Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 28 Feb 2010 05:57 and updated at 28 Feb 2010 05:57
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.3.893 | Thou wielder of the thunder, the protector of the universe, the slayer of Vritra and Namuchi, thou illustrious one who wearest the black cloth and displayest truth and untruth in the universe, thou who ownest for thy carrier the horse which was received from the depths of the ocean, and which is but another form of Agni the god of fire, I bow to thee, thou supreme Lord, thou Lord of the three worlds, O Purandara' |
Mbh.1.25.1567 | I bow to thee, thou slayer of Namuchi! |
Mbh.1.65.3277 | The eldest of them all was Viprachitti of great fame Samvara, and Namuchi and Pauloman; Asiloman, and Kesi and Durjaya; Ayahsiras, Aswasiras, and the powerful Aswasanku; also Gaganamardhan, and Vegavat, and he called Ketumat; Swarbhanu, Aswa, Aswapati, Vrishaparvan, and then Ajaka; and Aswagriva, and Sukshama, and Tuhunda of great strength, Ekapada, and Ekachakra, Virupaksha, Mahodara, and Nichandra, and Nikumbha, Kupata, and then Kapata; Sarabha, and Sulabha, Surya, and then Chandramas; these in the race of Danu are stated to be well-known. |
Mbh.1.227.11123 | Then the slayer of Namuchi, getting angry with Agni, collected huge masses of clouds and caused them to yield a heavy downpour. |
Mbh.1.229.11231 | As the merciful son of Pritha said unto Maya that there was nothing to fear, he of the Dasarha race no longer desired to slay Maya who was the brother of Namuchi, and Agni also burned him not' |
Mbh.2.54.2248 | It was during a period of peace that Sakra cut off the head of Namuchi after having given a pledge to the contrary, and it was because he approved of this eternal usage towards the enemy that he did so. |
Mbh.3.25.1194 | The illustrious Rama was like unto Indra, the lord of Yama himself, and the slayer of Namuchi! |
Mbh.3.164.8281 | And seeing before them that car driving in which the slayer of Namuchi had annihilated seven phalanxes of Diti's offspring, the magnanimous Parthas went round it. |
Mbh.3.167.8477 | And they said, Riding on this car, Maghavan conquered in battle Samvara, and Namuchi, and Vala, and Vritra, and Prahrada, and Naraka. |
Mbh.3.290.14170 | It was after such afflictions that the wielder of the thunderbolt, aided by the Maruts, slew Vritra, and the invincible Namuchi and the Rakshasi of long tongue! |
Mbh.5.16.714 | And he said, O Indra, the great Asura Namuchi was killed by thee; and those two Asuras also of terrible strength, viz, Samvara and Vala. |
Mbh.6.84.4423 | Beholding his dart cut off, the son of Hidimva fled from fear like Namuchi, that foremost of the Daityas, in days of old, from battle with Indra. |
Mbh.6.89.4673 | And Mahodara, in that battle, pierced Bhimasena with nine winged arrows, each resembling the thunder-bolt in force, like the slayer of Vritra striking the great Asura Namuchi. |
Mbh.9.7.449 | Slay that warrior, O thou of mighty arms, like Vasava slaying the Asura Namuchi. |
Mbh.9.17.1018 | The illustrious Yudhishthira then, taking a new and more formidable bow in that battle, pierced Shalya with many arrows of keen points from every side like Indra piercing the Asura Namuchi. |
Mbh.9.41.2989 | Hear how Vasava, in days of yore, broke his treaty with Namuchi! |
Mbh.9.41.2990 | The Asura Namuchi, from fear of Vasava, had entered a ray of the Sun. |
Mbh.9.41.2991 | Indra then made friends with Namuchi and entered into a covenant with him, saying, O foremost of Asuras, I shall not slay thee, O friend, with anything that is wet or with anything that is dry! |
Mbh.9.41.2996 | The severed head of Namuchi thereupon pursued Indra from behind, saying unto him from a near point these words, O slayer of a friend, O wretch' |
Mbh.9.41.3010 | The head of Namuchi also fell into that stream, O Bharata, and the Asura obtained many eternal regions, O best of kings, that granted every wish |
Mbh.12.97.5476 | Having slain in battle Jambha, Vritra, Vala, Paka, Satamaya, Virochana, the irresistible Namuchi, Samvara of innumerable illusions, Viprachitti, all these sons of Diti and Danu, as also Prahlada, I myself have become the chief of the celestials' |
Mbh.12.165.9831 | They were Hiranyakasipu, and Hiranyaksha, and Virochana, and Samvara, and Viprachitti, and Prahlada, and Namuchi, and Vali. |
Mbh.12.179.10779 | It was through wisdom that Vali, Prahlada, Namuchi, and Manki, when they lost their earthly prosperity, succeeded in acquiring felicity. |
Mbh.12.225.13714 | SECTION CCXXVI Bhishma said, In this connection is also cited the old narrative of the discourse between him of a hundred sacrifices and the Asura Namuchi, O Yudhishthira. |
Mbh.12.225.13715 | When the Asura Namuchi, who was conversant with the birth and the death of all creatures, was sitting, divested of prosperity but untroubled at heart like the vast ocean in perfect stillness, Purandara addressed him these: words, Fallen off from thy place, bound with cords, brought under the sway of thy foes, and divested of prosperity, dost thou, O Namuchi, indulge in grief or passest thou thy days cheerfully' |
Mbh.12.225.13716 | Namuchi answered, By indulging in such sorrow as cannot be warded off one only wastes one's body and gladdens one's foes. |
Mbh.12.226.13849 | Prithu, Aila, Maya, Bhima, Naraka, Samvara, Aswagriva, Puloman, Swarbhanu, whose standard was of immeasurable height, Prahlada, Namuchi, Daksha, Vipprachitti, Virochana, Hrinisheva, Suhotra, Bhurihan, Pushavat, Vrisha, Satyepsu, Rishava, Vahu, Kapilaswa, Virupaka, Vana, Kartaswara, Vahni, Viswadanshtra, Nairiti, Sankocha, Varitaksha, Varaha, Aswa, Ruchiprabha, Viswajit, Pratirupa, Vrishanda, Vishkara, Madhu, Hiranyakasipu, the Danava Kaitabha, and many others that were Daityas and Danavas and Rakshasas, these and many more unnamed, belonging to remote and remoter ages, great Daityas and foremost of Danavas, whose names we have heard, indeed, many foremost of Daityas of former times, having gone away, leaving the Earth. |
Mbh.13.39.4311 | That illusion which the Asura Samvara possessed, that illusion which the Asura Namuchi possessed, that illusion which Vali or Kumbbinasi had, the sum total thereof is possessed by women. |
Mbh.14.5.146 | Thou art the Lord of creatures, and in thee are the worlds established, And thou hast destroyed Namuchi, Viswarupa and Vala. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
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Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text:; Wikified at AncientVoice. |