Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 07 Mar 2010 06:37 and updated at 07 Mar 2010 06:38
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
Lord is mentioned many (680) times in Mahabharata. For a summary of the references, see the bond data.
The Bond Data (Bond is the affinity of one noun to another noun) :-
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Mbh.1.3.893 | Thou wielder of the thunder, the protector of the universe, the slayer of Vritra and Namuchi, thou illustrious one who wearest the black cloth and displayest truth and untruth in the universe, thou who ownest for thy carrier the horse which was received from the depths of the ocean, and which is but another form of Agni the god of fire, I bow to thee, thou supreme Lord, thou Lord of the three worlds, O Purandara' |
Mbh.1.7.1086 | And, O thou eater of the sacrificial butter, why dost thou act so foolishly, being, as thou art, the Lord of all? |
Mbh.1.7.1093 | Then, O Lord, by that power of thine make the Rishi's curse come true. |
Mbh.1.7.1096 | And he then went away to obey the command of the supreme Lord. |
Mbh.1.18.1378 | On hearing them, Brahman said to Narayana, O Lord, condescend to grant the gods strength to churn the deep afresh' |
Mbh.1.19.1399 | In the meantime the valiant Lord Vishnu in the form of an enchantress accompanied by Nara deceived the mighty Danavas and took away the Amrita from their hands. |
Mbh.1.21.1464 | Full of swelling billows caused by the waxing and waning of the moon the parent of Vasudeva's great conch called Panchajanya, the great mine of gems, its waters were formerly disturbed in consequence of the agitation caused within them by the Lord Govinda of immeasurable prowess when he had assumed the form of a wild boar for raising the submerged Earth. |
Mbh.1.23.1516 | O Lord, this whole universe is rendered hot by thy splendour, bright as the lustre of heated gold. |
Mbh.1.23.1518 | O thou best of birds, thou Lord of all, thou art the son of the merciful and high-souled Rishi Kasyapa; therefore, be not wroth but have mercy on the universe. |
Mbh.1.24.1545 | O Lord, what will happen when he doth rise |
Mbh.1.25.1565 | And Kadru seeing her sons in that state prayed to Indra, saying, I bow to thee, thou Lord of all the gods! |
Mbh.1.31.1820 | And the Prajapati Kasyapa pacifying them, spake unto them as follows, By the word of Brahman, this one Indra hath been made the Lord of the three worlds. |
Mbh.1.31.1824 | Let there spring an Indra Lord of winged creatures, endued with excess of strength! |
Mbh.1.36.2001 | Then Sesha replied, O divine Grandsire, this is the boon desired by me; viz, may my heart always delight in virtue and in blessed ascetic penances, O Lord of all' |
Mbh.1.36.2005 | Sesha said, O divine Lord of all creatures, O bestower of boons, O lord of the Earth, lord of every created thing, lord of the universe, I will, even as thou sayest hold the Earth steady. |
Mbh.1.37.2022 | Otherwise why should not the Immutable Lord prevent our mother while uttering the curse? |
Mbh.1.39.2100 | O Lord of the gods, be gracious unto him and assuage his mind's fever' |
Mbh.1.54.2696 | And the gods said, O Lord, Vasuki, the king of the snakes, is sorry on account of his relatives. |
Mbh.15.8.402 | Unto that husband of hers who resembled a second Lord of all creatures, while resting on a seat, Gandhari of righteous conduct, conversant with the opportuneness of everything, said these words, the hour being suited to them, Thou hast obtained the permission of that great Rishi, viz, Vyasa himself. |
Mbh.15.9.448 | Like the illustrious Brahman himself, the Lord of the universe of creatures, this Yudhishthira of mighty energy will rule you. |
Mbh.15.34.1358 | The great primal elements are eternal indestructible in consequence of the union with them of the Lord of all beings. |
Mbh.16.1.39 | The Lord of the universe did not wish to ordain otherwise. |
Mbh.16.4.185 | The deities all saluted him, O monarch, and many foremost of Munis and Rishis worshipped him who was the Lord of all. |
Mbh.16.5.192 | Those ladies who had, before this, the very Lord of the universe for their protector, were now lordless. |
Mbh.16.6.226 | He was the Lord of the universe. |
Mbh.18.5.244 | Dhritarashtra obtained the regions, so difficult of acquisition, that belong to the Lord of treasures. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
Suggestions are welcome: email:moc.liamg|rnhtijij#moc.liamg|rnhtijij
Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text: www.sacred-texts.com; Wikified at AncientVoice. |