Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 28 Feb 2010 06:06 and updated at 28 Feb 2010 06:06
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.3.694 | Ye are the course itself of Nature and intelligent Soul that pervades that course! |
Mbh.2.11.435 | And Daksha, Prachetas, Pulaha, Marichi, the master Kasyapa, Bhrigu, Atri, and Vasistha and Gautama, and also Angiras, and Pulastya, Kraut, Prahlada, and Kardama, these Prajapatis, and Angirasa of the Atharvan Veda, the Valikhilyas, the Marichipas; Intelligence, Space, Knowledge, Air, Heat, Water, Earth, Sound, Touch, Form, Taste, Scent; Nature, and the Modes of Nature, and the elemental and prime causes of the world, all stay in that mansion beside the lord Brahma. |
Mbh.3.220.11152 | And that other fire, by name Siva, is devoted to the worship of Sakti the forces of the presiding deity of the forces of Nature, and because he always relieves the sufferings of all creatures afflicted with misery, he is called Siva the giver of good. |
Mbh.6.37.1751 | Know that Nature and Spirit are both without beginning and know also that all modifications and all qualities spring from Nature |
Mbh.6.37.1752 | Nature is said to be the source of the capacity of enjoying pleasures and pains |
Mbh.6.37.1753 | For Spirit, dwelling in nature enjoyeth the qualities born of Nature. |
Mbh.6.37.1756 | He who thus knows Spirit, and Nature, with the qualities, in whatever state he may be, is never born again. |
Mbh.6.42.1962 | If, having recourse to self-conceit, thou thinkest, I will not fight, that resolution of thine would be vain, for Nature will constrain thee. |
Mbh.7.198.11270 | Or, is it something abnormal, or, is it a victory over Nature achieved by the two Krishnas since they are yet alive? |
Mbh.12.9.363 | Nature always walks ahead; hence, food and drink will somehow be accomplished. |
Mbh.12.221.13416 | This then must be the result of Nature. |
Mbh.12.221.13418 | Indeed, when all qualities, good or bad, enter a person, urged by Nature, what ground is there for one to boast of one's superior possessions? |
Mbh.12.221.13419 | All these flow from Nature. |
Mbh.12.221.13425 | As a crow, while eating some food, proclaims the presence of that food to the members of its species by its repeated cawing, after the same manner all our acts only proclaim the indications of Nature. |
Mbh.12.221.13426 | He who is acquainted with only the transformations of Nature but not with Nature that is supreme and exists by herself, feels stupefaction in consequence of his ignorance. |
Mbh.12.221.13427 | He, however, who understands the difference between Nature and her transformations is never stupefied. |
Mbh.12.221.13428 | All existent things have their origin in Nature. |
Mbh.12.221.13434 | I have no affection or aversion for either Nature or her transformations. |
Mbh.12.221.13443 | Know this, however, that one acquires wisdom from Nature, and that the acquisition of tranquillity also is due to the same cause. |
Mbh.12.221.13444 | Indeed, everything else that thou perceivest is due to Nature. |
Mbh.12.231.14375 | Some learned persons say that Destiny is supreme, and some that it is Nature which is the agent. |
Mbh.12.231.14376 | Others say that Acts flowing from personal exertion, and Destiny, produce effects, aided by Nature. |
Mbh.12.234.14524 | Generated by the current of Nature, the universe is being ceaselessly carried along. |
Mbh.12.236.14623 | This belief in Nature as the producing and the sustaining Cause, arising as it does from a mind acting under the influence of error, brings about the destruction of the person who cherishes it. |
Mbh.12.237.14675 | Others, again, maintain that Nature is the cause. |
Mbh.12.237.14677 | Some maintain that acts flow from Time, Exertion, and Nature. |
Mbh.12.237.14678 | Some say that of the three viz, Exertion, Necessity, and Nature, one only and not the other two is the cause. |
Mbh.12.238.14744 | Primordial Nature Prakriti having the three attributes of Goodness and Passion and Darkness is the refuge of the knowledge which exists only in the form of a sound. |
Mbh.12.246.15177 | Mind, Understanding, and Nature, these three, spring from their own previous states, and attaining at each rebirth to a position higher than the attributes which form their respective objects, do not transcend those attributes |
Mbh.12.331.21151 | In the womb, amid urine and faeces, one's sojourn is regulated by Nature. |
Mbh.12.341.22233 | That attribute is Supreme Nature having for her soul the Sky and Earth and succeeding by her creative forces in upholding the universe. |
Mbh.12.341.22234 | That Nature is identical with the fruit of all acts in the form of the diverse regions of felicity to which creatures attain through their acts. |
Mbh.12.341.22238 | She is identical with my Prakriti or Nature. |
Mbh.13.10.621 | The regenerate Rishi also, when the time came, paid his debt in Nature. |
Mbh.13.139.11459 | If I behold anything on earth or in heaven, which is highly delightful and of wonderful aspect but which is unknown to all of you, ye Rishis that look like so many gods, I say that that is in consequence of my own Supreme Nature which is incapable of being obstructed by anything. |
Mbh.13.158.13222 | Know that He is all the seasons; He is these diverse wonderful vegetations of Nature which we see; He is the clouds that pour rain and the lightening that flashes in the sky. |
Mbh.13.163.13638 | When in the matter of the happiness and woe of even insects and ants, their acts of this and past lives and Nature constitute the cause, it is meet, O Yudhishthira, that thou shouldst he tranquil |
Mbh.14.28.1093 | It is Nature that desires such objects as are liked; it is Nature that hates such objects as are disliked. |
Mbh.14.28.1094 | Desire and aversion spring from Nature, after the manner of the upward and the downward life-winds when souls have entered animate bodies. |
Mbh.14.35.1384 | He who does not covet anything and does not cherish the idea of mineness with regard to anything, comes to be regarded, although residing in this world, as identifiable with Brahman, He who is conversant with the truth about the qualities of Pradhana or Nature, acquainted with the creation of all existent objects, divested of the idea of mineness, and without pride, succeeds, without doubt, in emancipating himself. |
Mbh.14.39.1577 | Nature, change or modification, destruction, Pradhana, production, and absorption, undeveloped, not small ie, vast, unshaking, immovable, fixed, existent, and non-existent. |
Mbh.14.48.2029 | Some learned men that are devoted to knowledge assert the unity of Kshetrajna and Nature. |
Mbh.14.48.2031 | It is said that Nature is different from Purusha: that also will imply a want to consideration. |
Mbh.14.48.2032 | Truly, distinction and association should be known as applying to Purusha and Nature. |
Mbh.14.48.2036 | As a fish in water is different from it, such is the relation of the two viz, Purusha and Nature. |
Mbh.14.49.2069 | Others who ponder on the elements say that it is Nature. |
Mbh.14.49.2075 | It behoves thee to declare to us, after this, what is so mysterious, and what is the cause of the connection between the Kshetrajna and Nature. |
Mbh.14.50.2087 | I shall, after this, declare how the association and the dissociation takes place of Kshetrajna and Nature. |
Mbh.14.50.2090 | Purusha is always the subject; and Nature has been said to be the object. |
Mbh.14.50.2092 | An object of enjoyment as it is, Nature is unintelligent and knows nothing. |
Mbh.14.50.2094 | Kshetrajna being enjoyer, Nature is enjoyed. |
Mbh.14.50.2095 | The wise have said that Nature is always made up of pairs of opposites and consists of qualities. |
Mbh.14.50.2098 | He always enjoys Nature, as a lotus leaf enjoys water. |
Mbh.14.50.2101 | This is the certain conclusion of the scriptures that Nature is the property of Purusha. |
Mbh.14.50.2102 | The relation between these two viz, Purusha and Nature is like that existing between matter and its maker. |
Mbh.14.50.2103 | As one goes into a dark place taking a light with him, even so those who wish for the Supreme proceed with the light of Nature |
Mbh.14.50.2106 | Thus Nature is manifest; while Purusha is said to be unmanifest. |
Mbh.14.51.2195 | Gods, men, Gandharvas, Pisachas, Asuras, and Rakshasas, have all sprung from Nature, and not from actions, not from a cause. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
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Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text:; Wikified at AncientVoice. |