Horse Sacrifice
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 25 Feb 2010 17:18 and updated at 25 Feb 2010 17:18
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.58.2842 | And the king said unto him, Thou must come again to become a Sadasya in my great Horse-sacrifice' |
Mbh.3.190.9644 | SECTION CLXL Markandeya continued, Having exterminated the thieves and robbers, Kalki will, at a great Horse-sacrifice, duly give away this earth to the Brahmanas, and having established anew the blessed rectitude ordained by the Self-create, Kalki, of sacred deeds and illustrious reputation, will enter a delightful forest, and the people of this earth will imitate his conduct, and when the Brahmanas will have exterminated the thieves and robbers, there will be prosperity everywhere on earth. |
Mbh.7.55.2618 | At the Horse-sacrifice performed by that royal sage, countless number of learned Brahmanas versed in the principles of Siksha and Akshara come from diverse realms. |
Mbh.7.63.2776 | The highly blessed Sasavindu gave away unto the Brahmanas, in the great Horse-sacrifice of his such unlimited wealth. |
Mbh.7.63.2777 | The king caused as many sacrificial stakes of gold to be made for that great Horse-sacrifice of his as is the number, double of sacrificial stakes of wood in other sacrifices of the kind. |
Mbh.7.63.2779 | Upon the completion of' his Horse-sacrifice, thirteen such mountains of food and drink remained untouched. |
Mbh.7.64.2799 | In his great Horse-sacrifice, king Gaya, making a golden earth, gave her away unto the Brahmanas. |
Mbh.7.67.2912 | And he caused golden images to be made of every article on earth, and bestowed them all on the Brahmanas as his great Horse-sacrifice The king caused six and sixty thousand elephants to be made of gold, and all those he gave away unto the Brahmanas. |
Mbh.7.68.2930 | Indeed, freeing the earth from all robbers, and making her teem with honest and graceful inhabitants, Rama gave her away to Kasyapa at his great Horse-sacrifice. |
Mbh.7.140.7119 | The head of that hero, graced with beautiful blue locks and eyes, red as those of pigeons, looked like the head of a horse cut off in a Horse-sacrifice and placed on the sacrificial altar |
Mbh.12.29.1486 | Those hundreds upon hundreds and thousands upon thousands of kings that had at the command of Amvarisha waited at his sacrifices upon the Brahmanas that came there became through Amvarisha's merits crowned with the fruits of the Horse-sacrifice, and followed their lord by the Southern-path to regions or brightness and bliss. |
Mbh.12.29.1495 | This countless wealth, O monarch, Sasavindu gave away, in a Horse-sacrifice, unto the Brahmanas. |
Mbh.12.29.1504 | On days of the new moon, on those of the full moon, and on every fourth month, for a thousand years, Gaya repeatedly performed the Horse-sacrifice. |
Mbh.12.29.1507 | In his great Horse-sacrifice, king Gaya caused a golden ground to be made, measuring a hundred cubits in length and fifty in breadth, and gave it away as the sacrificial fee. |
Mbh.12.33.1780 | The Horse-sacrifice, that grand rite, has been indicated as an expiation for thee. |
Mbh.12.33.1793 | Having comforted the whole empire in this way, O Bharata, adore the gods in a Horse-sacrifice as the virtuous Indra did in days of old. |
Mbh.12.35.1844 | There is no doubt again that: one is cleansed by a Horse-sacrifice. |
Mbh.12.35.1845 | Men that have been guilty of having slain a Brahmana and that have succeeded in taking the final bath at the completion of the Horse-sacrifice, become cleansed of all their sins. |
Mbh.12.151.9037 | Manu has said that by diving in water after thrice reciting the Aghamarshana mantras, one reaps the fruits of the final bath in a Horse-sacrifice |
Mbh.12.281.17363 | With the Grandsire's permission Indra then resolved to perform a Horse-sacrifice. |
Mbh.12.282.17400 | Maheswara said, O lady that art highly blessed, the excellent Prajapati Daksha is adoring the gods in a Horse-sacrifice. |
Mbh.12.283.17454 | SECTION CCLXXXIV Janamejaya said, How O Brahmana, was the Horse-sacrifice of the Prajapati Daksha, the son of Prachetas, destroyed during the age of Vaivaswata Manu? |
Mbh.12.320.20299 | By ruling a kingdom well, a king earns the merit that attaches to a Horse-sacrifice with the whole Earth given away as Dakshina. |
Mbh.12.336.21521 | The illustrious king performed a great Horse-sacrifice in which his preceptor Vrihaspati became the Hota. |
Mbh.12.338.21743 | Thou art the great Horse-sacrifice. |
Mbh.12.342.22527 | The boon-giving Vishnu replied unto them, saying, Let Sakra perform a Horse-sacrifice in honour of Vishnu. |
Mbh.12.342.22532 | The celestial priest Vrihaspati then made arrangements for a great Horse-sacrifice, substituting a black antelope for a good steed every way fit to be offered up in sacrifice. |
Mbh.12.346.22942 | Having listened to the diverse kinds of duties and cults, let thy Horse-sacrifice go on |
Mbh.13.18.2886 | That person who, subjugating his senses and purifying himself, recites this hymn, without interruption in respect of his vow, for one month, succeeds in obtaining the merit that is attached to a Horse-sacrifice. |
Mbh.13.25.3431 | By doing this, one is sure to acquire the merit of a Horse-sacrifice. |
Mbh.13.25.3433 | If one becomes a Brahmacharin and subdues one's wrath, devotes oneself to truth and practises compassion towards all creatures, and then bathes in the Jala parda Lake of Waters, one is sure to acquire the merit of a Horse-sacrifice. |
Mbh.13.25.3454 | Bathing in Ganga hrada and the tirtha known by the name of Utpalavana and daily offering oblations of water there for a full month to the Pitris, one acquires the merit of a Horse-sacrifice. |
Mbh.13.25.3460 | Repairing to Brahmasaras as also to the Bhagirathi and bathing there and offering oblations to the Pitris every day for a full month, abstaining from food all the while, one is sure to attain to the region of Soma, Bathing in Utpataka and then in Ashtavakra and offering oblations of water to the Pitris every day for twelve days in succession, abstaining the while from food, one acquires the merits of a Horse-sacrifice. |
Mbh.13.62.5991 | The ancients thought that there was always very little difference between the man who performs a Horse-sacrifice and him that makes a gift of earth unto one that is righteous. |
Mbh.13.73.6800 | The merit such a man acquires is equal to the eternal merit of a Horse-sacrifice. |
Mbh.13.84.7505 | Having subjugated the entire earth the heroic Rama of eyes like lotus-petals began to make preparations for performing a Horse-sacrifice, O king, that is praised by all Brahmanas and Kshatriyas and that is capable of granting the fruition of every wish. |
Mbh.13.106.9686 | That man, O son of Kunti, who passes a whole year observing fasts for five days and taking food on only the sixth day, acquires the merit of the Horse-sacrifice. |
Mbh.13.109.9905 | That man who fasts on the twelfth day of the moon in the month called Margasirsha and worships Krishna as Kesava for the whole day and night, attains to the merit of the Horse-sacrifice and becomes cleansed of all his sins. |
Mbh.13.127.11074 | Jamadagni said, That man whose heart is not pure is sure to go to Hell even if he adores the deities in a Horse-sacrifice or in a hundred Vajapeya sacrifices, or if he undergoes the severest austerities with head downmost. |
Mbh.13.129.11105 | Vasava, the chief of the celestials, confers upon him a fourth part of the merits that attach to a Horse-sacrifice. |
Mbh.13.155.12937 | At that time the Danava king Vali was performing a Horse-sacrifice in the nether regions. |
Mbh.14.3.68 | And then as Dasaratha's son, Rama, or as Dushmanta's and Sakuntala's son, thy ancestor, the lord of the Earth, the exceedingly puissant king Bharata, had done, do thou agreeably to the ordinance celebrate the Horse-sacrifice with Dakshinas. |
Mbh.14.3.69 | Yudhishthira replied, Beyond a doubt, the Horse-sacrifice purifieth princes. |
Mbh.14.81.3648 | After this, Jaya addressed his son, the ruler of Manipura, and said unto him in the hearing of Chitrangada, the daughter -in-law of Kuru's house, the Horse-sacrifice of Yudhishthira will take place on the day of full moon in the coming month of Chaitra. |
Mbh.14.81.3650 | Thus addressed by Partha, king Vabhruvahana of great intelligence, with tearful eyes, said these words to his sire, O thou that art conversant with every duty, I shall certainly repair, at thy command, to the great Horse-sacrifice, and take upon myself the task of distributing food among the regenerate ones. |
Mbh.14.82.3703 | Comforting him again, Arjuna once more said unto him, Thou shouldst repair to the Horse-sacrifice of our king which takes place at the coming full moon of Chaitra' |
Mbh.14.84.3770 | Thou shouldst go to the Horse-sacrifice of our king which comes off on the day of full moon of the month of Chaitra' |
Mbh.14.85.3784 | Let, therefore, learned Brahmanas conversant with the Vedas look for a sacrificial spot for the successful accomplishment of the Horse-sacrifice' |
Mbh.14.85.3798 | Those best of kings, came to the Horse-sacrifice of the Kuru monarch for doing what was agreeable to him. |
Mbh.14.86.3842 | Do thou set thyself to accomplish thy Horse-sacrifice' |
Mbh.14.88.3923 | The bath that one performs upon completion of the Horse-sacrifice, O monarch, is highly cleansing and productive of the highest merit. |
Mbh.14.88.3925 | Thus addressed by Vyasa of immeasurable intelligence, the righteous-souled Yudhishthira of great energy underwent the Diksha for performance of the Horse-sacrifice |
Mbh.14.88.3926 | The mighty-armed monarch then performed the great Horse-sacrifice characterised by gifts of food and presents in profusion and capable of fructifying every wish and producing every merit. |
Mbh.14.89.3966 | The high-souled Yudhishthira of great intelligence staying with his brothers in the midst of the kings invited to his sacrifice, said unto those Brahmanas, The Dakshina ordained in the scriptures for the great Horse-sacrifice is the Earth. |
Mbh.14.89.3982 | Thus addressed, the foremost one of Kuru's race, along with all his brothers, became glad of soul, and gave away millions of golden coins, in fact, trebling the Dakshina ordained for the Horse-sacrifice. |
Mbh.14.90.4237 | Vaisampayana continued, O conquerer of hostile towns, I have now told thee all relating to that wonderful incident which occurred in that great Horse-sacrifice. |
Mbh.14.91.4249 | When king Yudhishthira, with Bhima and Arjuna by him, resembled the chief of the deities himself in prosperity and prowess, why then did that mongoose depreciate that great Horse-sacrifice of the high-souled monarch' |
Mbh.15.34.1370 | In the Horse-sacrifice, this Sruti is heard in the matter of the slaying of the horse. |
Mbh.18.6.372 | At the ninth Parana, he acquires, O Bharata, the fruits of that foremost of sacrifices, viz, the Horse-sacrifice. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
Suggestions are welcome: email:moc.liamg|rnhtijij#moc.liamg|rnhtijij
Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text:; Wikified at AncientVoice. |