Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 26 Feb 2010 15:51 and updated at 26 Feb 2010 15:51
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.5.42.2266 | Ignorance, assuming the form of Yama, cannot devour that learned man who controlled his desires in this manner. |
Mbh.6.37.1746 | Absence of vanity, absence of ostentation, abstention from injury, forgiveness, uprightness, devotion to preceptor, purity, constancy, self-restraint, indifference to objects of sense, absence of egoism, perception of the misery and evil of birth, death, decrepitude and disease freedom from attachment, absence of sympathy for son, wife, home, and the rest, and constant equanimity of heart on attainment of good and evil, unswerving devotion to me without meditation on anything else, frequenting of lonely places, distaste for concourse of men constancy in the knowledge of the relation of the individual self to the supreme, perception of the object of the knowledge of truth, all this is called Knowledge; all that which is contrary to this is Ignorance |
Mbh.12.129.7309 | Ignorance leads to barrenness of invention in respect of means. |
Mbh.12.158.9430 | Ignorance is the spring of misery. |
Mbh.12.158.9438 | Ignorance has its origin in covetousness. |
Mbh.12.158.9440 | Ignorance exists there where covetousness exists. |
Mbh.12.178.10770 | I, however, see it to be destructive of Ignorance. |
Mbh.12.203.12320 | Ignorance begets Delusion. |
Mbh.12.203.12323 | Surcharged with Ignorance, and sunk in the mire of worldly objects, one cannot enjoy the sweets of contentment or tranquillity. |
Mbh.12.204.12373 | The Understanding flowing from Ignorance, and possessed of the senses and attributes, runs towards external objects, like a river issuing from a mountain summit and flowing towards other regions. |
Mbh.12.210.12759 | Indeed, even as those propensities and possessions born of Ignorance and Delusion, and inanimate in respect of their nature, are united with Soul when reborn, after the same manner, those other propensities and aspirations of the Soul that have their gaze directed towards Brahma become united with it, coming to it directly from Brahma itself |
Mbh.12.210.12761 | Nor have they any necessary connection with even the Chit-Soul defiled by Ignorance |
Mbh.12.210.12766 | It is without attributes, This universe that we perceive hath been declared in the Vedas to be due to Ignorance or Delusion. |
Mbh.12.210.12774 | Like oilmen pressing oilseeds in their machine, the consequences born of Ignorance, assailing the universe of creatures which is moistened by Rajas, press or grind it in that wheel. |
Mbh.12.211.12814 | All creatures, stupefied, in consequence of Ignorance, by the attributes of Goodness and Passion and Darkness, are continually revolving like a wheel. |
Mbh.12.211.12815 | All faults, therefore, that are born of Ignorance, should be closely examined and the idea of Self which has its origin in Ignorance, and which is productive of misery, should be avoided. |
Mbh.12.211.12819 | It is like Darkness and is born of Ignorance. |
Mbh.12.214.12988 | The Ignorance which has Knowledge for its resting ground, extends its influence over all the three states of waking, dreaming and dreamless slumber. |
Mbh.12.214.12989 | The Knowledge, again, that follows the Understanding, is assailed by Ignorance |
Mbh.12.216.13084 | The birth and death of creatures always depend upon the cause constituted by original Ignorance or Avidya. |
Mbh.12.217.13181 | Some are of opinion that there is rebirth and that it is caused by Ignorance, the desire for acts, cupidity, heedlessness, and adherence to other faults. |
Mbh.12.217.13182 | They say that Ignorance Avidya is the soul. |
Mbh.12.218.13219 | Janadeva said, O illustrious one, if no person retains any knowledge after departing from this state of being, if, indeed, this is true, where then is the difference between Ignorance and Knowledge? |
Mbh.12.221.13408 | But though in reality the person or the chit never does anything, yet through the influence of Ignorance a consciousness in respect of angry overspreads itself on it. |
Mbh.12.223.13609 | Through the action of Ignorance, Brahma causes the attributes of materiality to invest the Chit or Soul which is immaterial spirit having knowledge only for its attribute. |
Mbh.12.253.15420 | Ignorance is the root of that tree, and heedlessness is the water that gives it sustenance. |
Mbh.12.274.16852 | All those seventeen with Avidya or Ignorance making eighteen, dwelling in the body, exist attached to him who owns the body. |
Mbh.12.276.16912 | When I know that Death does not wait here for any one but snatches all away suddenly and without notice, how can I possibly wait for his coming thus enveloped in a coat of Ignorance and heedlessly attending to my concerns? |
Mbh.12.278.17028 | On the other hand, he becomes enveloped by the Darkness of Ignorance having attachment and aversion for its essence that is born of his merits and demerits |
Mbh.12.278.17030 | When Jiva succeeds in dispelling by means of Knowledge, the Darkness that invests him in consequence of Ignorance, then Immutable Brahma becomes displayed in all His glory. |
Mbh.12.285.17911 | Ignorance, attachment and error, heedlessness, stupefaction, and terror, meanness, cheerlessness, sleep, and procrastination, these, when brought about by particular causes, are the properties of Tamas. |
Mbh.12.285.17953 | As regards the man of Knowledge, whatever acts have been done by him in past times while he was steeped in Ignorance and whatever acts fraught with great iniquity he does after attainment of Knowledge, he destroys both by Knowledge as his sole means. |
Mbh.12.299.18756 | The Swan said, The world is enveloped by the darkness of Ignorance. |
Mbh.12.302.19032 | The creation of Mahan or Virat and Consciousness, by Hiranyagarbha, is the creation of Ignorance |
Mbh.12.302.19033 | Ascription of attributes worthy of worship and the destruction thereof, called respectively by the names of Ignorance and Knowledge by persons learned by the interpretation of the Srutis, then arose, referring to this, that, or the other of the three viz, Akshara, Hiranyagarbha, or Virat |
Mbh.12.302.19062 | It is in this way that the Mahan-Soul Hiranyagarbha, becoming united with Prakriti and invested with Ignorance, undergoes modifications and becomes conscious of Self. |
Mbh.12.302.19063 | Uniting with the attributes of Sattwa and Rajas and Tamas, he becomes identified with diverse creatures belonging to diverse orders of Being, in consequence of his forgetfulness and his waiting upon Ignorance. |
Mbh.12.303.19083 | Invested with Ignorance he regards himself as robed sometimes in white cloth and sometimes in full dress consisting of four pieces or as lying on floors instead of on beds or bedsteads or with hands and feet contracted like those of frogs or as seated upright in the attitude of ascetic contemplation, or as' clad in rags or as lying or sitting under the canopy of heaven or within mansions built of bricks and stone or on rugged stones or on ashes or bare stones or on the bare earth or on beds or on battlefields or in water or in mire or on wooden planks or on diverse kinds of beds; or impelled by desire of fruits, he regards himself as clad in a scant piece of cloth made of grass or as totally nude or as robed in silk or in skin of the black antelope or in cloth made of flax or in sheep-skin or in tiger-skin or in lion-skin or in fabric of hemp, or in barks of birch or in cloths made of the produce of prickly plants, or in vestures made of threads woven by worms or of torn rags or in diverse other kinds of cloth too numerous to mention. |
Mbh.12.303.19090 | In consequence of his being invested with Ignorance, the Soul adopts different attributes of Sattwa and Rajas and Tamas, and Righteousness and Wealth and pleasure. |
Mbh.12.303.19102 | It is in consequence of this Ignorance that Jiva regards these sorrows to be his and imagines them as pursuing him. |
Mbh.12.303.19103 | Indeed, O monarch, through that Ignorance it is that Jiva imagines he should anyhow cross those sorrows, and that he should, going into the regions of the gods, enjoy the felicity that awaits all his good acts. |
Mbh.12.303.19104 | It is through Ignorance that he thinks he should enjoy and endure these delights and these woes here in this world Through Ignorance Jiva thinks, I should secure my happiness. |
Mbh.12.303.19131 | Invested with Ignorance, the Soul thus thinks of himself |
Mbh.12.304.19132 | SECTION CCCV Vasishtha said, It is thus, in consequence of his Ignorance and his association with others that are invested with Ignorance, that Jiva has recourse to millions and millions of births every one of which has dissolution in the end. |
Mbh.12.304.19133 | In consequence of his transformation into Chit invested with Ignorance, Jiva betakes himself to millions of abodes one of which is liable to end in destruction, among intermediate beings and men and the deities. |
Mbh.12.304.19134 | In consequence of Ignorance, Jiva, like Chandramas, has to wax and wane thousands and thousands of times. |
Mbh.12.304.19142 | Invested with Ignorance, Jiva repeatedly and continually takes birth in the fifteen portions named above. |
Mbh.12.304.19153 | Indeed, in consequence of its devotion to Ignorance, Jiva, though characterised by Knowledge becomes repeatedly associated with Ignorance. |
Mbh.12.305.19202 | Only the highest Rishis conversant with the Sankhya and the Yoga systems know that Supreme Soul which Sankhya and Yogins and believers in all other systems say is beyond the Understanding, which is regarded as Knower and endued with the highest wisdom in consequence of its casting off all consciousness of identification with Prakriti, which transcends the attribute of Ignorance or Error, which is Unmanifest, which is beyond all attributes, which is called the Supreme, which is dissociated from all attributes, which ordains all things, which is Eternal and Immutable, which overrules Prakriti and all the attributes born of Prakriti, and which, transcending the four and twenty topics of enquiry, forms the twenty-fifth. |
Mbh.12.306.19222 | I therefore, desire to hear thee once more discourse to me on those same incidents of unity and multiplicity, on him who is knowing, on what is destitute of knowledge, on Jiva-soul, Knowledge, Ignorance. |
Mbh.12.306.19231 | With-drawing the senses from their objects by the aid of the mind, one possessed of intelligence, having made oneself pure, should agreeably to the two and twenty modes of transmitting the Prana breath, unite the Jiva-soul with That which transcends the four and twentieth topic called Ignorance or Prakriti which is regarded by the wise as dwelling in every part of the body and as transcending decay and destruction. |
Mbh.12.307.19302 | Listen now to me as I tell thee what is Vidya knowledge and what is Avidya Ignorance, one after the other. |
Mbh.12.307.19383 | In the Yoga philosophy, it is said that Brahma, which is the essence of knowledge without duality, becomes Jiva only when invested with Ignorance. |
Mbh.12.308.19410 | Though awakened by the twenty-sixth which is Pure Intelligence, Jiva still becomes subject to Ignorance. |
Mbh.12.308.19459 | In consequence of Ignorance of Brahma, the man of foolish soul hath repeatedly to come back into this world. |
Mbh.12.308.19462 | If in course of time he succeeds in crossing that Ocean of Ignorance in which he is sunk, he then succeeds in avoiding rebirth altogether and attaining to identity with the Supreme Soul. |
Mbh.12.308.19463 | The Ocean of Ignorance is terrible. |
Mbh.12.308.19466 | Since thou, O king, hast been freed from that eternal and limitless Ocean of Ignorance, thou, hast, therefore become freed from Rajas and also Tamas |
Mbh.12.318.19851 | The Ignorant Jiva, and the Knowing or Intelligent are both Purusha without attributes for it is Purusha that becomes Jiva when invested with Ignorance. |
Mbh.12.318.19941 | Impelled by Ignorance, all men meet with death and attain, O king, to birth that is the cause of acts |
Mbh.12.318.19942 | Divested of Knowledge, all orders of men, dragged by terrible Ignorance, fall into varied orders of being due to the principles that flow from Prakriti. |
Mbh.12.320.20212 | Whether the Unmanifest or the Manifest be their cause, or whether the two viz, the Supreme or Purusha and the Manifest or atoms be regarded as their cause, or fourthly, whether the four together viz, the Supreme or Purusha and his Maya and Jiva and Avidya or Ignorance be the cause, they that are conversant with Adhyatma behold Prakriti as the cause of all creatures. |
Mbh.13.14.1535 | Thou art all acts that creatures do, thou art the joy and sorrow that flow from those acts, thou art the absence of joy and sorrow, thou art that Ignorance which is the indestructible seed of Desire, thou art the high origin of Mind, thou art Puissance, and thou art Eternity |
Mbh.13.16.1617 | Alas, so long I was steeped in Ignorance; for this long period I was a senseless fool, since I had no knowledge of thee that art the Supreme Deity, thee that art the only eternal Entity as can be only known by all persons endued with wisdom. |
Mbh.13.17.1903 | Thou art the primeval Ignorance or Tamas that is known by the name of Rahu. |
Mbh.13.17.2000 | Thou art he that frees creatures from the effects of all acts belonging to previous lives as well as those accomplished in the present life and from all the bonds due to Ignorance and Desire. |
Mbh.13.17.2050 | Thou art Nishachara as thou enjoyest all things, being invested with Ignorance |
Mbh.13.17.2615 | Thou art the foundation upon which rests that Ignorance which is called Pradhana and which, consisting of the three attributes of Sattwa, Rajas, and Tamas is the cause whence the universe has sprung. |
Mbh.13.94.8567 | Before Ignorance assails the world and envelops all things in darkness, I shall go to heaven for good |
Mbh.14.45.1874 | It is produced by variegated Ignorance. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
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Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text: www.sacred-texts.com; Wikified at AncientVoice. |