Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 28 Feb 2010 05:41 and updated at 28 Feb 2010 05:41
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.1.230 | Herein Devas, Devarshis, and immaculate Brahmarshis of good deeds, have been spoken of; and likewise Yakshas and great Uragas Nagas. |
Mbh.1.2.365 | The Astika describes the birth of Garuda and of the Nagas snakes, the churning of the ocean, the incidents relating to the birth of the celestial steed Uchchaihsrava, and finally, the dynasty of Bharata, as described in the Snake-sacrifice of king Janamejaya. |
Mbh.1.3.899 | And from the horse thus blown into, there issued, from every aperture of his body, flames of fire with smoke by which the region of the Nagas was about to be consumed. |
Mbh.1.3.917 | Therefore I had to go to the region of the Nagas. |
Mbh.1.3.931 | It was certainly for this last that thou hast not met with death in the region of the Nagas; and Indra who is my friend having been mercifully inclined showed thee favour. |
Mbh.1.15.1281 | Then, after a long space of time, a king descending from the Pandava line celebrated a great sacrifice known as the Snake-sacrifice, After that sacrifice had commenced for the destruction of the snakes, Astika delivered the Nagas, viz, his brothers and maternal uncles and other snakes from a fiery death. |
Mbh.1.21.1459 | On their way they saw the Ocean, that receptacle of waters, vast and deep, rolling and tremendously roaring, full of fishes large enough to swallow the whale, and abounding with huge makaras and creatures of various forms by thousands, and rendered inaccessible by the presence of other terrible, monster-shaped, dark, and fierce aquatic animals, abounding with tortoises and crocodiles, the mine of all kinds of gems, the home of Varuna the water-God, the excellent and beautiful residence of the Nagas, the lord of all rivers, the abode of the subterranean fire, the friend or asylum of the Asuras, the terror of all creatures, the grand reservoir of water, and ever immutable. |
Mbh.1.22.1476 | SECTION XXII Astika Parva continued Sauti said, The Nagas after consultation arrived at the conclusion that they should do their mother's bidding, for if she failed in obtaining her desire she might withdraw her affection and burn them all. |
Mbh.1.22.1482 | And on their way they saw the Ocean, that receptacle of waters, incapable of being easily disturbed, mightily agitated all of a sudden by the wind, and roaring tremendously; abounding with fishes capable of swallowing the whale and full of makaras; containing also creatures of diverse forms counted by thousands; frightful from the presence of horrible monsters, inaccessible, deep, and terrible, the mine of all kinds of gems, the home of Varuna the water-god, the wonderful habitations of the Nagas, the lord of rivers, the abode of the subterranean fire; the residence of the Asuras and of many dreadful creatures; the reservoir of water, not subject to decay, aromatic, and wonderful, the great source of the amrita of the celestials; immeasurable and inconceivable, containing waters that are holy, filled to the brim by many thousands of great rivers, dancing as it were in waves. |
Mbh.1.23.1501 | He is the mighty son of Kasyapa, the destroyer of the Nagas, engaged in the well-being of the gods, and the foe of the Daityas and the Rakshasas. |
Mbh.1.25.1559 | Once Kadru calling Vinata who had prostrated herself before the former, addressed her these words in the presence of her son, O gentle Vinata, there is in the midst of the ocean, in a remote quarter, a delightful and fair region inhabited by the Nagas. |
Mbh.1.26.1602 | And upon Indra's causing that downpour, the Nagas became exceedingly delighted. |
Mbh.1.27.1608 | SECTION XXVII Astika Parva continued Sauti said, And then the Nagas drenched by that shower, became exceedingly glad. |
Mbh.1.66.3425 | Surasa also bore the Nagas, and Kadru, the Punnagas snakes. |
Mbh.1.67.3571 | And Sakra accepting the gift presented to the giver a dart, surprised at his open handedness, and addressed him in these words, O invincible one, amongst the celestials, Asuras, men, Gandharvas, Nagas, and Rakshasas, he at whom thou hurlest this weapon, that one shall certainly be slain' |
Mbh.1.75.4149 | And king Nahusha supported evenly the Pitris, the celestials, the Rishis, the Brahmanas, the Gandharvas, the Nagas, the Rakshasas, the Kshatriyas, and the Vaisyas. |
Mbh.1.97.5457 | The monarch then in soft words addressed her and said, O slender-waisted one, be thou a goddess or the daughter of a Danava, be thou of the race of the Gandharvas, or Apsaras, be thou of the Yakshas or the Nagas, or be thou of human origin, O thou of celestial beauty, I solicit thee to be my wife |
Mbh.1.111.6140 | He therefore, gave unto him a fine dart, saying, That one and one only among the celestials, the Asuras, men, the Gandharvas, the Nagas, and the Rakshasas, whom thou desirest to conquer, shall be certainly slain with this dart' |
Mbh.1.123.6648 | The sons of Kadru Nagas, the son of Vinata, the Gandharvas, the lords of the creation, and the seven great Rishis, viz, Bharadwaja, Kasyapa, Gautama, Viswamitra, Jamadagni, Vasishtha, and the illustrious Atri who illumined the world of old when the Sun was lost, all came there. |
Mbh.1.123.6662 | And Tarkshya, Arishtanemi, Garuda, Asitadvaja, these and many other Nagas, came there, so also Aruna and Aruni of Vinata's race also came there. |
Mbh.1.128.6884 | Nagas, furnished with fangs containing virulent venom, bit him by thousands. |
Mbh.1.128.6892 | Then Vasuki, in accordance with the prayer of the inferior Nagas, went to the place and saw Bhimasena. |
Mbh.1.129.6940 | Seeing him awake, the Nagas began to console and cheer him, saying, O thou of mighty arms, the strength-giving liquor thou hast drunk will give thee the might of ten thousand elephants! |
Mbh.1.129.6944 | Then Bhima purified himself with a bath in those waters, and decked in white robes and flowery garlands of the same hue, ate of the paramanna rice and sugar pudding offered to him by the Nagas. |
Mbh.1.129.6946 | Bearing up the lotus-eyed Pandava from under the waters, the Nagas placed him in the selfsame gardens wherein he had been sporting, and vanished in his very sight. |
Mbh.1.188.9431 | And there came also the Daityas and the Suparnas, the great Nagas and the celestial Rishis, the Guhyakas and the Charanas and Viswavasu and Narada and Parvata, and the principal Gandharvas with Apsaras. |
Mbh.1.188.9438 | And crowded with celestial Rishis and Gandharvas and Suparnas and Nagas and Asuras and Siddhas, and filled with celestial perfumes and scattered over with celestial flowers, and resounding with the kettle-drum and the deep hum of infinite voices, and echoing with the softer music of the flute, the Vina, and the tabor, the cars of the celestials could scarcely find a passage through the firmament. |
Mbh.1.208.10262 | Then surrounded by a trench wide as the sea and by walls reaching high up to the heavens and white as the fleecy clouds or the rays of the moon, that foremost of cities looked resplendent like Bhogavati the capital of the nether kingdom decked with the Nagas. |
Mbh.1.208.10279 | There were Amras mango trees and Amaratakas, and Kadamvas and Asokas, and Champakas; and Punnagas and Nagas and Lakuchas and Panasas; and Salas and Talas palm trees and Tamalas and Vakulas, and Ketakas with their fragrant loads; beautiful and blossoming and grand Amalakas with branches bent down with the weight of fruits and Lodhras and blossoming Ankolas; and Jamvus blackberry trees and Patalas and Kunjakas and Atimuktas; and Karaviras and Parijatas and numerous other kinds of trees always adorned with flowers and fruits and alive with feathery creatures of various species. |
Mbh.1.208.10286 | Adorned with those five mighty warriors, each equal unto Indra himself, that foremost of cities looked like Bhogavati the capital of the nether kingdom adorned with the Nagas. |
Mbh.1.211.10373 | Those mighty car-warriors next subjugated the Nagas of the nether region, and then the inmates of the ocean and then all the tribes of the Mlechchhas. |
Mbh.1.213.10435 | Having brought all the treasures of the gods, the Gandharvas, the Yakshas, the Nagas, the Rakshasas, and the kings of the earth, the brothers began to pass their days in great happiness. |
Mbh.1.215.10527 | After his ablutions had been over, and after he had offered oblations of water unto his deceased ancestors, he was about to get up from the stream to perform his sacrificial rites before the fire, when the mighty-armed hero, O king, was dragged into the bottom of the water by Ulupi, the daughter of the king of the Nagas, urged by the god of desire. |
Mbh.1.215.10528 | And it so happened that the son of Pandu was carried into the beautiful mansion of Kauravya, the king of the Nagas. |
Mbh.1.215.10532 | After he had thus performed his rites before the fire, the son of Kunti, beholding the daughter of the king of the Nagas, addressed her smilingly and said, O handsome girl, what an act of rashness hast thou done. |
Mbh.1.215.10564 | Vaisampayana said, Thus addressed by the daughter of the king of the Nagas, the son of Kunti did everything she desired, making virtue his motive. |
Mbh.1.225.11048 | Then, there is no weapon suited to Krishna's energy and with which Madhava can slay Nagas and Pisachas. |
Mbh.1.226.11087 | With this weapon, without doubt, thou shalt be superior in battle to men and gods, and Rakshasas and Pisachas, and Daityas and Nagas. |
Mbh.1.228.11128 | And it so happened that while that forest was burning, Takshaka, the chief of the Nagas, was not there, having gone at that time to the field of Kurukshetra. |
Mbh.1.228.11150 | Innumerable Nagas also, with faces emitting fire descending from high, approached Arjuna, vomiting the most virulent poison all the while. |
Mbh.1.228.11153 | And there came also, desirous of battle, innumerable Asuras with Gandharvas and Yakshas and Rakshasas and Nagas sending forth terrific yells. |
Mbh.1.229.11184 | SECTION CCXXX Khandava-daha Parva continued Vaisampayana said, Then the inhabitants of the forest of Khandava, the Danavas and Rakshasas and Nagas and wolves and bears and other wild animals, and elephants with rent temples, and tigers, and lions with manes and deer and buffaloes by hundreds, and birds, and various other creatures, frightened at the falling stones and extremely anxious, began to fly in all directions. |
Mbh.1.229.11192 | And, O Bharata, he of the Vrishni race moved able like death itself, slaying Pisachas and birds and Nagas and other creatures by thousands. |
Mbh.1.229.11194 | The face and form of Krishna that soul of every created thing, became fierce to behold while he was thus employed in the slaughter of the Pisachas, Nagas and Rakshasas. |
Mbh.1.229.11204 | They deserve the most reverential worship of all the celestials and Asuras; of Yakshas and Rakshasas and Gandharvas, of human beings and Kinnaras and Nagas. |
Mbh.1.229.11221 | Hari slew with his discus those Rakshasas and Danavas and Nagas that rushed at him in bands. |
Mbh.2.8.349 | Vysawa; Saswa and Krishaswa, and king Sasavindu; Rama the son of Dasaratha, and Lakshmana, and Pratarddana; Alarka, and Kakshasena, Gaya, and Gauraswa; Rama the son of Jamadagnya, Nabhaga, and Sagara; Bhuridyumna and Mahaswa, Prithaswa, and also Janaka; king Vainya, Varisena, Purujit, and Janamejaya; Brahmadatta, and Trigarta, and king Uparichara also; Indradyumna, Bhimajanu, Gauraprishta, Nala, Gaya; Padma and Machukunda, Bhuridyumna, Prasenajit; Aristanemi, Sudymna, Prithulauswa, and Ashtaka also; a hundred kings of the Matsya race and hundred of the Vipa and a hundred of the Haya races; a hundred kings of the name of Dhritarashtra, eighty kings of the name of Janamejaya; a hundred monarchs called Brahmadatta, and a hundred kings of the name of Iri; more than two hundred Bhishmas, and also a hundred Bhimas; a hundred Prativindhyas, a hundred Nagas, and a hundred Palasas, and a hundred called Kasa and Kusa; that king of kings Santanu, and thy father Pandu, Usangava, Sata-ratha, Devaraja, Jayadratha; the intelligent royal sage Vrishadarva with his ministers; and a thousand other kings known by the name of Sasa-vindu, and who have died, having performed many grand horse-sacrifices with large presents to the Brahmanas, these holy royal sages of grand achievements and great knowledge of the Sastras, wait upon, O King, and worship the son of Vivaswat in that assembly house. |
Mbh.2.9.373 | And Vasuki and Takshaka, and the Naga called Airavana; Krishna and Lohita; Padma and Chitra endued with great energy; the Nagas called Kamvala and Aswatara; and Dhritarashtra and Valahaka; Matimat and Kundadhara and Karkotaka and Dhananjaya; Panimat and the mighty Kundaka, O lord of the Earth; and Prahlada and Mushikada, and Janamejaya, all having auspicious marks and mandalas and extended hoods, these and many other snakes. |
Mbh.2.11.447 | And Rakshasas, Pisachas, the Danavas and Guhyakas; Nagas, Birds, and various animals; and all mobile and immobile great beings, all worship the Grandsire. |
Mbh.2.11.453 | And, O king of men, the Grandsire of all created beings, the Soul of the universe, the Self create Brahma of immeasurable intelligence and glory, equally kind unto all creatures, honoureth as they deserve, and gratifieth with sweet speech and gift of wealth and other enjoyable articles, the gods, the Daityas, the Nagas, the Brahmanas, the Yakshas, the Birds, the Kaleyas, the Gandharvas, the Apsaras, and all other exalted beings that came to him as his guests. |
Mbh.2.12.459 | And, O master, almost all the Nagas, and principal Daityas, and rivers, and oceans, are to be found in the Sabha of Varuna. |
Mbh.2.21.910 | There dwelt in old days those Nagas, Arvuda and Sakravapin, those persecutors of all enemies, as also the Naga Swastika and that other excellent Naga called Manu. |
Mbh.3.3.217 | The Siddhas, and the Charanas and the Gandharvas and the Yakshas, and the Guhyakas, and the Nagas, desirous of obtaining boons follow thy car coursing through the skies. |
Mbh.3.40.2151 | Arjuna said, O illustrious god having the bull for thy sign, if thou wilt grant me my desire, I ask of thee, O lord that fierce celestial weapon wielded by thee and called Brahmasira, that weapon of terrific prowess which destroyeth, at the end of the Yuga the entire universe, that weapon by the help of which, O god of gods, I may under thy grace, obtain victory in the terrible conflict which shall take place between myself on one side, and Karna and Bhishma and Kripa and Drona on the other, that weapon by which I may consume in battle Danavas and Rakshasas and evil spirits and Pisachas and Gandharvas and Nagas, that weapon which when hurled with Mantras produceth darts by thousands and fierce-looking maces and arrows like snakes of virulent poison, and by means of which I may fight with Bhishma and Drona and Kripa and Karna of ever abusive tongue, O illustrious destroyer of the eyes of Bhaga, even this is my foremost desire, viz, that I may be able to fight with them and obtain success' |
Mbh.3.41.2182 | And accompanied by Rivers both male and female, and Nagas, and Daityas and Sadhyas and inferior deities, Varuna, the controller and lord of all aquatic creatures, arrived at that spot. |
Mbh.3.41.2186 | And the god of justice, of inconceivable soul, the son of Surya, the destroyer of all creatures, with the mace in hand, came there on his car, illuminating the three worlds with regions of the Guhyakas, the Gandharvas and the Nagas, like a second Surya as he riseth at the end of the Yuga. |
Mbh.3.42.2243 | And there were also on that car fierce and huge-bodied Nagas with fiery mouths, and heaps of stones white as the fleecy clouds. |
Mbh.3.46.2378 | And there came also numbers of great Rishis and royal sages and Siddhas and Charanas and Yakshas and great Nagas. |
Mbh.3.47.2457 | Verily as the illustrious Hari had slain the Nagas in the great lake, he, by sight alone, is capable of slaying those Asuras called the Nivatakavachas, along with their followers. |
Mbh.3.53.2700 | We have, indeed, beheld celestials and Gandharvas, and Nagas, and Rakshasas, and men, but never saw we before any one like Nala. |
Mbh.3.57.2829 | And that sacred assembly of Kings, graced by those tigers among men, resembled the Bhogavati swarming with the Nagas, or a mountain cavern with tigers. |
Mbh.3.82.4095 | And bathing in Nagodbheda, one obtaineth the region of the Nagas. |
Mbh.3.83.4117 | There, O lord of earth, the gods with Brahma at their head, the Rishis, the Siddhas, the Charanas, the Gandharvas, the Apsaras, the Yakshas and the Nagas, often repair, O Bharata, to the highly sacred Brahmakshetra. |
Mbh.3.83.4126 | Proceeding next to Sarpadevi, that excellent tirtha of the Nagas, one obtaineth the merit of the Agnishtoma sacrifice and attaineth to the region of the Nagas. |
Mbh.3.84.4424 | O king, there is a tirtha of the illustrious Kapila, king of the Nagas, that is celebrated, O thou best of Kurus, over all the worlds. |
Mbh.3.85.4625 | Proceeding next to Gokarna celebrated over the three worlds, and which is situate, O best of kings, in the midst of the deep, and is reverenced by all the worlds, and where the gods headed by Brahma, and Rishis endued with wealth of asceticism, and spirits and Yakshas and Pisachas, and Kinnaras and the great Nagas, and Siddhas and Charanas and Gandharvas, and men and Pannagas, and rivers, Seas and Mountains, worship the lord of Uma, one should worship Isana, fasting there for three nights. |
Mbh.3.85.4680 | Then, O king, should one proceed to Prayaga, whose praises have been sung by Rishis and where dwell the gods with Brahma at their head, the Directions with their presiding deities, the Lokapalas, the Siddhas, the Pitris adored by the worlds, the great Rishis-Sanatkumara and others, stainless Brahmarshis, Angiras and others, the Nagas, the Suparnas, the Siddhas, the Snakes, the Rivers, the Seas, the Gandharvas, the Apsaras, and the Lord Hari with Prajapati. |
Mbh.3.139.7079 | And, O son of Kunti, numberless gods and Yakshas and Rakshasas and Kinnaras and Nagas and Suparnas and Gandharvas pass this way, in going towards Kuvera's palace. |
Mbh.3.148.7561 | And, O child, in the Krita age, there were neither gods, nor demons, nor Gandharvas, nor Yakshas, nor Rakshasas, nor Nagas. |
Mbh.3.158.8021 | And on the summits of the mountain are seen amorous Kimpurushas with their paramours, mutually attached unto each other; as also, O Partha, many Gandharvas and Apsaras clad in white silk vestments; and lovely-looking Vidyadharas, wearing garlands; and mighty Nagas, and Suparnas, and Uragas, and others. |
Mbh.3.159.8060 | In Khandava thy high-souled brother, firm in promise, had baffled Gandharvas and Nagas and Vasava himself, and slain fierce Rakshasas, and also obtained the bow Gandiva. |
Mbh.3.159.8072 | And having ascended that summit, and thereby gladdened Kinnaras, and great Nagas, and Munis, and Gandharvas, and Rakshasas, that foremost of the Bharata line, gifted with exceeding strength described the abode of Vaisravana, adorned with golden crystal palaces surrounded on all sides by golden walls having the splendour of all gems, furnished with gardens all around, higher than a mountain peak, beautiful with ramparts and towers, and adorned with door-ways and gates and rows of pennons. |
Mbh.3.178.8810 | And, O best of serpents, mighty Rakshasas and Pisachas, and Nagas, are unable to stand the force of my arms. |
Mbh.3.187.9416 | O tiger among men, having entered his stomach, as I wandered around, I also beheld the whole tribe of the gods with their chief Sakra, the Sadhyas, the Rudras, the Adityas, the Guhyakas, the Pitris, the Snakes and the Nagas, the feathery tribes, the Vasus, the Aswins, the Gandharvas, the Apsaras, the Yakshas, the Rishis, the hordes of the Daityas and the Danavas, and the Nagas also. |
Mbh.3.187.9431 | O Divine Being, the gods, the Danavas and the Rakshasas, the Yakshas, the Gandharvas, and the Nagas, indeed, the whole universe mobile and immobile, are all within thy body! |
Mbh.3.224.11342 | And hearing that sound which seemed like the rumbling of a mass of big clouds, the great Nagas, Chitra and Airavata, were shaken with fear. |
Mbh.3.289.14117 | Thou hast, O hero, slain this enemy of the gods, the Gandharvas, the Nagas, the Yakshas, the Danavas, and the great Rishis! |
Mbh.3.289.14141 | And beholding Rama united with the daughter of Janaka, the charioteer of Sakra, highly pleased, addressed him in the midst of friends, and said these words, O thou of prowess that can never be baffled thou hast dispelled the sorrow of the celestials, the Gandharvas, the Yakshas, the Asuras, the Nagas, and human beings! |
Mbh.4.2.51 | What office will be performed by that best of warriors, Arjuna, who proceeded to that forest and gratified Agni, vanquishing on a single car and slaying huge Nagas and Rakshasas, and who married the sister of Vasuki himself, the king of the Nagas? |
Mbh.4.2.52 | Even as the sun is the foremost of all heat-giving bodies, as the Brahmana is the best of all bipeds, as the cobra is the foremost of all serpents, as Fire is the first of all things possessed of energy, as the thunderbolt is the foremost of all weapons, as the humped bull is the foremost of all animals of the bovine breed, as the ocean is the foremost of all watery expanses, as clouds charged with rain are the foremost of all clouds, as Ananta is the first of all Nagas, as Airavata is the foremost of all elephants, as the son is the foremost of all beloved objects, and lastly, as the wife is the best of all friends, so, O Vrikodara, is the youthful Gudakesa, the foremost of all bowmen. |
Mbh.4.5.198 | And that bull among the Kurus, then loosened the string of the large and dreadful Gandiva, ever producing thundering twang and always destructive of hostile hosts, and with which he had conquered, on a single car, gods and men and Nagas and swelling provinces. |
Mbh.4.56.2160 | And crowded with gods, Yakshas, Gandharvas and Nagas, the firmament looked as resplendent as it does when bespangled with the planetary constellation in a cloudless night. |
Mbh.4.56.2163 | And there appeared on the scene three and thirty gods with Vasava at their head, and many Gandharvas and Rakshasas and Nagas and Pitris, together with the great Rishis. |
Mbh.5.59.3263 | Among the celestials, Asuras, and men, among Yakshas, Gandharvas, and Nagas, I do not find the person that can encounter Arjuna in battle. |
Mbh.5.71.3530 | I put myself in the hand of that Eternal one, that Rishi endued with knowledge of Self, that ocean of eloquence, that Being who is easily attainable by ascetics, that bird called Arishta furnished with beautiful wings, that destroyer of creatures, that refuge of the universe; that one of a thousand heads, that Creator and Destroyer of all things, that Ancient one, that one without beginning, middle, or end, that one of infinite achievements, that cause of the Prime seed, that unborn one, that Eternity's self, that highest of the high, that Creator of the three worlds, that Author of gods, Asuras, Nagas, and Rakshasas, that foremost of all learned persons and rulers of men, that younger brother of Indra |
Mbh.5.97.4630 | And having held a consultation then in the night with his wife Sudharma, Matali set his heart upon making a journey to the world of the Nagas. |
Mbh.5.97.4632 | Surely, one may be found amongst the Nagas' |
Mbh.5.98.4643 | And both of them skilful in business, informed Varuna of their purpose, and obtaining his leave they began to wander in that region of the Nagas. |
Mbh.5.99.4673 | SECTION XCIX Narada continued, Here in the very centre of the world of the Nagas is situated the city known by the name of Patalam. |
Mbh.5.102.4761 | That couplet is this, Neither in the region of the Nagas, nor in Swarga, nor in Vimana, nor in Tripishtapa is residence so happy as in Rasatala |
Mbh.5.103.4763 | It is ruled over by Vasuki, the king of the Nagas. |
Mbh.5.103.4769 | There dwell in happiness innumerable Nagas, sons of Surasa, possessed of diverse forms, and decked on ornaments of diverse kinds, bearing the signs of gems, Swastika, circles and drinking vessels. |
Mbh.5.103.4787 | And he said, Born in the race of Airavata this prince of Nagas is named Sumukha. |
Mbh.5.103.4791 | Hearing this Matali became highly pleased, and addressing Narada, the charioteer said, This best of Nagas is, O sire, very acceptable to me for a son-in-law. |
Mbh.5.104.4823 | Let this Naga then, proceeding with me and Narada, come to the Lord of heaven the chief of the celestials, O best of Nagas. |
Mbh.5.120.5352 | And in that spot was assembled a vast concourse of Nagas and Yakshas and human beings, of Gandharvas and animals and birds, and of dwellers of mountains and trees and forests, and of many inhabitants of that particular province. |
Mbh.6.6.385 | Rakshasas reside on Himavat, Guhyakas on Hemakuta, and serpents and Nagas on Nishadha, and ascetics on Gokarna. |
Mbh.6.34.1603 | I am Ananta among Nagas, I am Varuna among acquatic beings, I am Aryaman among the Pitris, and Yama among those that judge and punish |
Mbh.6.84.4404 | Having vanquished those two warriors, that daughter's son of the king of the Nagas, displaying his prowess, then began to consume with great activity thy ranks. |
Mbh.6.91.4757 | This handsome and valiant son of Arjuna, named Iravat, was begotten upon the daughter of the king of the Nagas by the intelligent Partha. |
Mbh.6.91.4762 | Abandoned by his wicked uncle from hatred of Partha, he grew up in the region of the Nagas, protected by his mother. |
Mbh.6.91.4829 | Surrounded on all sides, in that battle by Nagas, that Naga, O king, assumed a huge form mighty as Ananta himself. |
Mbh.6.91.4830 | With diverse kinds of Nagas then he covered the Rakshasa. |
Mbh.6.91.4831 | While being covered by those Nagas, that bull among Rakshasas reflected for a moment, and assuming the form of Garuda, he devoured those snakes. |
Mbh.6.105.5607 | The grandsire then hurled at him a mighty dart made of iron, decked with gold, endued with great velocity, and beautiful as a daughter of the Nagas. |
Mbh.7.16.717 | The bodies of those heroes of immeasurable energy then seemed, in consequence of the wrath that inspired them, to resemble those of Garuda and mighty Nagas battling in the sky. |
Mbh.7.31.1659 | The three worlds with the gods, the Asuras, the Gandharvas, the Yakshas, the Nagas and the Rakshasas, cannot defeat the force that is protected by the diadem-decked Arjuna. |
Mbh.7.153.8216 | The Siddhas and Gandharvas and Pisachas, and Nagas, and birds, and Pitris and ravens and large numbers of cannibals and ghosts, and Apsaras and celestials, all combined in highly applauding the son of Drona |
Mbh.7.155.8326 | Indeed, Krishna and Arjuna are incapable of being defeated by the celestials, the Gandharvas, the Yakshas, human beings, the Nagas, and the birds, all clad in mail. |
Mbh.7.160.8679 | The gods and Rishis, Gandharvas and celestial Rishis, and the diverse tribes of Vidyadharas and Apsaras, and Nagas and Yakshas and Uragas and Kinnaras, stationed on the welkin also joyfully took up blazing lamps. |
Mbh.7.183.10026 | Yakshas, and Nagas, and Daityas, and all others proud of their might, were slain by that foremost of men. |
Mbh.7.198.11293 | Gods, Asuras, Nagas, Rakshasas, Pisachas, human beings, birds, Gandharvas, Yakshas and other creatures: with the entire universe, we know, have all sprung from thee. |
Mbh.7.198.11310 | Neither gods, nor Asuras, nor great Uragas, nor Pisachas, nor Gandharvas, nor men, nor Rakshasas, nor birds, nor Nagas, nor any creatures in the Universe, shall ever be able to bear thy prowess. |
Mbh.7.199.11399 | The mountains split, and all the points of the compass and the Nagas became stupefied. |
Mbh.8.24.983 | Those arrows, piercing through his armour drank his blood in that battle, like the Nagas of virulent poison drinking water after having pierced through the Earth. |
Mbh.8.87.5295 | All the gems and precious jewels, the four Vedas with the histories as the fifth, the Upavedas, the Upanishads, with all their mysteries, and the compilations, and Vasuki, and Citrasena, and Takshaka, and Upatakshaka, and all the mountains, and all the offspring of Kadru with their children, all the great snakes endued with poison, and the Nagas, took the side of Arjuna. |
Mbh.8.88.5392 | SECTION Sanjaya said, Meanwhile the welkin, filled with gods and Nagas and Asuras and Siddhas and Yakshas and with large bands of Gandharvas and Rakshasas, and Asuras and regenerate Rishis and royal sages and birds of excellent feathers, assumed a wonderful aspect. |
Mbh.12.47.2308 | Through Narayana, the Rishis, the Siddhas, the great Nagas, the gods, and the celestial Rishis know a little of thee. |
Mbh.12.58.3250 | He drew from the earth, as a milcher from a cow, seven and ten kinds of crops for the food of Yakshas, and Rakshasas, and Nagas, and other creatures. |
Mbh.12.88.5017 | The gifts made by thee in this world support the gods, Pitris, men, Nagas, Rakshasas, birds, and animals. |
Mbh.12.199.12102 | The Sadhyas, the Viswas, the Mantras, diverse kinds of loud and sweet music, the Rivers, the Mountains, the Seas, the Sacred Waters, the Penances, the Ordinances about yoga, the Vedas, the Sounds that accompany the singing of the Samans, Saraswati, Narada, Parvata, Viswavasu, the Hahas, the Huhus, the Gandharva Chitrasena with all the members of his family, the Nagas, the Sadhyas, the Munis, the god of gods, viz, Prajapati, and the inconceivable and thousand-headed Vishnu himself, came there. |
Mbh.12.209.12687 | The highest of the high, and without change or deterioration himself, he created the Pitris, the gods, the Rishis, the Yakshas, the Rakshasas, the Nagas, the Asuras, and human beings. |
Mbh.12.284.17784 | Thou art an infant, thou art a youth, thou art old in years with thy teeth worn out, thou art the foremost of Nagas, thou art Sakra, thou art the Destroyer of the universe, and thou art its Creator. |
Mbh.12.354.23641 | In that place whence, in course of a former creation, the wheel of righteousness was set in motion, in that forest which is known by the name of Naimisha, and which is situate on the banks of the Gomati, there is a city called after the Nagas. |
Mbh.12.355.23678 | Having dismissed his guest, the righteous Brahmana, resolved to achieve his purpose, took leave of his kinsmen and relatives, and set out in due time for the abode of that foremost of Nagas, with heart steadily directed towards it |
Mbh.12.357.23704 | SECTION CCCLVIII Bhishma continued, The Nagas of that city became exceedingly distressed when they saw that that Brahmana, devoted to the practice of penances, continued to reside in the forest, entirely abstaining all the while from food, in expectation of the arrival of the Naga chief. |
Mbh.12.357.23713 | In consequence of thy dwelling in this forest under such circumstances of total abstention from food, the whole community of Nagas, young and old, is being afflicted, since this thy fast implies negligence on our part to discharge the duties of hospitality. |
Mbh.12.357.23718 | Eight days are wanting for the day to come when the chief of the Nagas will return |
Mbh.12.357.23719 | If, on the expiry of the eighth night hence, the chief of the Nagas does not come back, I shall then break this fast by eating. |
Mbh.12.357.23725 | The assembled Nagas, thus addressed by the Brahmana, were dismissed by him, whereupon, O foremost of men, they returned to their respective residences |
Mbh.12.358.23734 | The religion of the house-holder, O chief of the Nagas, consists in doing good to all creatures. |
Mbh.12.358.23741 | Through thy instruction, O chief of the Nagas, I have learnt this well. |
Mbh.12.358.23750 | O chief of the Nagas, I have made a promise to him to the effect that I would despatch thee to him as soon as thou wouldst come back to thy abode. |
Mbh.12.358.23751 | Hearing these words of mine, O best of Nagas, it behoveth thee to repair thither. |
Mbh.12.359.23757 | Amongst the deities and Asuras and celestial Rishis, O amiable lady, the Nagas are endued with great energy. |
Mbh.12.360.23792 | SECTION CCCLXI Bhishma said, Having said these words unto his dear spouse, the chief of the Nagas proceeded to that place where the Brahmana was sitting in expectation of an interview with him. |
Mbh.12.360.23794 | Arrived at his presence, O chief of men, that foremost of Nagas devoted by his nature to righteousness, addressed his guest in sweet words, saying, O Brahmana do not yield to wrath. |
Mbh.12.362.23859 | This learned Brahmana, ye Nagas, had been devoted to the good of all creatures. |
Mbh.12.362.23860 | Neither deities, nor Gandharvas, nor Asuras, nor Nagas, can be regarded as superior to those creatures that attain to this excellent end of coming into the solar disc, |
Mbh.12.363.23866 | Blessed be thou, I desire to depart hence O best of Nagas, thou shouldst recollect me now and then and enquire after me by sending thy servant' |
Mbh.12.363.23880 | Doubt penetrated my mind, O chief of Nagas, in the matter of the best means for winning righteousness or merit. |
Mbh.12.363.23887 | Bhishma said, Having saluted that foremost of Nagas in this way, the Brahmana named Dharmaranya, firmly resolved to follow the Unccha mode of life, proceeded to the presence, O king, of Chyavana of Bhrigu's race, from desire of being formally instructed and initiated in that vow |
Mbh.12.363.23898 | Firmly resolved, that Brahmana, instructed, by the chief of Nagas in this way about his duty, betook himself to the practice of Yama and Niyama, and subsisting the while upon such food as was allowed by the Unccha vow, proceeded to another forest |
Mbh.13.6.390 | the luminous bodies in the firmament, all the deities, the Nagas, and the Rakshasas, as also the Sun and the Moon and the Winds, have attained to their high status by evolution from man's status, through dint of their own action. |
Mbh.13.14.1552 | The innumerable Brahmanas there present, the deities and the Asuras, the Nagas, the Pisachas, the Pitris, the birds, diverse Rakshasas, diverse classes of ghosts and spirits, and all the great Rishis, then bowed down unto that great Deity. |
Mbh.13.26.3559 | As Amrita is to the deities, as Swadha is to the Pritis, as Sudha is to the Nagas, even so is Ganga water to human beings. |
Mbh.13.67.6386 | The Nagas have Sudha. |
Mbh.13.83.7414 | The deities with the Rishis and the great Nagas all became scorched with the severity of her penances. |
Mbh.13.84.7534 | The goat is Fire for it given, it leads to the region of the deity of fire; the sheep is Varuna for if leads to the region of Varuna the lord of waters; the horse is Surya for if leads to the region of Surya; elephants are Nagas for they lead to the world of Nagas; buffaloes are Asuras for they lead to the region of Asuras; cocks and boars are Rakshasas for they lead to the regions of the Rakshasas, O delighter of the Bhrigus; earth is sacrifice, kine, water, and Soma for it leads to the merits of sacrifice, and to the region of kine, of the lord of waters and of Soma. |
Mbh.13.85.7608 | Transcending all the deities and Danavas and Rakshasas and human beings and Gandharvas and Nagas and feathery creatures, the offspring of Agni with his dart, which in his hands will be a weapon incapable of being baffled if once hurled at the foe, will destroy Taraka from whom your fear hath arisen. |
Mbh.13.98.8823 | One possessed of wisdom should offer garlands of aquatic flowers, such as the lotus and the like, unto the Gandharvas and Nagas and Yakshas. |
Mbh.13.98.8830 | The deities become gratified with the scent of flowers; the Yakshas and Rakshasas with their sight, the Nagas with their touch; and human beings with all three, viz, scent, sight, and touch. |
Mbh.13.98.8848 | It is very agreeable to the Yakshas, the Rakshasas, and Nagas. |
Mbh.13.98.8887 | Valis mixed with lotuses and Utpalas are very agreeable to the Nagas. |
Mbh.13.132.11219 | Casting aside wrath, and living on regulated diet, one should make these offerings at a Sraddha, uttering these mantras the while, Let Valadeva and other Nagas possessed of great strength, let other mighty snakes of huge bodies that are indestructible and eternal, and let all the other great snakes that have taken their birth in their race, make Vali offerings to me for the enhancement of my strength and energy. |
Mbh.13.140.11496 | All the highly blessed ascetics, the Siddhas who have drawn in their vital seed, the Maruts, the Vasus, the Sadhyas, the Viswedevas, Vasava himself, the Yakshas, the Nagas, the Pisachas, the Regents of the world, the several sacred Fires, the Winds, and all the great creatures dwelt on that mountain with minds concentrated in Yoga. |
Mbh.13.142.11860 | The righteous souled man who lies down in the attitude which appertains to Manduka-Yoga, and who properly and according to the ordinance performs meritorious acts after having taken the Diksha, sports in felicity in the next world in the company of the Nagas. |
Mbh.14.43.1739 | He is the ruler of men and Kinnaras and Yakshas and Gandharvas, and Snakes and Rakshasas, and deities and Danavas and Nagas. |
Mbh.14.54.2399 | So also, O regenerate one, know that all the tribes of the Daityas, all the Yakshas, Gandharvas, Rakshasas, Nagas. |
Mbh.14.54.2421 | When I live in the order of the Nagas, I then act as a Naga, and when I live in the order of Yakshas or that of Rakshasas, I act after the manner of that order. |
Mbh.14.57.2597 | If placed at any time on the Earth, this costly article would then be stolen by the Nagas. |
Mbh.14.57.2600 | O best of Brahmanas, these ear-rings are capable of being taken away, when such opportunities present themselves, by deities and Rakshasas and Nagas, if worn by a heedless person. |
Mbh.14.58.2663 | Unto that regenerate Rishi then, who continued to dig the Earth from desire of making a path to the nether regions inhabited by the Nagas, the chief of the celestials, armed with the thunder, came there, on his car drawn by green horses. |
Mbh.14.58.2666 | The regions of the Nagas are thousands of Yojanas removed from this place. |
Mbh.14.58.2668 | Utanka said, If, O Brahmana, the ear-rings be not recovered by me from the regions of the Nagas, I shall cast off my life-breaths before thy eyes, O foremost of regenerate persons' |
Mbh.14.58.2670 | Then, O Janamejaya, the Earth, opening with those strokes having the force of thunder, yielded a way to the nether regions inhabited by the Nagas. |
Mbh.14.58.2671 | By that path Utanka entered the world of Nagas. |
Mbh.14.58.2677 | Beholding the region of the Nagas, Utanka became very cheerless. |
Mbh.14.58.2693 | From the pores of his body, O Bharata, in consequence of his very nature, a thick smoke issued threatening terrors to the world of Nagas. |
Mbh.14.58.2694 | With that mighty and wide-spreading smoke, O Bharata, everything became enveloped in gloom, so that nothing, O king, could any longer be seen in the world of the Nagas. |
Mbh.14.58.2695 | Cries of woe were heard throughout the mansions of the Airavatas, uttered by the Nagas headed by Vasuki, O Janamejaya. |
Mbh.14.58.2698 | With eyes that were red in consequence of that smoke, and afflicted by the energy of the deity of fire, the Nagas came out of their mansions to the high-souled son of Bhrigu's race for ascertaining what was the matter. |
Mbh.14.58.2699 | Having heard what the matter was from that ascetic of immeasurable energy, all the Nagas, with fear depicted on their eyes, offered him their worship according to due forms. |
Mbh.14.58.2700 | Indeed, all the Nagas placing the old and the young one's before them, bowed unto him with their heads and joining their hands addressed him, saying, Be gratified with us, O holy one' |
Mbh.14.58.2701 | Having gratified that Brahmana and offered him water to wash his feet and the ingredients of the Arghya for honouring him, the Nagas gave him those celestial and highly-adored ear-rings. |
Mbh.14.58.2704 | That best of Brahmanas also told his preceptor everything about Vasuki and the other Nagas that had occurred. |
Mbh.16.4.166 | There were Karkotaka and Vasuki and Takshaka and Prithusravas and Varuna and Kunjara, and Misri and Sankha and Kumuda and Pundarika, and the high-souled Dhritarashtra, and Hrada and Kratha and Sitikantha of fierce energy, and Chakramanda and Atishanda, and that foremost of Nagas called Durmukha, and Amvarisha, and king Varuna himself, O monarch. |
Mbh.18.6.340 | In this treatise, called Bharata, O foremost one of Bharatas race, are to be seen in one place the eternal Rudras, the Saddhyas, and the Viswedevas; the Adityas, the two deities named the Ashvinis, the regents of the World, the great Rishis, the Guhyakas, the Gandharvas, the Nagas, the Vidyadharas, the Siddhas, the diverse deities, the Self-born visible in a body, with many ascetics; the Hills and Mountains, Oceans and Seas and Rivers, the diverse tribes of Apsaras; the Planets, the Years, the Half-years, and the Seasons; and the whole universe of mobile and immobile entities, with all the gods and Asuras. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
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Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text:; Wikified at AncientVoice. |