Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 28 Feb 2010 06:05 and updated at 28 Feb 2010 06:05
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.65.3279 | The following ten, gifted with great strength and vigour, were also, O king, born in the race of Danu, Ekaksha, Amritapa of heroic courage, Pralamva and Naraka, Vatrapi, Satrutapana, and Satha, the great Asura; Gavishtha, and Vanayu, and the Danava called Dirghajiva. |
Mbh.2.9.375 | And, O king, Vali the son of Virochana, and Naraka the subjugator of the whole Earth; Sanghraha and Viprachitti, and those Danavas called Kalakanja; and Suhanu and Durmukha and Sankha and Sumanas and also Sumati; and Ghatodara, and Mahaparswa, and Karthana and also Pithara and Viswarupa, Swarupa and Virupa, Mahasiras; and Dasagriva, Vali, and Meghavasas and Dasavara; Tittiva, and Vitabhuta, and Sanghrada, and Indratapana, these Daityas and Danavas, all bedecked with ear-rings and floral wreaths and crowns, and attired in the celestial robes, all blessed with boons and possessed of great bravery, and enjoying immortality, and all well of conduct and of excellent vows, wait upon and worship in that mansion the illustrious Varuna, the deity bearing the noose as his weapon. |
Mbh.2.14.589 | He also that beareth on his head that gem which is known as the most wonderful on earth, that king of the Yavanas, who hath chastised Muru and Naraka, whose power is unlimited, and who ruleth the west like another Varuna, who is called Bhagadatta, and who is the old friend of thy father, hath bowed his head before Jarasandha, by speech and specially by act. |
Mbh.3.12.611 | Slaying the Asura Naraka, offspring of the Earth-first begotten, thou hadst obtained his ear-rings, and performed, O Krishna, the first horse-sacrifice offering up that Asura as the sacrificial horse! |
Mbh.3.12.622 | By destroying the Mauravas and the Pashas, and slaying Nisunda and Naraka. |
Mbh.3.141.7184 | O best of men, what ye see before you, of vast proportions like unto a mountain and beautiful as the Kailasa cliff, is a collection of the bones of the mighty Daitya Naraka, Being placed on a mountain, it looketh like one. |
Mbh.3.141.7193 | Thereupon Vishnu said, I know, O Sakra, that thy fear proceedeth from Naraka, that lord of the Daityas. |
Mbh.3.141.7197 | Then the exceedingly powerful Vishnu deprived Naraka of his senses by striking him with his hand. |
Mbh.3.167.8477 | And they said, Riding on this car, Maghavan conquered in battle Samvara, and Namuchi, and Vala, and Vritra, and Prahrada, and Naraka. |
Mbh.3.250.12360 | The soul of the slain Naraka hath assumed the form of Karna. |
Mbh.3.250.12381 | And Karna also, his soul and faculties possessed by the inmost soul of Naraka, had at that time cruelly determined to slay Arjuna. |
Mbh.5.48.2747 | It was there that the mighty Naraka, the son of the Earth, kept the jewelled ear-rings of Aditi, having brought them by force. |
Mbh.5.48.2752 | It was there, that an encounter took place between the mighty' Naraka and Vishnu of immeasurable strength. |
Mbh.5.48.2753 | Slain by Krishna, Naraka lay lifeless there, like a Karnikara tree uprooted by the wind. |
Mbh.5.48.2754 | Having slain the Earth's son, Naraka, and also Mura, and having recovered those jewelled ear-rings, the learned Krishna of unparalleled prowess came back, adorned with beauty and undying fame. |
Mbh.5.62.3334 | O Karna, the slayer of Vana and Bhumi's son Naraka, Vasudeva himself, who hath, in the thickest of battle, slain foes equal and even superior to thee, protecteth the diadem-decked Arjuna. |
Mbh.5.68.3456 | Indeed, that scion of Madhu's race, endued with great might, vanquished with an effort and in seeming playfulness the formidable Naraka and Samvara and Kansa and Sisupala the chief of Chedis. |
Mbh.5.130.5803 | When Sauri went to Pragjyotisha, Naraka with all the Danavas succeeded not in seizing him there. |
Mbh.5.130.5805 | Slaying that Naraka in battle, he brought away from his city a thousand damsels and married them all, according to the ordinance. |
Mbh.5.159.7029 | Baffling the nooses of Mura and slaying by his might that Asura, and vanquishing Naraka, the son of the Earth, Hrishikesa, while recovering the begemmed ear-rings of Aditi, with sixteen thousand girls and various kinds of jewels and gems, obtained that excellent bow called Sarnga. |
Mbh.7.11.404 | Of eyes like the lotus petals, he also slew the mighty Asuras named Pralamva, and Naraka, and Jambha, and Pitha, as also Mura, that terror of the celestials. |
Mbh.7.27.1422 | The earth, knowing on one occasion that that time had come, asked of me a boon for her son Naraka. |
Mbh.7.27.1427 | I said also at that time these words, O Earth, let this weapon be infallible for the protection of Naraka. |
Mbh.7.27.1432 | And Naraka also became invincible and always scorched his foes. |
Mbh.7.27.1433 | It was from Naraka, O Partha, that the ruler of the Pragjyotishas got this weapon of mine. |
Mbh.7.27.1437 | Slay now, O Partha, that invincible foe of thine, viz, Bhagadatta, enemy of the gods, even as I formerly slew for the good of the worlds, the Asura Naraka' |
Mbh.8.5.153 | Even as Mahendra slew Vritra, and Rama slew Ravana; even as Krishna slew Naraka or Mura in battle; even as the mighty Rama of Bhrigu's race slew the heroic Kartavirya, invincible in battle, with all his kinsmen and friends, after fighting a terrible battle celebrated through the three worlds; even as Skanda slew the Asura Mahisha, and Rudra slew the Asura Andhaka, even so hath Arjuna, O king, in single combat, slain, with all his kinsmen, that foremost of smiters, viz, Karna, who was invincible in battle and upon whom the Dhartarashtras had placed their hopes of victory, and who was the great cause of the hostility with the Pandavas! |
Mbh.12.226.13849 | Prithu, Aila, Maya, Bhima, Naraka, Samvara, Aswagriva, Puloman, Swarbhanu, whose standard was of immeasurable height, Prahlada, Namuchi, Daksha, Vipprachitti, Virochana, Hrinisheva, Suhotra, Bhurihan, Pushavat, Vrisha, Satyepsu, Rishava, Vahu, Kapilaswa, Virupaka, Vana, Kartaswara, Vahni, Viswadanshtra, Nairiti, Sankocha, Varitaksha, Varaha, Aswa, Ruchiprabha, Viswajit, Pratirupa, Vrishanda, Vishkara, Madhu, Hiranyakasipu, the Danava Kaitabha, and many others that were Daityas and Danavas and Rakshasas, these and many more unnamed, belonging to remote and remoter ages, great Daityas and foremost of Danavas, whose names we have heard, indeed, many foremost of Daityas of former times, having gone away, leaving the Earth. |
Mbh.12.339.21942 | While residing in that city I shall slay the Asura Naraka, the son of the Earth, him, that is, who will do an injury to Aditi, as also some other Danavas of the names of Muru and Pitha. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
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Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text:; Wikified at AncientVoice. |