Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 27 Feb 2010 11:04 and updated at 27 Feb 2010 11:04
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.3.273.13267 | And Malini had a son named Vibhishana, and Raka had twin children named Khara and Surpanakha. |
Mbh.3.273.13273 | And Khara was proficient in archery, and hostile to the Brahmanas, subsisting as he did on flesh. |
Mbh.3.273.13282 | And Khara and Surpanakha, with cheerful hearts, protected and attended on them while they were performing those austerities. |
Mbh.3.275.13396 | And while living there, Rama was inveigled into hostilities with Khara, then dwelling in Janasthana, on account of Surpanakha. |
Mbh.3.275.13397 | And for the protection of the ascetics the virtuous scion of Raghu's race slew fourteen thousand Rakshasas on earth, and having slain those mighty Rakshasas, Khara and Dushana, the wise descendant of Raghu once more made that sacred forest free from danger' |
Mbh.3.275.13407 | His sister then related unto him the prowess of Rama and the defeat of the Rakshasas with Khara and Dushana at their head. |
Mbh.3.283.13883 | And among these were Parvana, Patana, Jambha, Khara, Krodha-vasa, Hari, Praruja, Aruja and Praghasa, and others. |
Mbh.7.104.4846 | Slaying him, the mighty-armed Sahadeva looked resplendent like Rama, the son of Dasaratha, after slaying the mighty Rakshasa Khara. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
Suggestions are welcome: email:moc.liamg|rnhtijij#moc.liamg|rnhtijij
Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text:; Wikified at AncientVoice. |