Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 28 Feb 2010 14:58 and updated at 28 Feb 2010 14:58
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.158.8274 | And in the course of their wanderings they saw the countries of the Matsyas, the Trigartas, the Panchalas and then of the Kichakas, and also many beautiful woods and lakes therein. |
Mbh.2.14.599 | So also the Matsyas and the Sannyastapadas, overcome with fear, leaving their dominions in the north, have fled into the southern country. |
Mbh.2.30.1249 | The prince then brought under his sway Sukumara and then king Sumitra, and he next vanquished the other Matsyas and then the Patacharas. |
Mbh.4.1.20 | The aged Virata, king of the Matsyas, is virtuous and powerful and charitable, and is liked by all. |
Mbh.4.1.23 | Tell me, ye sons of the Kuru race, in what capacities ye will severally present yourselves before the king of the Matsyas |
Mbh.4.6.256 | And through my grace neither the Kuru's spies, nor those that dwell in the country of the Matsyas, will succeed in recognising you all as long as ye reside in Virata's city' |
Mbh.4.7.275 | Do thou rule the Matsyas, |
Mbh.4.8.294 | And attired in black and possessed of the strength of the king of mountains, he approached the king of the Matsyas and stood before him. |
Mbh.4.11.416 | Be thou like my son, or rule thou like myself all the Matsyas. |
Mbh.4.11.429 | Vaisampayana continued, The king of the Matsyas then tested Vrihannala in dancing, music, and other fine arts, and consulting with his various ministers forthwith caused him to be examined by women. |
Mbh.4.12.436 | And seeing this, the king of the Matsyas said to his followers, I wonder whence this man, possessed of the effulgence of a celestial, cometh. |
Mbh.4.12.465 | And it was in this manner then the sons of Pandu, the very sight of whom had never been fruitless, continued to live in the country of the Matsyas. |
Mbh.4.13.467 | SECTION XIII Samayapalana Parva Janamejaya said, While living thus disguised in the city of the Matsyas, what did those descendants of the Kuru race endued with great prowess, do, O regenerate one' |
Mbh.4.13.468 | Vaisampayana said, Hear, O king, what those descendants of Kuru did while they dwelt thus in disguise in the city of the Matsyas, worshipping the king thereof. |
Mbh.4.13.470 | O lord of men, Yudhishthira, as courtier made himself agreeable to Virata and his sons as also to all the Matsyas. |
Mbh.4.13.480 | And after three months had passed away, in the fourth, the grand festival in honour of the divine Brahma which was celebrated with pomp in the country of the Matsyas, came off. |
Mbh.4.13.488 | And when all the athletes stood sad and dispirited, the king of the Matsyas made him fight with his cook. |
Mbh.4.16.657 | And the weeping Draupadi of fair hips, approaching the entrance of the court, and seeing her melancholy lords, desirous yet of keeping up the disguise duty-bound by their pledge, with eyes burning in fire, spoke these words unto the king of the Matsyas, Alas, the son of a Suta hath kicked today the proud and beloved wife of those whose foe can never sleep in peace even if four kingdoms intervene between him and them. |
Mbh.4.16.673 | Vaisampayana continued, With these and other words of the same kind the beautiful Krishna with tearful eyes rebuked the king of the Matsyas. |
Mbh.4.18.732 | Who else of my position, save myself, could live, having been kicked by Kichaka in the very sight of the wicked king of the Matsyas? |
Mbh.4.19.785 | When I behold, the godlike Partha in the music-hall like an elephant with rent temples surrounded by she-elephants in the midst of females, waiting before Virata the king of the Matsyas, then I lose all sense of directions. |
Mbh.4.19.804 | Alas, I now see that handsome youth wait upon the gorgeously decked and excellent Virata, the king of the Matsyas, and display horses before him. |
Mbh.4.21.857 | When, O Krishna, I beheld thee kicked by Kichaka, I conceived at that instant a wholesale slaughter of the Matsyas. |
Mbh.4.22.931 | This Virata is in name only the king of the Matsyas. |
Mbh.4.22.932 | Commanding the forces of this realm it is I, who am the real lord of the Matsyas. |
Mbh.4.22.943 | Draupadi said, Do thou, when it is dark, go to the dancing-hall erected by the king of the Matsyas where the girls dance during the day, repairing to their respective homes at night. |
Mbh.4.22.963 | Whether secretly or openly, I will crush Kichaka, and if the Matsyas fight for him, then I will slay them too. |
Mbh.4.30.1224 | SECTION XXX Vaisampayana said, Discomfited before, O monarch, many a time and oft by Matsya's Suta Kichaka aided by the Matsyas and the Salyas, the mighty king of the Trigartas, Susarman, who owned innumerable cars, regarding the opportunity to be a favourable one, then spoke the following words without losing a moment. |
Mbh.4.30.1225 | And, O monarch, forcibly vanquished along with his relatives by the mighty Kichaka, king Susarman, eyeing Karna in askance, spoke these words unto Duryodhana, My kingdom hath many a time been forcibly invaded by the king of the Matsyas. |
Mbh.4.30.1245 | Let also the mighty warrior, king Susarman, accompanied by a sufficient force with vehicles and animals, set out with the Trigartas for the dominions of Matsyas. |
Mbh.4.31.1256 | And when the cattle had been seized, the herdsman of Virata came with great speed to the city, and saw his sovereign, the king of Matsyas, seated on the throne in the midst of wise councillors, and those bulls among men, the sons of Pandu, and surrounded by brave warriors decked with ear-rings and bracelets. |
Mbh.4.31.1264 | And the coat of mail that the king himself of the Matsyas put on was invulnerable and decked with a hundred suns, a hundred circles, a hundred spots, and a hundred eyes. |
Mbh.4.32.1283 | SECTION XXXII Vaisampayana said, Marching out of the city, those heroic smiters the Matsyas, arrayed in order of battle, overtook the Trigartas when the sun had passed the meridian. |
Mbh.4.32.1284 | And both excited to fury and both desirous of having the king, the mighty Trigartas and the Matsyas, irrepressible in battle, sent up loud roars. |
Mbh.4.33.1320 | And king Susarman, the lord of the Trigartas having by his energy oppressed and defeated the whole army of the Matsyas, impetuously rushed towards Virata himself endued with great energy. |
Mbh.4.33.1323 | And when the powerful Virata, deprived of his car, was taken captive, the Matsyas, harrassed solely by the Trigartas, began to flee in fear in all directions. |
Mbh.4.33.1324 | And beholding them panic-stricken, Kunti's son, Yudhishthira, addressed that subduer of foes, the mighty-armed Bhima, saying, The king of the Matsyas hath been taken by the Trigartas. |
Mbh.4.33.1337 | Fighting together, O child, liberate the king of the Matsyas' |
Mbh.4.34.1400 | Do ye all become the lords of the Matsyas' |
Mbh.4.34.1401 | Vaisampayana continued, And when the king of the Matsyas had addressed them thus, those descendants of the Kurus with Yudhishthira at their head, joining their hands, severally replied unto him saying, We are well-pleased with all that thou sayest, O monarch. |
Mbh.4.34.1403 | Thus answered, that foremost of kings, Virata the lord of the Matsyas, again addressed Yudhishthira, saying, Come, we will install thee in sovereignty of the Matsyas. |
Mbh.4.34.1409 | Then Yudhishthira again addressed the Matsyas, saying, Well-pleased are we with the delightful words that thou hast spoken. |
Mbh.4.34.1414 | Hearing this command uttered by the king of the Matsyas, the men, laying the mandate on their head, all departed with cheerful hearts. |
Mbh.4.35.1416 | SECTION XXXV Vaisampayana said, When the king of the Matsyas, anxious of recovering the kine, had set out in pursuit of the Trigartas, Duryodhana with his counsellors invaded the dominions of Virata. |
Mbh.4.35.1426 | Indeed, the king of the Matsyas left thee in the empty city. |
Mbh.4.38.1536 | Uttara said, Let the Kurus rob the Matsyas off all their wealth. |
Mbh.4.41.1611 | Heir to the king of the Matsyas, and born in a noble family, why should I, O prince, make thee do such a reproachable deed' |
Mbh.4.47.1818 | As regards ourselves, we have come hither to fight with the Matsyas and to seize their kine stationed towards the north. |
Mbh.4.47.1820 | We have come hither to fight against the Matsyas on behalf of the Trigartas; and as numerous were the acts represented unto us of the oppressions committed by the Matsyas. |
Mbh.4.47.1822 | And it was agreed between us that they should first seize, on the afternoon of the seventh lunar day, the enormous wealth of kine that the Matsyas have, and that we should, at sunrise of the eighteen day of the moon, seize these kine when the king of the Matsyas would be pursuing those first seized. |
Mbh.4.47.1823 | It may be that the Trigartas are now bringing a way the kine, or being defeated, are coming towards us for negotiating with the king of the Matsyas. |
Mbh.4.47.1824 | Or, it may be, that having driven the Trigartas off, the king of the Matsyas, at the head of this people and his whole army of fierce warriors, appeareth on the scene and advanceth to make night-attacks upon us. |
Mbh.4.47.1825 | It may be that some one leader among them, endued with mighty energy, is advancing for vanquishing us, or, it may be that the king himself of the Matsyas is come. |
Mbh.4.47.1826 | But be it the king of the Matsyas or Vibhatsu, we must all fight him. |
Mbh.4.48.1857 | If he that is come is the king of the Matsyas or Vibhatsu, even I will resist him as the banks resist the swelling sea. |
Mbh.4.50.1951 | We are to fight with the king of the Matsyas, if indeed, he cometh in the track of the kine |
Mbh.4.52.2015 | Myself and Drona, and Karna and Aswatthaman and Kripa will resolutely withstand Vibhatsu, or the king of the Matsyas, or Indra himself, if he approaches. |
Mbh.4.54.2053 | And beholding the kine running wild towards the city of the Matsyas, the foremost warriors of the Kurus regarded Kiritin to have already achieved success. |
Mbh.4.54.2055 | And beholding their countless divisions firmly arrayed in order of battle with countless banners waving over them, that slayer of foes, addressing the son of the king of the Matsyas, said, Urge on, to the best of their speed by this road, these white steeds decked with golden bridles. |
Mbh.4.61.2378 | Blessed be thou, thou art a prince and born in the illustrious line of Matsyas. |
Mbh.4.66.2581 | Do not eulogise them upon entering the city, for then the king of the Matsyas may hide himself in fear. |
Mbh.4.67.2602 | And worshipped by them, the king of the Matsyas, at the head of his army, saluted the Brahmanas and his subjects in return and dismissed them cheerfully. |
Mbh.4.67.2603 | And Virata, the king of the Matsyas owning a large army, enquired after Uttara, saying, Where hath Uttara gone' |
Mbh.4.67.2608 | And it was thus that Virata, the king of the Matsyas, owning a large army, quickly ordered out a large division consisting of four kinds of troops. |
Mbh.4.67.2624 | And having despatched troops and maidens and courtezens decked in ornaments, the wise king of the Matsyas cheerfully said these words, O Sairindhri, fetch the dice. |
Mbh.4.71.2773 | Vaisampayana continued, Hearing these words of his, the mighty king of the Matsyas, considering himself guilty of having offended Yudhishthira, said unto Uttara in reply, I think the time hath come for me to propitiate the sons of Pandu. |
Mbh.4.71.2784 | And addressing all the Pandavas, and especially Dhananjaya, the mighty king of the Matsyas repeatedly said, By good luck it is that I see you' |
Mbh.4.72.2816 | And beholding them arrived, that foremost of virtuous men, the king of the Matsyas, adored them duly, and entertained their troops and servants and carriers of burdens. |
Mbh.4.72.2828 | And the matrons of the Matsyas of symmetrical bodies and limbs, and wearing ear-rings of pearls and gems, headed by Sudeshna, came to the place where the marriage knot was to be tied. |
Mbh.5.5.125 | And at the request of those lions of the Kuru race, as also of the two kings of the Matsyas and the Panchalas, many lords of the earth possessed of great strength, came to the place with cheerful hearts. |
Mbh.5.19.825 | And similarly, Virata, the king of the Matsyas, a leader of troops, accompanied by the king of the hilly regions, came to Pandu's sons. |
Mbh.5.21.889 | He is now paying no regard to that stipulation, but confident of aid from the Matsyas and Panchalas, he wisheth to get back his ancestral throne. |
Mbh.5.22.937 | I have heard that Virata, the chief of the Matsyas, with whom the Pandavas had lived for some time and whose wishes were fulfilled by them, old in years, is devoted, along with his sons to the Pandava cause, and hath become an adherent of Yudhishthira. |
Mbh.5.50.2850 | The Panchalas, the Kekayas, and the Matsyas, along with the very herdsmen that attend on their kine and sheep, are rejoicing and gladdening Yudhishthira, the son of Pandu. |
Mbh.5.50.2856 | Vaisampayana continued, Having recovered consciousness, and being comforted, Sanjaya addressed king Dhritarashtra in the midst of that concourse of Kurus in that hall, saying, Indeed, O king of kings, I saw those great warriors, the sons of Kunti, thinned in body, in consequence of the restraint in which they had lived in the place of the king of the Matsyas. |
Mbh.5.53.2976 | Even thou, O son, hast told me of my mighty enemies, viz, the kings of the Panchalas, the Kekayas, the Matsyas, and the Magadhas. |
Mbh.5.54.3015 | The Matsyas, the Panchalas, the Salways and the Surasenas, all decline to pay thee homage now and all disregard thee. |
Mbh.5.57.3175 | Those that have Yudhishthira for their leader, the slayer of Madhu for their protector, the heroic Savyasachin and Vrikodara for their warriors, and Nakula, and Sahadeva, and Dhrishtadyumna, the son of Prishata, and Satyaki, and Drupada, and Dhrishtaketu with his son, and Uttamaujas, and the unconquerable Yudhamanyu of the Panchalas, and Sikhandin, and Kshatradeva, and Uttara, the son of Virata, and Kasayas, the Chedis, the Matsyas, the Srinjayas, Vabhru the son of Virata, the Panchalas, and the Prabhadrakas, for fighting for them, those, indeed, from whom Indra himself cannot, if they are unwilling, snatch this earth, those heroes, cool and steady, in fight, who can split the very mountains, alas, it is with them that are endued with every virtue and possessed of superhuman prowess that this wicked son of mine, O Sanjaya, desireth to fight, disregarding me even though I am crying myself hoarse' |
Mbh.5.61.3313 | Thou wilt hear of defeat of the Pandavas and the Matsyas, the Panchalas and the Kekayas, of Satyaki and Vasudeva, at my hands. |
Mbh.5.62.3324 | Having obtained the favour of that Rishi, I will slay within the twinkling of an eye the Panchalas, the Karushas, the Matsyas, and the sons of Pritha with their sons and grandsons, and bestow on thee numerous regions won by my weapons. |
Mbh.5.64.3408 | Drupada, and the king of Matsyas, and Dhananjaya, when angry, will, like flames of fire urged by the wind, leave no remnant of thy army. |
Mbh.5.72.3551 | Having the Kasis, the Panchalas, the Chedis, and the Matsyas, for my allies and with thee, O slayer of Madhu, for my protector, I prayed for only five villages, etc, |
Mbh.5.74.3730 | Janamejaya among the Nepas, Vahula among the Talajanghas, proud Vasu among the Krimis, Ajavindu among the Suviras, Rushardhik among the Surashtras, Arkaja among the Valihas, Dhautamulaka among the Chinas, Hayagriva among the Videhas, Varayu among the Mahaujasas, Vahu among the Sundaras, Pururavas among the Diptakshas, Sahaja among the Chedis and Matsyas, Vrishaddhaja among the Praviras, Dharana among the Chandra-batsyas, Bigahana among the Mukutas and Sama among the Nandivegas. |
Mbh.5.151.6769 | Sahadeva said, Closely related to us, sympathising with us in our distress, endued with great might, conversant with every virtue, skilled in weapons, and irresistible in battle, the mighty king of the Matsyas, Virata, relying upon whom we hope to recover our share of the kingdom, will be able to bear in battle both Bhishma and all those mighty car-warriors' |
Mbh.5.161.7227 | Like a frog having its abode in a well, why art thou not able to realise the might of this vast army of the assembled monarchs, invincible, looking like the very celestial host, and protected by these lords of men, as the heavenly host by the gods themselves, protected that is, by the kings of the East, the West, the South and the North, by the Kamvojas, the Sakas, the Khasas, the Salwas, the Matsyas, the Kurus of the middle country, the Mlechchhas, the Pulindas, the Dravidas, the Andhras, and the Kanchis, this host of many nations, ready for battle, and resembling the uncrossable current of the Ganga. |
Mbh.5.162.7293 | Like a frog within a well, why dost thou not realise the strength of this assembled host of monarchs, which resembleth the very celestial host, and which is protected by these kings like the gods protecting theirs in heaven, and which, swarming with the kings of the East, West, South, and North, with Kamvojas, Sakas, Khasas, Salwas, Matsyas, Kurus of the middle country, Mlechchhas, Pulindas, Dravidas, Andhras, and Kanchis, indeed, with many nations, all addressed for battle, is uncrossable like the swollen tide of Ganga? |
Mbh.6.9.503 | They are the Kuru-Panchalas, the Salwas, the Madreyas, the Jangalas, the Surasena, the Kalingas, the Vodhas, the Malas, the Matsyas, the Sauvalyas, the Kuntalas, the Kasi-kosalas, the Chedis, the Karushas, the Bhojas, the Sindhus, the Pulindakas, the Uttamas, the Dasarnas, the Mekalas, the Utkalas; the Panchalas, the Kausijas, the Nikarprishthas, Dhurandharas; the Sodhas, the Madrabhujingas, the Kasis, and the further-Kasis; the Jatharas, the Kukuras, O Bharata; the Kuntis, the Avantis, and the further-Kuntis; the Gomantas, the Mandakas, the Shandas, the Vidarbhas, the Rupavahikas; the Aswakas, the Pansurashtras, the Goparashtras, and the Karityas; the Adhirjayas, the Kuladyas, the Mallarashtras, the Keralas, the Varatrasyas, the Apavahas, the Chakras, the Vakratapas, the Sakas; the Videhas, the Magadhas, the Swakshas, the Malayas, the Vijayas, the Angas, the Vangas, the Kalingas, the Yakrillomans; the Mallas, the Suddellas, the Pranradas, the Mahikas, the Sasikas; the Valhikas, the Vatadhanas, the Abhiras, the Kalajoshakas; the Aparantas, the Parantas, the Pahnabhas, the Charmamandalas; the Atavisikharas, the Mahabhutas, O sire; the Upavrittas, the Anupavrittas, the Surashatras, Kekayas; the Kutas, the Maheyas, the Kakshas, the Samudranishkutas; the Andhras, and, O king, many hilly tribes, and many tribes residing on lands laying at the foot of the hills, and the Angamalajas, and the Manavanjakas; the Pravisheyas, and the Bhargavas, O king; the Pundras, the Bhargas, the Kiratas, the Sudeshnas, and the Yamunas, the Sakas, the Nishadhas, the Anartas, the Nairitas, the Durgalas, the Pratimasyas, the Kuntalas, and the Kusalas; the Tiragrahas, the Ijakas, the Kanyakagunas, the Tilabharas, the Samiras, the Madhumattas, the Sukandakas; the Kasmiras, the Sindhusauviras, the Gandharvas, and the Darsakas; the Abhisaras, the Utulas, the Saivalas, and the Valhikas; the Darvis, the Vanavadarvas, the Vatagas, the Amarathas, and the Uragas; the Vahuvadhas, the Kauravyas, the Sudamanas, the Sumalikas; the Vadhras, the Karishakas, the Kalindas, and the Upatyakas; the Vatayanas, the Romanas, and the Kusavindas; the Kacchas, the Gopalkacchas, the Kuruvarnakas; the Kiratas, the Varvasas, the Siddhas, the Vaidehas, and the Tamraliptas; the Aundras, the Paundras, the Saisikatas, and the Parvatiyas, O sire. |
Mbh.6.18.892 | The Abhishahas, the Surasenas, the Sivis, and the Vasatis, the Swalyas, the Matsyas, the Amvashtas, the Trigartas, and the Kekayas, the Sauviras, the Kitavas, and the dwellers of the Eastern, Western, and the Northern countries, these twelve brave races were resolved to fight reckless of the lives. |
Mbh.6.54.2805 | Then the Chedis, the Matsyas, and Karushas, with Bhimasena at their head, with many kings impetuously rushed against the Nishadas. |
Mbh.6.54.2920 | And worshipped by the Panchalas and the Matsyas, O bull of Bharata's race, he embraced Dhrishtadyumna and then approached Satyaki. |
Mbh.6.56.2973 | And those renowned warriors, Aswatthaman and Kripa, supported by the Trigartas, the Matsyas, the Kekayas, and the Vatadhanas, were in its head. |
Mbh.6.59.3251 | And beholding the foremost warriors of that army of the Kurus thus slain by Phalguni, the Chedis, the Panchalas, the Kurushas, the Matsyas, and all the combatants of the Pandava side, those foremost of men, elated with victory, together set up a loud shout for frightening the Kaurava warriors. |
Mbh.6.71.3815 | And the Matsyas, O king, engaged with Duryodhana, and Sakuni; and Drupada and Chekitana, and that mighty car-warrior Satyaki engaged in battle with the high-souled Drona aided by his son. |
Mbh.6.72.3840 | SECTION LXXII Sanjaya said, Sikhandin with Virata king of the Matsyas speedily approached Bhishma that invincible and mighty bowman. |
Mbh.6.74.3954 | Then the Matsyas and the Kekayas, all accomplished in the science of arms, surrounded that mighty car-warrior Partha as also his son for supporting them. |
Mbh.6.82.4282 | And Bharadwaja's son proceeded against the king of the Matsyas, and his son Aswatthaman against Sikhandin. |
Mbh.6.83.4319 | Meanwhile, Bharadwaja's son pierced with his winged arrows the king of the Matsyas in battle. |
Mbh.6.117.6385 | The ruler of the Matsyas and the ruler of the Sindhus, both armed with beautiful bows and beautiful scimitars, both decked with handsome coats of mail and weapons and standards, and both of beautiful forms looked resplendent in that battle. |
Mbh.6.119.6520 | And then he slew seven great car-warriors among the Matsyas and the Panchalas. |
Mbh.6.119.6544 | Then confused cries of woe soon arose amongst the Matsyas, the Panchalas, and the Chedis, who were together rushing at that single hero. |
Mbh.7.8.264 | And the Kekaya princes, and Bhimasena, and Subhadra's son and Ghatotkacha and Yudhishthira, and the twins Nakula and Sahadeva, and the ruler of the Matsyas, and the son of Drupada, and the five sons of Draupadi, all filled with joy, and Dhrishtaketu, and Satyaki, and the wrathful Chitrasena, and the mighty car-warrior, Yuyutsu, and many other kings, O monarch, who followed the sons of Pandu, all achieved diverse feats in keeping with their lineage and prowess. |
Mbh.7.9.327 | It seems that when those heroes, viz, the Kekayas, the Chedis, the Karushas, the Matsyas, and the other kings, surrounding the preceptor, pressed him exceedingly like ants pressing upon a snake, while he was engaged in some difficult feat, the wretched Dhrishtadyumna must have slain him then. |
Mbh.7.10.392 | Virata, the king of the Matsyas, while it reached Drona in battle? |
Mbh.7.16.730 | And piercing Sikhandin with twelve arrows, and Uttamaujas with twenty, and Nakula with five, and Sahadeva with seven, and Yudhishthira with twelve, and each of the five sons of Draupadi with three, and Satyaki with five, and the ruler of Matsyas with ten arrows, and agitating the entire host in that battle, he rushed against one after another of the foremost warriors of the Pandavas. |
Mbh.7.21.982 | Then the Panchalas, the Kekayas, the Matsyas, the Chedis, the Karushas and the Kosalas, seeing Drona, rushed at him, desirous of rescuing Yudhishthira. |
Mbh.7.21.984 | Then Satanika, the younger brother of the ruler of the Matsyas, rushed at Drona who was thus engaged in incessantly destroying those divisions of the Pandava host. |
Mbh.7.21.989 | Having vanquished the Matsyas, the son of Bharadwaja then defeated the Chedis, the Karushas, the Kaikeyas, the Panchalas, the Srinjayas. |
Mbh.7.21.1042 | The mighty Drona then began to crush and mangle the Panchalas, the Matsyas, the Kaikeyas, the Srinjayas, and the Pandavas, all excited with rage. |
Mbh.7.21.1045 | And the Panchalas, the Kaikeyas and the Matsyas, thus slaughtered on all sides like the Danavas by Indra, began to tremble with fear |
Mbh.7.22.1049 | Sanjaya said, Beholding the Panchalas, the Pandavas, the Matsyas, the Srinjayas, the Chedis, the Kalikeyas, thus routed after being broken in battle by Drona with his shafts, beholding them thus driven from the field by those showers of fleet arrows shot from Drona's, bow, like vessels sent adrift by the awful waves of the tempest-tossed ocean, the Kauravas with many leonine shouts and with the noise of diverse instruments, began to assail the cars and elephants and foot-soldiers of that hostile host from all sides. |
Mbh.7.22.1069 | Other car-warriors headed by Satyajit, together with the Panchalas, the Kekayas, the Matsyas, and especially the Pandavas, are following him. |
Mbh.7.23.1095 | The Kaikeyas and Sikhandin, and Dhrishtaketu, surrounded by their respective troops, followed the ruler of Matsyas. |
Mbh.7.23.1097 | Fleet steeds of yellow colour and decked in chains of gold, bore with great speed the son Uttara of that slayer of foes, viz, Virata, the royal chief of the Matsyas. |
Mbh.7.23.1186 | Vinda and Anuvinda of Avanti, with their troops encountered Virata, the ruler of Matsyas at the head of his forces, like Indra and Agni in days of old encountering the Asura Vali. |
Mbh.7.23.1187 | That awful encounter between the Matsyas and the Kekayas, in which steeds and car-warriors and elephants fought most fearlessly, resembled that between the gods and the Asuras in days of old. |
Mbh.7.38.1932 | Seeing that implacable and proud foe of theirs thus vanquished, those mighty car-warriors, viz, the five sons of Draupadi, who had on their banners the images of Yama and Maruta and Sakra and the twin Aswins, and Satyaki, and Chekitana, and Dhrishtadyumna, and Sikhandin, and the Kekayas, and Dhrishtaketu, and the Matsyas, Panchalas, and the Srinjayas, and the Pandavas headed by Yudhishthira, were filled with joy. |
Mbh.7.41.2032 | Indeed, those heroes, viz, the Matsyas, the Panchalas, the Kaikeyas, and the Pandavas, exerting themselves vigorously, succeeded in approaching the presence of Jayadratha, but none of them could bear him. |
Mbh.7.76.3308 | Fie on the Kaikeyas, the Chedis, the Matsyas, and the Srinjayas, they that could not protect thee, O hero, while engaged in battle! |
Mbh.7.92.4258 | Vinda and Anuvinda of Avanti, those two great bowmen, who had, for the sake of their friend Duryodhana, uplifted their weapons, disregarding their lives, encountered Virata, the king of the Matsyas. |
Mbh.7.95.4394 | Then king Yudhishthira and Bhimasena, the son of Pandu, and Nakula, and Sahadeva, desirous of protecting Satyaki, and the Matsyas, and the Salweya troops, speedily proceeded towards Drona. |
Mbh.7.107.4996 | The mighty-armed Drona vanquished the Panchalas, the Srinjayas, the Matsyas and the Kekayas, O monarch, by hundreds and thousands. |
Mbh.7.119.5846 | And Drona, O king, proclaiming his name in that battle, caused a great carnage among the Pandavas, the Panchalas, and the Matsyas. |
Mbh.7.153.8051 | Beholding the two brothers resolutely proceeding towards Drona's division, the mighty car-warriors among the Panchalas, the Srinjayas, the Matsyas, the Chedis, the Karushas, the Kosalas, and the Kaikeyas, O king, all followed them. |
Mbh.7.154.8271 | Then the Kaikeyas, the Srinjayas, and the Panchalas of great energy followed the two brothers, O king, accompanied by the Matsyas and the Satwatas. |
Mbh.7.155.8278 | Our combatants are now encompassed on all sides by the Panchalas, the Kaikeyas, the Matsyas, and the mighty car-warriors of the Pandavas, all filled, with rage and resembling hissing snakes. |
Mbh.7.155.8338 | Dhrishtadyumna, and Sikhandin and Janamejaya, the son of Durmuksha and Chandrasen, and Madrasen, and Kritavarman, Dhruva, and Dhara and Vasuchandra, and Sutejana, the sons of Drupada, and Drupada himself, conversant with high and mighty weapons, and the king of the Matsyas also, with his younger brothers, all resolutely struggling for their sake, and Gajanika, and Virabhadra, and Sudarsana, and Srutadhwaja, and Valanika, and Jayanika, and Jayaprya, and Vijaya and Labhalaksha, and Jayaswa, and Kamaratha, and the handsome brothers of Virata, and the twins Nakula and Sahadeva, and the five sons of Draupadi, and the Rakshasa Ghatotkacha, are all fighting for the Pandavas. |
Mbh.7.158.8591 | The mighty car-warriors among the Srinjayas and the Panchalas, with the Matsyas and the Somakas, O king, followed the two brothers thus engaged in that encounter with Drona. |
Mbh.7.163.8869 | And the Panchalas, the Srinjayas, the Matsyas, the Kaikeyas, and the Chedis, speedily advanced, with all their might against Drona from desire of slaying him. |
Mbh.7.184.10109 | That mighty car-warrior, viz, the son of Bharadwaja, then vanquished all Matsyas. |
Mbh.7.184.10118 | Upon the fall of Virata and Drupada, and the slaughter of the Kshatriyas, the Chedis, the Matsyas, and the Panchalas, and upon the fall of those three heroes, viz, the three grandsons of Drupada, the high-souled Dhrishtadyumna, beholding those feats of Drona, became filled with rage and grief, and swore in the midst of all the ear-warriors, saying, Let me lose merits of all my religious acts as also my Kshatriya and Brahma energy, if Drona escape me today with life, or if he succeed in vanquishing me |
Mbh.7.187.10323 | When the engagement became general ant confused, Yudhishthira the son of Dharma, addressing all the foremost of warriors among the Panchalas and the Matsyas, said, They that are our life, they that are our heads, they amongst us that are endued with great strength, those bulls among men are all engaged with the Dhartarashtras. |
Mbh.7.188.10372 | Once more slaying five hundred Matsyas, and six thousand elephants, he slew ten thousand steeds. |
Mbh.7.191.10624 | Urged by fate, the Pandavas, the Kaikeyas, the Matsyas, and the Panchalas, O foremast of regenerate ones, approaching Drona's car, began to perish. |
Mbh.7.193.10726 | With that I will rout and slay the Pandavas, the Panchalas, the Matsyas, and the Kaikeyas, in battle, like Sachi's lord routing and slaying the Asuras. |
Mbh.7.198.11207 | Only Vibhatsu, supported by the Somakas and the Matsyas, shot his arrows at the Kauravas and checked their onset |
Mbh.8.6.193 | Similarly, Satyadhriti of the Matsyas, and Madiraswa of great energy, and Suryadatta possessed of great prowess, have all been slain by Drona with his shafts. |
Mbh.8.8.244 | He had subjugated many invincible and mighty foes, the Gandharas, the Madrakas, the Matsyas, the Trigartas, the Tanganas, the Khasas, the Pancalas, the Videhas, the Kulindas, the Kasi-kosalas, the Suhmas, the Angas, the Nishadhas, the Pundras, the Kichakas, the Vatsas, the Kalingas, the Taralas, the Asmakas, and the Rishikas. |
Mbh.8.30.1312 | Yudhamanyu and Shikhandi and the sons of Draupadi and the Prabhadrakas, and Uttamauja and Yuyutsu and the twins and Dhrishtadyumna, and the divisions of the Cedis and the Karushas and the Matsyas and Kaikeyas, and the mighty Chekitana, and king Yudhishthira of excellent vows, all these, accompanied by cars and steeds and elephants, and foot-soldiers of fierce prowess, encompassed Karna on all sides in that battle, and showered upon him diverse kinds of weapons, addressing him in harsh words and resolved to compass his destruction. |
Mbh.8.45.2432 | The Kauravas with the Pancalas, the Salwas, the Matsyas, the Naimishas, the Koshalas, the Kasapaundras, the Kalingas, the Magadhas, and the Cedis who are all highly blessed, know what the eternal religion is. |
Mbh.8.45.2435 | Beginning with the Matsyas, the residents of the Kuru and the Pancala countries, the Naimishas as well and the other respectable peoples, the pious among all races are conversant with the eternal truths of religion. |
Mbh.8.45.2458 | The Pancalas observe the duties enjoined in the Vedas; the Kauravas observe truth; the Matsyas and the Surasenas perform sacrifices, the Easterners follow the practices of the Shudras; the Southerners are fallen; the Vahikas are thieves; the Saurashtras are bastards. |
Mbh.8.45.2461 | Commencing with the Pancalas, the Kauravas, the Naimishas, the Matsyas, all these, know what religion is. |
Mbh.8.47.2622 | Kripa and Kritavarma, and Shakuni the son of Subala, those heroes difficult of defeat in battle, accompanied by troops that were all cheerful, themselves filled with rage, and capable of smiting down thick ranks of cars, fought with the Koshalas, the Kasis, the Matsyas, the Karusas, the Kaikayas, and the Surasenas, all of whom were possessed of great courage. |
Mbh.8.48.2650 | Then Dhrishtadyumna, Satyaki, and the five sons of Draupadi, and Vrikodara, Janamejaya, and Shikhandi, and many foremost warriors among the Prabhadrakas, and many amongst the Cedis, the Kaikayas, and the Pancalas, the twins Nakula and Sahadeva, and the Matsyas, all clad in mail, rushed fiercely upon Radha's son, skilled in smiting, from desire of slaying him. |
Mbh.8.49.2739 | Satyaki and Chekitana and Yuyutsu and Shikhandi and the sons of Draupadi and the Prabhadrakas, and the twins Nakula and Sahadeva and Bhimasena and Shishupala and the Karushas, Matsyas, the Suras, the Kaikayas, the Kasis and the Kosalas, all these brave heroes, endued with great activity, assailed Vasusena. |
Mbh.8.56.3209 | That great bowman, fighting single-handed with the Bahlikas, and the Kaikayas, the Matsyas, the Vasatas, the Madras, and Saindhavas, looked exceedingly resplendent. |
Mbh.8.73.4352 | Protected by thee, O slayer of foes, the Pancalas, the Matsyas, the Karushas, and the Cedis, have caused a great destruction of thy foes. |
Mbh.8.73.4373 | Conversant with the highest weapons, he shrouded the Cedis, the Pancalas, the Karushas, the Matsyas, and the Kaikayas with the shafts, and deprived them of life! |
Mbh.8.78.4747 | O monarch, the Cedis and the Matsyas, rushing against Karna alone, poured upon him showers of shafts. |
Mbh.9.16.939 | Then the Pandava troops once more became filled with joy, especially the Pancalas, the Somakas and the Matsyas. |
Mbh.9.20.1270 | Beholding that feat of Salwa, the Pancalas, the Srinjayas, and the Matsyas, O king, uttered loud cries of Oh |
Mbh.10.8.658 | All the Somakas also, as well as all that remained of the Matsyas, have been slaughtered by me! |
Mbh.10.9.726 | All the Pancalas too have been slain, as also the remnant of the Matsyas, O Bharata! |
Mbh.14.69.3077 | Having sat up, the daughter of the king of the Matsyas, summoning her patience, joined her hands in reverence and touched the earth with her head for saluting Kesava of eyes like the petals of the lotus. |
Mbh.15.36.1490 | The Chedis and the Matsyas, who were our friends, no longer exist. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
Suggestions are welcome: email:moc.liamg|rnhtijij#moc.liamg|rnhtijij
Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text:; Wikified at AncientVoice. |