Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 26 Feb 2010 17:23 and updated at 26 Feb 2010 17:23
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.2.36.1527 | Why also, O Janarddana, didst thou accept the worship of which thou art unworthy, although it was offered unto thee by those mean-minded princes? |
Mbh.2.36.1529 | O Janarddana, this is really no insult offered unto the monarchs; on the other hand it is thou whom the Kurus have insulted. |
Mbh.2.37.1553 | And, O king of Chedi, we do not from caprice, or keeping in view our relationship or the benefits he may confer on us, worship Janarddana who is worshipped by the good on earth and who is the source of the happiness of every creature. |
Mbh.2.40.1626 | This one is the foremost of all wise men, This one is the lord of the universe, hearing these words of thine, Janarddana believeth that these are all true. |
Mbh.2.42.1697 | And having heard of all this at Dwaravati, the mighty Yadava heroes Sankarshana and Janarddana also went to the capital of the Chedis, to see their father's sister, that daughter of the Yadavas the queen of Chedi And saluting everybody according to his rank and the king and queen also, and enquiring after every body's welfare, both Rama and Kesava took their seats. |
Mbh.2.44.1760 | SECTION XLIV Vaisampayana said, Hearing these words of Bhishma, the ruler of Chedi endued with exceeding prowess, desirous of combating with Vasudeva addressed him and said, O Janarddana, I challenge thee. |
Mbh.2.44.1796 | There were some among the kings who spoke not a word during those unspeakable moments but merely sat gazing at Janarddana. |
Mbh.2.44.1809 | And the mighty-armed Janarddana, the exalted Sauri, with his bow called Saranga and his discus and mace, guarded that sacrifice till its completion. |
Mbh.2.44.1826 | Thus addressed by Janarddana, Yudhishthira replied, Owing to thy grace, O Govinda. |
Mbh.2.66.2853 | O Lord, O husband of Lakshmi, O Lord of Vraja Vrindavana, O destroyer of all afflictions, O Janarddana, rescue me who am sinking in the Kaurava Ocean. |
Mbh.6.25.1105 | Even if these, with judgments perverted by avarice, do not see the evil that ariseth from the extermination of a race, and the sin of internecine quarrels, why should not we, O Janarddana, who see the evils of the extermination of a race, learn to abstain from that sin? |
Mbh.6.25.1112 | We have heard, O Janarddana, that men whose family rites become extinct, ever dwell in hell. |
Mbh.6.107.5716 | Robed in yellow silk, and himself dark as the lapis lazuli, Janarddana, when he pursued Bhishma, looked beautiful as a mass of clouds charged with lightning. |
Mbh.7.71.3134 | After Arjuna had taken that oath, Janarddana, filled with wrath, blew his conch, Panchajanya. |
Mbh.7.74.3251 | As Lakshmi is ever present in Soma, as water is ever present in the Ocean, know this, O Janarddana, that even so is my vow ever accomplished! |
Mbh.12.335.21470 | With his whole soul, the king was devoted to that God of gods, viz, Janarddana, who is without beginning and middle and end, who is the Creator of the universe, and who is without deterioration of any kind. |
Mbh.12.339.21993 | Let the illustrious and Eternal God of the Brahmans, viz, Janarddana of high intelligence, be gratified with thee, O Yudhishthira of mighty arms |
Mbh.12.342.22686 | Arjuna said, In that battle capable of bringing about the destruction of the three worlds, who obtained the victory, O Janarddana, do thou tell me this |
Mbh.12.343.22749 | Exceedingly fortunate and commendable were those ancestors of mine, since they had Janarddana himself for looking after their temporal and spiritual prosperity. |
Mbh.13.14.957 | O Janarddana, it was here that the deities with all the Rishis, in days of yore, gratified that foremost of deities by their penances and Brahmacharyya and truth and self-restraint, and succeeded in obtaining the fruition of many high desires. |
Mbh.13.14.1012 | In days of yore, Sakra, also, in Baranasi, filled with devotion, O Janarddana, adored Mahadeva who has empty space alone for his garments and who is smeared with ashes as an agreeable unguent. |
Mbh.13.17.2770 | From Markandeya, O Janarddana, I obtained it as the reward of my vows and fasts. |
Mbh.14.2.45 | Do thou, O Janarddana, so order that I may be freed from this heinous sin and that my mind may be purified. |
Mbh.14.15.411 | And then Janarddana comforted the son of Pritha afflicted by the death of his sons, and thousands of other relatives. |
Mbh.14.15.430 | And O monarch, when the redoubtable Arjuna had been thus accosted by the noble-hearted Janarddana, he, showing all the honours due to him, sorrowfully replied by merely saying be it so' |
Mbh.14.16.479 | Listen to those words, O Janarddana, as I repeat them. |
Mbh.14.51.2247 | Arjuna said, Who, indeed, was that Brahmana, O Krishna, and who the pupil, O Janarddana. |
Mbh.14.52.2291 | This, O sinless one, that thou hast declared unto me in consequence of thy favour for myself, I shall duly accomplish in its entirety, O Janarddana. |
Mbh.14.52.2300 | Thou shalt soon see my maternal uncle, O Janarddana. |
Mbh.14.52.2310 | Night came and then king Dhritarashtra of great intelligence dismissed all those perpetuators of Kuru's race as also Janarddana for retiring to their respective chambers. |
Mbh.14.52.2347 | Placing his sister, the lady Subhadra, on the car, the mighty-armed Janarddana then, with the permission of both Yudhishthira and Kunti his paternal aunt, set out, accompanied by a large train of citizens. |
Mbh.14.52.2349 | Janarddana of mighty energy causing all those extenders of the Kuru kingdom and Vidura also to return, addressed Daraka, and Satyaki, saying, Urge the steeds to speed' |
Mbh.14.52.2350 | Then that grinder of hostile masses, viz, Janarddana of great prowess, accompanied by Satyaki, the foremost one of Sini's race, proceeded to the city of the Anarttas, after having slain all his foes, like He of a hundred sacrifices proceeding to Heaven after slaughtering all his foes' |
Mbh.14.54.2394 | Having heard thy discourse I shall ordain what is for thy good or denounce a curse to thee, O Janarddana' |
Mbh.14.55.2430 | SECTION LV Utanka said, I know thee, O Janarddana, to be the creator of the universe. |
Mbh.14.55.2433 | If, O Janarddana, I deserve the least grace from thee, do thou then show me once thy sovereign form' |
Mbh.14.55.2473 | Unto Utanka who said these words, Janarddana of great intelligence replied, comforting him with many soft words, That form which it was proper to assume for offering thee water, in that form was water offered to thee. |
Mbh.14.66.2992 | I urge thee earnestly, O Janarddana. |
Mbh.14.66.3003 | After Kunti had said so, Janarddana took hold of her, O Bharata, and gently raising her from the Earth, comforted her as follows |
Mbh.14.67.3013 | What grief, O Janarddana, can be greater than this viz, that Abhimanyu's son should be born dead! |
Mbh.14.68.3044 | O Janarddana, both Abhimanyu and myself have been equally slain. |
Mbh.14.68.3053 | The hope, O Krishna, was cherished by me that with my child on my lap, O Janarddana, I would salute thee with reverence. |
Mbh.14.70.3100 | All the ladies, filled with joy, praised Janarddana. |
Mbh.14.70.3102 | Then wrestlers and actors and astrologers and those who enquire after the slumbers of princes, and bands of bards and eulogists all uttered the praises of Janarddana, while uttering benedictions fraught with the praises of the Kuru race, O chief of the Bharatas. |
Mbh.14.70.3106 | Then the puissant Janarddana, firmly adhering to truth, bestowed a name on the infant who was thy sire, O monarch, |
Mbh.14.87.3867 | I always, O Janarddana, think, when I am withdrawn from business, of Kunti's son Jishnu. |
Mbh.15.3.102 | The eldest brother of Gada foresaw the destruction of all the kings; Janarddana, however, regarded that destruction as highly beneficial |
Mbh.16.1.32 | Ye wicked and cruel ones, intoxicated with pride, through that iron bolt ye will become the exterminators of your race with the exception of Rama and Janarddana. |
Mbh.16.1.45 | At the command of Ahuka, of Janarddana, of Rama, and of the high-souled Vabhru, it was, again, proclaimed throughout the city that from that day, among all the Vrishnis and the Andhakas no one should manufacture wines and intoxicating spirits of any kind, and that whoever would secretly manufacture wines and spirits should be impaled alive with all his kinsmen. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
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Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text: www.sacred-texts.com; Wikified at AncientVoice. |