Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 27 Feb 2010 04:38 and updated at 27 Feb 2010 04:38
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.65.3262 | The daughters of Daksha are, O tiger among men and prince of the Bharata race, Aditi, Diti, Danu, Kala, Danayu, Sinhika, Krodha, Pradha, Viswa, Vinata, Kapila, Muni, and Kadru. |
Mbh.1.65.3286 | And the sons of Kala were all like Yama himself and smiter of all foes. |
Mbh.1.65.3288 | And the sons of Kala were Vinasana and Krodha, and then Krodhahantri, and Krodhasatru. |
Mbh.1.65.3289 | And there were many others among the sons of Kala. |
Mbh.1.66.3337 | And the son of Dhruva is the illustrious Kala Time, the destroyer of the worlds. |
Mbh.2.7.326 | Parasarya, Krishivala; Vataskandha, Visakha, Vidhatas and Kala. |
Mbh.2.8.350 | And Agastya and Matanga, and Kala, and Mrityu Death, performers of sacrifices, the Siddhas, and many Yogins; the Prtris belonging to the classes, called Agniswattas, Fenapa, Ushampa, Swadhavat, and Verhishada, as also those others that have forms; the wheel of time, and the illustrious conveyer himself of the sacrificial butter; all sinners among human beings, as also those that have died during the winter solstice; these officers of Yama who have been appointed to count the allotted days of everybody and everything; the Singsapa, Palasa, Kasa, and Kusa trees and plants, in their embodied forms, these all, O king, wait upon and worship the god of justice in that assembly house of his. |
Mbh.2.57.2354 | And the king, blazing as it were with royal splendour, with Brahmanas walking before him, set out from his city, summoned by Dhritarashtra and impelled by what hath been ordained by Kala Time. |
Mbh.3.3.196 | Ravi, Gabhastimat, Aja, Kala, Mrityu, Dhatri, Prabhakara, Prithibi, Apa, Teja, Kha, Vayu, the sole stay, Soma, Vrihaspati, Sukra, Budha, Angaraka, Indra, Vivaswat, Diptanshu, Suchi, Sauri, Sanaichara, Brahma, Vishnu, Rudra, Skanda, Vaisravana, Yama, Vaidyutagni, Jatharagni, Aindhna, Tejasampati, Dharmadhwaja, Veda-karttri, Vedanga, Vedavahana, Krita, Treta, Dwapara, Kali, full of every impurity, Kala, Kastha, Muhurtta, Kshapa, Yama, and Kshana; Samvatsara-kara, Aswattha, Kalachakra, Bibhavasu, Purusha, Saswata, Yogin, Vyaktavyakta, Sanatana, Kaladhyaksha, Prajadhyaksha, Viswakarma, Tamounda, Varuna, Sagara, Ansu, Jimuta, Jivana, Arihan, Bhutasraya, Bhutapati, Srastri, Samvartaka, Vanhi, Sarvadi, Alolupa, Ananta, Kapila, Bhanu, Kamada, Sarvatomukha, Jaya, Visala, Varada, Manas, Suparna, Bhutadi, Sighraga, Prandharana, Dhanwantari, Dhumaketu, Adideva, Aditisuta, Dwadasatman, Aravindaksha, Pitri, Matri, Pitamaha, Swarga-dwara, Prajadwara, Mokshadwara, Tripistapa, Dehakarti, Prasantatman, Viswatman, Viswatomukha, Characharatman, Sukhsmatman, the merciful Maitreya. |
Mbh.3.12.614 | O slayer of all foes, having floated on the primordial waters, thou subsequently becamest Hari and Brahma and Surya and Dharma, and Dhatri and Yama and Anala and Vasu, and Vaisravana, and Rudra, and Kala and the firmament the earth, and the ten directions! |
Mbh.3.72.3626 | And Kala the ruler of the Nishadhas, in wrath, was bent upon cursing Kali, when the latter, frightened, and trembling, said with joined hands, Control thy wrath, O king! |
Mbh.3.85.4608 | Arriving at Kosala, a man should bathe in the tirtha named Kala. |
Mbh.3.139.7062 | SECTION CXXXIX Lomasa said, O descendant of Bharata, O king, now hast thou left behind the mountains Usiravija, Mainaka and Sweta, as well as the Kala hills, O son of Kunti, O bull among the descendants of Bharata, here flow before thee the seven Gangas. |
Mbh.3.139.7067 | Now wilt thou see the play-ground of the gods, marked with their footprints, as we have passed the mountain Kala. |
Mbh.3.162.8254 | O Bharata, dividing time into day and night, and Kala, and Kashtha, that lord, the Sun, dealeth life and motion to all created things |
Mbh.3.230.11606 | His excellent chariot was drawn by a thousand lions and managed by Kala. |
Mbh.3.234.11864 | The wielder of the Gandiva and Vrikodara, when angry, are like Yama and Kala themselves; scattering their shafts, which are like unto thunder-bolts, they exterminate in battle the ranks of the enemy. |
Mbh.3.275.13410 | And crossing the Trikuta and the Kala mountains, he beheld the vast receptacle of deep waters, the abode of the Makaras. |
Mbh.6.23.1026 | O mother of Skanda, O thou that possessest the six highest attributes, O Durga, O thou that dwellest in accessible regions, thou art described as Swaha, and Swadha as Kala, as Kashta, and as Saraswati, as Savitra the mother of the Vedas, and as the science of Vedanta. |
Mbh.7.78.3449 | And then Arjuna reached the mountains called Kala that looked like a mound of antimony. |
Mbh.7.199.11467 | He is Kala, he is Antaka, he is Mrityu, he is Yama |
Mbh.8.34.1688 | The Year became his bow; Kala Ratri the Death-night therefore, which is Rudra's shadow, became the indestructible string of that bow. |
Mbh.8.90.5728 | At that time, when the hour of Karna's death had come, Kala, approaching invisibly, and alluding to the Brahmana's curse, and desirous of informing Karna that his death was near, told him, The Earth is devouring thy wheel |
Mbh.9.43.3095 | The diverse gods, Indra and Vishnu, both of great energy, and Surya and Candramas, and Dhatri, and Vidhatri, and Vayu, and Agni, and Pushan, and Bhaga, and Aryaman, and Ansa, and Vivaswat, and Rudra of great intelligence, and Mitra, and the eleven Rudras, the eight Vasus, the twelve Adityas, the twin Ashvinis, the Viswedevas, the Maruts, the Saddhyas, the Pitris, the Gandharvas, the Apsaras, the Yakshas, the Rakshasas, the Pannagas, innumerable celestial Rishis, the Vaikhanasas, the Valakhilyas, those others among Rishis that subsist only on air and those that subsist on the rays of the Sun, the descendants of Bhrigu and Angiras, many high-souled Yatis, all the Vidyadharas, all those that were crowned with ascetic success, the Grandsire, Pulastya, Pulaha of great ascetic merits, Angiras, Kasyapa, Atri, Marichi, Bhrigu, Kratu, Hara, Prachetas, Manu, Daksha, the Seasons, the Planets, and all the luminaries; O monarch, all the rivers in their embodied forms, the eternal Vedas, the Seas, the diverse tirthas, the Earth, the Sky, the Cardinal and Subsidiary points of the compass, and all the Trees, O king, Aditi the mother of the gods, Hri, Sri, Swaha, Sarasvati, Uma, Sachi, Sinivali, Anumati, Kuhu, the Day of the new moon, the Day of the full Moon, the wives of the denizens of heaven, Himavat, Vindhya, Meru of many summits, Airavat with all his followers, the Divisions of time called Kala, Kashtha, Fortnight, the Seasons, Night, and Day, O king, the prince of steeds, Ucchaisravas, Vasuki the king of the Snakes, Aruna, Garuda, the Trees, the deciduous herbs, and the adorable god Dharma, all came there together. |
Mbh.9.43.3096 | And there came also Kala, Yama, Mrityu, and the followers of Yama. |
Mbh.9.53.3832 | Those two scorchers of foes looked like Kala and Mrityu. |
Mbh.12.15.617 | Kala and Mrityu and Vayu and Kuvera and Surya, the Vasus, the Maruts, the Sadhyas, and the Viswadevas, O Bharata, are all slaughterers. |
Mbh.12.136.7613 | Diverse are the divisions of time, such as Kashtha, Kala, Muhurta, day, night, Lava, month, fortnight, the six seasons, Kalpa, year. |
Mbh.12.230.14286 | Thirty Kashthas would make what is called a Kala. |
Mbh.12.230.14287 | Thirty Kalas, with the tenth part of a Kala added, make what is known as a Muhurta. |
Mbh.12.274.16805 | He that says that there is anything else besides these ie, the five primal essences, Kala, and the Understanding, says what is not true. |
Mbh.12.274.16807 | With Kala as their sixth, these five primal essences are naturally possessed of mighty energy. |
Mbh.12.274.16814 | These five, and Kala or Jiva, the potencies of past acts, and ignorance, these eight eternal essences are the causes of the birth and destruction of all creatures |
Mbh.12.279.17169 | If while in the status of humanity for the second time he falleth through evil acts as represented by Kala in the form of Kali, he then sinks into the Dark colour and thus occupies the very lowest of all stages of existence. |
Mbh.12.284.17680 | Thou art Yuga, thou art the time represented by a twinkle of the eye, thou art Kashtha, thou art the Constellations, thou art the Planets, thou art Kala. |
Mbh.12.342.22722 | He is otherwise known by the name of Kala and should be known as one that has sprung from my wrath. |
Mbh.13.1.23 | In this connection is cited the ancient story of the conversation between Mrityu and Gautami with Kala and the Fowler and the serpent. |
Mbh.13.1.88 | by Kala, I, O serpent, sent thee on this errand, and neither art thou nor am I the cause of this child's death. |
Mbh.13.1.89 | Even as the clouds are tossed hither and thither by the wind, I am like the clouds, O serpent, influenced by Kala. |
Mbh.13.1.90 | All attitudes appertaining to Sattwa or Rajas, or Tamas, are provoked by Kala, and operate in all creatures. |
Mbh.13.1.91 | All creatures, mobile and immobile, in heaven, or earth, are influenced by Kala. |
Mbh.13.1.92 | The whole universe, O serpent, is imbued with this same influence of Kala. |
Mbh.13.1.93 | All acts in this world and all abstentions, as also all their modifications, are said to be influenced by Kala, Surya, Soma, Vishnu, Water, Wind, the deity of a hundred sacrificer, Fire, Sky, Earth, Mitra and Parjanya, Aditi, and the Vasus, Rivers and Oceans, all existent and non-existent objects, are created and destroyed by Kala. |
Mbh.13.1.98 | If any blame attaches to Kala, or, if it be not desirable to attach any blame to him, it is not for me to scan the fault. |
Mbh.13.1.108 | Mrityu said, We both are not free agents, but are dependent on Kala, and ordained to do our appointed work. |
Mbh.13.1.110 | The fowler said, If ye both, O serpent and Mrityu, be dependent on Kala, I am curious to know how pleasure arising from doing good and anger arising from doing evil are caused' |
Mbh.13.1.111 | Mrityu said, Whatever is done is done under the influence of Kala. |
Mbh.13.1.112 | I have said it before, O fowler, that Kala is the cause of all and that for this reason we both, acting under the inspiration of Kala, do our appointed work and therefore, O fowler, we two do not deserve censure from thee in any way' |
Mbh.13.1.113 | Bhishma continued, Then Kala arrived at that scene of disputation on this point of morality, and spoke thus to the serpent and Mrityu and the fowler Arjunaka assembled together' |
Mbh.13.1.114 | Kala said, Neither Mrityu, nor this serpent, nor I, O fowler, am guilty of the death of any creature. |
Mbh.13.1.128 | Upon Kala, O king, expounding the matter in this way, Gautami, convinced in her mind that men suffer according to their actions, spoke thus to Arjunaka' |
Mbh.13.1.129 | Gautami said, Neither Kala, nor Mrityu, nor the serpent, is the cause in this matter. |
Mbh.13.1.132 | Let now Kala and Mrityu retire from this place, and do thou too, O Arjunaka, release this serpent' |
Mbh.13.1.133 | Bhishma continued, Then Kala and Mrityu and the serpent went back to their respective destinations, and Gautami became consoled in mind as also the fowler. |
Mbh.13.3.252 | While under the influence of anger, he created numerous evil spirits and Rakshasas of mighty vigour and resembling the great destroyer Kala himself. |
Mbh.13.14.1400 | Thou art the Sun among all things in the world, thou art the destroyer called Kala. |
Mbh.13.14.1431 | That Rudra, who sprang from thee destroyed the Creation with all its mobile and immobile beings, assuming the form of Kala of great energy, of the cloud Samvartaka charged with water which myriads of oceans are not capacious enough to bear, and of the all consuming fire. |
Mbh.13.16.1598 | Thou art called Kala, thou art called Purusha, thou art called Brahma. |
Mbh.13.16.1672 | thou art Yama, thou art Hutasana, thou art Kala, thou art endued with speed in respect of destruction, thou art the original cause of Time, and thou art eternal Time. |
Mbh.13.16.1688 | Thou art the highest Kashtha, thou art the highest Kala. |
Mbh.13.17.1888 | Thou art Kala or Time which is the universal destroyer. |
Mbh.13.104.9569 | Thou shouldst acquire, O king, the science of reasoning, as also the science of words, the science of the Gandharvas, and the four and sixty branches of knowledge known by the name of Kala. |
Mbh.13.150.12599 | They are Mrityu, Kala, the Viswedevas, the Pitris endued with forms, the great Rishis possessed of wealth of penances, the Munis, and others crowned with success and devoted to penances and emancipation. |
Mbh.13.150.12621 | Dharma, Kama, Kala, Vasu, Vasuki, Ananta, and Kapila, these seven are the upholders of the world. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
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Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text: www.sacred-texts.com; Wikified at AncientVoice. |