Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 27 Feb 2010 12:19 and updated at 27 Feb 2010 12:19
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.3.12.609 | And, O Kesava, the lord of Kshetra thou art the mover of all minds, and the beginning and end of all things! |
Mbh.6.37.1739 | SECTION XXXVII Bhagavad Gita, Chapter XIII The Holy One said, This body, O son of Kunti, is called Kshetra. |
Mbh.6.37.1742 | The knowledge of Kshetra and Kshetrajna I regard to be true knowledge. |
Mbh.6.37.1743 | What that Kshetra is, and what it is like, and what changes it undergoes, and whence it comes, what is he viz, Kshetrajna, and what his powers are, hear from me in brief. |
Mbh.6.37.1745 | The great elements, egoism, intellect, the unmanifest viz, Prakriti, also the ten senses, the one manas, the five objects of sense, desire, aversion, pleasure, pain, body consciousness, courage, all this in brief hath been declared to be Kshetra in its modified form. |
Mbh.6.37.1749 | Thus Kshetra, and Knowledge, and the Object of Knowledge, have been declared to thee in brief. |
Mbh.6.37.1760 | Whatever entity, immobile or mobile, cometh into existence, know that, O bull of Bharata's race, to be from the connection of Kshetra and Kshetrajna matter and spirit. |
Mbh.12.47.2405 | Called Kshetrajna, thou sittest in Kshetra. |
Mbh.12.47.2406 | Salutations to thee in thy form of Kshetra |
Mbh.12.212.12861 | By their nature, women are Kshetra, and men are Kshetrajna in respect of attributes. |
Mbh.12.240.14869 | He who has created the seven worlds is said by those that are acquainted with what is Kshetra and what is Kshetrajna to be above jiva |
Mbh.12.306.19270 | Prakriti is called Kshetra or soil. |
Mbh.12.306.19272 | It presides over that Prakriti or Kshetra. |
Mbh.12.306.19275 | And because He knows that Unmanifest Kshetra, He is, therefore, also called Kshetrajna Knower of Kshetra. |
Mbh.12.306.19276 | And because also the Soul enters into Unmanifest Kshetra viz, the body, therefore he is called Purusha. |
Mbh.12.306.19277 | Kshetra is something quite different from Kshetrajna. |
Mbh.12.306.19278 | Kshetra is Unmanifest. |
Mbh.12.306.19282 | The Unmanifest is called Kshetra. |
Mbh.12.307.19326 | And because the principles beginning with Mahat are produced by Purusha as well, and because also Purusha and the Unmanifest are mutually dependant upon each other, therefore is Purusha also, the twenty-fifth, called Kshetra and hence Akshara or Indestructible |
Mbh.12.307.19330 | Thus it is that Kshetrajna, when his knowledge of Kshetra disappears, becomes, by his nature, destitute of attributes, as it has been heard by us. |
Mbh.12.308.19423 | Though really different from the Kshetra in which he resides for the time being, he partakes of the nature of that Kshetra in consequence of his union with it |
Mbh.12.318.19986 | By apprehending Kshetra, O king, and by performing the Sacrifice that consists in the acquisition of Knowledge, thou wilt really be wise. |
Mbh.12.351.23510 | Kshetra is another name for body. |
Mbh.13.149.12559 | Indeed, this body that is called Kshetra, and the intelligent soul within, that is called the knower of Kshetra, also have Vasudeva for their soul. |
Mbh.14.34.1345 | The holy one continued, Then the mind of that Brahmana's wife, upon the destruction of the Kshetrajna, became that which is beyond Kshetrajna, in consequence of the knowledge of Kshetra |
Mbh.14.43.1795 | The unmanifest resides in the symbol called Kshetra, and is that in which the qualities are produced and absorbed. |
Mbh.14.47.2013 | When the inner self, which is destitute of knowledge of nature, which is as it were unintelligent, becomes conversant with that which is above nature, then, understanding the Kshetra, and endued with an intelligence that transcends all qualities and apprehends everything, one becomes released from all sins |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
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Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text: www.sacred-texts.com; Wikified at AncientVoice. |