Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 27 Feb 2010 04:21 and updated at 27 Feb 2010 04:21
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.76.4205 | And the gods, in great anxiety of heart and entertaining a fear of the learned Usanas, then went to Kacha, the eldest son of Vrihaspati, and spoke unto him, saying, We pay court to thee, be kind to us and do us a service that we regard as very great. |
Mbh.1.76.4215 | Kacha, thus sent by the gods, soon went to the capital of the chief of the Asuras, and beheld Sukra there. |
Mbh.1.76.4218 | By name I am known as Kacha. |
Mbh.1.76.4221 | Sukra hearing this said, Welcome art thou, O Kacha! |
Mbh.1.76.4224 | Vaisampayana continued, Kacha commanded by Kavya or Usanas himself, called also Sukra, then said, So be it' and took the vow he had spoken of. |
Mbh.1.76.4225 | And, O Bharata, accepting the vow of which he had spoken, at the proper time, Kacha began to conciliate regardfully both his preceptor and his daughter Devayani. |
Mbh.1.76.4232 | And one day they saw Kacha in a solitary part of the woods engaged in tending his preceptor's kine. |
Mbh.1.76.4233 | They then slew Kacha from their hatred of Vrihaspati and also from their desire of protecting the knowledge of reviving the dead from being conveyed by him. |
Mbh.1.76.4236 | And Devayani, seeing the kine returned from the woods without Kacha, spoke, O Bharata, unto her father thus: Thy evening-fire hath been kindled. |
Mbh.1.76.4239 | Kacha is, indeed, not to be seen. |
Mbh.1.76.4240 | It is plain that Kacha hath been lost, or is dead. |
Mbh.1.76.4243 | Then having recourse to the science of reviving the dead, Sukra summoned Kacha. |
Mbh.1.76.4244 | And summoned by his preceptor, Kacha appeared before him in the gladness of heart tearing by virtue of his preceptor's science the bodies of the wolves that had devoured him. |
Mbh.1.76.4255 | On another occasion, asked by Devayani, the Brahmana Kacha went into the woods. |
Mbh.1.76.4259 | And summoned again by the Brahmana with the aid of his science, Kacha appearing before his preceptor and his daughter told everything as it had happened. |
Mbh.1.76.4261 | And Devayani again spoke unto her father, saying, O father, Kacha was sent to gather flowers. |
Mbh.1.76.4274 | I will starve and follow the way Kacha has gone. |
Mbh.1.76.4275 | The handsome Kacha is, O father, dear unto me' |
Mbh.1.76.4280 | Having said this, the Brahmana Sukra, urged by Devayani, began to summon Kacha who had entered the jaws of Death. |
Mbh.1.76.4281 | But Kacha, summoned with the aid of science, and afraid of the consequence to his preceptor, feebly replied from within the stomach of his preceptor, saying, Be graceful unto me, O lord! |
Mbh.1.76.4282 | I am Kacha that worshippeth thee. |
Mbh.1.76.4286 | Kacha replied, By thy grace, memory hath not failed me. |
Mbh.1.76.4293 | It is with my death that Kacha can get his life back. |
Mbh.1.76.4294 | O Devayani, Kacha is even within me. |
Mbh.1.76.4297 | The death of Kacha and thy own death are to me the same! |
Mbh.1.76.4298 | The death of Kacha would deprive me of life. |
Mbh.1.76.4301 | Accept the science that I will today impart to thee, if, indeed, thou be not Indra in the form of Kacha. |
Mbh.1.76.4306 | Vaisampayana continued, Receiving the science imparted to him by his preceptor the handsome Kacha, ripped open his stomach, came out like the moon at evening on the fifteenth day of the bright fort-night. |
Mbh.1.76.4307 | And beholding the remains of his preceptor lying like a heap of penances, Kacha revived him, aided by the science he had learned. |
Mbh.1.76.4308 | Worshipping him with regard, Kacha said unto his preceptor, Him who poureth the nectar of knowledge into one's ears, even as thou hast done into those of myself who was void of knowledge, him do I regard both as my father and mother. |
Mbh.1.76.4311 | Vaisampayana continued, The learned Sukra, having been deceived while under the influence of wine, and remembering the total loss of consciousness that is one of the terrible consequences of drink, and beholding too before him the handsome Kacha whom he had, in a state of unconsciousness, drunk with his wine, then thought of effecting a reform in the manners of Brahmanas. |
Mbh.1.76.4315 | Having said these words that high-souled one, that ascetic of ascetics, then summoning the Danavas who had been deprived by fate of the good sense, told them these words, Ye foolish Danavas, know ye that Kacha hath obtained his wishes. |
Mbh.1.76.4320 | Kacha, too, having stayed with his preceptor for a full thousand years, then prepared to return to the abode of the celestials, after having obtained his preceptor's permission |
Mbh.1.77.4321 | SECTION LXXVII Sambhava Parva continued Vaisampayana said, After the expiry of the period of his vow, Kacha, having obtained his preceptor's leave, was about to return to the abode of the celestials, when Devayani, addressing him, said, O grandson of the Rishi Angiras, in conduct and birth, in learning, asceticism and humility, thou shinest most brightly. |
Mbh.1.77.4328 | Kacha replied, Thou art to me an object of regard and worship even as thy father! |
Mbh.1.77.4336 | O Kacha, when thou wert slain so many times by the Asuras, recollect today the affection I showed for thee. |
Mbh.1.77.4339 | Hearing all this, Kacha said, O thou of virtuous vows, do not urge me into such a sinful course. |
Mbh.1.77.4350 | To all this, Devaniya answered, Solicited, by me, if, indeed, thou truly refusest to make me thy wife, then, O Kacha, this thy knowledge shall not bear fruit' |
Mbh.1.77.4351 | Hearing this, Kacha said, I have refused thy request only because thou art the daughter of my preceptor, and not because thou hast any fault. |
Mbh.1.77.4363 | Vaisampayana continued, That first of Brahmanas, Kacha, having said so unto Devayani speedily wended his way unto the abode of the chief of the celestials. |
Mbh.1.78.4368 | SECTION LXXVIII Sambhava Parva continued Vaisampayana said, The dwellers in heaven became exceedingly glad in welcoming Kacha who had mastered the wonderful science. |
Mbh.1.78.4369 | And, O bull of Bharata's race, the celestials then learnt that science from Kacha and considered their object already achieved. |
Mbh.1.80.4456 | And because ye slew the Brahmana Kacha, the grandson of Angiras, who was virtuous, acquainted with the precepts of religion, and attentive to his duties, while residing in my abode, even for this act of slaughter, and for the mal-treatment of my daughter too, know, O Vrishaparvan, I shall leave thee and thy relatives! |
Mbh.13.26.3513 | There were also Nitambhu and Bhuvana and Dhaumya and Satananda and Akritavrana and Rama, the son of Jamadagni and Kacha. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
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Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text: www.sacred-texts.com; Wikified at AncientVoice. |