Kunti S
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 27 Feb 2010 12:55 and updated at 27 Feb 2010 12:55
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.2.498 | Then upon the presentation of water of the manes of the deceased princes having commenced, the story of Kunti's acknowledgment of Karna as her son born in secret. |
Mbh.1.124.6669 | SECTION CXXIV Sambhava Parva continued Vaisampayana said, After the birth of Kunti's sons and also of the hundred sons of Dhritarashtra the daughter of the king of the Madras privately addressed Pandu, saying, O slayer of foes, I have no complaint even if thou beest unpropitious to me. |
Mbh.1.124.6693 | The eldest of Kunti's children was called Yudhishthira, the second Bhimasena, and the third Arjuna, and of Madri's sons, the first-born of the twins was called Nakula and the next Sahadeva. |
Mbh.1.127.6791 | Make arrangements also for Kunti's performing the last rites of Madri in such a style as pleaseth her. |
Mbh.1.150.7934 | There came also a number of ladies who while eating and drinking, enjoyed there as they pleased, and with Kunti's leave returned to their respective homes. |
Mbh.1.163.8483 | Thus addressed by Pritha, the Brahmana with his wife became exceedingly glad and assented to Kunti's speech, which was unto them as nectar. |
Mbh.1.208.10237 | Kunti's son Yudhishthira himself doth not seek the welfare of the Pandavas so earnestly as, Kesava, that tiger among men' |
Mbh.2.48.1983 | The prosperity of Kunti's son that is possessed of such splendour maketh me pale. |
Mbh.3.22.1123 | And, O Bharata, the Kaikeyas also, with the permission of Kunti's son possessed of immeasurable energy, having reverentially saluted all the Pandavas, went away. |
Mbh.3.37.1928 | And beholding Kunti's son thus armed and about to set out, the Brahmanas and Siddhas and invisible spirits addressed him, saying, O son of Kunti, obtain thou soon what thou wishest' |
Mbh.3.110.5657 | And from that day forward, O Kunti's son! |
Mbh.3.110.5670 | Here if one bathes, his sin is forthwith destroyed, O Kunti's son! |
Mbh.3.114.5870 | Lomasa said, There is the land, O Kunti's son, where the Kalinga tribes dwell. |
Mbh.3.114.5909 | O most praiseworthy of Kunti's son, otherwise this lord of waters of divine birth, this best storehouse of the waters of the earth, should not be touched, O son of Kunti, even with the end of a sacred grass' |
Mbh.3.121.6209 | this period is the junction between the Treta and the Kali age, O Kunti's son! |
Mbh.3.125.6363 | It is a time, O Kunti's son! |
Mbh.3.125.6391 | Here did Mandhata himself, of a mighty bow, perform sacrificial rites for the gods; and so did Somaka, O Kunti's son! |
Mbh.3.126.6475 | Kunti's son, thus addressed by the mighty saint, Lomasa, immediately put fresh questions to him, with regard to Somaka |
Mbh.3.129.6569 | And, O Kunti's son! |
Mbh.3.129.6611 | O Kunti's son! |
Mbh.3.134.6874 | O Kunti's son, O scion of the Ajamidha race, living happily and cheerfully at this place together with thy brothers and the Brahmanas, thou wilt perform with me other acts of merit, being intent upon good deeds |
Mbh.3.135.6885 | Here, O Kunti's son, appeareth the hermitage of the sage Sthulasiras. |
Mbh.3.139.7076 | We shall have to meet them, and, therefore, O Kunti's son, gather up thy energies. |
Mbh.3.140.7099 | O Kunti's son, thou hast heard what the sage Lomasa had said regarding mount Kailasa. |
Mbh.3.140.7124 | Therefore, O son of Kunti, shall we all practise austerities, O king, Nakula, Sahadeva, Bhimasena, thou and myself shall then see him of the white steeds, O Kunti's son |
Mbh.3.146.7502 | And bowing down, Kunti's son, with joined hands, spake these words, Relent thou, O foremost of monkeys; and forgive me for my harsh words. |
Mbh.3.152.7731 | And as soon as he beheld that river and that unearthly lake, Kunti's son, Bhimasena of mighty strength became exceedingly delighted. |
Mbh.3.152.7733 | And as that repressor of foes, Kunti's son, the heroic Bhima of dreadful prowess, clad in deer-skins and wearing golden armlets and equipped with weapons and girding his sword on, was fearlessly proceeding, with the view of gathering the lotus, those Rakshasas saw him and immediately began to address each other, shouting forth, It behoveth you to enquire for the errand on which this foremost of men, clad in deer skins, and equipped with arms, hath come' |
Mbh.3.156.7901 | And when a dreadful wrestling ensued between those two, both the sons of Madri, waxing exceeding wroth rushed forward; but Kunti's son, Vrikodara, forbade them with a smile and said, Witness ye! |
Mbh.3.157.7945 | Then Kunti's son, Yudhishthira of unfailing prowess, together with his brothers, began to proceed on foot along the mountain path, inhabited by various kinds of beasts. |
Mbh.3.159.8101 | On being severely wounded by that club, that bowman, Kunti's son, of immeasurable prowess, with eyes rolling in ire, took up his mace. |
Mbh.3.160.8109 | SECTION CLX Vaisampayana said, Hearing various sounds resounding in the caves of the mountain and not seeing Bhimasena, Kunti's son, Ajatasatru and the twin sons of Madri and Dhaumya and Krishna and all the Brahmanas and the friends of the Pandavas, were filled with anxiety. |
Mbh.3.165.8301 | Do thou, O Kunti's son, again repair unto Kamyaka'That |
Mbh.3.166.8364 | Then that divine one held up my bows and the couple of quivers furnished with inexhaustible shafts and returned them unto me saying, Do thou ask some boon, O Kunti's son. |
Mbh.3.167.8465 | Do thou slay them there, O Kunti's son; and that will be thy preceptor's fee' |
Mbh.3.172.8684 | And, O Kaunteya, by conquering it even by the might of thy arms, Kunti's son Yudhishthira, will rule the earth |
Mbh.3.178.8850 | On the other hand, Kunti's son, Yudhishthira, seeing and reflecting on dreadful ill omens, became alarmed. |
Mbh.3.178.8863 | And issuing from the hermitage that lord, Kunti's son, following the footprints of Bhimasena, began to search for him in that mighty forest. |
Mbh.3.231.11784 | Kunti's son of great intelligence had also a hundred thousand maid-servants who daily used to feed guests, with plates of gold in their hands. |
Mbh.3.243.12139 | And the Gandharvas consumed by the fiery weapons of Kunti's son, began to suffer heavily, like the sons of Diti, while being scorched by Sakra's thunder-bolt. |
Mbh.3.243.12142 | And beholding the Gandharvas put in fear by Kunti's son, Chitrasena rushed, O Bharata, at Dhananjaya, armed with a mace. |
Mbh.3.256.12570 | Thus accosted by Kunti's son, the illustrious Pandava, those deer, the remnant of those that had been slaughtered, replied unto him, saying, We are, O Bharata, those deer that are still alive after them that had been slaughtered. |
Mbh.3.257.12598 | And seeing him approach, Kunti's son, Yudhishthira, stepped forward, and duly received that high-souled one. |
Mbh.3.259.12752 | Therefore, thou also, O Kunti's son, ought not to grieve. |
Mbh.3.265.12912 | Draupadi replied, Kunti's son king Yudhishthira of the race of Kuru, his brothers, myself, and all those of whom thou hast enquired of, are well. |
Mbh.3.269.13059 | But Kunti's son, king Yudhishthira the just, seeing the foe approach so near, and fighting on foot, pierced his breast with a crescent-shaped arrow. |
Mbh.3.310.15158 | Hearing these words, Kunti's son Yudhishthira, firm in truth, said, O amiable one, go thou and fetch water in these quivers' |
Mbh.3.310.15192 | And seeing Dhananjaya's delay Kunti's son Yudhishthira addressed Bhimasena, saying, O represser of foes, it is a long while that Nakula and Sahadeva and Vibhatsu have gone to fetch water, and they have not come yet, O Bharata! |
Mbh.3.311.15258 | Having answered my questions first, do thou, O Kunti's son, drink and carry away as much as thou requirest' |
Mbh.3.312.15528 | The Yaksha said, O Kunti's son endued with splendour, it was I who for examining thee, was carrying away, in the guise of a deer, that Brahmana's fire-sticks |
Mbh.3.312.15535 | And then reassuring Kunti's son having truth for prowess, he also said, Even if, O Bharata, ye range this entire earth in your proper forms none in the three worlds shall recognise you. |
Mbh.4.21.855 | I would have caused a carnage in Virata's court but for the fact that Kunti's son eyed me by way of forbidding it, or like a mighty elephant. |
Mbh.4.33.1324 | And beholding them panic-stricken, Kunti's son, Yudhishthira, addressed that subduer of foes, the mighty-armed Bhima, saying, The king of the Matsyas hath been taken by the Trigartas. |
Mbh.4.33.1354 | And Kunti's son Yudhishthira slew a thousand of the foe, and Bhima showed the abode of Yama unto seven thousand. |
Mbh.4.33.1360 | Then, O king, Kunti's son Bhima of quick movements, approaching Susarman crushed his steeds. |
Mbh.4.55.2094 | And that foremost of car-warriors, Kunti's son Vibhatsu of white steeds, rushed towards the foe, discharging celestial weapons all the while. |
Mbh.4.57.2200 | And strange to say, that bow of him was also cut off by Kunti's son, by means of straight shafts. |
Mbh.4.58.2277 | And, O bull of the Bharata race, the encounter that took place between Drona and Kunti's son was dreadful in the extreme and resembled that between Vali and Vasava. |
Mbh.4.63.2483 | And that mighty car-warrior, Kunti's son, covered with a diadem, and the heroic son of Santanu, obscured the ten directions with their arrows. |
Mbh.4.63.2486 | And the heroic warriors that protected Bhishma's car, slain by the son of Pandu, fell prostrate, O monarch, beside the car of Kunti's son. |
Mbh.4.68.2673 | Vaisampayana continued, Having heard the words of his son, Virata, that enhancer of the limits of his kingdom, began to soothe Kunti's son, who was like unto a fire hid in ashes, for obtaining his forgiveness. |
Mbh.5.7.200 | And seeing that I cannot act against Krishna even this is resolution formed by me, viz, that I will fight neither for Kunti's sons nor for you. |
Mbh.5.7.213 | Vasudeva's son thereupon said, It beseems thee well, O Kunti's son, that thou measurest thyself with me. |
Mbh.5.7.215 | Vaisampayana continued, Then with a glad heart, Kunti's son, accompanied by Krishna as well as by the flower of the Dasarha race, came back to Yudhishthira' |
Mbh.5.50.2849 | As the sky brightens up at the advent of the rising sun, so the Panchalas are rejoicing at their union with Kunti's son of blazing splendour, risen like a flood of light. |
Mbh.5.141.6358 | O Kesava, bring Kunti's son Arjuna before me for battle, keeping for ever this our discourse a secret, O chastiser of foes |
Mbh.5.142.6369 | When thou wilt behold in battle Kunti's son, invincible Yudhishthira, devoted to Yapa and Homa and resembling the very sun in brilliance, protecting his own mighty army and burning the army of his foes, then all signs of the Krita, the Treta, and the Dwapara ages will disappear. |
Mbh.5.145.6486 | Kunti said, Thou art Kunti's son, and not Radha's. |
Mbh.5.152.6811 | And Kunti's son, king Yudhishthira, amongst them marched, taking with him the cars and other vehicles for transport, the food-stores and fodder, the tents, carriages, and draught-cattle, the cash-chests, the machines and weapons, the surgeons and physicians, the invalids, and all the emaciated and weak soldiers, and all the attendants and camp-followers. |
Mbh.5.153.6825 | Kunti's high-souled son, Yudhishthira, pitched his camp on a delightful, fertile, open and sacred part of the plain. |
Mbh.5.171.7730 | All those chiefs own many thousands of cars and elephants and horses, and they will fight, reckless of their very lives, from desire of doing what is agreeable to Kunti's sons. |
Mbh.5.197.8793 | SECTION CXCVII Vaisampayana said, Hearing these words of the leaders of the Kuru army, Kunti's son Yudhishthira, summoning all his brothers, said unto them these words in private' |
Mbh.6.14.714 | Slaughtering the hostile ranks, having arrows for his teeth, and full of energy, with the bow for his wide-open mouth, and with the terrible sword for his tongue, and invincible, a very tiger among men, endued with modesty, and never before vanquished, alas, how did Kunti's son overthrow in battle that unconquered one, undeserving as he was of such a fate, that fierce bowman shooting fierce shafts, stationed on his excellent car, and plucking off the heads of foes from their bodies, that warrior, irresistible as the Yuga-fire, beholding whom addrest for battle the great army of the Pandavas always used to waver? |
Mbh.6.14.729 | Like unto a mighty cloud of high altitude, having the twang of his bowstring for its roar, his arrows for its rain-drops, and the sound of his bow for its thunder, that hero showering his shafts on Kunti's sons with the Panchalas and the Srinjayas on their side, smote hostile car-warriors like the slayer of Vala smiting the Danavas. |
Mbh.6.19.900 | How did Kunti's son, O Sanjaya, form his counter-array against that Bhishma who was acquainted with all kinds of arrays, viz, human, celestial, Gandharva, and Asura |
Mbh.6.25.1085 | And Kunti's son king Yudhishthira blew the conch called Anantavijaya; while Nakula and Sahadeva, those conches called respectively Sughosa and Manipushpaka |
Mbh.6.43.2143 | Casting his eyes then upon them, Yuyutsu said these words, with a cheerful heart, unto Kunti's son king Yudhishthira the Just, I will fight under thee in battle, for the sake of you all, with the sons of Dhritarashtra, if, O king, thou wilt accept me, sinless one' |
Mbh.6.51.2675 | And Kunti's son king Yudhishthira blew the conch called Anantavijaya, while Nakula and Sahadeva those conches called Sughosa and Manipushpaka |
Mbh.6.73.3893 | Avoiding the son of Drona, Kunti's son endued with great prowess and having white steeds yoked unto his car, began to fight, displaying great quickness of arms and causing a great carnage of thy troops. |
Mbh.6.85.4489 | Then during the progress of the fight, Kunti's son Arjuna, of white steeds, beholding Bhishma, who was incapable of being vanquished by very gods, proceeding to rescue thy sons in view of Abhimanyu, a boy and alone though a mighty car-warrior, addressed Vasudeva and said these words, Urge the steeds, O Hrishikesa, to that spot where are those numerous car-warriors. |
Mbh.6.85.4492 | Thus urged by Kunti's son of immeasurable energy, he of Vrishni's race then drove that car, unto which were yoked white steeds, to battle. |
Mbh.6.87.4561 | In half the time taken up by a wink of the eye, Bhishma, the son of Santanu, in that battle, made Kunti's son invisible by means of his numberless shafts shot in sets. |
Mbh.6.97.5161 | The prowess that we then beheld of Kunti's son was exceedingly wonderful, for though held in check by Drona, he still slew thy sons. |
Mbh.6.102.5477 | Soon after, that scorcher of foes and mighty car-warrior, viz, Kunti's son of immeasurable soul, excited with wrath, rushed in that battle against Drona. |
Mbh.6.118.6475 | And piercing Kripa and Vikarna and Salya with many arrows made wholly of iron, Kunti's son owning white steeds deprived all of them of their cars. |
Mbh.6.118.6497 | Meanwhile Kunti's son owning white steeds slaughtered thy troops, confounding the grandsire |
Mbh.6.120.6642 | Ourselves then, afraid of Kunti's son Dhananjaya having white steeds attached to his car, and afflicted by him with polished weapons, fled away from the battle. |
Mbh.6.122.6758 | And casting his eyes upon all the Bharatas there, he addressed Kunti's son Arjuna, that foremost of all warriors, that enhancer of the joys of his friends and said, Thou hast given me, O son of Pandu, a pillow that becometh my bed! |
Mbh.6.124.6872 | Thou art Kunti's son, not Radha's! |
Mbh.6.124.6901 | As thou tellest me, O, Bhishma, I am Kunti's son, and not the son of a Suta! |
Mbh.7.9.331 | However undeserving of it, he yet attained at the hands of Kunti's son, the fruit of his own conduct |
Mbh.7.11.431 | And that tiger among men, that mighty-armed one, slaying then all the kings in battle as also the Kauravas, will give away the whole earth to Kunti's son. |
Mbh.7.12.462 | Then that preceptor of the Kurus, hearing those words of thy son, returned him the following answer, gladdening all the troops therewith, Praised be Kunti's son Yudhishthira whose seizing only thou desirest. |
Mbh.7.12.473 | For this, thy son, O king, filled with joy, said these words, By the slaughter of Kunti's son in battle, O preceptor, victory cannot be mine. |
Mbh.7.16.731 | And then he advanced against Kunti's son, Yudhisthira, from a desire of seizing him. |
Mbh.7.16.742 | While thy soldiers were indulging in such talks, Kunti's son Arjuna quickly came there, filling the welkin with the rattle of his car, and creating, as he came, owing to the carnage he caused, a river whose waters were blood, and whose eddies were cars, and which abounded with the bones and bodies of brave warriors and which bore creatures away to where the spirits of the departed dwell. |
Mbh.7.19.848 | And, O bull of Bharata's race, they soon made Kunti's son, Dhananjaya, together with Krishna, entirely invisible in that battle. |
Mbh.7.21.1020 | Then many Pandava warriors, headed by Kunti's son, rushing at Drona, that mighty car-warrior consuming their divisions like Death himself, surrounded him on all sides. |
Mbh.7.25.1337 | Covered with those arrows, O monarch, neither Kunti's son Partha, nor Krishna, otherwise called Janardana, nor the steeds, nor the car, could be seen. |
Mbh.7.50.2303 | SECTION L Sanjaya said, While Kunti's son, Yudhishthira, was indulging in such lamentations, the great Rishi Krishna Dwaipayana came to him. |
Mbh.7.50.2334 | Sanjaya continued, Unto Kunti's son, Yudhishthira, asking him thus, the illustrious Rishi, comforting him, said these words' |
Mbh.7.78.3399 | SECTION LXXX Sanjaya said, Kunti's son, Dhananjaya, of inconceivable prowess thinking of how to accomplish his vow, recollected the mantras given to him by Vyasa. |
Mbh.7.86.3791 | Dry winds blew in all directions, accompanied by thunder, and driving bard pebbles and gravel when Kunti's son came at the commencement of battle. |
Mbh.7.92.4250 | Those uterine brothers, viz, Vivingsati and Chitrasena and the mighty car-warrior Vikarna, surrounded Kunti's son Bhimasena on all sides. |
Mbh.7.102.4761 | And the feat that Kunti's son, having Krishna for his charioteer, achieved there, was highly wonderful, inasmuch as, alone, he encountered fearlessly all those warriors united together. |
Mbh.7.124.6172 | That heroic and mighty car-warrior, viz, Kunti's son Bhimasena of great prowess, thus encompassed, cast his eyes on them, and rushed against them with the impetuosity of a lion against smaller animals. |
Mbh.7.133.6628 | Beholding the Suta's son turn back and flying away on foot, covered all over with the arrows of Kunti's son, Duryodhana said, Go ye quickly from all sides towards the car of Radha's son' |
Mbh.7.142.7270 | Kunti's son, Dhananjaya, pierced all of them in return. |
Mbh.7.143.7377 | The prowess that we then beheld of Kunti's son was extremely wonderful. |
Mbh.7.154.8265 | Beholding the Brahma weapon uplifted, Kunti's son, Yudhishthira, O king, baffled it with a Brahma weapon of his own. |
Mbh.7.180.9829 | O great bowman, O thou of immeasurable prowess in battle, O foremost of all victors, this dart should not be hurled at any one else than that great car-warrior, viz, Kunti's son, Partha or Dhananjaya. |
Mbh.7.184.10081 | Then Duryodhana and Karna, and Sakuni, the son of Suvala, covered Kunti's son, Dhananjaya, with showers of shafts. |
Mbh.7.188.10351 | This advice, however, O kin was not approved by Kunti's son, Dhananjaya. |
Mbh.7.188.10389 | Burning with grief and exceedingly afflicted, he enquired of Kunti's son Yudhishthira as to whether his son Aswatthaman had been slain or not. |
Mbh.7.191.10634 | Hearing these words Kunti's son, Dhananjaya, approved them not. |
Mbh.7.195.10812 | Then the mighty-armed Bhimasena, filled with wrath, O bull of Bharata's race, reproaching Kunti's son, Arjuna, said these words, Thou preachest truths of morality like an anchorite living in the woods or a Brahmana of rigid vows and senses under complete control. |
Mbh.7.197.10993 | Then roaring aloud, O bull of Bharata's race, Aswatthaman once more repeated his vow in the hearing of thy son, thus, Since Kunti's son, Yudhishthira, assuming only the outward garb of virtue, had caused the preceptor who was righteously engaged in battle to lay aside his weapons, I shall, in his very sight, rout and destroy his army. |
Mbh.7.197.11027 | After Kunti's son, Yudhishthira had said this, he of Dasarha's race, viz, Kesava quickly forbidding the troops, by motion of his arms, to fly away said these words, Speedily lay down your weapons, all of you, and alight from your vehicles. |
Mbh.7.198.11068 | Thus dragged by them, Kunti's son, that mighty car-warrior, began to roar aloud. |
Mbh.7.198.11205 | Sanjaya said, Beholding that force broken, Kunti's son, Dhananjaya, of immeasurable soul, proceeded against Aswatthaman from desire of slaying him. |
Mbh.8.34.1785 | Let, O Shalya, that be done speedily today by which this Karna, grinding the Pandava troops, may be able to slay Kunti's son owning white steeds and having Krishna for the driver of his car. |
Mbh.8.56.3249 | Having slain kshatriyas, Kunti's son, that mighty car-warrior, then quickly proceeded to the further wing of the samsaptakas. |
Mbh.8.60.3444 | SECTION Sanjaya said, Meanwhile Krishna, pointing out king Yudhishthira the just, unto Kunti's son Partha, addressed him in these words: Yonder, O son of Pandu, your brother Yudhishthira is being pursued by many mighty and great bowmen amongst the Dhartarashtras, all inspired with the desire of slaughtering him. |
Mbh.8.60.3452 | I regard Kunti's son Yudhishthira, thus brought under the influence of Duryodhana, to be already within the jaws of Death or already poured as a libation on the sacrificial fire. |
Mbh.8.63.3675 | Then, smiling the while, the Suta's son, that great bowman, with another broadheaded shaft, felled the head-gear of Kunti's son. |
Mbh.8.63.3702 | After Karna had gone away, Kunti's son Yudhishthira retreated, borne, O sire, by the fleet steeds of Sahadeva. |
Mbh.8.64.3770 | Hearing those wails of the troops slaughtered with Karna's shafts, and beholding the terrible bhargava weapon invoked into existence Kunti's son Dhananjaya said unto Vasudeva these words, Behold, O Krishna of mighty arms, the prowess of the bhargava weapon! |
Mbh.8.69.3964 | SECTION Sanjaya said, Thus addressed by Yudhishthira, Kunti's son owning white steeds, filled with rage, drew his sword for slaying that bull of Bharata's race. |
Mbh.8.74.4490 | O Govinda, slaying Karna with keen shafts I will dispel the long sleeplessness of Kunti's son. |
Mbh.8.78.4722 | Beholding the army broken by Kunti's son of immeasurable energy, what did Karna, the son of Adhiratha and Radha, do in that battle? |
Mbh.8.80.4906 | SECTION Sanjaya said, Then, O king, Dhananjaya, desirous of rescuing Kunti's son Bhima who, assailed by many, foremost of warriors of the Kuru army, seemed to sink under that attack, avoided, O Bharata, the troops of the Suta's son and began, with his shafts, to despatch those hostile heroes that were opposed to Bhima to the regions of death. |
Mbh.8.91.5782 | When at the assembly Shakuni, an adept in dice, vanquished Kunti's son Yudhishthira who was unacquainted with it, whither had this virtue of thine gone? |
Mbh.8.96.6144 | The kings in the Pandava army, great car-warriors, all filled with joy, approached Kunti's son Yudhishthira and gladdened him greatly. |
Mbh.9.16.912 | Armed with his mace, Bhimasena held the king in check, and Kunti's son Yudhishthira resisted Shalya at the head of his forces. |
Mbh.9.19.1197 | Like the ocean that cannot transgress its continents, Kunti's son Dhananjaya will never venture to transgress me, if I take up my stand in the rear. |
Mbh.9.21.1392 | Those cars ridden by excellent warriors and endued with speed of the wind or thought, rushed in that battle against the car of Kunti's son. |
Mbh.9.22.1495 | Beholding those Kuru combatants approach the Pandava army with uplifted bows, Kunti's son Dhananjaya said unto the son of Devaki these words, Urge the steeds fearlessly and penetrate this sea of troops! |
Mbh.9.25.1719 | Kunti's son, Dhananjaya, otherwise called Partha, putting forth his prowess, cut off the heads of many brave combatants on horse-back. |
Mbh.9.28.2007 | Hearing these agreeable words of Bhimasena, O monarch, Kunti's son, Ajatasatru, became, with all his brothers, filled with joy. |
Mbh.9.53.3814 | Saying, So be it O monarch, Kunti's brave son, the lord Yudhishthira, proceeded towards Samantapanchaka. |
Mbh.10.10.756 | Hearing these evil tidings, Kunti's son Yudhishthira, however, capable of bearing up against foes, fell down on the earth, afflicted with grief at the loss of his sons. |
Mbh.10.11.829 | Hearing these and other piteous lamentations of the princess, Kunti's son, Bhimasena, of great might, could not endure them. |
Mbh.12.14.539 | SECTION XIV Vaisampayana said, When Kunti's son, king Yudhishthira the just, remained speechless after listening to his brothers who were telling these truths of the Vedas, that foremost of women, viz, Draupadi, of large eyes and great beauty, and noble descent, O monarch, said these words unto that bull among kings seated in the midst of his brothers that resembled so many lions and tigers, and like the leader in the midst of a herd of elephants. |
Mbh.12.37.2004 | Desirous of entering the city, Kunti's son Yudhishthira, conversant with every duty, offered worship unto the gods and thousands of Brahmanas. |
Mbh.12.45.2219 | Having obtained his kingdom, O monarch, Kunti's son Yudhishthira appointed each of the four orders of men to their respective duties. |
Mbh.12.52.2822 | Vaisampayana continued, Hearing these words of the king, Kunti's son Dhananjaya, that foremost of men went out and coming back represented unto him that his best of cars stood harnessed for him. |
Mbh.13.106.9638 | Vaisampayana continued, Unto Kunti's son by the deity of Dharma, who was conversant with every duty and who said so unto him, Santanu's son, Bhishma, who was acquainted with every duty, answered in the following words' |
Mbh.13.167.13767 | Vaisampayana continued, Thus addressed by Kunti's son of great intelligence, the son of Ganga opened his eyes and saw all the Bharatas assembled there and standing around him. |
Mbh.14.1.11 | O Kunti's son, thou hast conquered this Earth according to the usage of the Kshatriyas. |
Mbh.14.1.23 | When, O Kunti's son, the far-sighted Vidura said this, fool that I was I followed the wicked Duryodhana. |
Mbh.14.87.3867 | I always, O Janarddana, think, when I am withdrawn from business, of Kunti's son Jishnu. |
Mbh.15.5.262 | Then the son of Amvika, O monarch, addressing Kunti's son who was seated near him and touching his back with his hand, said, Thou shouldst always, O delighter of the Kurus, act without heedlessness as regards everything connected with thy kingdom consisting of eight limbs, O foremost of rulers, and in which the claims of righteousness should ever be kept foremost |
Mbh.15.10.484 | After the same manner, we have enjoyed great happiness, O monarch, for thousands of years, under the rule of Kunti's son of great intelligence and wisdom. |
Mbh.15.27.1082 | The Kuru king Dhritarashtra, Kunti's son Yudhishthira of great energy, and Bhimasena and others, stood up and advancing a few steps, saluted those guests. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
Suggestions are welcome: email:moc.liamg|rnhtijij#moc.liamg|rnhtijij
Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text: www.sacred-texts.com; Wikified at AncientVoice. |