Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 27 Feb 2010 11:39 and updated at 27 Feb 2010 11:39
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.105.5953 | If the princess of Kosala can bear my strong odour, my ugly and grim visage, my attire and body, she shall then conceive an excellent child |
Mbh.1.105.5954 | Vaisampayana continued, Having spoken thus unto Satyavati, Vyasa of great energy addressed her and said, Let the princess of Kosala clad in clean attire and checked with ornaments wait for me in her bed-chamber' |
Mbh.1.105.5955 | Saying this, the Rishi disappeared, Satyavati then went to her daughter-in-law and seeing her in private spoke to her these words of beneficial and virtuous import, O princess of Kosala, listen to what I say. |
Mbh.1.106.5963 | SECTION CVI Sambhava Parva continued Vaisampayana said, Soon after the monthly season of the princess of Kosala had been over, Satyavati, purifying her daughter-in-law with a bath, led her into the sleeping apartment. |
Mbh.1.106.5964 | There seating her upon a luxurious bed, she addressed her, saying, O Princess of Kosala, thy husband hath an elder brother who shall this day enter thy womb as thy child. |
Mbh.1.106.5979 | And the first princess of Kosala in due time brought forth a blind son. |
Mbh.1.114.6209 | Then Satyavati and Bhishma and the Kosala princes were all gratified with the presents Pandu made out of the acquisitions of his prowess. |
Mbh.1.119.6396 | Vaisampayana continued, The king, having thus wept in sorrow, with a sigh looked at his two wives Kunti and Madri, and addressing them said, Let the princess of Kosala my mother, Vidura, the king with our friends, the venerable Satyavati, Bhishma, the priests of our family, illustrious Soma-drinking Brahmanas of rigid vows and all elderly citizens depending on us be informed, after being prepared for it, that Pandu hath retired into the woods to lead a life of asceticism' |
Mbh.1.126.6767 | And there also came out Bhishma, the son of Santanu, and Somadatta or Valhika and the royal sage Dhritarashtra endued with the vision of knowledge and Vidura himself and the venerable Satyavati and the illustrious princess of Kosala and Gandhari accompanied by the other ladies of the royal household. |
Mbh.1.187.9422 | Vrihanta, Manimana, Dandadhara, Sahadeva, Jayatsena, Meghasandhi, Virata with his two sons Sankha and Uttara, Vardhakshemi, Susarma, Senavindu, Suketu with his two sons Sunama and Suvarcha, Suchitra, Sukumara, Vrika, Satyadhriti, Suryadhwaja, Rochamana, Nila, Chitrayudha, Agsuman, Chekitana, the mighty Sreniman, Chandrasena the mighty son of Samudrasena, Jarasandha, Vidanda, and Danda, the father and son, Paundraka, Vasudeva, Bhagadatta endued with great energy, Kalinga, Tamralipta, the king of Pattana, the mighty car-warrior Salya, the king of Madra, with his son, the heroic Rukmangada, Rukmaratha, Somadatta of the Kuru race with his three sons, all mighty chariot-fighters and heroes, viz, Bhuri, Bhurisrava, and Sala, Sudakshina, Kamvoja of the Puru race, Vrihadvala, Sushena, Sivi, the son of Usinara, Patcharanihanta, the king of Karusha, Sankarshana Valadeva, Vasudeva Krishna the mighty son of Rukmini, Samva, Charudeshna, the son of Pradyumna with Gada, Akrura, Satyaki, the high-souled Uddhava, Kritavarman, the son of Hridika, Prithu, Viprithu, Viduratha, Kanka, Sanku with Gaveshana, Asavaha, Aniruddha, Samika, Sarimejaya, the heroic Vatapi Jhilli Pindaraka, the powerful Usinara, all these of the Vrishni race, Bhagiratha, Vrihatkshatra, Jayadratha the son of Sindhu, Vrihadratha, Valhika, the mighty charioteer Srutayu, Uluka, Kaitava, Chitrangada and Suvangada, the highly intelligent Vatsaraja, the king of Kosala, Sisupala and the powerful Jarasandha, these and many other great kings, all Kshatriyas celebrated throughout the world, have come, O blessed one, for thee. |
Mbh.2.20.898 | They then crossed the delightful Sarayu and saw the country of Eastern Kosala. |
Mbh.2.29.1217 | SECTION XXIX Vaisampayana said, that chastiser of all foes then vanquished king Srenimat of the country of Kumara, and then Vrihadvala, the king of Kosala. |
Mbh.2.30.1259 | But the son of Madri, vanquishing the invincible Bhismaka, then defeated in battle the king of Kosala and the ruler of the territories lying on the banks of the Venwa, as also the Kantarakas and the kings of the eastern Kosalas. |
Mbh.3.73.3668 | And at this, the king of Kosala reflected a while and at length said, I have come here to pay my respects to thee' |
Mbh.3.74.3692 | Thus addressed, Vahuka answered, the illustrious king of Kosala had heard from a Brahmana that a second Swayamvara of Damayanti would take place. |
Mbh.3.76.3788 | At last, O king, a learned Brahmana named Parnada had found thee in Kosala in the palace of Rituparna. |
Mbh.3.85.4607 | Sojourning next to the tirtha called Rishabha in Kosala, O lord of men, and fasting there for three nights one earneth the merit of the Vajapeya sacrifice, and of the gift of a thousand kine, and also delivereth his race. |
Mbh.3.85.4608 | Arriving at Kosala, a man should bathe in the tirtha named Kala. |
Mbh.3.252.12448 | And having taken Batsa-bhumi, he reduced Kevali, and Mrittikavati, and Mohana and Patrana, and Tripura, and Kosala, and compelled all these to pay tribute. |
Mbh.3.277.13510 | Alas, I shall not behold thee return with the princess of Videha to Kosala and seated on thy ancestral throne as the ruler of the entire Earth! |
Mbh.3.282.13841 | And having approached the hero of Pulastya's race in the midst of his counsellors, the eloquent Angada saluted the king and began to deliver Rama's message in these words, That descendant of Raghu, O king, who ruleth at Kosala and whose renown hath spread over the whole world, sayeth unto thee these words suited to the occasion. |
Mbh.3.282.13860 | And approaching the presence of the lord of Kosala and informing him of everything, the monkey Angada endued with great energy retired to refresh himself, dismissed with due respect by Rama. |
Mbh.6.45.2208 | Soon, however, in that encounter, O king, the ruler of Kosala cut off the standard and overthrew the charioteer of Subhadra's son. |
Mbh.7.45.2144 | The ruler of the Kosala struck Abhimanyu, in the chest with a barbed arrow. |
Mbh.9.36.2686 | It was on that sacred region, the northern part of Kosala, O king, that the sacrifice of high-souled Auddalaka was performed. |
Mbh.12.18.794 | Thy mother hath today been made sonless by thee, and thy spouse, the princess of Kosala, a widow. |
Mbh.12.67.3714 | There was a king of Kosala possessed of great intelligence, named Vasumanas. |
Mbh.12.67.3719 | Thus questioned by the Kosala king of immeasurable energy, Vrihaspati of great wisdom discoursed unto him coolly about the respect that should be paid to kings. |
Mbh.12.67.3782 | That best of monarchs, viz, the heroic Vasumanas, ruler of Kosala, thus instructed by Vrihaspati the son of Angiras, began thenceforth to protect his subjects |
Mbh.12.81.4556 | In this connection also an old story is cited of what the sage Kalakavrikshiya had said unto the king of Kosala. |
Mbh.12.81.4557 | It hath been heard by us that once on a time the sage Kalakavrikshiya came to Kshemadarsin who had ascended the throne of the kingdom of Kosala. |
Mbh.12.81.4672 | After this, the king of Kosala took a minister from the Kshatriya order, and appointed that bull among Brahmanas viz, the sage Kalakavrikshiya as his Purohita. |
Mbh.12.81.4673 | After these changes had been effected, the king of Kosala subjugated the whole earth and acquired great fame. |
Mbh.12.81.4675 | Having listened to his beneficial counsels, the king of Kosala conquered the whole earth and conducted himself in every respect as the sage directed |
Mbh.12.103.5813 | Thus addressed by the intelligent prince of Kosala, the sage Kalakavrikshiya of great splendour made the following answer' |
Mbh.12.103.5850 | O prince of Kosala, in respect of every affair that may engage thy attention. |
Mbh.12.103.5852 | Be thou delighted, O prince of Kosala, with whatever thou succeedest in winning with ease. |
Mbh.12.103.5872 | If, O prince of Kosala, a person loses that wealth which had been earned with difficulty and which had been proportionate to his desires, he then, overcome by the inactivity of despair, gives up all desire of wealth. |
Mbh.12.104.5924 | If the treasury of thy foes be exhausted by either righteous or unrighteous deeds, every one of them, O prince of Kosala, may be reduced to subjection. |
Mbh.12.105.5982 | The ruler of Videha then, addressing the prince of Kosala, said these words: In observance of Kshatriya duties as also with aid of Policy, I have conquered the world. |
Mbh.12.105.5990 | The ruler of the Videhas, causing the prince of Kosala to enter his abode, honoured him, who deserved every honour, with offerings of water to wash his feet, honey and curds and the usual articles. |
Mbh.13.6.412 | Saudasa, the king of Kosala, though dignified by the performance of Aswamedha and other sacrifices, obtained the status of a man-eating Rakshasa, through the curse of a great Rishi. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
Suggestions are welcome: email:moc.liamg|rnhtijij#moc.liamg|rnhtijij
Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text: www.sacred-texts.com; Wikified at AncientVoice. |