Karna S
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 27 Feb 2010 09:57 and updated at 27 Feb 2010 09:57
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.2.396 | Here also is narrated the story of Savitri; then Karna's deprivation by Indra of his ear-rings; then the presentation to Karna by the gratified Indra of a Sakti missile weapon which had the virtue of killing only one person against whom it might be hurled; then the story called Aranya in which Dharma the god of justice gave advice to his son Yudhishthira; in which, besides is recited how the Pandavas after having obtained a boon went towards the west. |
Mbh.1.2.420 | Then the exhibition by Krishna, before the assembled Rajas, of his Yoga powers upon learning the evil counsels of Duryodhana and Karna; then Krishna's taking Karna in his chariot and his tendering to him of advice, and Karna's rejection of the same from pride. |
Mbh.1.2.451 | In this is narrated the appointment of the wise king of Madra as Karna's charioteer. |
Mbh.1.111.6139 | And the chief of the celestials accepted the gift and was exceedingly gratified with Karna's liberality. |
Mbh.1.138.7394 | Vaisampayana continued, When he was thus addressed by Kripa, Karna's countenance became like unto a lotus pale and torn with the pelting showers in the rainy season. |
Mbh.1.139.7427 | The sun, however, went down, but prince Duryodhana taking Karna's hand led him out of the arena lighted with countless lamps. |
Mbh.3.12.734 | My grief at Karna's ridicule is incapable of being assuaged! |
Mbh.3.298.14706 | And, O mighty monarch, ascertaining this intention of the great chief of the celestials about Karna's ear-rings, Surya, having effulgence for his wealth, went unto Karna. |
Mbh.3.307.15053 | And after Karna's adoption, Adhiratha had other sons begotten by himself. |
Mbh.4.54.2088 | And he covered Karna's car with countless shafts like the sun covering the different worlds with rays. |
Mbh.4.54.2090 | And that grinder of foes pierced Karna's arms and thighs and head and forehead and neck and other principal parts of his body with whetted shafts endued with the impetuosity of the thunderbolt and shot from the Gandiva in battle. |
Mbh.4.60.2349 | And incapable of putting up with that assault, Arjuna cut off the strings of Karna's quiver by means of a straight and sharp arrow. |
Mbh.4.60.2351 | And then the mighty-armed Partha cut off Karna's bow into fragments. |
Mbh.4.60.2357 | And at this, Karna's vision was obscured and his senses left him. |
Mbh.5.8.276 | When, O best of kings, the single combat between Karna and Arjuna will take place, I have no doubt thou wilt have to drive Karna's car. |
Mbh.5.146.6513 | Vaisampayana continued, Though, thus addressed by his mother, and by also his father Surya himself, Karna's heart did not yet waver, for he was firmly devoted to truth. |
Mbh.5.164.7477 | And at Karna's command they promulgated the order, Array yourselves before sunrise tomorrow |
Mbh.6.17.867 | That large force of the Easterners looking like the fleecy clouds of autumn was besides protected by the chief of the Angas Karna's son Vrishaketu and Kripa endued with great energy. |
Mbh.7.16.711 | And soon they made Karna's son invisible by means of their arrowy showers. |
Mbh.7.30.1617 | Those fierce darts of great splendour and great impetuosity, looking like snakes, hurled from those mighty arms, coursed impetuously towards Karna's car. |
Mbh.7.30.1627 | And cutting off Karna's bow with a couple of well-shot shafts, he once more pierced Karna on the arms and the chest with three arrows. |
Mbh.7.35.1839 | That shaft, piercing through Karna's coat of mail and then his body, entered the earth like a snake piercing through an anthill. |
Mbh.7.38.1948 | Endued with great valour and courage, the latter then, in a moment, with only a single arrow, cut off Karna's bow and standard and caused them to drop down on the ground. |
Mbh.7.39.1952 | And Karna's brother, with ten shafts, pierced invincible Abhimanyu and his umbrella and standard and charioteer and steeds, smiling the while. |
Mbh.7.46.2158 | The son of Subhadra then slew six of Karna's brave counsellors, conversant with all modes of warfare, with their steeds and charioteers and cars. |
Mbh.7.109.5189 | Always solicitous of Karna's welfare, they are obedient to him. |
Mbh.7.109.5190 | It is at Karna's command, O king, that returning from their pursuit of Arjuna and, therefore, unfatigued and unworn, those brave warriors, cased in impenetrable armour and armed with strong bows, are certainly waiting for me, ordered by Duryodhana also. |
Mbh.7.126.6303 | Thus covered by Karna, the mighty son of Pandu, however, cut off Karna's bow at the handle and then pierced Karna with ten straight arrows. |
Mbh.7.126.6311 | Suddenly shrouded with shafts by that firm bowman, viz, Karna, the son of Pandu, smiling the while, cut off Karna's bow-string. |
Mbh.7.126.6312 | And then with a broad-headed arrow, he despatched Karna's charioteer to the abode of Yama. |
Mbh.7.128.6418 | Indeed, O monarch, those shafts shot from Karna's bow completely shrouded that car with its standard and driver and the Pandava himself. |
Mbh.7.128.6421 | The mighty-armed Vrikodara, however, disregarding those shafts shot from Karna's bow fearlessly struck the Suta's son. |
Mbh.7.128.6422 | Pierced with those shafts, resembling snakes of virulent poison, shot from Karna's bow, Bhima, O monarch, felt no pain in that battle. |
Mbh.7.128.6433 | Like the sun holding his own rays, the heroic Bhima held in that battle all those shafts, whetted on stone and equipped with wings of gold, that were shot from Karna's bow. |
Mbh.7.128.6439 | And, again, with another arrow, the valiant Bhimasena quickly cut off Karna's bow, smiling the while. |
Mbh.7.128.6441 | Those winged shafts, piercing through Karna's body, entered the earth, like the rays of the sun piercing through the clouds. |
Mbh.7.130.6502 | And with a broad-headed arrow, the son of Pandu then felled on the earth Karna's charioteer from his niche in the car. |
Mbh.7.130.6517 | Then Bhima once more cut Karna's bow at the handle, O sire, and despatched by means of his shafts the latter's steeds, white as conchs, to the abode of Yama, and the son of Pandu also felled his enemy's charioteer from his niche in the car. |
Mbh.7.133.6616 | Then Bhima, slaying Karna's steeds and charioteer, laughed a laugh, having thus counteracted Karna's feats. |
Mbh.7.133.6626 | Those keen shafts, piercing through Karna's coat of mail and right arm, entered the earth like snakes into an ant-hill. |
Mbh.7.134.6657 | Indeed, O bull of Bharata's race, Vrikodara was then covered with the arrows, resembling the spreading rays of the sun that were shot from Karna's bow. |
Mbh.7.134.6658 | The beautiful shafts, equipped with peacock-feathers, shot from Karna's bow, penetrated into every part of Bhima's body, like birds into a tree for roosting there. |
Mbh.7.134.6659 | Indeed, the arrows, equipped with wings of gold, shot from Karna's bow falling incessantly, resembled continuous rows of cranes. |
Mbh.7.135.6725 | Saying those words, these troops of thine afflicted with fear avoiding the range of Karna's and Bhima's arrows, stood at a distance for witnessing that combat. |
Mbh.7.136.6741 | Shot by Bhima, those shafts, O sire, striking Karna's forehead, entered it like snakes entering an ant-hill. |
Mbh.7.136.6759 | The keen pointed arrows, equipped with wings of gold, shot from Karna's bow, covered, O king, all the points of the compass, darkening the very light of the sun. |
Mbh.7.136.6760 | Countless flights were seen, in the welkin, of those shafts equipped with wings of gold, shot from Karna's bow. |
Mbh.7.136.6770 | Then those showers of Karna's arrows spread in the welkin, struck by Bhimasena with his shafts, were scattered in portions and fell down on the earth. |
Mbh.7.136.6797 | Excited with wrath, he whirled it in his hand and then hurled it with great force at Karna's car. |
Mbh.7.136.6802 | Quickly, then, he hurled his formidable sword at Karna's car. |
Mbh.7.136.6806 | Struck by those shafts shot from Karna's bow, the mighty Bhima leaped into the sky, filling Karna's heart with anguish. |
Mbh.7.136.6808 | Seeing Karna concealing himself with an agitated heart on the terrace of his car, Bhima catching hold of Karna's flagstaff, waited on the earth. |
Mbh.7.136.6815 | Beholding the elephants, huge as hills that had been slain by Arjuna, lying near, unarmed Bhimasena entered into their midst, for impeding the progress of Karna's car. |
Mbh.7.136.6857 | Those arrows adorned with gold, shot by Partha's arms and issuing out of Gandiva, entered Karna's body, like cranes into the Krauncha mountains. |
Mbh.7.136.6858 | With those arrows shot from Gandiva which entered Karna's body like so many snakes, Dhananjaya drove the Suta's son from Bhimasena's vicinity. |
Mbh.7.137.6881 | Sanjaya said, Beholding that foremost of men, viz, Bhima, to proceed, afflicted with Karna's shafts in the midst, O king, or many heroes, that foremost warrior amongst the Sinis followed him on his car. |
Mbh.7.142.7249 | Partha, however, like the wind dispersing flight of locusts, dispelled with his own arrows that extraordinary shower of arrows issuing out of Karna's bow. |
Mbh.7.142.7262 | And he also felled with a broad-headed arrow, Karna's charioteer from his niche in the car. |
Mbh.7.143.7394 | Then cutting off Karna's bow as also of Vrishasena's, Arjuna felled Salya's driver from his niche in the car, with a broad-headed arrow. |
Mbh.7.145.7591 | After Arjuna had vowed the slaughter of Karna's son, a loud and tremendous uproar arose amongst the car-warriors. |
Mbh.7.156.8440 | The mighty car-warrior, Arjuna, beholding Karna's lightness of hand, could not brook it. |
Mbh.7.156.8443 | Karna's bow then dropped from that arm of his, which had thus been pierced with great force. |
Mbh.7.156.8448 | Then the mighty bowman Partha, beholding Karna's prowess, quickly cut of the latter's bow at the handle. |
Mbh.7.156.8450 | And that scorcher of foes also cut off from the trunk the head of Karna's driver. |
Mbh.7.166.8947 | Then shooting thousands of arrows, Karna's son, O monarch, looked beautiful in that battle, like a cloud pouring torrents of rain. |
Mbh.7.166.8956 | Afflicted with the fear of Karna's son, the Panchalas fled away on all sides, like the Danavas from fear of Indra in the great battle of yore between the gods and the Asuras. |
Mbh.7.166.8958 | Having vanquished them in battle, Karna's son looked beautiful like the son, O Bharata, when he reaches the meridian. |
Mbh.7.171.9217 | Meanwhile, Karna's driver had yoked other steeds unto his master's car, that were white as conchs, endued with great speed, of the Sindhu breed, and well-broken. |
Mbh.7.171.9236 | When Karna's division is thus acting towards us repeatedly, do thou speedily adopt that course which should now be adopted. |
Mbh.7.173.9396 | Those shafts, bathed in blood, piercing through Karna's body in that dreadful battle, entered the earth like angry snakes. |
Mbh.7.173.9409 | On Ghatotkacha's body there was not even two finger's breadth of space that was not pierced with Karna's shafts. |
Mbh.7.173.9425 | Approaching then the vicinity of Karna's car, Ghatotkacha, with his ear-rings waving, fearlessly addressed the Suta's son, O monarch, and said, Wait a little, O Suta's son. |
Mbh.7.173.9443 | Once more shooting an Anjalika weapon, Ghatotkacha quickly cut off the bow of Karna's hand along with the arrowy shower the latter had shot. |
Mbh.7.173.9468 | himself, struck with the keen arrows that were sped from Karna's bow, that huge Rakshasa, looking like Himavat the prince of mountains, disappeared then and there. |
Mbh.7.175.9510 | Thy troops, O king, became hopeless of Karna's life. |
Mbh.7.177.9675 | Indeed, seeing that dart in Karna's hand, all creatures in the sky, O king, uttered loud cries. |
Mbh.7.179.9771 | Thou needst not be at all anxious about Karna's slaughter. |
Mbh.7.180.9793 | If, on the other hand, Karna had slain Ghatotkacha, that too would have been a great gain to them in consequence of the loss of Karna's dart. |
Mbh.7.180.9797 | We would certainly have achieved success, O perpetuator of Kuru's race, if Krishna had not thus rescued the mighty car-warrior Partha from Karna's hands. |
Mbh.7.180.9825 | Sanjaya continued, That tiger among car-warriors, viz, Satyaki of prowess incapable of being baffled, asked the mighty-armed Krishna about the great car-warrior, Karna, saving, O Janardana, even this had been Karna's firm resolution, viz, that he would hurl that dart of immeasurable energy at Phalguna. |
Mbh.7.180.9832 | Karna having assented to this, saying So be it' the desire of slaughtering the wielder of Gandiva, O bull amongst the Sinis, was ever present in Karna's heart. |
Mbh.7.181.9865 | With tearful face and sighing repeatedly, the king became exceedingly cheerless at the sight of Karna's prowess. |
Mbh.7.182.9989 | That lover of all assemblage of lilies in the world, bright as the body of Mahadeva's excellent bull, full-arched and radiant as Karna's bow, and delightful and charming as the smile on the lips of a bashful bride, bloomed in the firmament |
Mbh.7.186.10209 | Bhimasena speedily broke with his mace the Kuvara of Karna's car. |
Mbh.7.186.10214 | Karna struck that mace with numerous shafts of beautiful wings, sped with great force, and once again with other shafts, Thus struck with Karna's shafts, the mace turned back towards Bhima, like a snake afflicted with incantations. |
Mbh.7.187.10318 | The mighty Bhima also broke one of the wheels of Karna's car. |
Mbh.8.1.23 | When the king did not lay down his life even after hearing of Karna's death, I think that it is very difficult for men to yield up life even under circumstances of great grief! |
Mbh.8.5.124 | He who was equal to Karna himself in battle, Karna's son Vrishasena, accomplished in arms, of mighty energy and steady prowess, hath, in the very sight of Karna, been despatched to Yama's abode by Dhananjaya who put forth his prowess remembering the slaughter of his own son Abhimanyu and bearing in mind the vow he had made. |
Mbh.8.8.230 | SECTION Janamejaya said, Having heard of Karna's fall and the slaughter of his sons, what, O foremost of regenerate ones, did the king say, after he had been a little comforted? |
Mbh.8.9.264 | My anxieties are increasing, I do not desire to live, hearing of Karna's death and Phalguni's victory! |
Mbh.8.11.413 | Sanjaya said, Having learnt Karna's wishes, thy sons, O bull of Bharata's race, ordered the troops to be arrayed with joyful music. |
Mbh.8.19.782 | Grinding these samsaptakas, haste thyself for Karna's slaughter |
Mbh.8.21.897 | There was none amongst them that needed the touch of a second arrow of Karna's. |
Mbh.8.24.985 | Then, O monarch, that slayer of hostile heroes, viz, Nakula, filled with rage, cut off Karna's bow with a razor-headed shaft of great keenness. |
Mbh.8.24.990 | Then Nakula piercing Karna with seven shafts, once more, O sire, cut off one of the horns of Karna's bow. |
Mbh.8.24.992 | The mighty car-warrior, Nakula, however, thus suddenly shrouded with the arrows shot from Karna's bow quickly cut off all those shafts with shafts of his own. |
Mbh.8.24.998 | Slaughtered with the shafts issuing from Karna's bow the Somakas, O monarch, greatly afflicted and feeling much pain, began to breathe their last. |
Mbh.8.24.1047 | Heads and arms and chests and other limbs, cut off with shafts sped from Karna's bow, were beheld by us lying around. |
Mbh.8.30.1315 | Slaughtered by the energy of Karna's weapons, almost the whole of that force of the Pandavas, deprived of weapons, and with limbs mangled and torn, retired from the field. |
Mbh.8.31.1359 | The might of Karna's arms in battle equals that of Sakra or Vishnu. |
Mbh.8.32.1453 | There is none else for holding the reins of Karna's steeds, except thee, O thou of great good fortune, thou that art the equal of Vasudeva in battle. |
Mbh.8.32.1471 | As Krishna is the foremost of all holders of reins for Partha in battle, even so, O king, be thou the foremost of all holders of reins for Karna's car. |
Mbh.8.32.1532 | Neither the son of Radha nor myself am superior to thee in valour that I would select thee as the driver of those foremost of steeds that are yoked unto Karna's car. |
Mbh.8.35.1848 | Like the Grandsire holding the reins of Rudra's steeds, do thou hold, without delay, the reins of Karna's steeds in battle, O thou of great splendour |
Mbh.8.35.1861 | The mighty Bhimasena also, moved hither and thither by the horn of Karna's bow, was, O king, addressed in very harsh words such as Fool' and Glutton' |
Mbh.8.35.1884 | O tiger among men hold the reins of Karna's steeds in battle. |
Mbh.8.36.1901 | Sanjaya continued, When the morning came, O monarch, Duryodhana once more addressed the ruler of the Madras endued with great activity, saying, O ruler of the Madras, hold the reins in battle of Karna's foremost of steeds. |
Mbh.8.48.2648 | The two protectors of Karna's car wheels, viz, his two invincible sons, O sire, that were named Sushena and Satyasena, began to fight, reckless of their very lives. |
Mbh.8.48.2658 | Having slain Karna's son, Bhima began to afflict thy troops once more. |
Mbh.8.50.2865 | Then after Karna's defeat, Bhimasena began to rout the vast Dhartarashtra host like Indra routing the danavas |
Mbh.8.51.2902 | That shaft, cutting through Karna's armour and piercing through his body, passed out and entered the Earth like a snake into ant-hill. |
Mbh.8.56.3193 | With the fallen bodies of elephants and steeds and men and with fallen cars, the Earth became strewn along the track of Karna's car. |
Mbh.8.60.3456 | The force of the heroic Duryodhana's shafts, or Drona's son's or Kripa's or Karna's would break down the very mountains. |
Mbh.8.61.3570 | Avoiding then the shafts sped from Karna's bow, that best of men, Shikhandi, exceedingly mangled, retreated speedily from that spot. |
Mbh.8.61.3589 | Karna's son also, avoiding Nakula, proceeded quickly, O sire, to where his father, the son of Radha, was for protecting his car-wheel. |
Mbh.8.64.3770 | Hearing those wails of the troops slaughtered with Karna's shafts, and beholding the terrible bhargava weapon invoked into existence Kunti's son Dhananjaya said unto Vasudeva these words, Behold, O Krishna of mighty arms, the prowess of the bhargava weapon! |
Mbh.8.65.3787 | Thus asked, Bhima said, King Yudhishthira the just, hath gone away from this place, his limbs scorched with Karna's shafts. |
Mbh.8.66.3877 | Pierced with Karna's shafts today, I had, O hero, thought of thee that thou wouldst slay him! |
Mbh.8.66.3885 | The news of Karna's slaughter is exceedingly agreeable to me. |
Mbh.8.72.4284 | After this, Phalguna proceeded towards Karna's car. |
Mbh.8.73.4469 | Those arrows, sped from Karna's bow, are coursing in battle thick as swarm of bees, and scorching thy troops. |
Mbh.8.73.4470 | Encountering Karna's weapon in battle, that is irresistible by persons not having their souls under control, there the Pancalas, O Bharata, are flying away in all directions! |
Mbh.8.74.4507 | Today, O Krishna, after Karna's fall, the Dhartarashtras with their king, struck with panic, will fly away in all directions, like deer afraid of the lion. |
Mbh.8.74.4537 | Having said these words unto Acyuta, that foremost of all heroes, that slayer of foes, with blood red eyes, proceeded quickly to battle, for rescuing Bhima and cutting off the head from Karna's trunk |
Mbh.8.75.4551 | The great Srinjaya car-warrior Uttamauja was engaged with Karna's son Sushena, while Sahadeva rushed against Shakuni, the king of the Gandharas, like a hungry lion against a mighty bull. |
Mbh.8.78.4755 | Loud wails arose there among the Pancalas in that great battle, while they were thus struck with the keen shafts sped from Karna's bow. |
Mbh.8.78.4764 | The combatants could not distinguish friends from foes in that thick darkness caused by shafts when Karna's celestial weapon was displayed. |
Mbh.8.78.4765 | The mighty car-warriors of the Pandavas, O monarch, were completely shrouded with shafts, decked with gold, that were sped from Karna's bow. |
Mbh.8.79.4797 | There, O Krishna, Shalya, well conversant with holding the reins, looketh exceedingly resplendent as, seated on the terrace of Karna's car, he guideth that vehicle. |
Mbh.8.79.4841 | Know, however, that with Karna's death, these all will be exterminated. |
Mbh.8.81.4938 | Krishna, however, without minding those warriors, urged the white steeds of Arjuna, endued with great speed and adorned with ornaments of gold and covered with networks of pearls, towards Karna's car. |
Mbh.8.81.4939 | Those ninety Samsaptaka cars pursued Dhananjaya, that slayer of foes, pouring upon him showers of shafts, as he proceeded towards Karna's car. |
Mbh.8.81.4981 | Beholding Savyasaci putting forth his valour on that occasion, the Kauravas became hopeless of Karna's life. |
Mbh.8.81.4987 | The Kauravas, O monarch, like snakes without poison, took Karna's shelter, moved by the fear of the wielder of Gandiva. |
Mbh.8.82.5024 | Quickly cutting off their bows, standards, steeds, drivers and banners, with his shafts, Karna struck each of them with five arrows and then uttered a loud roar like a lion, People then became exceedingly cheerless, thinking that the very earth, with her mountains and trees, might split at the twang of Karna's bow while that hero, with shafts in hand touching the bow-string, was employed in shooting at his assailants and slaying his foes. |
Mbh.8.84.5106 | Then Shalya, that ornament of assemblies, understanding the state of Karna's mind from a survey of his features, addressed that chastiser of foes in words suited to the hour, Do not be grieved, O son of Radha! |
Mbh.8.84.5120 | That foremost of heroes, Nakula, filled with wrath, rushed at that enemy of theirs, Karna's son, striking him with arrows, like the victorious Maghavat with joyous heart rushing against the Asura Jambha. |
Mbh.8.84.5122 | With a broad-headed arrow, he next cut off the bow also of Karna's son, with a golden belt attached to it. |
Mbh.8.84.5123 | Possessed of mighty weapons, Karna's son then, desirous of showing his regard for Duhshasana, quickly took up another bow, and pierced Nakula, the son of Pandu with many mighty celestial weapons. |
Mbh.8.84.5125 | At this Karna's son also, accomplished in weapons, showered celestial weapon upon Nakula. |
Mbh.8.84.5127 | Indeed, O king, Karna's son then slew with his excellent weapons the beautiful steeds of the delicate Nakula, that were of the Vanayu breed, white in hue, and decked with trappings of gold. |
Mbh.8.84.5132 | Then Karna's son, suddenly advancing with great speed against the rushing Nakula in that battle pierced him from every side with many keen arrows from desire of slaying him. |
Mbh.8.84.5140 | Then Karna's son, O king, in that dreadful battle, cut off, with his mighty shafts, the shield, decked with a stars, of Nakula, while he was careering with great activity in those beautiful motions. |
Mbh.8.84.5144 | The steedless son of Madri, thus afflicted by Karna's son, sprang upon Bhima's car like a lion springing upon a mountain summit, in the sight of Dhananjaya. |
Mbh.8.84.5150 | Proceed, therefore, against Karna's son |
Mbh.8.85.5154 | SECTION Sanjaya said, Learning that Nakula had been deprived of his car, afflicted with arrows and mangled with the weapons of Karna's son, and that he had his shafts, bow, and sword cut off, these eleven formidable resisters of all foes, the five heroic sons of Drupada, the grandson of Sini forming the sixth, and the five sons of Draupadi quickly proceeded on their loud-sounding cars drawn by bounding steeds, with banners waving in the air, and guided by accomplished drivers. |
Mbh.8.85.5187 | Then Karna's son pierced Satanika with three arrows, made wholly of iron and Arjuna also with as many. |
Mbh.8.85.5192 | Like Namuci rushing against Indra, Karna's son, that great car-warrior, also rushed, in that battle, against that fierce and foremost of men, Arjuna, that warrior possessing thousands of arrows, as the latter advanced towards him. |
Mbh.8.85.5196 | The white-steeded Arjuna, having before been pierced by Vrishasena with those formidable arrows, became slightly enraged and set his heart on the slaughter of Karna's son. |
Mbh.8.85.5206 | Having said these words, Arjuna rubbed the string of his bow and took aim at Vrishasena in that battle, and sped, O king, a number of shafts for the slaughter of Karna's son. |
Mbh.8.86.5237 | Or, O Govinda, thou wilt today behold me slain with Karna's arrows. |
Mbh.8.86.5243 | Then that car of Pandu's son, possessed of great speed, soon reached the front of Karna's car |
Mbh.8.87.5292 | The welkin, O monarch, with all the stars, became anxious on Karna's account, while the wide earth became so on Partha's account, like the mother for her son. |
Mbh.8.87.5362 | The elephant's rope on Karna's banner, looking like a snake of virulent poison and made of jewels and gems and exceedingly strong and resembling the bow of Indra, looked resplendent as it waved in the air. |
Mbh.8.87.5364 | The impetuous Ape on the standard of the wielder of Gandiva, becoming desirous of battle, rushed from his station and fell upon Karna's standard. |
Mbh.8.87.5388 | Today, O slayer of Madhu, thou shalt, after Karna's fall, hear those sweet words, By good luck, O thou of Vrishni's race, victory hath been thine' |
Mbh.8.89.5481 | Those arrows of Partha, O king, spread over the welkin, penetrated into Karna's car like flights of birds, with heads bent down, penetrating in the evening into a tree for roosting there in the night. |
Mbh.8.89.5488 | That conflagration then, in consequence of Karna's weapon, became quenched. |
Mbh.8.89.5517 | This is not the time for showing thy indifference to Karna's slaughter. |
Mbh.8.89.5548 | Struck with Karna's shafts, the diadem-decked Arjuna, beholding Bhima and Janardana, became unable to endure the feats of his antagonist. |
Mbh.8.89.5572 | Their bodies pierced with Karna's shafts, they fell down on the ground, deprived of life and making a loud noise as they fell. |
Mbh.8.89.5578 | Then quickly bending his bow-string and baffling all those shafts of Adhiratha's son, Partha, filled with rage in consequence of his limbs having been mangled with Karna's arrows, assailed the Kauravas. |
Mbh.8.89.5590 | Beholding Krishna's limbs thus mangled with those snakes transformed into arrows sped from Karna's arms, Arjuna, decked with diadem and garlands, blazed up with wrath like a fire engaged in burning a heap of dry grass. |
Mbh.8.89.5594 | Dhananjaya having been filled with wrath, all the points of the compass, cardinal and subsidiary, the very splendour of the Sun, and Karna's car, O king, all became invisible with the showers shot by him. |
Mbh.8.89.5596 | Then that slayer of foes, that bull of Kuru's race, that foremost of heroes, viz, Savyasaci, O king, soon slew in that battle foremost of Kuru warriors, with their cars and steeds and drivers, forming the protectors of Karna's car-wheels and wings and his van-guard and rear-guard and who constituted the very pick of Duryodhana's car-force, and who, urged by Duryodhana, had been fighting with great energy. |
Mbh.8.90.5621 | Thinking that that was the time for gratifying his animosity towards, as he thought, the wicked-souled Partha, he quickly entered into Karna's quiver, O king, in the form of an arrow. |
Mbh.8.90.5642 | Sped from Karna's arms, that shaft of awful whizz, resembling fire or the sun in splendour, as it left the bow-string, blazed up in the welkin and seemed to divide it by a line such as is visible on the crown of a woman dividing her tresses. |
Mbh.8.90.5665 | Sped from Karna's arms, that costly shaft resembling fire or the sun in effulgence, viz, that mighty snake who from before had become the deadly foe of Arjuna, thus crushing the latter's diadem, went away. |
Mbh.8.90.5696 | That foremost of shafts, well shot by Arjuna, penetrated through Karna's armour, and as if suspending his life breaths, drank his blood and entered the earth, its wings also having been drenched with gore. |
Mbh.8.90.5728 | At that time, when the hour of Karna's death had come, Kala, approaching invisibly, and alluding to the Brahmana's curse, and desirous of informing Karna that his death was near, told him, The Earth is devouring thy wheel |
Mbh.8.90.5729 | Indeed, O foremost of men, when the hour of Karna's death came, the high brahmastra that the illustrious Bhargava had imparted unto him, escaped from his memory. |
Mbh.8.90.5731 | Then in consequence of the curse of that foremost of Brahmanas, Karna's car began to reel, having sunk deep into the earth and having been transfixed at that spot like a sacred tree with its load of flowers standing upon an elevated platform. |
Mbh.8.90.5747 | Those arrows endued with great energy and power, issuing out of Partha's car, were seen to be displayed in the vicinity of Karna's vehicle. |
Mbh.8.90.5763 | At that time, O king, the earth swallowed up one of wheels of Karna's car. |
Mbh.8.91.5825 | That shaft of keen point and endued with the effulgence of Sakra's thunder, sped from Karna's arms, fell upon Dhananjaya's chest and penetrated it like a mighty snake penetrating an ant-hill. |
Mbh.8.91.5843 | Beholding that standard cut off and thrown down by that hero of Kuru's race possessed of great lightness of hand, thy troops, O Bharata, were no longer hopeful of Karna's victory. |
Mbh.8.91.5844 | Hastening then for Karna's destruction, Partha took out from his quiver an excellent Anjalika weapon that resembled the thunder of Indra or the rod of fire and that was possessed of the effulgence of the thousand-rayed Sun. |
Mbh.8.91.5874 | As the Sun, while proceeding towards the Asta hills, retires taking away with him all his rays, even so that shaft of Arjuna passed out, taking with it Karna's life breaths. |
Mbh.8.93.5908 | When, after Karna's fall Partha uttered leonine shouts, a great fright entered the hearts of thy sons. |
Mbh.8.94.6059 | When Arjuna, with that razor-faced shaft, struck off Karna's head adorned with a face beautiful as the moon, then, O king, loud cries of Oh |
Mbh.8.94.6070 | Pierced with Karna's arrows, those two chastisers of foes, Acyuta and Arjuna, looked resplendent like the bright and many-rayed moon and the sun risen after dispelling a gloom. |
Mbh.8.96.6104 | Unto Dhrishtadyumna and Yudhamanyu and the twin sons of Madri and Vrikodara and Yuyudhana, Govinda said, Ye kings, until we come back having informed the king of Karna's slaughter by Arjuna, stand ye here with care |
Mbh.8.96.6110 | That descendant of Kuru's race then asked Vasudeva the particulars of Karna's death. |
Mbh.8.96.6111 | Then the sweet-speeched Vasudeva that descendant of the Yadu race, spoke to him of Karna's death exactly as it had happened. |
Mbh.9.2.134 | Who became the head of our army after Karna's fall? |
Mbh.9.3.148 | After the Suta's son had been slain by the illustrious son of Pandu, and after thy troops had been repeatedly rallied and had repeatedly fled away, and after a terrible carnage had taken place, O foremost of men, of human beings in battle subsequent to Karna's death, Partha began to utter leonine roars. |
Mbh.9.3.150 | Indeed, after Karna's death, there was no warrior in thy army who could set his heart upon rallying the troops or displaying his prowess. |
Mbh.9.8.481 | When after Karna's fall the Parthas had uttered leonine roars, a great fear, O king, had possessed the hearts of the Dhartarashtras. |
Mbh.9.10.620 | Then taking up a sharp shaft endued with great energy and equipped with a semi-circular head, Nakula sped it with great force at Karna's son in that battle. |
Mbh.9.10.623 | Thus slain by the illustrious Nakula, Karna's son fell down like a lofty tree on the bank of a river thrown down by the current of the stream. |
Mbh.9.10.624 | Beholding the slaughter of Karna's sons and the prowess of Nakula, thy army, O bull of Bharata's race, fled away in fear. |
Mbh.9.59.4271 | When again the wheel of Karna's car sank in mire and Karna was afflicted with calamity and almost vanquished on that account, when, indeed, that foremost of men became anxious to liberate his wheel, thou causedst that Karna to be then slain! |
Mbh.12.1.59 | Even while listening to the harsh and bitter words of Karna himself on that occasion of our match at dice, to the words, that Karna uttered from desire of doing what was agreeable to Duryodhana, my wrath became cooled at sight of Karna's feet. |
Mbh.12.1.60 | It seemed to me that Karna's feet resembled the feet of our mother Kunti. |
Mbh.12.3.106 | SECTION III Narada said, That tiger of Bhrigu's race viz, Rama, was well-pleased with the might of Karna's arms, his affection for him, his self-restraint, and the services he did unto his preceptor. |
Mbh.12.3.110 | From affection begotten by confidence, the tired son of Jamadagni placing his head on Karna's lap, slept soundly, White his preceptor was thus sleeping with head on his lap, a frightful worm, whose bite was very painful and which subsisted on phlegm and fat and flesh and blood, approached the presence of Karna. |
Mbh.12.3.111 | That blood-sucking worm, approaching Karna's thigh, began to pierce it. |
Mbh.12.3.115 | When at last Karna's blood touched the body of Rama of great energy, the latter awoke and said these words in fear, Alas, I have been made impure! |
Mbh.12.5.180 | SECTION V Narada said, Hearing of the fame of Karna's might, the ruler of the Magadhas, king Jarasandha, challenged him to a single combat. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
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Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text: www.sacred-texts.com; Wikified at AncientVoice. |