Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 28 Feb 2010 14:50 and updated at 28 Feb 2010 14:50
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.71.3767 | It was Viswamitra whose wife, in a season of distress, was maintained by the royal sage Matanga Trisanku who was then living under a father's curse as a hunter. |
Mbh.1.71.3769 | It was Viswamitra who in return for the services of Matanga, himself became the latter's priest for purposes of a sacrifice. |
Mbh.2.8.350 | And Agastya and Matanga, and Kala, and Mrityu Death, performers of sacrifices, the Siddhas, and many Yogins; the Prtris belonging to the classes, called Agniswattas, Fenapa, Ushampa, Swadhavat, and Verhishada, as also those others that have forms; the wheel of time, and the illustrious conveyer himself of the sacrificial butter; all sinners among human beings, as also those that have died during the winter solstice; these officers of Yama who have been appointed to count the allotted days of everybody and everything; the Singsapa, Palasa, Kasa, and Kusa trees and plants, in their embodied forms, these all, O king, wait upon and worship the god of justice in that assembly house of his. |
Mbh.3.84.4514 | There in that tirtha is the hermitage of the great Rishi Matanga of soul under complete control. |
Mbh.5.127.5627 | Those Kshatriyas that desire their own good, accept regardfully this saying of Matanga, viz, that as regards a Kshatriya, one should always keep himself erect, and never bow down, for exertion alone is manliness; one should rather break at the knots than bend. |
Mbh.12.296.18481 | My grandfather Vasishtha, Rishyasringa, Kasyapa, Veda, Tandya, Kripa, Kakshivat, Kamatha, and others, and Yavakrita, O king, and Drona, that foremost of speakers, and Ayu, and Matanga, and Datta, and Drupada, and Matsya, all these, O ruler of the Videhas, obtained their respective positions through penance as the means. |
Mbh.13.3.269 | Do thou, O sire, truly relate this matter to me as thou hast related to me the story of Matanga. |
Mbh.13.3.270 | Matanga was born as a Chandala and could not attain to Brahmanahoodwith all his austerities but how could this man attain to the status of a Brahmana |
Mbh.13.25.3452 | He that bathes in the lake known by the name of Matanga is sure to attain to success in one night. |
Mbh.13.27.3669 | In this connection is cited an old history, O Yudhishthira, of a conversation between Matanga and a she-ass. |
Mbh.13.27.3671 | The child was called by the name of Matanga and was possessed of every accomplishment. |
Mbh.13.27.3676 | Matanga, dissatisfied with this, began to strike repeatedly the animal with his goad on its nose. |
Mbh.13.27.3687 | Hearing these harsh words of the she-ass, Matanga quickly, came down from the car and addressing the she-ass, said, Tell me, O blessed dame, by what fault is my mother stained? |
Mbh.13.27.3696 | Brahmana continued, Thus addressed by the she-ass, Matanga retraced his way homewards. |
Mbh.13.27.3700 | Matanga said, How can he who belongs to no definite order of birth, or to an order that is very low be regarded as all right and happy? |
Mbh.13.27.3705 | Setting himself to the performance of those penances for the purpose of happily acquiring the status of a Brahmana, Matanga began to scorch the very deities by the severity of his asceticism. |
Mbh.13.27.3706 | Unto him thus engaged in penances, the chief of the celestials, viz, Indra, appeared and said, Why, O Matanga, dost thou pass thy time in such grief, abstaining from all kinds of human enjoyments? |
Mbh.13.27.3711 | Matanga said, Desirous of attaining to the status of Brahmana I have begun to practise these penances. |
Mbh.13.27.3715 | The status of a Brahmana, O Matanga, which thou desirest to acquire is really unattainable by thee. |
Mbh.13.28.3722 | SECTION XXVIII Bhishma said, Thus addressed by Indra, Matanga of restrained vows and well regulated soul, without hearkening to the counsels of the chief of the celestials, stood for a hundred years on one foot, O thou of unfading glory. |
Mbh.13.28.3725 | O Matanga, by coveting that very high status thou art sure to be destroyed. |
Mbh.13.28.3734 | Verily, one having taken birth in that sinful order of existence, viz, Pukkasa, one, O Matanga, has to wander in it for a very long time. |
Mbh.13.28.3751 | Knowing this for certain, O Matanga, I say unto thee, do thou name some other boon, for the status of a Brahmana is incapable of being attained by thee that hast been born as a Chandala' |
Mbh.13.29.3752 | SECTION XXIX Bhishma said, Thus advised by Indra, Matanga, observant of vows, refused, to hear what he was bid. |
Mbh.13.29.3756 | Matanga said, I have passed these thousand years, standing on one foot, in deep meditation, observing of the vow of Brahmacharyya. |
Mbh.13.29.3759 | Do thou, therefore name some boon so that all this labour of thine may not prove fruitless, Thus addressed by the chief of the celestials, Matanga became filled with grief. |
Mbh.13.29.3763 | Indeed, it has been heard by us that the righteous-souled Matanga, while practising those austerities at Gaya, dropped down on the ground from sheer exhaustion. |
Mbh.13.29.3765 | Sakra said, It seems, O Matanga, that the status of a Brahmana which thou seekest is ill-suited to thee. |
Mbh.13.29.3771 | The Brahmana, O Matanga, is said to be foremost of all created Beings. |
Mbh.13.29.3778 | Matanga said, Afflicted as I am with grief, why, O Sakra, dost thou afflict me further with such speeches as these? |
Mbh.13.29.3792 | Thus urged by the great Indra, Matanga said the following words: Matanga said, Let me be possessed of the power of assuming any form at will, and journeying through the skies and let me enjoy whatever pleasures I may set my heart upon. |
Mbh.13.29.3799 | Matanga also, casting off his life-breaths, attained to a high place. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
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Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text:; Wikified at AncientVoice. |