Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 26 Feb 2010 15:53 and updated at 26 Feb 2010 15:53
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.1.39 | From these are descended the family of the Kurus, of the Yadus, and of Bharata; the family of Yayati and of Ikshwaku; also of all the Rajarshis. |
Mbh.2.14.577 | The numerous royal lines and other ordinary Kshatriyas all represent themselves to be the descendants of Aila and Ikshwaku. |
Mbh.3.85.4740 | And thou art, O great king, celebrated in the world even as Muni or Ikshwaku, or the highly famous Puru or Vainya! |
Mbh.3.94.5018 | And as Ikshwaku with his sons, friends and followers, as Muchukunda and Mandhatri and king Marutta, as the gods through power of asceticism and the celestial Rishis also, had all obtained fame, so wilt thou also obtain great celebrity. |
Mbh.3.99.5214 | The descendants of Ikshwaku in special never boast of the prowess of their arms' |
Mbh.3.263.12883 | The dark and handsome young man, the scourge of his enemies, standing at the edge of that tank, is the son of Suvala of the race of Ikshwaku. |
Mbh.3.272.13242 | There was a great king named Aja sprung from me race of Ikshwaku. |
Mbh.3.281.13804 | I also have sprung from the race of Ikshwaku and am, therefore, a relative of thine' |
Mbh.6.9.492 | This land is the beloved one of Indra, and, O thou of Bharata's race, this land, O monarch, that is called after Bharata, is also the beloved land of Manu, the son of Vivaswat, of Prithu, of Vainya, of the high-souled Ikshwaku, of Yayati, of Amvarisha, of Mandhatri, of Nahusha, of Muchukunda, of Sivi the son of Usinara, of Rishava, of Ila, of king Nriga, of Kusika, O invincible one, of the high-souled Gadhi, of Somaka, O irrepressible one, and of Dilipa, and also, O monarch, of many other mighty Kshatriyas. |
Mbh.13.2.144 | The Prajapati Manu had a son, O king, of the name of the Ikshwaku. |
Mbh.13.3.257 | Trisanku, the son of Ikshwaku, through the curse of Vasistha became a Chandala, and when abandoned by his friends, and remaining suspended with his head downwards in the lower regions, was translated to heaven at the pleasure of Viswamitra. |
Mbh.13.165.13710 | Bhagiratha, Harischandra, Marutta, Dridharatha, the highly fortunate Alarka, Aila, Karandhama, that foremost of men, Kasmira, Daksha, Amvarisha, Kukura, Raivata of great fame, Kuru, Samvarana, Mandhatri of unbaffled prowess, the royal sage Muchukunda, Jahnu who was much favoured by Janhavi Ganga, the first in point of time of all kings, viz, Prithu the son of Vena, Mitrabhanu, Priyankara, Trasadasyu, Sweta that foremost of royal sages, the celebrated Mahabhisha, Nimi Ashtaka, Ayu, the royal sage Kshupa, Kaksheyu, Pratardana, Devodasa, Sudasa, Kosaleswara, Aila, Nala, the royal sage Manu, that lord of all creatures, Havidhara, Prishadhara, Pratipa, Santanu, Aja, the senior Varhi, Ikshwaku of great fame, Anaranya, Janujangha, the royal sage Kakshasena, and many others not named in history. |
Mbh.14.4.89 | Prasandhi had a son named Kshupa, Kshupa's son was that lord of men, king Ikshwaku. |
Mbh.14.4.91 | And all of them were made monarchs by king Ikshwaku. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
Suggestions are welcome: email:moc.liamg|rnhtijij#moc.liamg|rnhtijij
Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text: www.sacred-texts.com; Wikified at AncientVoice. |