Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 28 Feb 2010 15:37 and updated at 28 Feb 2010 15:37
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.18.1382 | After a while, the mild Moon of a thousand rays emerged from the Ocean. |
Mbh.1.26.1601 | The sky became overcast, and the rays of the Sun and the Moon totally disappeared in consequence of that incessant downpour. |
Mbh.1.65.3278 | The Surya and Chandramas the Sun and the Moon of the celestials are other persons, and not the sons of Danu as mentioned above. |
Mbh.1.65.3281 | And Sinhika gave birth to Rahu, the persecutor of the Sun and the Moon, and to three others, Suchandra, Chandrahantri, and Chandrapramardana. |
Mbh.1.66.3324 | And Daksha bestowed, according to the sacred ordinance, ten of his daughters on Dharma, twenty-seven on Chandra the Moon, and thirteen on Kasyapa. |
Mbh.1.66.3328 | It is known also throughout the world that the wives of Soma Moon are twenty-seven. |
Mbh.1.67.3466 | The Graha who was brought forth by Sinhika and who persecuted the Sun and the Moon became noted on earth as the monarch Kratha. |
Mbh.1.71.3779 | His mouth is like unto a blazing fire; the pupils of his eyes are like the Sun and the Moon; his tongue is like unto Yama himself. |
Mbh.1.72.3791 | And just at that time Marut robbed her of her garments that were white as the Moon. |
Mbh.1.74.3918 | The Sun, the Moon, the Air, the Fire, the Earth, the Sky, Water, the heart, Yama, the day, the night, both twilights, and Dharma, all witness the acts of man. |
Mbh.1.92.5024 | SECTION XCII Sambhava Parva continued Ashtaka asked, Who amongst these, O king, both exerting constantly like the Sun and the Moon, first attaineth to communion with Brahma, the ascetic or the man of knowledge' |
Mbh.1.136.7301 | It seemed as if the Moon himself accompanied by the planet Mars appeared in an unclouded sky. |
Mbh.1.138.7355 | In splendour he resembled the Sun, in loveliness the Moon, and in energy the fire. |
Mbh.1.194.9653 | Then, O monarch, the assembled kings stood motionless and looked at that couple of heroes, while they, resembling the Sun and the Moon, taking Krishna with them, left the amphitheatre and went into the abode of a potter in the suburbs of the town, and there at the potter's abode sat a lady like unto a flame of fire who, I think, is their mother. |
Mbh.1.211.10398 | The Sun and the Moon, the Planets and Stars, and Constellations, and the other dwellers in the firmament, witnessing these acts of Sunda and Upasunda, grieved deeply. |
Mbh.1.222.10862 | The child began to grow up like the Moon of the bright fortnight. |
Mbh.2.10.386 | Possessing the splendour of the peaks of Kailasa, that mansion eclipses by its own the brilliance of the Moon himself. |
Mbh.2.20.893 | Possessed of superior energy and of bodies already like the Sun, the Moon, and the Fire, inflamed with wrath at the sad lot of their relative kings, those bodies of theirs became much more blazing. |
Mbh.3.33.1745 | Beholding, O king, this thy distress, the world hath come to the conclusion that light may forsake the Sun and grace the Moon. |
Mbh.3.33.1749 | Like the Moon emerging from the clouds, the king is purified from all sins by bestowing villages on Brahmanas and kine by thousands. |
Mbh.3.76.3794 | May the Moon, that dwelleth within every creature as a witness, take my life, if I have committed any sin. |
Mbh.3.82.4034 | He that with subdued soul batheth in the tirtha of the king of waters, and giveth oblations of water unto the Pitris and the gods, living there for three nights, blazeth forth like the Moon, and obtaineth also the fruit of the horse-sacrifice. |
Mbh.3.82.4061 | A Brahmana by bathing there would become as bright as the Moon. |
Mbh.3.82.4097 | Bathing there, O tiger among men, one blazeth forth like the Moon, and obtaineth, O bull of the Bharata race, the merit of the gift of a thousand kine. |
Mbh.3.83.4337 | O bull among men, he that batheth in the tirthas of all the gods, is exempted from every sorrow and blazeth forth like the Moon. |
Mbh.3.104.5373 | Thus addressed the mountain suddenly began to increase from wrath, desirous, O chastiser of foes, of obstructing the path of the Sun and the Moon. |
Mbh.3.104.5377 | The gods said, This king of hills, Vindhya, giving way to wrath, is stopping the path of the Sun and the Moon, and also the course of the stars. |
Mbh.3.113.5862 | Santa obediently waited upon him as in the firmament the star Rohini waits upon the Moon, or as the fortunate Arundhati waits upon Vasishtha, or as Lopamudra waits upon Agastya. |
Mbh.3.125.6371 | this is the bathing spot belonging to the Moon. |
Mbh.3.162.8237 | And, O son of the Kurus, the Sun and the Moon every day go round this Meru, coursing in an opposite direction. |
Mbh.3.162.8243 | And in this way, the divine Moon also together with the stars goeth round this mountain, dividing the month unto several sections, by his arrival at the Parvas. |
Mbh.3.162.8244 | Having thus unerringly coursed round the mighty Meru, and, nourished all creatures, the Moon again repaireth unto the Mandar. |
Mbh.3.179.8882 | The serpent said, O sinless one, I was thy ancestor, the son of Ayu and fifth in descent from the Moon. |
Mbh.3.187.9405 | And I beheld there the firmament also, decked with the Sun and the Moon, blazing with effulgence, and possessed of lustre of fire of the Sun. |
Mbh.3.188.9452 | Fire is my mouth, the earth my feet, and the Sun and the Moon are my eyes; the Heaven is the crown of my head, the firmament and the cardinal points are my ears; the waters are born of my sweat. |
Mbh.3.189.9631 | And then when the Sun, the Moon, and Vrihaspati will, with the constellation Pushya, enter the same sign, the Krita age will begin again. |
Mbh.3.199.10289 | A gift also that is made while the Sun is on the solstitial points, one again that is made on the last day of the Sun's path through Libra, Aries, Gemini, Virgo, and Pisces, a gift again during eclipses of the Moon and the Sun, produce merit that is inexhaustible. |
Mbh.3.204.10466 | O regenerate Rishi, O best of men, the Sun, the Moon, the Wind, the Earth, the Fire, the father, the mother, the preceptor, these and other objects ordained by the gods, appear to us as Deities embodied! |
Mbh.3.223.11276 | And that god adorned with sun-like effulgence, then perceived the Sun rising on the Udaya hill and the great Soma Moon gliding into the Sun. |
Mbh.3.223.11277 | It being the time of the new Moon, he of a hundred sacrifices, at the Raudra moment, observed the gods and Asuras fighting on the Sunrise hill. |
Mbh.3.223.11282 | And observing this union of the Sun and the Moon and that fearful conjunction of theirs, Sakra thought within himself, This terrific conjunction of the Sun and the Moon forebodeth a fearful battle on the morrow. |
Mbh.3.223.11285 | This union of the Moon Soma with the Sun and Agni is very wonderful. |
Mbh.3.235.11900 | Surrounded by the Kurus, O king, like Yama by the Rudra, or Vasava by the Maruts, thou shinest, O monarch, like the Moon among the stars! |
Mbh.3.278.13586 | And Tara then beheld that lord of hers possessed of the effulgence of the Moon, lying prostrate on the bare earth. |
Mbh.3.281.13777 | And surrounded by the monkey-chiefs, those princes of Raghu's house with fingers cased in guana skin, shone, as they went, like the Sun and the Moon in the midst of the planets. |
Mbh.3.286.13994 | And the heroic brothers Rama and Lakshmana, pierced all over with arrows, dropped down on the ground like the Sun and the Moon fallen down from the firmament |
Mbh.3.292.14279 | And he is magnanimous like Yayati, and beautiful like the Moon. |
Mbh.3.299.14770 | O thou of exceeding splendour, with thy handsome ear-rings, thou lookest beautiful, even like the Moon himself in the clear firmament, between the Visakha constellation! |
Mbh.5.48.2739 | He that would conquer Vasudeva in battle, would, with his two arms, extinguish a blazing fire, stop the Sun and the Moon, and plunder by force the Amrita of the gods, that Vasudeva, viz, who having mowed down in battle by main force all the royal warriors of the Bhoja race, had carried off on a single car Rukmini of great fame for making her his wife; and by her was afterwards born Pradyumna of high soul. |
Mbh.5.99.4681 | And because all watery forms such as the Moon and others shower their water on the region, therefore hath this excellent region been called Patala |
Mbh.5.118.5292 | And, O king, begetting upon her two sons equal unto the Sun and the Moon, thou mayst attain all thy objects both here and hereafter. |
Mbh.6.2.90 | The sign of the deer in the Moon hath deviated from its usual position. |
Mbh.6.3.119 | Both the Moon and the Sun are afflicting Rohini. |
Mbh.6.3.147 | And yet in course of the same month both the Moon and the Sun have undergone eclipses on the thirteenth days from the day of the first lunation |
Mbh.6.3.148 | The Sun and the Moon therefore, by undergoing eclipses on unusual days will cause a great slaughter of the creatures of the earth. |
Mbh.6.3.218 | The Sun as well as the Moon gives pure rays. |
Mbh.6.12.681 | The planet Rahu, in consequence of his greater bulk, envelops both the Sun and the Moon in due times. |
Mbh.6.19.925 | And on the cars of those kings, O monarch, were tall standards bearing diverse devices, decked with excellent ornaments of gold, and endued with the effulgence of the Sun and the Moon. |
Mbh.6.20.945 | To which side were the Sun, the Moon and the wind hostile, and against whom did the beasts of prey utter inauspicious sounds? |
Mbh.6.23.1034 | It is thou that supportest the Sun and the Moon and that makes them shine. |
Mbh.6.34.1589 | I am Vishnu among the Adityas, the resplendent Sun among all luminous bodies; I am Marichi among the Maruts, and the Moon among constellations |
Mbh.6.35.1654 | I behold thee to be without beginning, mean, end, to be of infinite prowess, of innumerable arms, having the Sun and the Moon for thy eyes, the blazing fire for thy mouth, and heating this universe with energy of thy own. |
Mbh.6.35.1691 | Thou art Vayu, Yama, Agni, Varuna, Moon, Prajapati, and Grandsire. |
Mbh.6.98.5237 | And surrounded with golden lamps, the king looked radiant like the Moon attended by the blazing planets around him. |
Mbh.6.101.5402 | That best of Rakshasa then was afflicted by those brothers endued with great energy, like the Moon afflicted by the five planets of the awful occasion of the dissolution of the world. |
Mbh.6.102.5463 | Thereupon that foremost of car-warriors, viz, Sini's grandson, abandoning Gautama, rushed in battle towards Drona's son like Rahu in the firmament against the Moon. |
Mbh.6.102.5474 | Beholding his son then thus afflicted like the Moon by Rahu, the valiant son of Bharadwaja rushed towards the grandson of Sini. |
Mbh.6.111.6052 | Both of them, in beauty and splendour, O Bharata, resembled the Sun or the Moon. |
Mbh.6.111.6063 | The son of Pandu then, excited with rage, afflicted Dussasana, like Rahu inflamed with rage on the fifteenth day of the lighted fortnight afflicting the Moon at full. |
Mbh.6.113.6152 | The illustrious Moon riseth with his horns downward. |
Mbh.6.116.6332 | The splendour, equal to that of either the Sun or the Moon, of bracelets and diadems of all the heroic kings, became dimmed. |
Mbh.6.123.6800 | I am staying here, expecting only the return of the Moon and the Sun! |
Mbh.7.6.188 | As Kapali amongst the Rudras, Pavaka among the Vasus, Kuvera among the Yakshas, Vasava among the Maruts, Vasishtha among Brahmanas, the Sun amongst luminous bodies, Yama among the Pitris, Varuna among aquatic creatures, as the Moon among the stars, and Usanas among the sons of Diti, so art thou the foremost of all leaders of forces. |
Mbh.7.41.2011 | With his white umbrella and banners, and the yak-tails with which he was fanned, which are regal indications, he shone like the Moon himself in the firmament. |
Mbh.7.198.11286 | When by those austerities, O sire, he became: like Brahma he then beheld the Master, Origin, and Guardian of the Universe, the Lord of all the gods, the Supreme Deity, who is exceedingly difficult of being gazed at, who is minuter than the minutest and larger than, the largest, who is called Rudra who is the lord of all the superior ones, who is called Hara and Sambhu, who has matted locks on his head, who is the infuser of life into every form, who is the First cause of all immobile: and mobile things, who is irresistible and of frightful aspect, who is of fierce wrath and great Soul, who is the All-destroyer, and of large heart; who beareth the celestial bow and a couple of quivers, who is cased in golden armour, and whose energy is infinite, who holdeth Pinaka, who is; armed with thunderbolt, a blazing trident, battle axe, mace, and a large sword; whose eye-brows are fair, whose locks are matted, who wieldeth the heavy short club, who hath the moon on his forehead, who is clad in tiger-skin, and who is armed with the bludgeon; who is decked with beautiful angadas, who hath snakes for his sacred thread, and who is surrounded by diverse creatures of the universe and by numerous ghosts and spirits, who is the One, who is the abode of ascetic austerities, and who is highly adored by persons of venerable age; who is Water, Heaven, Sky, Earth, Sun, Moon, Wind and Fire, and who is the measure of the duration of the universe. |
Mbh.7.199.11466 | He is the Moon, he is Isana, he is Surya, he is Varuna. |
Mbh.8.9.322 | It was possible for the Earth to be destitute of the splendour of the Sun, of the Moon, or of fire, but the death of that foremost of men, who never retreated from battle, could not be possible. |
Mbh.8.15.597 | They became invisible under those clouds of arrows on all sides like the Sun and the Moon in the firmament shrouded by masses of clouds. |
Mbh.8.17.704 | Cut off with broad-headed and crescent-shaped and razor-faced arrows, human heads, resembling the lotus, the Sun, or the full Moon in beauty and resplendent with diadems and necklaces and crowns, dropped ceaselessly on the earth. |
Mbh.8.17.708 | Checking with his own shafts those of Arjuna, Drona's son shrouding both Arjuna and Vasudeva with his arrows, gave a loud roar, like a mass of clouds at the close of summer after shrouding the Sun or the Moon in the firmament. |
Mbh.8.18.743 | The son of Pandu then, with three razor-headed arrows, cut off, almost at the same instant of time, the two arms each looking like the trunk of an elephant, and then the head, resembling the full Moon, of his foe. |
Mbh.8.20.862 | That diadem possessed of the splendour of the Sun, the Moon, the planets, or the fire, in consequence of the violence of the stroke, fell down, split into fragments, like a mountain summit riven by Indra's thunder, falling down on the Earth with great noise. |
Mbh.8.20.866 | That head also, graced with a face bright as the full Moon, having a prominent nose and a pair of large eyes, red as copper with rage, adorned with earrings, falling on the ground, looked resplendent like the Moon himself between two bright constellations. |
Mbh.8.24.1005 | Shrouded within arrowy chambers, both the warriors became invisible, like the Sun and the Moon, O king, hidden by the clouds. |
Mbh.8.24.1020 | With the large bow around his neck, O king, the son of Pandu looked resplendent like Moon in the firmament when within a circular halo of light, or a white cloud girdled round by Indra's bow. |
Mbh.8.24.1032 | Meanwhile Karna, having vanquished Nakula, quickly proceeded against the Pancalas, riding on that car of his which bore many gorgeous pennons and whose steeds were as white as the Moon. |
Mbh.8.30.1285 | Strewn with human heads that were adorned with white teeth and fair faces and beautiful eyes and goodly noses, and graced with beautiful diadems and earrings, and everyone of which resembled the lotus, the Sun, or the Moon, the Earth looked exceedingly resplendent. |
Mbh.8.34.1658 | Making the Sun and the Moon equal, these were made the other two wheels of that foremost of cars. |
Mbh.8.39.2041 | As a child lying on the lap of its mother seeks to seize the Moon, even so dost thou from folly seek to vanquish the resplendent Arjuna stationed on his car. |
Mbh.8.39.2050 | Thou desirest to cross without a raft the terrible ocean, the receptacle of all the waters, with its mountain waves and teeming with aquatic animals, when at its height at the rise of the Moon. |
Mbh.8.47.2609 | With his steeds white as pigeons, the son of Prishata, equal in splendour to the Sun or the Moon, armed with bow, looked resplendent like Death himself in embodied form. |
Mbh.8.47.2612 | Possessed of effulgent bodies, they followed their maternal uncle like the stars appearing with the Moon. |
Mbh.8.48.2635 | It seemed that the whole Earth with her mountains and trees and oceans, the entire welkin covered with wind-tossed clouds, and the whole firmament with the Sun, the Moon, and the stars, trembled with that sound. |
Mbh.8.48.2657 | The sightly head of that youth, graced with a face as beautiful as the Moon, cut off with a razor-headed arrow, looked like a lotus plucked from its stalk. |
Mbh.8.56.3157 | Covered with Duryodhana's shafts the two sons of Pandu ceased to shine brightly, like the Sun and the Moon in the firmament, divested of splendour, when shrouded by masses of clouds. |
Mbh.8.73.4401 | Indeed, with all its foremost warriors slain, with its steeds, cars, and elephants destroyed, the Bharata army looketh today like the firmament, reft of the Sun, the Moon, and stars. |
Mbh.8.77.4664 | Thus encompassed by those brave warriors on all sides, O king, that hero, that chief of Bharata's race, looked resplendent like the Moon surrounded by the stars. |
Mbh.8.77.4665 | Indeed, as the Moon at full within his corona looks beautiful, even so that best of men, exceedingly handsome, looked beautiful in that battle. |
Mbh.8.89.5561 | Beholding king Yudhishthira the just arrived there like the resplendent full Moon freed from the jaws of Rahu and risen in the firmament, all creatures became filled with delight. |
Mbh.8.94.6063 | Then riding on that car of theirs whose rattle resembled the roar of the clouds and whose splendour was like that of the meridian sun of the autumnal sky, which was adorned with banners and equipped with a standard incessantly producing an awful noise, whose effulgence resembled that of the snow or the Moon or the conch or the crystal, and whose steeds were like those of Indra himself, those two foremost of men, viz, the son of Pandu and the crusher of Keshi, whose energy resembled that of the great Indra, and who were adorned with gold and pearls and gems and diamonds and corals, and who were like fire or the sun in splendour, fearlessly careered over the field of battle with great speed, like Vishnu and Vasava mounted on the same chariot. |
Mbh.9.4.242 | Steeds white in hue and possessed of great speed and endued with the splendour of the Moon or the Kasa grass, and that run devouring the skies, are yoked unto his car. |
Mbh.9.4.258 | This army of thine that is now without a leader is like a night without the Moon, or like a river that is dried up with all the trees on its banks broken by elephants. |
Mbh.9.6.376 | Possessed of beautiful limbs, of head well covered, of a neck adorned with three lines like those in a conch shell, of sweet speech, of eyes resembling the petals of a full blown lotus, and of a face like that of the dignity of Meru, resembling the bull of Mahadeva as regards neck, eyes, tread, and voice, endued with arms that were large, massive, and well-joined, having a chest that was broad and well-formed, equal unto Garuda or the wind in speed and might, gifted with a splendour like that of the rays of the Sun, rivalling Usanas himself in intelligence and the Moon in beauty and form and charms of face, with a body that seemed to be made of a number of golden lotuses, with well-made joints, of well-formed thighs and waist and hips, of beautiful fingers, and beautiful nails, he seemed to have been made by the Creator with care after collecting one after another all the beautiful and good attributes of creation. |
Mbh.9.16.915 | Shalya then, as he stayed in the vicinity of Yudhishthira in that battle, looked like the planet Saturn in the vicinity of the Moon. |
Mbh.9.43.3095 | The diverse gods, Indra and Vishnu, both of great energy, and Surya and Candramas, and Dhatri, and Vidhatri, and Vayu, and Agni, and Pushan, and Bhaga, and Aryaman, and Ansa, and Vivaswat, and Rudra of great intelligence, and Mitra, and the eleven Rudras, the eight Vasus, the twelve Adityas, the twin Ashvinis, the Viswedevas, the Maruts, the Saddhyas, the Pitris, the Gandharvas, the Apsaras, the Yakshas, the Rakshasas, the Pannagas, innumerable celestial Rishis, the Vaikhanasas, the Valakhilyas, those others among Rishis that subsist only on air and those that subsist on the rays of the Sun, the descendants of Bhrigu and Angiras, many high-souled Yatis, all the Vidyadharas, all those that were crowned with ascetic success, the Grandsire, Pulastya, Pulaha of great ascetic merits, Angiras, Kasyapa, Atri, Marichi, Bhrigu, Kratu, Hara, Prachetas, Manu, Daksha, the Seasons, the Planets, and all the luminaries; O monarch, all the rivers in their embodied forms, the eternal Vedas, the Seas, the diverse tirthas, the Earth, the Sky, the Cardinal and Subsidiary points of the compass, and all the Trees, O king, Aditi the mother of the gods, Hri, Sri, Swaha, Sarasvati, Uma, Sachi, Sinivali, Anumati, Kuhu, the Day of the new moon, the Day of the full Moon, the wives of the denizens of heaven, Himavat, Vindhya, Meru of many summits, Airavat with all his followers, the Divisions of time called Kala, Kashtha, Fortnight, the Seasons, Night, and Day, O king, the prince of steeds, Ucchaisravas, Vasuki the king of the Snakes, Aruna, Garuda, the Trees, the deciduous herbs, and the adorable god Dharma, all came there together. |
Mbh.9.58.4177 | Those two foremost heroes of Yadu's race, the one dark in complexion and the other fair, looked exceedingly beautiful at that moment, like the Sun and the Moon, O king, on the evening sky! |
Mbh.9.63.4543 | Indeed, they saw him lying on the ground like the sun dropped on the earth or like the ocean dried by a mighty wind, or like the full Moon in the firmament with his disc shrouded by a fog. |
Mbh.10.6.316 | He there beheld a being of gigantic frame, capable of making the very hair stand on end, and possessed of the effulgence of the Sun or the Moon, guarding the entrance. |
Mbh.10.18.1084 | The disc of the Moon lost its beauty. |
Mbh.11.19.820 | Behold, O Krishna, his very beautiful face, with a smile playing on it, adorned with excellent nose and fair eyebrows, and resembling the resplendent Moon himself! |
Mbh.12.11.459 | The seasons measured by half the months lead to the Sun, the Moon, or the Stars |
Mbh.12.25.1093 | By Time the Moon becomes full. |
Mbh.12.25.1104 | If the Time for it does not come, the Moon does not wax nor wane, nor the ocean, with its high billows, rise and ebb. |
Mbh.12.29.1525 | Sixty thousand sons used to walk behind him, like myriads upon myriads of stars waiting upon the Moon in the cloudless firmament of autumn. |
Mbh.12.47.2294 | Surrounded by Vyasa conversant with the Vedas by the celestial Rishi Narada, by Devasthana, by Asmaka Sumantu, by Jaimini, by the high-souled Paila, by Sandilya, by Devarata, by Maitreya of great intelligence, by Asita and Vasishtha and the high-souled Kausika, by Harita and Lomasa and Atri's son of great intelligence, by Vrihaspati and Sukra and the great sage Chyavana, by Sanatkumara and Kapila and Valmiki and Tumvuru and Kuru, by Maudgalya and Rama of Bhrigu's race, and the great sage Trinavindu, by Pippalada and Vayu and Samvarta and Pulaha and Katha, by Kasyapa and Pulastya and Kratu and Daksha and Parasara, by Marichi and Angiras and Kasmya and Gautama and the sage Galava, by Dhaumya and Vibhanda and Mandavya and Dhaumra and Krishnanubhautika, by Uluka, that foremost of Brahmanas and the great sage Markandeya, by Bhaskari and Purana and Krishna and Suta, that foremost of virtuous persons, surrounded by these and many other highly-blessed sages of great souls and possessed of faith and self-restraint and tranquillity of mind, the Kuru hero looked like the Moon in the midst of the planets and the stars. |
Mbh.12.123.7057 | I taste the nectar dropped by those learned men, and like the Moon among the constellations I live among the members of my race |
Mbh.12.165.9845 | It is heard that a creature sprang from the sacrificial fire scattering the flames around him, and whose splendour equalled that of the Moon himself when he rises in the firmament spangled with stars. |
Mbh.12.181.10948 | Agni and Soma, otherwise called the Sun and the Moon, are called his eyes. |
Mbh.12.181.10962 | The Sun and the Moon cannot see, above or below, beyond the range of their own rays. |
Mbh.12.181.10963 | There where the rays of the Sun and the Moon cannot reach are luminaries which are self-effulgent and which possess splendour like that of the Sun or the fire. |
Mbh.12.189.11315 | The happiness of creatures that are overwhelmed by Darkness disappears like the splendour of the Moon when afflicted by Rahu |
Mbh.12.245.15153 | The Sun and the Moon are thy two seated before thee! |
Mbh.12.250.15347 | Freed from desire like the Moon emerged from murky clouds, the man of wisdom, purged of all stains, lives in patient expectation of his time. |
Mbh.12.279.17103 | The light of His eye is the Sun, and His mind is in the Moon. |
Mbh.12.284.17666 | Salutations to thee that repeatedly revolvest the Moon, the Yugas, and the clouds |
Mbh.12.284.17765 | Thou art of swift speed, thou art the Moon, thou art Yama the universal destroyer, thou bearest without flinching cold and heat and hunger and weakness and disease. |
Mbh.12.284.17786 | The Sun and the Moon are thy two eyes, and the Grandsire is thy heart. |
Mbh.12.284.17811 | I bow repeatedly unto them that dwell in the space amidst the Sun and the Moon, as also in rays of the Sun and the Moon, and them that dwell in the nether regions, and them that have betaken themselves to Renunciation and other superior practices for the sake of the Supreme |
Mbh.12.299.18723 | Freed from sin like the Moon from murky clouds, the man of wisdom, shining in resplendence, attains to success by patiently waiting for his time. |
Mbh.12.299.18743 | The person who knows that all objects of enjoyment which human beings cherish are characterised by vicissitudes, has few rivals, and is superior to the very Moon and the Wind |
Mbh.12.301.18878 | Knowing that this body, that is endued with six and ten possessions, is the result of the quality of Sattwa, understanding fully the nature of the physical organism and the character of the Chetana that dwells within it, recognising the one existent Being that live in the body viz, the Soul, which stands aloof from every concern of the body and in which no sin can attach, realising the nature of that second object, viz; the acts of persons attached to the objects of the senses, understanding also the character of the senses and the sensual objects which have their refuge in the Soul, appreciating the difficulty of Emancipation and the scriptures that bear upon it knowing fully the nature of the vital breaths called Prana, Apana, Samana, Vyana, and Udana, as also the two other breaths, viz, the one going downward and the other moving upward indeed, knowing those seven breaths ordained to accomplish seven different functions, ascertaining the nature of the Prajapatis and the Rishis and the high paths, many in number, of virtue or righteousness, and the seven Rishis and the innumerable royal Rishis, O scorcher of foes, and the great celestial Rishis and the other regenerate Rishis endued with the effulgence of the Sun, beholding all these falling away from their puissance in course of many long ages, O monarch, hearing of the destruction of even of all the mighty beings in the universe, understanding also the inauspicious end that is attained, O king, by creatures of sinful acts, and the miseries endured by those that fall into the river Vaitarani in the realms of Yama, and the inauspicious wanderings of creatures through diverse wombs, and the character of their residence in the unholy uterus in the midst of blood and water and phlegm and urine and faeces, all of foul smell, and then in bodies that result from the union of blood and the vital seed, of marrow and sinews, abounding with hundreds of nerves and arteries and forming an impure mansion of nine doors, comprehending also what is for his own good what those divers combinations are which are productive of good beholding the abominable conduct of creatures whose natures are characterised by Darkness or Passion or Goodness, O chief of Bharata's race, conduct that is reprehended, in view of its incapacity to acquire Emancipation, by the followers of the Sankhya doctrine who are fully conversant with the Soul, beholding the swallowing up of the Moon and the Sun by Rahu, the falling of stars from their fixed positions and the diversions of constellations from their orbits, knowing the sad separation of all united objects and the diabolical behaviour of creatures in devouring one another, seeing the absence of all intelligence in the infancy of human beings and the deterioration and destruction of the body, marking the little attachment creatures have to the quality of Sattwa in consequence of their being overwhelmed by wrath and stupefaction, beholding also only one among thousands of human beings resolved to struggle after the acquisition of Emancipation, understanding the difficulty of attaining to Emancipation according to what is stated in the scriptures, seeing the marked solicitude that creatures manifest for all unattained objects and their comparative indifference to all objects that have been attained marking the wickedness that results from all objects of the senses O king and the repulsive bodies, O son of Kunti, of persons reft of life, and the residence, always fraught with grief, of human beings, O Bharata, in houses in the midst of spouses and children, knowing the end of those terrible and fallen men who become guilty of slaying Brahmanas, and of those wicked Brahmanas that are addicted to the drinking of alcoholic stimulants, and the equally sad end of those that become criminally attached to the spouses of their preceptors, and of those men, O Yudhishthira, that do not properly reverence their mothers, as also of those that have no reverence and worship to offer to the deities, understanding also, with the help of that knowledge which their philosophy imparts, the end that of all perpetrators of wicked acts, and the diverse ends that overtake those who have taken birth among the intermediate orders, ascertaining the diverse declarations of the Vedas, the courses of seasons, the fading of years, of months, of fortnights, and of days, beholding directly the waxing and the waning of the Moon, seeing the rising and the ebbing of the seas, and the diminution of wealth and its increase once more, and the separation of united objects, the lapse of Yugas, the destruction of mountains, the drying up of rivers, the deterioration of the purity of the several orders and the end also of that deterioration occurring repeatedly, beholding the birth, decrepitude, death, and sorrows of creatures, knowing truly the faults attaching to the body and the sorrows to which human beings are subject, and the vicissitudes to which the bodies of creatures are subject, and understanding all the faults that attach to their own souls, and also all the inauspicious faults that attach to their own bodies the followers of the Sankhya philosophy succeed in attaining to Emancipation. |
Mbh.12.317.19762 | One, who having previously seen the fixed star called Arandhati, fails to see it, or that other star called Dhruva or one that sees the full Moon or the flame of a burning lamp to be broken towards the south, has but one year to live. |
Mbh.12.323.20597 | There Mahadeva, called also by the name of Rudra, sat, decked with an excellent garland of Karnikara flowers, and blazed with effulgence like the Moon with his rays. |
Mbh.12.328.20874 | Alas, shorn of Vedic echoes, this mountain hath lost its beauty, even as the Moon shorn of splendour when assailed by Rahu or enveloped in dust |
Mbh.12.328.20935 | Through the action of that wind, the Moon, after waning, wanes again till he displays his full disc. |
Mbh.12.332.21254 | Soon will he traverse the entire welkin like the Moon. |
Mbh.12.336.21556 | The men that inhabit that island have complexions as white as the rays of the Moon and that are devoted to Narayana. |
Mbh.12.336.21572 | All of them were white and looked like the Moon in colour and possessed of every mark of blessedness. |
Mbh.12.341.22308 | The rays that emanate from the Sun who gives heat to the world, from the blazing fire, and from the Moon, constitute my hair. |
Mbh.12.342.22589 | Each of them, viz, the Sun and the Moon, invigorate and warm the universe respectively. |
Mbh.12.342.22590 | And because of the Sun and the Moon thus warming and invigorating the universe, they have come to be regarded as the Harsha joy of the universe. |
Mbh.12.343.22820 | That realm where he resides, engaged in tie austerest penances, the Sun does not warm and the Moon does not shine. |
Mbh.12.347.23085 | His body, equipt with an excellent nose, became as bright as the Moon. |
Mbh.12.347.23093 | The Sun and the Moon became his two eyes. |
Mbh.12.347.23115 | Returning to where the primeval Lotus was that had given them birth, they saw the puissant Being, the original Creator, staying in the form of Aniruddha of fair complexion and endued with a splendour resembling that of the Moon. |
Mbh.13.6.390 | the luminous bodies in the firmament, all the deities, the Nagas, and the Rakshasas, as also the Sun and the Moon and the Winds, have attained to their high status by evolution from man's status, through dint of their own action. |
Mbh.13.14.1181 | What person in the universe can obtain tranquillity, without gratifying Rudra that is freed from decripitude and death, that is endued with the effulgence of the Sun, the Moon, or the fire, that is the root or original cause of everything real and unreal in the three worlds, and that exists as one and indivisible entity? |
Mbh.13.14.1380 | Salutations to thee that hast the Sun, the Moon, and Agni for thy three eyes, to thee that art possessed of a thousand eyes, to thee that art both male and female, to thee that art divested of sex, to thee that art a Sankhya, to thee that art a Yogin. |
Mbh.13.14.1394 | Thou art Meru amongst mountains, thou art the Moon among all luminaries of the firmament, thou art Vasishtha amongst Rishis, thou art Surya among the planets. |
Mbh.13.14.1496 | The appearance seemed to be like that of the Sun in the midst of racking clouds with the Moon by his side. |
Mbh.13.17.2129 | Thou art the author of the great treatise on Grammar that has been named after the Moon. |
Mbh.13.17.2521 | Thou art that Hara who has the Moon for his beautiful eye. |
Mbh.13.17.2617 | Thou art he who has three eyes in the forms of the Sun, the Moon, and Fire. |
Mbh.13.26.3563 | As the deities support themselves upon the Amrita that occurs in the Sun and the Moon and that is offered in diverse sacrifices, even so do human beings support themselves upon Ganga water. |
Mbh.13.34.4134 | Behold the dark spots on the Moon and the salt waters of the ocean. |
Mbh.13.36.4204 | I always lick the nectar that dwells at the end of their tongue, and it is for this reason that I occupy a position far above that of all others of my race like the Moon transcending all the stars. |
Mbh.13.50.5126 | The puissant ascetic resembled the Moon himself in his behaviour to all. |
Mbh.13.96.8719 | He would transcend the simplicity that exists in Brahmanas, the stability that exists in the Earth, the mildness existing in the Moon, the gravity existing in Varuna, the effulgence existing in Agni, the brightness of Meru, and the heat of the sun, who would slay a suppliant for protection! |
Mbh.13.107.9808 | As long as the Sun and the Moon move in firmament, so long does that man of wisdom reside in those regions of felicity, subsisting upon the succulence of ambrosia and nectar. |
Mbh.13.125.10920 | Such a man blazes with energy like the Sun or shines in beauty like the Moon' |
Mbh.13.146.12219 | She who does not cast her eyes upon the Moon or the Sun or a tree that has a masculine name, who is adored by her husband and who is possessed of beautiful features, is regarded as truly righteous. |
Mbh.13.149.12533 | He that is Himself immobile and in whom all things rest for ever; He that is an object of proof; He that is the Indestructible and unchanging seed; He that is sought by all in consequence of His being happiness; He that has no desire in consequence of all His desires having been gratified; He that is the great cause which covers the universe: He that has all sorts of things to enjoy; He that has great wealth wherewith to secure all objects of desire CDXXVI, CDXXXIV; He that is above despair; He that exists in the form of Renunciation; He that is without birth; He that is the stake unto which Righteousness is tethered; He that is the great embodiment of sacrifice; He who is the nave of the starry wheel that revolves in the firmament He that is the Moon among the constellations; He that is competent to achieve every feat; He that stays in His own soul when all things disappear He that cherishes the desire for Creation CDXXXV, CDXLIV; He that is the embodiment of all sacrifices; He that is adored in all sacrifices and religious rites; He that is the most adorable of the deities present in the sacrifices that men perform; He that is the embodiment of all such sacrifices in which animals are offered up according to the ordinance; He that is adored by persons before they take any food He that is the Refuge of those that seek emancipation; He that beholds the acts and omissions of all creatures; He whose soul transcends all attributes; He that is possessed of omniscience; He that is identical with knowledge that is unacquired, unlimited, and capable of accomplishing everything CDXLV, CDLIV; He that is observant of excellent vows chief amongst which is the granting of favour unto one that solicits it with a pure heart; He that has a face always full of delight; He that is exceedingly subtle; He that utters the most agreeable sounds in the form of the Veda or as Krishna playing on the lute; He that gives happiness to all His worshippers; He that does good to others without expecting any return; He that fills all creatures with delight; He that has subdued wrath; He that has mighty arms so mighty that He has slain as if in sport the mightiest of Asuras; He that tears those that are unrighteous CDLV, CDLXIV; He that causes those persons who are destitute of knowledge of the soul to be steeped in the deep sleep of His illusion; He that relies on Himself being entirely independent of all persons and things; He that overspreads the entire universe; He that exists in infinite forms; He that is engaged in vocations infinite in number; He that lives in everything; He that is full of affection towards all His worshippers; He that is the universal father all living creatures of the universe being as calves sprung from Him; He that holds, in the form of the vast Ocean, all jewels and gems in His abdomen, He that is the Lord of all treasures CDLXV, CDLXXIV; He that is the protector of righteousness; He that accomplishes all the duties of righteousness; He that is the substratum of righteousness; He that is existent for all time; He that is non-existent in the form of the universe, for the manifested universe is the result of illusion; He that is destructible in the form of the universe; He that is indestructible as Chit; He that is, in the form of Jiva, destitute of true knowledge; He that is, in the form of the Sun, is endued with a thousand rays; He that ordains even all such great and mighty creatures as Sesha and Garuda, etc; |
Mbh.13.158.13208 | The Moon and the Sun, the Planets, the Constellations, and the Stars, all the Parva days, including the day of the full moon, the conjunctions of the constellations and the seasons, have, O son of Pritha, flowed from this Krishna who is Vishwaksena. |
Mbh.14.21.768 | The points of the compass, Quarters, Wind, Sun, Moon, Earth, Fire, Vishnu, Indra, Prajapati, and Mitra, these, O beautiful one, are the ten sacrificial fires. |
Mbh.14.62.2882 | Thy sire, O prince, that art conversant with all duties, began to grow in that womb, O thou of great intelligence, like the Moon in the lighted fortnight. |
Mbh.14.77.3358 | Then, O king, a terrible wind began to blow, and Rahu swallowed up both the Sun and the Moon at the same time. |
Mbh.16.1.12 | Fierce circles of light were seen every day around both the Sun and the Moon. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
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Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text:; Wikified at AncientVoice. |