Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 25 Feb 2010 17:11 and updated at 25 Feb 2010 17:11
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.5.192.8586 | He, who was called the king of the Dasarnakas was named Hiranyavarman; and he gave away his daughter to Sikhandin. |
Mbh.5.192.8587 | And Hiranyavarman, the king of the Dasarnakas, was a powerful monarch, incapable of being easily vanquished. |
Mbh.5.192.8589 | And sometimes after the wedding, the daughter of Hiranyavarman, O best of monarchs, attained her youth while the daughter of Drupada also had attained hers. |
Mbh.5.192.8592 | And the daughter of Hiranyavarman, having ascertained that Sikhandin was really a woman, bashfully represented unto her nurses and companions everything about the so-called son of the king of the Panchalas. |
Mbh.5.192.8596 | Indeed, O bull of the Bharata race, Hiranyavarman, hearing the news after the expiry of a few days was much afflicted with wrath. |
Mbh.5.192.8598 | And the messenger of king Hiranyavarman, having alone approached Drupada, took him aside and said unto him in private, The king of the Dasarnakas, O monarch, deceived by thee and enraged, O sinless one, at the insult thou hast offered him, hath said these words unto thee, Thou hast humiliated me! |
Mbh.5.193.8605 | King Hiranyavarman, however, ascertaining once again, that the child of the king of the Panchalas was really a daughter, issued out of his city without losing any time. |
Mbh.5.193.8608 | Then, O monarch, king Hiranyavarman held a consultation with his ministers about the ruler of the Panchalas. |
Mbh.5.193.8610 | Taking that to be the fixed resolution of all whom he had summoned king Hiranyavarman once more sent an envoy to the descendant of Prishata, saying I will slay thee, be calm' |
Mbh.5.193.8614 | And possessed with great fright and with heart afflicted with grief, the king of the Panchalas said unto his favourite wife, the mother of Sikhandin, these words, My powerful brother, king Hiranyavarman, having mustered a large force, is coming towards me in anger. |
Mbh.5.193.8617 | Under this suspicion, Hiranyavarman with his allies and followed by his army wisheth to slay me thinking that he hath been received by me! |
Mbh.5.195.8709 | And king Drupada then, sent unto the high-souled Hiranyavarman a Brahmana learned in the Vedas as his envoy. |
Mbh.5.195.8710 | And that envoy, going unto king Hiranyavarman, the ruler of the Dasarnakas, said unto him, O monarch, the word that Drupada had entrusted him with' |
Mbh.5.195.8720 | And after king Hiranyavarman, the ruler of the Dasarnakas had departed in joy and with his anger quelled, Sikhandin began to rejoice exceedingly. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
Suggestions are welcome: email:moc.liamg|rnhtijij#moc.liamg|rnhtijij
Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text: www.sacred-texts.com; Wikified at AncientVoice. |