Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 28 Feb 2010 07:10 and updated at 28 Feb 2010 07:10
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.2.391 | Then is narrated the ascent on the hills of Kailasa by Bhimasena, his terrific battle with the mighty Yakshas headed by Hanuman; then the meeting of the Pandavas with Vaisravana Kuvera, and the meeting with Arjuna after he had obtained for the purpose of Yudhishthira many celestial weapons; then Arjuna's terrible encounter with the Nivatakavachas dwelling in Hiranyaparva, and also with the Paulomas, and the Kalakeyas; their destruction at the hands of Arjuna; the commencement of the display of the celestial weapons by Arjuna before Yudhishthira, the prevention of the same by Narada; the descent of the Pandavas from Gandhamadana; the seizure of Bhima in the forest by a mighty serpent huge as the mountain; his release from the coils of the snake, upon Yudhishthira's answering certain questions; the return of the Pandavas to the Kamyaka woods. |
Mbh.1.123.6641 | This thy son of mighty arms will also slay, at the command of Indra, those Daityas called the Nivatakavachas who are the enemies of the gods. |
Mbh.3.41.2196 | Thou shalt also defeat those Danavas of fierce prowess that have been born amongst men, and those Danavas also that are called Nivatakavachas. |
Mbh.3.47.2451 | Besides this, there are certain Asuras known as Nivatakavachas, who, proud of the boon they have acquired, are employed in doing us injuries. |
Mbh.3.47.2457 | Verily as the illustrious Hari had slain the Nagas in the great lake, he, by sight alone, is capable of slaying those Asuras called the Nivatakavachas, along with their followers. |
Mbh.3.172.8680 | And with the Marutas, hearing of the destruction of Hiranyapura, of the neutralisation of the illusion, and of the slaughter of the highly powerful Nivatakavachas in fight, the prosperous thousand-eyed divine Purandara was well pleased, and exclaimed, Well done; Well done' |
Mbh.4.45.1758 | Who was my ally when I fought, on behalf of the lord of the celestials against the mighty Nivatakavachas and the Paulomas! |
Mbh.4.49.1897 | Alone he overthrew in battle the fierce Nivatakavachas and the Kalakhanchas, that were both incapable of being slain by the gods themselves. |
Mbh.5.49.2807 | It was he who afflicted the Daitya city of Hiranyapura on the other side of the ocean, having vanquished in battle sixty thousands of Nivatakavachas. |
Mbh.5.100.4705 | Besides these, another class of Danavas called Nivatakavachas, who are invincible in battle, have their abode here. |
Mbh.5.138.6187 | Indeed, after this, that Ape-bannered warrior consumed in battle, taking up his fierce weapons, those Danavas of terrible deeds called the Nivatakavachas. |
Mbh.5.159.7054 | When, again, I fought with the Nivatakavachas and with those other Danavas called Kalakeyas, who was my ally? |
Mbh.6.99.5271 | The son of Pritha defeated in battle the Nivatakavachas who were incapable of defeat by Vasava himself. |
Mbh.7.49.2295 | That valiant hero slew the Nivatakavachas and the Kalakeyas, those enemies of Indra having their abode in Hiranyapura. |
Mbh.7.86.3798 | Then, like the Destroyer himself in wrath, or Vasava himself armed with the thunder, or Death's irresistible self armed with his club and urged on by Time, or Mahadeva armed with the trident and incapable of being ruffled, or Varuna bearing his noise, or the blazing fire at the end of the Yuga risen for consuming the creation, the slayer of the Nivatakavachas inflamed with rage and swelling with might, the ever-victorious Jaya, devoted to truth and desirous of achieving his great vow, clad in mail and armed with sword, decked in golden diadem, adorned with garlands of swords of white flowers and attired in white robes, his arms decked with beautiful Angadas and ears with excellent ear-rings, mounted on his own foremost of cars, the incarnate Nara, accompanied by Narayana, shaking his Gandiva in battle, shone brilliantly like the risen sun. |
Mbh.7.125.6264 | He by whom with the aid of a single bow the Nivatakavachas were vanquished, those Danavas, that is, that were incapable of being defeated by the very gods, he, viz, Partha, by good luck, liveth still. |
Mbh.7.183.10030 | Nivatakavachas also, those enemies of the celestials, that were unslayable in battle by the celestials, themselves, were vanquished by that hero. |
Mbh.8.31.1333 | Single-handed, with his celestial bow he slew the Nivatakavachas. |
Mbh.8.47.2617 | That encounter resembled the one that took place between Arjuna and the Nivatakavachas, as we have heard. |
Mbh.13.14.1210 | Tell me, who else than Maheswara is there for bestowing boons upon, and once more chastising the Andhaka and Sukra and Dundubhi and Maharshi and many foremost of Yakshas, Indra and Vala and Rakshasas and the Nivatakavachas? |
Mbh.14.72.3184 | That destroyer of the Nivatakavachas is competent to conquer the whole Earth. |
Mbh.14.77.3352 | From every side they began to strike that hero, that slayer of the Nivatakavachas, that destroyer of the Samasaptakas, that killer of the king of the Sindhus. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
Suggestions are welcome: email:moc.liamg|rnhtijij#moc.liamg|rnhtijij
Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text:; Wikified at AncientVoice. |