Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 01 Mar 2010 10:01 and updated at 01 Mar 2010 10:01
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.138.7361 | And that foremost of eloquent men, the offspring of the Sun, in a voice deep as that of the clouds, addressed his unknown brother, the son of the subduer of the Asura, Paka Indra, saying, O Partha, I shall perform feats before this gazing multitude; excelling all thou hast performed! |
Mbh.1.228.11176 | The chastiser of Paka then caused a heavy shower of stones, desiring to ascertain the prowess of Arjuna who was able to draw the bow even with his left hand. |
Mbh.1.228.11179 | But the son of the chastiser of Paka viz, Arjuna gratified his father by baffling that shower also with his swift arrows. |
Mbh.2.25.1139 | And Arjuna, the son of the chastiser of Paka then brought under subjugation that direction the North which was presided over by the Lord of treasures. |
Mbh.2.27.1179 | At last the son of the slayer of Paka, arriving in the country of North Harivarsha desired to conquer it. |
Mbh.3.9.459 | And the illustrious chastiser of Paka thereupon suddenly poured there a thick shower and caused obstruction to the husbandman's work. |
Mbh.3.30.1439 | Ishtis Pashubandhas, sacrifices for obtaining fruition of desire, the religions rites of ordinary domesticity, Paka sacrifices, and sacrifices of other kinds, are ever performed in thy house. |
Mbh.3.42.2254 | At the command of the chastiser of Paka, therefore, ascend thou with me from this to the region of the celestials. |
Mbh.3.43.2306 | Then the strong-armed son of Pritha, alighting from the car approached the lord himself of the gods, his father, that chastiser of Paka. |
Mbh.3.110.5687 | And since the royal saint Lomapada is said to have been of a virtuous disposition, why was it that in his territory, Indra, the chastiser of the demon Paka, had withheld rain? |
Mbh.3.121.6214 | Yudhishthira said, How was the chastiser of the demon Paka, the god possessed of the six attributes, paralysed by Chyavana? |
Mbh.3.135.6904 | O conqueror of Paka, these endeavours of mine have been for Vedic lore. |
Mbh.3.187.9342 | And the illustrious chastiser of Paka never showers rain according to the seasons and the seeds also that are scattered on earth, do not, O Bharata, all sprout forth. |
Mbh.3.222.11255 | Thinkest thou, O slayer of Paka, that thou shalt be able to return home with thy life' |
Mbh.3.223.11267 | Daityasena, O conqueror of Paka, listened to him, but I did not. |
Mbh.3.244.12163 | I will now proceed to the region of the celestials, whither I will lead this wicked wight at the command of the slayer of Paka' |
Mbh.3.298.14713 | Knowing thee to be such, the subduer himself of Paka will come to beg of thee thy ear-rings and coat of mail. |
Mbh.3.308.15084 | Vaisampayana continued, When the illustrious slayer of Paka refused to ask for any other boon, Kama with a smile again addressed him, saying, O god of gods, even before this, I had recognised thee, O Lord! |
Mbh.4.44.1689 | I am known among human beings and celestials by the name of Jishnu, because I am unapproachable and incapable of being kept down, and a tamer of adversaries and son of the slayer of Paka. |
Mbh.5.9.332 | And the chastiser of Paka said unto him immediately, Do this my behest. |
Mbh.5.13.575 | The chastiser of Paka, having performed the holy horse-sacrifice, will fearlessly regain his dignity as lord of the gods. |
Mbh.5.16.751 | Salya continued, Thus did the illustrious lord Indra, the chastiser of Paka, the giver of boons, bestow, after deliberation upon Kuvera the sovereignty over the Yakshas, and all the wealth of the world; upon Yama, the sovereignty over the Pitris; and upon Varuna, that over the waters' |
Mbh.9.44.3258 | The adorable chastiser of Paka, O tiger among kings, gave unto Guha Kartikeya a dart for the destruction of the enemies of the gods. |
Mbh.9.46.3400 | The adorable chastiser of Paka at last became gratified with her in consequence of that conduct and those penances of hers and that high regard she showed for him. |
Mbh.9.49.3608 | At last the chastiser of Paka, for tempting the sage, despatched unto him the exceedingly beautiful and celestial apsara, by name Alambusa. |
Mbh.9.49.3646 | The chastiser of Paka had always been anxious on account of his energy. |
Mbh.12.29.1438 | In one of the sacrifices of that king, intoxicated with the Soma he had drunk, Indra, the adorable chastiser of Paka and the chief of the gods, vanquished, by putting forth the might of his arms, many thousands of Asuras. |
Mbh.12.33.1782 | The divine chastiser of Paka, having vanquished his foes with the assistance of the Maruts, gradually performed a hundred sacrifices and became Satakratu |
Mbh.12.49.2567 | The great lord of the three worlds, the chastiser of Paka, O king, then became Kusika's son known by the name of Gadhi. |
Mbh.12.97.5476 | Having slain in battle Jambha, Vritra, Vala, Paka, Satamaya, Virochana, the irresistible Namuchi, Samvara of innumerable illusions, Viprachitti, all these sons of Diti and Danu, as also Prahlada, I myself have become the chief of the celestials' |
Mbh.12.123.7036 | The chastiser of Paka, possessed of great intelligence, assumed the form of a Brahmana, and repairing to Prahlada, asked him, saying, I desire to hear what conduces to felicity. |
Mbh.12.224.13633 | The illustrious chastiser of Paka, beholding the goddess blazing with radiance, addressed Vali in these words, with eyes expanded in wonder' |
Mbh.12.226.13928 | Thus addressed by the chief of the Daityas, he of a hundred sacrifices, viz, the puissant and thousand-eyed chastiser of Paka, restrained his wrath and said these words' |
Mbh.12.227.13995 | At that time the thousand-eyed Indra also, the wielder of the thunderbolt, and the slayer of Samvara and Paka, came to the very bank where Narada was. |
Mbh.12.227.14124 | She who forms the eighth, viz, Jaya, occupies the foremost place amongst them, O chastiser of Paka. |
Mbh.12.280.17265 | The illustrious chastiser of Paka then, relying upon his intelligence, had recourse to high Yoga and with its aid dispelled these illusions of Vritra. |
Mbh.13.5.343 | The conqueror of Paka Indra was struck with wonder upon finding that high-souled, and generous-hearted bird thus uninfluenced by misery or happiness and possessing extraordinary resolution. |
Mbh.13.5.366 | The virtuous destroyer of Paka, pleased with these well-meant words of the parrot, thus said to him, I am gratified with thy humane and compassionate disposition. |
Mbh.13.40.4361 | The chastiser of Paka, viz, Indra, the slayer of Vritra, O monarch, was in particular enamoured of her and coveted her person. |
Mbh.13.40.4380 | Devasarman said, The puissant chastiser of Paka, O regenerate Rishi, is full of illusion. |
Mbh.13.40.4404 | The chastiser of Paka always assumes these disguises. |
Mbh.13.40.4416 | By putting forth my prowess I shall not be able to protect the lady, for the puissant chastiser of Paka, it has been heard by me, is capable of assuming any form he likes. |
Mbh.13.129.11112 | The divine chastiser of Paka has ascribed these merits to the gift of vessels of copper and brass filled with sesame seeds. |
Mbh.13.156.13000 | Having passed his promise to the twin Aswins, Chyavana addressed the chastiser of Paka, saying, Do thou make the Aswins drinkers of Soma with all other deities' |
Mbh.14.5.148 | How, O foremost of the celestials, having officiated as thy priest, shall I, O chastiser of Paka, serve a mortal prince. |
Mbh.14.80.3598 | When that tiger among men, O puissant one, awoke from the slumber of death with every auspicious sign of life, the chastiser of Paka rained down celestial flowers. |
Mbh.14.81.3661 | The son of the chastiser of Paka then, duly worshipped by his son and obtaining the permission of his two wives, left the spot and proceeded on his way |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
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Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text:; Wikified at AncientVoice. |