Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 07 Mar 2010 06:29 and updated at 07 Mar 2010 06:29
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
Kurus is mentioned many (1071) times in Mahabharata. For a summary of the references, see the bond data.
The Bond Data (Bond is the affinity of one noun to another noun) :-
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Mbh.1.1.39 | From these are descended the family of the Kurus, of the Yadus, and of Bharata; the family of Yayati and of Ikshwaku; also of all the Rajarshis. |
Mbh.1.1.154 | When I heard that Krishna, anxious to bring about peace, for the welfare of mankind had repaired to the Kurus, and went away without having been able to effect his purpose, then, O Sanjaya, I had no hope of success. |
Mbh.1.2.307 | After this last, Tirtha-yatra or the pilgrimage of the wise prince of the Kurus, the death of Jatasura, and the battle of the Yakshas. |
Mbh.1.2.345 | Then comes Sauptika describing incidents disgraceful to the honour of the Kurus. |
Mbh.1.2.402 | Then the slaying by Bhima of the wicked Kichaka who, senseless with lust, had sought Draupadi; the appointment by prince Duryodhana of clever spies; and their despatch to all sides for tracing the Pandavas; the failure of these to discover the mighty sons of Pandu; the first seizure of Virata's kine by the Trigartas and the terrific battle that ensued; the capture of Virata by the enemy and his rescue by Bhimasena; the release also of the kine by the Pandava Bhima; the seizure of Virata's kine again by the Kurus; the defeat in battle of all the Kurus by the single-handed Arjuna; the release of the king's kine; the bestowal by Virata of his daughter Uttara for Arjuna's acceptance on behalf of his son by Subhadra, Abhimanyu, the destroyer of foes. |
Mbh.1.2.510 | In it is described how Yudhishthira, the king of the Kurus, was reconciled to himself on hearing the exposition of duties by Bhishma, the son of Bhagirathi. |
Mbh.1.41.2166 | And Sringin said, That sinful wretch of a monarch who hath placed a dead snake on the shoulders of my lean and old parent, that insulter of Brahmanas and tarnisher of the fame of the Kurus, shall be taken within seven nights hence to the regions of Yama Death by the snake Takshaka, the powerful king of serpents, stimulated thereto by the strength of my words' |
Mbh.1.41.2169 | And he shed tears of grief, and addressed his sire, saying, Father, having been informed of this thy disgrace at the hands of that wicked wretch, king Parikshit, I have from anger even cursed him; and that worst of Kurus hath richly deserved my potent curse. |
Mbh.1.44.2302 | And with his councillors and priest, the eldest son Parikshita, that bull amongst the Kurus, ruled the kingdom like his heroic great-grand-father Yudhishthira. |
Mbh.1.49.2519 | And, after him, O first of men, thou hast acquired this hereditary kingdom of the Kurus for the last thousand years. |
Mbh.18.2.90 | As long as thou art here, O thou of Kurus race, torments cease to afflict us. |
Mbh.18.3.124 | SECTION Vaishampayana said, King Yudhishthira the just, the son of Pritha, had not stayed there for more than a moment when, O thou of Kurus race, all the gods with Indra at their head came to that spot. |
Mbh.18.3.156 | Having endured a little misery first, from this time, O son of Kurus race, do thou sport with me in happiness, divested of grief and all thy ailments dispelled. |
Mbh.18.4.192 | SECTION Vaishampayana said, King Yudhishthira, thus praised by the gods, the Maruts and the Rishis, proceeded to that place where those foremost ones of Kurus race were. |
Mbh.18.4.199 | In another place, the delighter of the Kurus beheld Karna, that foremost one among all wielders of weapons, resembling a dozen Suryas in splendour. |
Mbh.18.4.203 | In place belonging to the Ashvinis, the delighter of the Kurus beheld Nakula and Sahadeva, each blazing with his own effulgence. |
Mbh.18.5.267 | I have now told thee, O thou of great splendour, everything about the acts, O Bharata, of both the Kurus and the Pandavas. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
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Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text: www.sacred-texts.com; Wikified at AncientVoice. |