Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 27 Feb 2010 12:55 and updated at 27 Feb 2010 12:55
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.67.3550 | And Sura, having promised in the presence of fire that he would give his firstborn child to Kuntibhoja, the son of his paternal aunt, who was without offspring, gave his daughter unto the monarch in expectation of his favours. |
Mbh.1.67.3551 | Kuntibhoja thereupon made her his daughter. |
Mbh.1.111.6107 | And, O thou of Bharata's race, Sura, always truthful in speech, gave from friendship this his firstborn daughter unto his childless cousin and friend, the illustrious Kuntibhoja, the son of his paternal aunt, pursuant to a former promise. |
Mbh.1.111.6126 | Thus speaking unto the daughter of Kuntibhoja, the illustrious Tapana, the illuminator of the universe, gratified his wish. |
Mbh.1.112.6144 | The large-eyed daughter of Kuntibhoja, Pritha by name, was endued with beauty and every accomplishment. |
Mbh.1.112.6147 | Her father Kuntibhoja seeing this, invited, O best of monarchs, the princes and kings of other countries and desired his daughter to select her husband from among her guests. |
Mbh.1.112.6150 | The amiable daughter of Kuntibhoja, of faultless features, beholding Pandu, that best of men, in that assembly, became very much agitated. |
Mbh.1.112.6154 | The Kuru prince blessed with great good fortune and the daughter of Kuntibhoja formed a couple like Maghavat and Paulomi the king and queen of the celestials. |
Mbh.1.112.6155 | And, O best of Kuru monarchs, king Kuntibhoja, after the nuptials were over, presented his son-in-law with much wealth and sent him back to his capital. |
Mbh.1.124.6673 | If the daughter of Kuntibhoja should so provide that I should have offspring, she would then be really doing me a great favour and benefiting thee likewise. |
Mbh.1.222.10785 | Who is there that would not desire to have Arjuna for a friend, who is born in the race of Bharata and the renowned Santanu, and the son also of the daughter of Kuntibhoja? |
Mbh.2.30.1251 | And subjugating next the country called Navarashtra, the hero marched against Kuntibhoja, who with great willingness accepted the sway of the conquering hero. |
Mbh.2.33.1421 | And Dhritarashtra and Bhishma and Vidura of high intelligence; and all Kaurava brothers with Duryyodhana at their head; and Suvala the king of Gandhara and Sakuni endued with great strength; and Achala, and Vrishaka, and Karna that foremost of all charioteers; and Salya endued with great might and the strong Valhika; and Somadatta, and Bhuri of the Kuru race, and Bhurisravas and Sala; and Aswatthama, Kripa, Drona, and Jayadratha, the ruler of Sindhu; and Yajnasena with his sons, and Salya that lord of earth and that great car warrior king Bhagadatta of Pragjyotisha accompanied by all Mlechcha tribes inhabiting the marshy regions on the sea-shore; and many mountain kings, and king Vrihadvala; and Vasudeva the king of the Paundrayas, and the kings of Vanga and Kalinga; and Akastha and Kuntala and the kings of the Malavas and the Andhrakas; and the Dravidas and the Singhalas and the king of Kashmira, and king Kuntibhoja of great energy and king Gauravahana, and all the other heroic kings of Valhika; and Virata with his two sons, and Mavella endued with great might; and various kings and princes ruling in various countries; and, O Bharata king Sisupala endued with great energy and invincible in battle accompanied by his son, all of them came to the sacrifice of the son of Pandu. |
Mbh.3.301.14810 | Once on a time, O king, there appeared before Kuntibhoja a Brahmana of fierce energy and tall stature, bearing a beard and matted locks, and carrying a staff in his hand. |
Mbh.3.301.14814 | And that person of great ascetic merit, addressing king Kuntibhoja, said, O thou that are free from pride, I wish to live as a guest in thy house feeding on the food obtained as alms from thee! |
Mbh.3.301.14819 | Then Kuntibhoja spake unto him these words cheerfully, Be it so, and more' |
Mbh.3.302.14869 | And having said this the illustrious Kuntibhoja, who was devoted to the Brahmanas, made over the girl Pritha to that Brahmana, saying, This my daughter, O Brahmana, is of tender age and brought up in luxury. |
Mbh.3.303.14895 | And thereupon, the high-souled Kuntibhoja experienced the greatest delight. |
Mbh.3.303.14905 | And, O king, having imparted unto her those mantras, he said unto Kuntibhoja. |
Mbh.3.305.15003 | And it was thus that the daughter of king Kuntibhoja, importuned by Surya, had after soliciting a son from him, fallen down stupefied on that excellent bed, like a broken creeper. |
Mbh.5.90.4220 | Like a wealthy man giving away a sum of money in gift, my father gave me away to Kuntibhoja. |
Mbh.5.90.4221 | While a child playing with a ball in my hands, thy grandfather, O Kesava, gave me away to his friend, the illustrious Kuntibhoja. |
Mbh.5.141.6324 | Dhrishtadyumna, the prince of the Panchalas, that mighty car-warrior Satyaki, Uttamaujas, Yudhamanyu, the prince of Somakas who is devoted to truth, the ruler of the Chedis, Chekitana, the invincible Sikhandin, the Kekaya brothers, all of the hue of Indragopaka insects, Bhimasena's uncle Kuntibhoja of high soul and possessed of steeds endued with the colours of the rainbow, the mighty car-warrior Syenajit, Sanka the son of Virata, and thyself, O Janardana, like an ocean, great is this assemblage, O Krishna, of Kshatriyas that hath been made by Yudhishthira. |
Mbh.5.144.6471 | Pleased with me, while I was living in the inner apartments of the palace of my father, Kuntibhoja, the holy Durvasa gave me a boon in the form of an invocation consisting of mantras. |
Mbh.5.152.6816 | And in the rear, were Virata, Yajnasena's son of the Somaka race Dhrishtadyumna, Susarman, Kuntibhoja, Dhrishtadyumna's sons, forty thousand cars, five times as much cavalry, infantry ten times more numerous than the last, and sixty thousand elephants. |
Mbh.5.173.7776 | That subjugator of foes, the mighty bowman Kuntibhoja of great strength, the maternal uncle of Bhimasena, is, in my judgment, an Atiratha. |
Mbh.6.25.1073 | They are Yuyudhana, and Virata, and that mighty car-warrior Drupada, and Dhrishtaketu, and Chekitana, and the ruler of Kasi endued with great energy; and Purujit, and Kuntibhoja, and Saivya that bull among men; and Yudhamanyu of great prowess, and Uttamaujas of great energy; and Subhadra's son, and the sons of Draupadi, all of whom are mighty car-warriors. |
Mbh.6.45.2274 | And Vinda and Anuvinda, those two princes of Avanti, approached in battle that mighty car-warrior the heroic Kuntibhoja at the head of his troops accompanied by his son. |
Mbh.6.45.2276 | And Anuvinda hurled a mace at Kuntibhoja, but Kuntibhoja quickly covered him with a shower of arrows. |
Mbh.6.45.2277 | And the son of Kuntibhoja pierced Vinda with many arrows, and the latter also pierced him in return. |
Mbh.6.50.2647 | And the two kings Kuntibhoja and Saivya became its two eyes. |
Mbh.6.75.3968 | And its two feet, O monarch, were constituted by that mighty car-warrior the blessed Kuntibhoja, and Satanika, supported by a large force. |
Mbh.6.90.4727 | And the Kaikeyas, and Dhrishtaketu, and Kuntibhoja, equipped in mail and supported by their forces, rushed, O king, against Bhishma alone. |
Mbh.6.100.5343 | And Sikhandin, and Vijaya Arjuna, and the Rakshasa Ghatotkacha, and Chekitana of mighty arms, and the valiant Kuntibhoja, stood for battle, surrounded by a large force. |
Mbh.6.111.6022 | And old Virata and Drupada, and Kuntibhoja also, clad in mail, rushed at Bhishma in the very sight of thy son. |
Mbh.6.119.6534 | Then the king of the Panchalas the valiant Dhrishtaketu, Bhimasena the son of Pandu, Dhrishtadyumna of Prishata's race, the twins Nakula and Sahadeva, Chekitana, and the five Kaikaya brothers, and the mighty-armed Satyaki and Subhadra's son, and Ghatotkacha, and the five sons of Draupadi, and Sikhandin, and the valiant Kuntibhoja, and Susarman, and Virata, these and many other powerful warriors of the Pandava army, afflicted by the shafts of Bhishma, seemed to sink in an ocean of grief, Phalguni, however, rescued them all. |
Mbh.7.23.1128 | Arjuna's maternal uncle Purujit, otherwise called Kuntibhoja, came borne by excellent steeds of the colour of the rainbow. |
Mbh.7.33.1719 | the son of Prishata, and Kuntibhoja of great prowess, and the mighty car-warrior Drupada. |
Mbh.7.92.4263 | The mighty car-warrior Kuntibhoja, accompanied by a large force, resisted Alamvusha, that prince of Rakshasas, of fierce mien. |
Mbh.7.93.4288 | Afflicted with the arrows of Kuntibhoja, Alamvusha, filled with wrath looked like a beautiful Kinsuka graced with its flowering burthen. |
Mbh.7.93.4289 | The Rakshasa then having pierced Kuntibhoja with many arrows, uttered awful shouts at the head of thy host. |
Mbh.7.108.5151 | The five Kekaya brothers, and the Rakshasa Ghatotkacha, and Virata, and Drupada, and the mighty car-warrior Sikhandin and Dhrishtaketu of great strength, and Kuntibhoja, O sire, Nakula, and Sahadeva, and the Panchalas, and the Srinjayas, all these, O sire, will without doubt, very carefully protect me. |
Mbh.7.153.8205 | And then he slew with ten arrows the ten sons of Kuntibhoja. |
Mbh.7.154.8217 | SECTION CLVI Sanjaya said, Beholding the sons of Drupada, as also those of Kuntibhoja, and Rakshasas too in thousands, slain by the son of Drona, Yudhishthira and Bhimasena, and Dhrishtadyumna, the son of Prishata, and Yuyudhana, uniting together, set their hearts firmly on battle. |
Mbh.8.6.181 | Purujit and Kuntibhoja, the two maternal uncles of Savyasaci, have been despatched by Drona with shafts to such regions as are attained by death in battle. |
Mbh.15.1.15 | The daughter of king Kuntibhoja also obeyed Gandhari in everything. |
Mbh.15.19.775 | After the king had purified himself by a bath, the daughter of Kuntibhoja gently led both him, who was to her as her father-in-law and Gandhari from the water into the dry bank. |
Mbh.15.21.855 | How will the highly blessed Gandhari, and Pritha, the daughter of Kuntibhoja, live there? |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
Suggestions are welcome: email:moc.liamg|rnhtijij#moc.liamg|rnhtijij
Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text: www.sacred-texts.com; Wikified at AncientVoice. |