sons, with his followers and those Brahmanas sat round the highly righteous one, like celestials in heaven sitting round Sakra. |
Mbh.3.91.4901 | Thus asked by Pandu's son, the illustrious ascetic, well-pleased, replied in sweet words delighting the Pandavas, Travelling at will, O Kaunteya, over all the regions, I came to Sakra's abode, and saw there the lord of the celestials. |
Mbh.3.93.4979 | With the permission then of Lomasa, as also of his priest Dhaumya, that foremost of Pandu's sons with soul under complete control, resolved, along with his brothers and Drupada's daughter of faultless features, to set out. |
Mbh.3.114.5896 | And then, O Pandu's son, the Earth was pleased with his pious deed. |
Mbh.3.114.5906 | O Pandu's son, thou must recite the following words of truth, and while so reciting, thou must quickly ascend this altar, The god of fire, and the sun, and the organ of generation, and water, and goddess and the seed of Vishnu, and the navel of nectar. |
Mbh.3.114.5908 | Thus, O Pandu's son, the words of truth must be audibly recited, and while so reciting, one must plunge into the lord of rivers. |
Mbh.3.115.5926 | He, O Pandu's son, was endued with a thousand arms; and by the favour of Dattatreya he likewise had a celestial car made of gold. |
Mbh.3.115.5977 | And, O Pandu's son, he replied, So let it be' |
Mbh.3.118.6076 | And they also in return paid honour to all the sons of Pritha, and were similarly honoured by Pandu's sons. |
Mbh.3.122.6221 | And, O Pandu's son! |
Mbh.3.125.6382 | Krishna here engaged himself in a life of penances, O Pandu's son. |
Mbh.3.129.6602 | Vaisampayana said, Then that most praiseworthy of Pandu's sons, there bathed with his brothers, while the mighty saints were uttering laudatory words to him. |
Mbh.3.129.6605 | And from this place, I behold that most praiseworthy of Pandu's sons Arjuna, the rider of white steed |
Mbh.3.140.7155 | O Pandu's son, in prowess, Phalguni is like unto Vasudeva, and in fight he is invincible and unrivalled, even like unto Kartavirya. |
Mbh.3.141.7183 | And knowing that Pandu's sons were intent upon asking him, Lomasa versed in speech said, Hear, O sons of Pandu! |
Mbh.3.144.7341 | And then, O sinless one, Pandu's son together with Krishna and his brothers, and thousands of Brahmanas versed in the Vedas and the Vendangas, entered into that holy hermitage, like unto the abode of Sukra and pleasing the mind with heavenly odours and resembling heaven itself and attended with beauty. |
Mbh.3.150.7704 | Having said this unto Pandu's son, and also pointed him out the way. |
Mbh.3.151.7717 | And beholding it, Pandu's son thought within himself that his object had been gained, and also mentally presented himself before his beloved worn out by exile |
Mbh.3.156.7842 | And, O king of kings, Pandu's son Yudhishthira had been supporting him, but knew not that wretch like unto a fire covered with ashes. |
Mbh.3.156.7880 | I am Pandu's son, Sahadeva. |
Mbh.3.157.7935 | And, O king, not far from the Gandhamadana, Pandu's son beheld on the sacred slopes of the Himavan covered with various trees and creepers the holy hermitage of Vrishaparva surrounded by blossoming trees growing near the cascades. |
Mbh.3.157.7946 | And having dwelt at the mountain slopes, densely overgrown with trees, Pandu's son on the fourth day reached the Sweta mountain, like unto a mighty mass of clouds, abounding in streams and consisting of a mass of gold and gems. |
Mbh.3.160.8160 | O Pandu's son, my disgrace had ere this been fated. |
Mbh.3.162.8233 | And, O Pandu's son, at that place luminaries cannot shine by him; there that lord of inconceivable soul alone shineth transcendental. |
Mbh.3.170.8559 | In these exceedingly dreadful battles, I was present; but, O Pandu's son, never before had I lost my senses. |
Mbh.3.182.9023 | When the population of Kuru-jangala beheld Krishna outraged in the assembly hall, who but yourself could brook that conduct, O Pandu's son, which was so repugnant both to virtue and usage? |
Mbh.3.182.9055 | And when the aged saint, who had seen many thousand years of life, came, all the Brahamanas paid their respects to him and so did Krishna together with Pandu's son. |
Mbh.3.182.9056 | And when that wisest saint, thus honoured, took his seat in a friendly way, Krishna addressed him, in accordance with the views of the Brahmanas and of Pandu's sons, thus, The sons of Pandu, and the Brahmanas assembled here, and the daughter of Drupada, and Satyabhama, likewise myself, are all anxious to hear your most excellent words, O Markandeya! |
Mbh.3.182.9058 | Vaisampayana continued, When they had all taken their seats, Narada also, the divine saint, of purified soul, came on a visit to Pandu's sons. |
Mbh.3.182.9065 | Vaisampayana continued, Pandu's son, the king of the Kuru tribe, having observed that the great saint as willing to speak, questioned him with a view to suggesting topics to speak upon, saying, You who are ancient in years, know the deeds of gods and demons, and illustrious saints, and of all the royal ones. |
Mbh.3.246.12216 | And when they had spoken thus, the eldest of Pandu's sons, who is endued with a virtuous soul then conciliated his brothers and commanded them to liberate us. |
Mbh.3.251.12404 | Vaisampayana said, When, O mighty king, in this manner the Pandavas had gone, leaving Suyodhana, and when, having been liberated by Pandu's sons, he had come to Hastinapura, Bhishma said these words to the son of Dhritarashtra, O child, I had told thee before, when thou wert intent upon going to the hermitage that thy journey did not please me. |
Mbh.3.257.12599 | And having gratified Vyasa by bowing down unto him, Pandu's son of subdued senses, after the Rishi had been seated, sat down before him, desirous of listening to him. |
Mbh.3.259.12757 | Vaisampayana continued Having said this to Pandu's son, the worshipful Vyasa went back to his hermitage for the purpose of performing austerities |
Mbh.4.5.194 | Nor is there any human being, who, I think, O Pandu's son, will espy us depositing our arms at that place. |
Mbh.4.18.750 | O Pandu's son, that Pandava who was respectfully waited upon in court by kings and sages, behold him now waiting upon another. |
Mbh.4.36.1455 | And the hero said, Do thou, O beauteous one, at my request say unto Uttara without delay, This Vrihannala was formerly the accomplished resolute charioteer of Pandu's son Arjuna. |
Mbh.4.57.2202 | And when all his bows were thus cut off, that mighty hero hurled, from his car, at Pandu's son, a javelin like unto the blazing thunderbolt. |
Mbh.4.63.2450 | The arrows reaching the flag-staff of Pandu's son, struck the blazing ape and those creatures also stationed in the banner-top. |
Mbh.4.63.2461 | And then there was a downpour, from the car of Pandu's son, of arrows furnished with golden wing, and raining through the sky like a flight of locusts. |
Mbh.4.63.2481 | And Bhishma also shot clouds of arrows upon Pandu's son. |
Mbh.4.64.2530 | O foremost of men, fly thou away and save thy life which is dear from the hands of Pandu's son |
Mbh.4.67.2639 | Thus addressed, King Matsya became angry and said unto Pandu's son, Thou wretch of a Brahmana, dost thou compare one of the neuter sex with my son! |
Mbh.5.3.88 | Let Pandu's son get back the kingdom resigned by Dhritarashtra! |
Mbh.5.5.110 | SECTION V Krishna said, These worlds are worthy of the chief of the Somaka tribe, and are calculated to promote the interests of Pandu's son of immeasurable strength. |
Mbh.5.6.163 | And that learned man, well-versed in the principles of the science of politics, started with a following of disciples towards the Kurus for the sake of promoting the welfare of Pandu's sons' |
Mbh.5.8.243 | That best of men, Pandu's son Yudhishthira, must, by all means, be visited by me' |
Mbh.5.19.825 | And similarly, Virata, the king of the Matsyas, a leader of troops, accompanied by the king of the hilly regions, came to Pandu's sons. |
Mbh.5.22.951 | O Sanjaya, O son of Gavalgana, what they have told me of the activity of Krishna in cause of Pandu's sons, and what I remember of his past achievements, leave me no peace of mind. |
Mbh.5.22.967 | Him also thou wilt ask on my part as to his welfare, and tell him that Dhritarashtra is desirous of peace with Pandu's sons. |
Mbh.5.26.1111 | O charioteer, the old king with his son still entertains the notion that his sons will not be perished, O Sanjaya, on the field of battle, consumed by the fiery wrath of Pandu's sons. |
Mbh.5.27.1144 | Do not, O Pandu's son, betake to action in this world and thereby thus take leave of truth and sobriety and candour and humanity. |
Mbh.5.29.1199 | A peaceful disposition of an exceedingly rare character hath been displayed by Pandu's son in this matter. |
Mbh.5.29.1260 | Now, king Dhritarashtra with his sons, hath unreasonably seized what lawfully belonged to Pandu's son. |
Mbh.5.29.1297 | When Pandu's sons were defeated at the play, Dhritarashtra's sons spoke to them words that were harsh and rude. |
Mbh.5.32.1439 | After having paid his salutations to thee, Pandu's son, the intelligent Yudhishthira, enquired of thy welfare. |
Mbh.5.32.1442 | Sanjaya said, Pandu's son is well with his counsellors. |
Mbh.5.48.2676 | Win thou over those men that were ruled by the wicked Duryodhana of unjust conduct to the side of Pandu's son endued with modesty and wisdom and asceticism and self-restraint and valour and might regulated by virtue. |
Mbh.5.82.3922 | I am the queen of Pandu's sons, who resemble five Indras in splendour. |
Mbh.5.128.5645 | Of noble parentage, and endued with excellent behaviour, and dearer to them than their very lives, the queen-consort of Pandu's sons was treated even thus by thee. |
Mbh.5.138.6194 | If Pandu's son beholdeth thee divested of thy bow, and without the wrinkles of rage on thy brow, and cheerful, even that would be for the good of our race. |
Mbh.5.142.6364 | The triumphal banner of Pandu's son, with the fierce ape on it, seems to be already set up. |
Mbh.5.148.6673 | It is for this reason that this invincible kingdom became Pandu's. |
Mbh.5.159.7051 | Then casting his eyes on Vasudeva and Pandu's son king Yudhishthira the Just, Dhananjaya the intelligent son of Kunti smilingly but in a friendly voice said these words, Born in the race of Kuru, being especially the son of Pandu, naming Drona as my preceptor, having Vasudeva for my ally, and bearing, besides the bow called Gandiva, how can I say that I am afraid? |
Mbh.5.173.7785 | These and many other rulers of provinces, headed by Vasudeva, have assembled for the sake of Pandu's son. |
Mbh.5.196.8771 | SECTION CXCVI Sanjaya said, When the night passed away and morning came, thy sons once more, in the midst of all the troops, asked their grandsire, saying, O son of Ganga, this army that is ready for fight, of Pandu's son, that abounds with men, elephants, and steeds, that is crowded with Maharathas, that is protected by these mighty bowmen endued with great strength, viz, Bhima and Arjuna and others headed by Dhrishtadyumna and all resembling the very regents of the world, that is invincible and incapable of being withstood, that resembles the unbounded sea, this sea of warriors incapable of being agitated by the very gods in battle, in how many days, O son of Ganga, O thou of great effulgence, canst thou annihilate it, and in what time can that mighty bowman, our preceptor Drona, in what time also the mighty Kripa, in what time Karna who taketh a pleasure in battle, and in what time that best of Brahmanas, viz, the son of Drona, can each annihilate it? |
Mbh.5.196.8784 | Sanjaya continued, Hearing these words of Bhishma, king Duryodhana then asked Drona, O monarch, that foremost one of Angira's race, saying, O preceptor, in what time canst thou annihilate the troops of Pandu's son' |
Mbh.5.197.8796 | asked Ganga's son of great vows, saying, O lord, in what time cant thou annihilate the troops of Pandu's sons' |
Mbh.6.1.19 | Beholding those troops so delighted, Pandu's son and Vasudeva of great energy had their hearts filled with joy. |
Mbh.6.14.712 | While seizing the hostile ranks, what warriors opposed that slayer of foes resembling the luminary of thousand rays, who spreading terror among the foe destroyed their ranks like the Sun destroying darkness, and who achieved in battle amongst the ranks of Pandu's sons feats exceedingly difficult of accomplishment? |
Mbh.6.19.901 | Sanjaya said, Seeing the Dhritarashtra divisions arrayed in order of battle, Pandu's son of virtuous soul, king Yudhishthira the just, addressed Dhananjaya, saying, Men are informed from the words of that great Rishi Vrihaspati that the few must be made to fight by condensing them, while the many may be extended according to pleasure. |
Mbh.6.25.1083 | Then Madhava and Pandu's son Arjuna, both stationed on a great car unto which were yoked white steeds, blew their celestial conches. |
Mbh.6.43.2016 | When Dhananjaya, however, is his protector, and Pandu's son Vrikodara, and Nakula, and Sahadeva also, why doth the eldest son of Pandu come hither in fear? |
Mbh.6.49.2586 | And soon abandoning in that battle, Pandu's son Arjuna capable of drawing the bow with even his left hand, Bhishma rushed towards Drupada, the king of the Panchalas, surrounded by his host. |
Mbh.6.51.2656 | SECTION LI Sanjaya said, Beholding the mighty and terrible array called Krauncha formed by Pandu's son of immeasurable energy, thy son, approaching the preceptor, and Kripa, and Salya, O sire, and Somadatta's son, and Vikarna, and Aswatthaman also, and all his brothers too, headed by Dussasana, O Bharata, and other immeasurable heroes assembled there for battle, said these timely words, gladdening them all, Armed with various kinds of weapons, ye all are conversant with the meaning of the scriptures. |
Mbh.6.52.2702 | And Artayani O king, pierced Pandu's son with three broad-headed arrows. |
Mbh.6.52.2719 | Then, with a thousand arrows, well shot, Pandu's son Arjuna, famed for his skill in battle, shrouded Bhishma on all sides. |
Mbh.6.53.2757 | I regard destiny to be superior, O Sanjaya, to exertion, when Santanu's son Bhishma even could not escape Pandu's son in battle. |
Mbh.6.54.2882 | And elephants deprived by Pandu's son, in that battle, of their riders, and afflicted with arrows wandered on the field, treading down their own ranks and uttering loud roars like masses of clouds driven by the wind. |
Mbh.6.54.2892 | And Pandu's son, king Yudhishthira the just, followed all of them with a large elephant force of the colour of the clouds. |
Mbh.6.58.3054 | And Prishata's son Dhrishtadyumna, that foremost of warriors, and Pandu's son king Yudhishthira, the just, in the very sight, O Bharata, of both Drona and Ganga's son, slew their army with sharp shafts capable of slaying hostile forces. |
Mbh.6.59.3128 | And others amongst the combatants of Pandu's son were seen, O Bharata, to run away, throwing aside their coats of mail, and with dishevelled hair. |
Mbh.6.59.3225 | And shot from the bow of Pandu's son, bright and blazing shafts proceeded in all directions. |
Mbh.6.63.3406 | And Pandu's son of infinite prowess crushing crowds of cars with the impetus of his thighs and slaying thy warriors in battle, wandered like the Destroyer himself at the end of the Yuga. |
Mbh.6.64.3457 | And in that battle, Pandu's son Bhima, with seventy shafts, despatched Viravahu to the other world with his steeds and standard and charioteer. |
Mbh.6.86.4541 | Meanwhile, the high-souled and heroic Bhishma, O king, in that battle, cut off the bow and the variegated standard also of Pandu's son, king Yudhishthira of the Ajamida race. |
Mbh.6.110.5996 | Behold, O son of Ganga, all troops, slaughtered by Pandu's son in battle, are, O foremost of warriors, fleeing away. |
Mbh.6.112.6128 | That large force, of Pandu's son, resisted by Drona in battle, could not, exerting vigorously, advance even one step. |
Mbh.6.116.6306 | Then Dhrishtadyumna, O king, and Pandu's son Yudhishthira, having heard those words of Bhishma urged their array on. |
Mbh.7.8.273 | Indeed, the mighty Drona, though old, yet acting like a young man, careered like Death himself, O sire, amid the divisions of Pandu's son. |
Mbh.7.13.530 | Shot by him, terrible shafts coursed in all directions, frightening, O king, the army of Pandu's son. |
Mbh.7.17.758 | Do not doubt what I say, Krishna and Pandu's son Arjuna are invincible. |
Mbh.7.19.855 | They are Pandu's son and he is of Yadu's race' |
Mbh.7.37.1905 | Hearing then of the death of the two Krishnas, it is evident that the other sons born of Pandu's wives, with all their friends, will, in course of a single day, cast away their lives from despair. |
Mbh.7.45.2123 | Sanjaya said, Having penetrated into our array, Abhimanyu of Pandu's race, by means of his sharp shafts, made all the kings turn away from the fight. |
Mbh.7.72.3140 | Reflecting for a while in the presence of those gods among men, Jayadratha, in fear of Abhimanyu's father and covered with shame, said these words, He who in Pandu's soil was begotten by Indra under the influence of desire, that wicked wretch is thinking of despatching me to the abode of Yama! |
Mbh.7.78.3426 | And then that hero, of eyes like lotus leaves, and possessed of great energy, said these words for the benefit of Pandu's son who had resolved upon the slaughter of the ruler of the Sindhus, O Partha, there is an indestructible, supreme weapon of the name of Pasupata. |
Mbh.7.89.3975 | Srutayudha, however, could not, O king, brook that act of prowess on the part of Pandu's son. |
Mbh.7.90.4087 | As a conflagration, urged by the wind, consumes a dense forest of trees and creepers and plants and dry wood and grass, even so did that fire, viz, Pandu's son Dhananjaya, having shafts for its flames and urged on by the Krishna-wind, angrily consume the forest of thy warriors. |
Mbh.7.103.4786 | Pandu's son, of virtuous soul, displaying great lightness of hand, baffled with his own arrowy showers those arrows shot by Drona, Then that great bowman Drona, filled with rage, cut off the bow of the high souled king Yudhishthira the just. |
Mbh.7.105.4898 | That awful downpour of arrows caused by the Rakshasa, slew the troops of Pandu's son on the field of battle. |
Mbh.7.130.6482 | Indeed, O Sanjaya, tell me why that Karna, who is capable of resisting in battle the very celestials with the Yakshas and Asuras and men, armed with all kinds of weapons, could not vanquish in battle Pandu's son Bhima blazing with resplendence? |
Mbh.7.132.6585 | Who that is desirous of life will make a hostile advance against Pandu's son, Bhima, excited with wrath armed with terrible weapons and standing in battle like Death himself? |
Mbh.7.133.6649 | And once more Pandu's son, Bhima of terrible prowess, O Bharata, shrouded Karna with a thousand shafts shot from his bow. |
Mbh.7.134.6710 | It is for thee only that I had to see our array scorched in thousands by means of the arrows shot by Pandu's son, Bhima and Vrisha Karna |
Mbh.7.136.6789 | Radha's son, however, smiling, cut off that arrow, O king, of Pandu's son, however, of great Prowess, with three arrows of his, as it coursed towards him through the welkin. |
Mbh.7.140.7078 | Then Pandu's son Dhanajaya, called also Phalguna, incapable of bearing thy sons speaking in that strain, as also of putting up with their words and the words of Bhurisravas, O Bharata, in grief and without an angry heart, and as if for reminding them all, said these words, All the kings are acquainted with my great vow, viz, that no one shall succeed in slaying anybody that belongs to our side, as long as the latter is within the range of my shafts. |
Mbh.7.153.8038 | The troops of Pandu's son, slaughtered by Drona, ran away in all directions, from fear, O king, with loud wails. |
Mbh.7.156.8412 | Uttering such words, great Kshatriya car-warriors, urged by Pandu's son, rushed towards him, covering him with a dense shower of arrows, for slaying him. |
Mbh.7.158.8596 | Indeed, that vast host, slaughtered by the shafts of Pandu's son, began to fly away in all directions in that hour when the world was enveloped with gloom. |
Mbh.7.160.8701 | And the army of Pandu's son was also illuminated by others than foot-soldiers standing with blazing torches in their hands |
Mbh.7.162.8763 | Karna, the son of Vikartana, O king, resisted that mighty car-warrior, viz, Pandu's son, Sahadeva, as the letter advanced for getting at Drona. |
Mbh.7.177.9673 | Indeed, that dart, O king, which he had kept and adored for years for achieving the slaughter of Pandu's son in battle, that foremost of darts which Sakra himself had given to the Suta's son in exchange for the latter's ear-rings, that blazing and terrible missile twined with strings and which seemed to thirst for blood, that fierce weapon which looked like the very tongue of the Destroyer or the sister of Death himself, that terrible and effulgent dart, Naikartana, was now hurled at the Rakshasa. |
Mbh.7.180.9808 | We would then lord it over the Pandu's and the Panchalas as if these were our slaves. |
Mbh.7.180.9834 | It was for this that he did not hurl the dart at Pandu's son, owning white steeds. |
Mbh.7.187.10317 | Then, Pandu's son, Bhima, filled with rage, took up a mace and crushed the bow, standard, and driver of his antagonist in that encounter. |
Mbh.7.196.10946 | Pandu's son, Yudhishthira was some time back unrighteously deceived by them. |
Mbh.7.198.11173 | Pandu's son Bhima also, proud of his prowess in battle, disregarding Aswatthaman's energy, speedily showered upon him dense arrowy downpour. |
Mbh.8.5.135 | So also king Paurava who was endued with the might of elephants, hath, with all his followers, been slain by Pandu's son Arjuna. |
Mbh.8.5.154 | Pandu's son hath now accomplished that which at one time thou couldst not believe him capable of accomplishing, although, O monarch, well-meaning friends failed not to apprise thee of it. |
Mbh.8.22.945 | Those warriors of Pandu's son, having thus agitated that army of thine, agitated it once more, and then rushed against Karna |
Mbh.8.27.1182 | Thus slaughtered by Pandu's son armed with the bow, that host fled away almost entirely, without leaving even a remnant, O Bharata, contending with the foe. |
Mbh.8.32.1538 | I will become the driver of Radha's son of great fame while he will be engaged in battle with the foremost one of Pandu's sons, as thou solicitest me. |
Mbh.8.36.1920 | Reduce to ashes all the troops of Pandu's son |
Mbh.8.40.2067 | But knowing my own energy as also that of Pandu's son, I challenge him to battle, O Shalya, I do not act like an insect in respect of a blazing fire. |
Mbh.8.41.2238 | As the crow in the story, acting with intelligence, had sought the protection of the swan, so do thou seek the protection of him of Vrishni's race, and of Pandu's son Dhananjaya. |
Mbh.8.42.2294 | Like a fool thou hast, for the sake of Pandu's son, rebuked me and told me many disagreeable things. |
Mbh.8.51.2907 | Next quickly cutting off the bow of Pandu's son with another winged arrow, Karna deprived Bhima of terrible feats of his car. |
Mbh.8.54.3049 | SECTION Sanjaya said, Then Kritavarma, and Kripa, and the son of Drona and the Suta's son, O sire, and Uluka, and Subala's son Shakuni, and the king himself, with his uterine brothers, beholding the Kuru army afflicted with the fear of Pandu's son, unable to stand together, like a vessel wrecked on the ocean, endeavoured to rescue it with great speed. |
Mbh.8.55.3101 | Then Satyaki, though struggling resolutely, and Pandu's son king Yudhishthira the just, as also all the other warriors, could not display their prowess. |
Mbh.8.55.3125 | That army of Pandu's son, thus scorched by the son of Drona, became exceedingly agitated, O chief of the Bharatas, like the mouth of a river by a whale. |
Mbh.8.59.3443 | Hearing those words of Pandu's son, he of Dasharha's race proceeded on that car graced with many banners and whose speed resembled that of the wind or the mind |
Mbh.8.60.3466 | Indeed, since that chastiser of foes, the wrathful Bhimasena, coolly heareth the leonine roars of the frequently shouting Dhartarashtra's longing for victory and blowing their conchs, I think, O bull among men, that Pandu's son Yudhishthira is dead. |
Mbh.8.61.3548 | SECTION Dhritarashtra said, When Bhima and Pandu's son Yudhishthira were engaged in battle, when my troops were being slaughtered by the Pandus and the Srinjayas, when, indeed, my vast army being broken and routed repeatedly became cheerless, tell me, O Sanjaya, what the Kauravas did' |
Mbh.8.62.3655 | Thither where Pandu's son of virtuous soul cast his eyes with the desire of producing evil, thither thy army broke, O bull of Bharata's race. |
Mbh.8.62.3656 | Inflamed with great rage, Karna also, of immeasurable soul, inspired with the desire of retaliating, his face flushed in anger, rushed in that battle against Pandu's son, king Yudhishthira the just, shooting cloth-yard shafts and crescent-shaped arrows and those equipped with heads like the calf's tooth. |
Mbh.8.64.3736 | Having pierced Drona's son in every vital part, Pandu's son, that slayer of hostile heroes, then felled his adversary's driver from the car-niche with a broad-headed arrow. |
Mbh.8.70.4184 | Hearing, however, those harsh words of his brother Phalguna, Pandu's son, king Yudhishthira, the just, rising up from that bed on which he had been sitting, said these words unto Partha, with his heart filled with sorrow, O Partha, I have acted wickedly. |
Mbh.8.78.4719 | Exceedingly wonderful, I think, is the prowess of Pandu's son, since, single-handed, he fought in battle with all the warriors of my army. |
Mbh.8.79.4802 | Indeed, the mighty-armed Hari, at the command of Pandu's son, proceeded on his car, assuring by that very act all the Pandava troops. |
Mbh.8.84.5137 | Deeply pierced by Vrishasena in that battle, O king, Pandu's son Nakula, that foremost of men, endued with great activity, became filled with rage and rushed in that encounter against the son of Karna from desire of slaying him. |
Mbh.8.86.5243 | Then that car of Pandu's son, possessed of great speed, soon reached the front of Karna's car |
Mbh.8.93.5954 | Pandu's son Savyasaci of great might, O king, beholding a remnant of thy army still standing for battle, became filled with wrath. |
Mbh.9.10.599 | Then the mighty car-warrior Sushena, filled with wrath, cut off in that battle, laughing the while, the formidable bow of Pandu's son with a razor-headed arrow. |
Mbh.9.11.696 | That lance, piercing through the armour of Pandu's son, presented into his body. |
Mbh.9.12.767 | We then, O monarch, beheld a net of arrows spread before the chest of Pandu's son like a mass of risen clouds. |
Mbh.9.14.833 | Beholding the prowess of Pandu's son in that battle, the son of Drona, on his car equipped with many banners, endeavoured to check him. |
Mbh.9.14.846 | Beholding that spiked mace coursing towards him like the Destroyer himself in rage, Pandu's son Arjuna quickly cut it off with five excellent shafts. |
Mbh.9.16.919 | While his troops were thus being slaughtered by the ruler of the Madras, Pandu's son, king Yudhishthira the just, became filled with rage. |
Mbh.9.24.1651 | Cutting off the bow of Pandu's son in that dreadful battle, the Kuru prince pierced the bowless Bhima with twenty arrows. |
Mbh.9.24.1658 | Beholding him carless, Pandu's son of immeasurable soul, displaying the lightness of his hands, covered him with winged arrows. |
Mbh.9.25.1710 | Thus addressed by Pandu's son of great force of mind, he of Dasarha's race urged his steeds, O king, towards the division of Duryodhana. |
Mbh.9.29.2058 | Sanjaya continued, Thus addressed by Vasudeva, Pandu's son of rigid vows, smiling the while, addressed, O monarch, thy son of great might, who, O Bharata, was then within the waters of that lake, saying, Why, O Suyodhana, hast thou entered these waters, after having caused all the Kshatriyas to perish and after having, O king, caused thy own race to be annihilated? |
Mbh.9.60.4341 | Pandu's brave son Dhananjaya did as he was directed. |
Mbh.9.61.4383 | When all the warriors were slain and Duryodhana was struck down, when in consequence of the battle the empire of Pandu's son became perfectly foeless, when all the Kuru camp became empty, all its inmates having fled, when great renown was won by the son of Pandu, what, O regenerate one, was the cause for which Krishna had once again to go to Hastinapura? |
Mbh.10.1.19 | I dare not dwell in the dominions of Pandu's son! |
Mbh.10.1.20 | Having been the sire of a king and a king myself, O Sanjaya, how shall I pass my days as a slave obedient to the commands of Pandu's son! |
Mbh.12.29.1348 | SECTION XXIX Vaisampayana said, The foremost of kings, viz, Yudhishthira the son of Dharma, still remaining speechless, Pandu's son Arjuna addressed Krishna and spoke as follows: Arjuna said, This scorcher of foes, viz, Dharma's son, is burning with grief on account of his slaughtered kinsfolk. |
Mbh.12.33.1774 | Men like yourselves never go to hell, O bull of Pandu's race! |
Mbh.12.53.2863 | Why, however, O holy one, dost thou not thyself discourse to Pandu's son upon all that is good? |
Mbh.13.148.12492 | These were the wonderful discourses recited by Bhishma which Pandu's son Yudhishthira with all his brothers heard with joy. |
Mbh.14.16.435 | Pandu's son, Arjuna, filled with joy in the company of Krishna, surveyed that delightful mansion, and then addressed his companion, saying, O, mighty-armed one, thy greatness became known to me upon the approach of the battle. |
Mbh.14.74.3261 | Endued with great energy, Ketuvarman, the younger brother of Suryavarman, and possessed of youthful vigour, fought, for the sake of his brother, against Pandu's son possessed of great fame. |
Mbh.14.77.3345 | Hearing that he of white steeds had entered their territories, those Kshatriyas came out against him, unable to bear that foremost one of Pandu's race. |
Mbh.14.79.3507 | That shaft, O king, penetrated the body of Pandu's son and reaching his very vital caused him great pain. |
Mbh.14.83.3707 | SECTION LXXXIII Vaisampayana said, Worshipped by the ruler of Magadha, Pandu's son having white steeds yoked unto his car, proceeded along the south, following the sacrificial steed. |
Mbh.14.86.3830 | Thus addressed by king Yudhishthira of great fame Pandu's son Bhimasena of mighty energy did as he was enjoined, assisted by the twins. |
Mbh.14.86.3839 | He had seen Arjuna, that foremost of Pandu's sons. |
Mbh.15.1.28 | Pandu's son, collected costly robes and garlands of diverse kinds and duly offered them to Dhritarashtra. |
Mbh.15.26.1036 | Possessed of great learning and energy, O monarch, Pandu's son, king Yudhishthira the just, then recollected his own state before his birth among men |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
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Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text:; Wikified at AncientVoice. |