Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 25 Feb 2010 16:59 and updated at 25 Feb 2010 16:59
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.30.1754 | Sauti continued, Those ascetics thus addressed by the illustrious Kasyapa, abandoned that bough and went to the sacred mountain of Himavat for purposes of ascetic penances. |
Mbh.1.36.1976 | He practised these ascetic devotions, repairing to Gandhamadana, Vadri, Gokarna, the woods of Pushkara, and the foot of Himavat. |
Mbh.1.72.3801 | And Menaka as her conception advanced went to the banks of the river Malini coursing along a valley of the charming mountains of Himavat. |
Mbh.1.74.3994 | That celebrated Apsara, Menaka, brought me forth in a valley of Himavat. |
Mbh.1.74.4002 | Destitute of all affection, the lewd Menaka is thy mother, and she cast thee off on the surface of the Himavat as one throws away, after the worship is over, the flowery offering made to his gods. |
Mbh.1.114.6214 | And fixing his abode in a delightful and hilly region overgrown with huge sala trees, on the southern slope of the Himavat mountains, he roamed about in perfect freedom. |
Mbh.1.115.6248 | And having said this and made these arrangements, the wise Dwaipayana went to the Himavat mountains for devoting himself to asceticism. |
Mbh.1.118.6312 | Vaisampayana said, O king, one day Pandu, while roaming about in the woods on the southern slopes of the Himavat that teemed with deer and wild animals of fierce disposition, saw a large deer, that seemed to be the leader of a herd, serving his mate. |
Mbh.1.119.6415 | He next went to Chaitraratha, and then crossed the Kalakuta, and finally, crossing the Himavat, he arrived at Gandhamadana. |
Mbh.1.172.8760 | This Ganga, issuing out of the golden peaks of Himavat, falleth into the waters of the ocean, being distributed into seven streams. |
Mbh.1.178.9118 | And beholding once again a river named Haimavati flowing from Himavat of terrible aspect and full of fierce crocodiles and other aquatic monsters, the Rishi threw himself into it, but the river mistaking the Brahmana for a mass of unquenchable fire, immediately flew in a hundred different directions, and hath been known ever since by the name of the Satadru the river of a hundred courses. |
Mbh.1.179.9193 | And while the Bhrigu race was thus being exterminated, the women of that tribe fled from fear to the inaccessible mountains of Himavat. |
Mbh.1.182.9298 | And the Rishi cast the fire that he had ignited for the purpose of the Rakshasas' sacrifice into the deep woods on the north of the Himavat. |
Mbh.1.186.9403 | And they were each furnished with a hundred doors wide enough to admit a crowd of persons; they were adorned with costly beds and carpets, and beautified with various metals; they resembled the peaks of the Himavat. |
Mbh.1.189.9461 | Some remarked, This handsome youth is even like the trunk of a mighty elephant, whose shoulders and arms and thighs are so well-built, who in patience looks like the Himavat, whose gait is even like that of the lion, and whose prowess seems to be like that of an elephant in rut, and who is so resolute, that it is probable that he will accomplish this feat. |
Mbh.1.198.9841 | And soon he saw, not far off from where he was, a handsome youth with a young lady seated on a throne placed on one of the peaks of Himavat and playing at dice. |
Mbh.1.198.9875 | And those Indras of old who had been confined in the cave on the Himavat are none else than the sons of Pandu, endued with great energy. |
Mbh.1.216.10569 | SECTION CCXVII Arjuna-vanavasa Parva continued Vaisampayana said, Then the son of the wielder of the thunderbolt narrated everything unto those Brahmanas residing with him there, set out for the breast of Himavat. |
Mbh.2.10.407 | The mountains of Himavat, Paripatra, Vindhya, Kailasa, Mandara, Malaya, Durdura, Mahendra, Gandhamadana, Indrakila, Sunava, and Eastern and the Western hills, these and many other mountains, in their personified forms, with Meru standing before all, wait upon and worship the illustrious lord of treasures. |
Mbh.2.11.424 | Repairing then to the breast of the Himavat, I commenced that great vow, and after I had completed it the exalted and sinless deity Surya endued with great energy, and knowing no fatigue, took me with him to the Sabha of the Grandsire. |
Mbh.2.24.1076 | And hearing those roars, the people of Magadha thought that either the Himavat was tumbling down or the earth itself was being rent asunder. |
Mbh.2.33.1432 | Adorned with various costly articles and built with various metals, they looked like peaks of the Himavat. |
Mbh.2.43.1739 | There is a bird called Bhulinga living on the other side of the Himavat. |
Mbh.2.49.2076 | The Himavat, the ocean, the regions on the sea-shore, and the numberless other regions that yield jewels and gems, have all acknowledged superiority of the mansion of Yudhishthira in respect of wealth it containeth. |
Mbh.2.50.2123 | I also saw numberless Chins and Sakas and Uddras and many barbarous tribes living in the woods, and many Vrishnis and Harahunas, and dusky tribes of the Himavat, and many Nipas and people residing in regions on the sea-coast, waiting at the gate being refused permission to enter. |
Mbh.2.51.2137 | The mountain tribes endued with great strength having brought as tribute numerous Chamaras long brushes soft and black and others white as moon-beam and sweet honey extracted from the flowers growing on the Himavat as also from the Mishali champaka and garlands of flowers brought from the region of the northern Kurus, and diverse kinds of plants from the north even from Kailasa, waited with their heads bent down at the gate of king Yudhishthira, being refused permission to enter. |
Mbh.2.51.2138 | I also beheld there numberless chiefs of the Kiratas armed with cruel weapons and ever engaged in cruel deeds, eating of fruits and roots and attired in skins and living on the northern slopes of the Himavat and on the mountain from behind which the sun rises and in the region of Karusha on the sea-coast and on both sides of the Lohitya mountains. |
Mbh.2.75.3233 | The mountains of Himavat might be removed from where they are, the maker of the day lose his brightness, the moon his coldness, but this vow of mine will ever be cherished. |
Mbh.2.76.3263 | Formerly thou wert instructed on the mountains of Himavat by Meru Savarni; in the town of Varanavata by Krishna Dwaipayana; on the cliff of Bhrigu by Rama; and on the banks of the Dhrishadwati by Sambhu himself. |
Mbh.3.12.738 | The heavens might fall, or the Himavat might split, the earth might be rent, or the waters of the ocean might dry up, but my words shall never be futile' |
Mbh.3.16.828 | And, O mighty king, then Kshemavriddhi, the commander of Salwa's forces, bore that shower of arrows, immovable as the Himavat! |
Mbh.3.32.1549 | One must act for protecting as also increasing his wealth; for if without seeking to earn, one continueth to only spend, his wealth, even if it were a hoard huge as Himavat, would soon be exhausted. |
Mbh.3.35.1836 | O son of Kunti, he that desireth to conceal us, only wisheth to conceal the mountains of Himavat by means of a handful of grass. |
Mbh.3.37.1954 | And that slayer of foes passed over many mountains inhabited by ascetics, and then reached the sacred Himavat, the resort of the celestials. |
Mbh.3.37.1956 | And having crossed the Himavat, as also the Gandhamadana, he passed over many uneven and dangerous spots, walking night and day without fatigue. |
Mbh.3.38.1998 | And the strong-armed Arjuna of great might set out armed with his celestial bow and a sword with golden hilt, for the success of the object he had in view, northwards, towards the summit of the Himavat. |
Mbh.3.38.2003 | Passing over those difficult and woody regions at the foot of the great mountains, Arjuna soon reached the breast of the Himavat; and staying there for sometime began to shine in his brilliancy. |
Mbh.3.38.2015 | And bowing unto that god of gods, they informed him of Arjuna's austerities saying, This son of pritha possessed of great energy is engaged in the most difficult of ascetic austerities on the breast of the Himavat. |
Mbh.3.39.2026 | SECTION XXXIX Vaisampayana said, After all those illustrious ascetics had gone away, that wielder of the Pinaka and cleanser of all sins, the illustrious Hara, assuming the form of a Kirata resplendent as a golden tree, and with a huge and stalwart form like a second Meru, and taking up a hand some bow and a number of arrows resembling snakes of virulent poison, and looking like an embodiment of fire, came quickly down on the breast of Himavat. |
Mbh.3.39.2070 | Alas, this mountaineer of delicate limbs, dwelling on the heights of the Himavat, beareth, without wavering, the shafts shot from the Gandiva! |
Mbh.3.39.2073 | The gods sometimes do descend on the heights of the Himavat. |
Mbh.3.41.2235 | Beholding those protectors of the worlds assembled together on the heights of Himavat, Dhananjaya, the son of Kunti, wondered much, Endued with great energy, he then duly worshipped the assembled Lokapalas, with words, water, and fruits. |
Mbh.3.82.4025 | One must then go, O virtuous chief of warriors, to Arvuda, the son of Himavat, where there was a hole through the earth in days of yore. |
Mbh.3.84.4416 | One should then repair, O virtuous one, after bowing to the great mountain Himavat, to the source of the Ganges, which is, without doubt, like the gate of heaven. |
Mbh.3.186.9268 | And, O king, the fish diligently dragged the boat through the flood for many a long year and then, O descendant of Kuru and ornament of Bharata's race, it towed the vessel towards the highest peak of the Himavat. |
Mbh.3.186.9269 | And, O Bharata, the fish then told those on the vessel to tie it to the peak of the Himavat. |
Mbh.3.186.9270 | And hearing the words of the fish they immediately tied the boat on that peak of the mountain and, O son of Kunti and ornament of Bharata's race, know that that high peak of the Himavat is still called by the name of Naubandhana the harbour. |
Mbh.3.187.9408 | And, O king, while wandering through the stomach of that high-souled one, I also beheld the Himavat and the mountains of Hemakuta. |
Mbh.3.198.10053 | I answered him, saying, There liveth on the Himavat an owl of the name of Pravarakarna. |
Mbh.3.198.10056 | The part of the Himavat where he dwelleth is far off from here' |
Mbh.3.224.11352 | And with those arrows the hill Krauncha, the son of Himavat, was rent asunder. |
Mbh.3.247.12264 | The earth may split, the vault of heaven may break in pieces, the sun may cast off his splendour, the moon may abandon his coolness, the wind may forsake its speed, the Himavat may be moved from its site, the waters of the ocean may dry up, and fire may abandon its heat, yet I, O king, may never rule the earth without thee' |
Mbh.3.252.12443 | Then going to the north, he subdued the sovereigns of that quarter and having effected the defeat of Bhagadatta, Radha's son ascended that mighty mountain Himavat, all along fighting his foes. |
Mbh.3.252.12444 | And ranging all sides, he conquered and brought under subjection all the kings inhabiting the Himavat, and made them pay dues. |
Mbh.3.284.13896 | But though struck with that mace of terrible force, the mighty-armed Vibhishana of great wisdom, without wavering in the least, stood still as the mountains of Himavat. |
Mbh.3.311.15262 | Who is it that hath overthrown the four mighty mountains, viz, the Himavat, the Paripatra, the Vindhya, and the Malaya? |
Mbh.4.2.54 | What office will be performed by Arjuna who, dwelling for five years in the abode of the thousand-eyed Deity Indra shining in celestial lustre, acquired by his own energy the science of superhuman arms with all celestial weapons, and whom I regard as the tenth Rudra, the thirteenth Aditya, the ninth Vasu, and the tenth Graha, whose arms, symmetrical and long, have the skin hardened by constant strokes of the bowstring and cicatrices which resemble those on the humps of bulls, that foremost of warriors who is as Himavat among mountains, the ocean among expanses of water, Sakra among the celestial, Havya-vaha fire among the Vasus, the tiger among beasts, and Garuda among feathery tribes |
Mbh.4.39.1594 | It is said that the lord Mahadeva himself, disguised in the attire of a hunter, was gratified by this son of Pritha in battle on the mountains of Himavat' |
Mbh.4.44.1684 | They call me Falguna because I was born on the breast of the Himavat on a day when the constellation Uttara Falguna was on the ascendent. |
Mbh.4.49.1890 | Alone he led the life of a Brahmacharin for five years on the breast of Himavat. |
Mbh.5.11.474 | And when Nahusha became the king of the gods, he surrounded himself with celestial nymphs, and with damsels of celestial birth, and took to enjoyments of various kinds, in the Nandana groves, on mount Kailasa, on the crest of Himavat, on Mandara. |
Mbh.5.14.603 | And she crossed the heavenly groves, and many mountains; and then having crossed the Himavat mountains, she came to its northern side. |
Mbh.5.55.3073 | Smitten with a blow of my mace, the mountains of Himavat may split into a hundred thousands fragments. |
Mbh.5.76.3776 | The Himavat, the ocean, the mighty wielder of the thunderbolt himself, viz, the slayer of Vala, even these three cannot, with all their power extricate the person attacked by me. |
Mbh.5.82.3951 | The mountains of Himavat might shift their site, the Earth herself might spilt into a hundred fragments, the firmament itself with its myriads of stars might fall down, still my words can never be futile. |
Mbh.5.110.5050 | It is towards this direction that the roots of Himavat stretch towards the eternal Mandara sunk in the ocean. |
Mbh.5.111.5070 | Hither, on the breast of Himavat always dwelleth Maheswara endued with the effulgence of the fire that blazeth up at the end of the Yuga. |
Mbh.5.111.5077 | It was in this region that Kama, the wrath of Siva, Himavat, and Uma, all together shone brilliantly. |
Mbh.5.111.5097 | It is here that the brilliant and shining gold mines of Himavat exhibit themselves to the illustrious and regenerate Rishi Jimuta. |
Mbh.5.158.6980 | SECTION CLVIII Janamejaya said, When Yudhishthira heard that Bhishma, the high-souled son of Ganga, the foremost of all wielders of weapons, the grandsire of the Bharatas, the head of all the kings, the rival of Vrihaspati in intellect, resembling the ocean in gravity, the mountains of Himavat in calmness, the Creator himself in nobleness, and the sun in energy, and capable of slaying hostile hosts like great Indra himself by showering his arrows, was installed, till his removal by death, in the command of the Kuru army on the eve of the great sacrifice of battle, terrific in its mien and capable of making one's hairs stand on their ends, what did that mighty-armed son of Pandu, that foremost of wielders of weapons, say? |
Mbh.6.3.157 | From the mountains of Kailasa and Mandara and Himavat thousands of explosions are heard and thousands of summits are tumbling down. |
Mbh.6.6.321 | They are Himavat, Hemakuta, that best of mountains called Nishadha, Nila abounding with stones of lapis lazuli, Sweta white as the moon, and the mountains called Sringavat composed of all kinds of metals |
Mbh.6.6.327 | Next to it northwards is the Varsha called after Himavat. |
Mbh.6.6.385 | Rakshasas reside on Himavat, Guhyakas on Hemakuta, and serpents and Nagas on Nishadha, and ascetics on Gokarna. |
Mbh.6.13.700 | Resembling the great Indra himself in bravery, and Himavat in firmness, like unto the ocean itself in gravity, and the Earth herself in patience, that invincible warrior having arrows for his teeth, that bow for his mouth, and the sword for his tongue, that lion among men, hath to-day been slain by the prince of Panchala. |
Mbh.6.34.1597 | Of immobiles I am the Himavat. |
Mbh.6.120.6661 | Ascertaining that to be his resolve, Ganga, the daughter of Himavat, sent unto him the great Rishis in swanlike form. |
Mbh.6.123.6825 | As human beings are, in this world, foremost of all creatures, as Garuda is the foremost of all winged creatures; as the Ocean is the foremost among all receptacles of water and the cow among all quadrupeds; as the Sun is the foremost amongst all luminous bodies and Himavat among all mountains; as the Brahmana is the foremost among all castes, art thou the foremost of all bowmen! |
Mbh.7.4.137 | The Kiratas, fierce in battle, dwelling in the fastness of Himavat, were formerly, O Karna, made by thee to own Duryodhana's sway. |
Mbh.7.21.997 | The beautiful altar on his banner, as he careered in battle, O Bharata, was seen to resemble a crest or Himavat. |
Mbh.7.52.2454 | Thence going to the top of Himavat, where the gods had performed their sacrifice in days of yore, that amiable and auspicious girl remained for a billion of years standing on the toe only of her feet. |
Mbh.7.53.2585 | Unto that royal sage the illustrious lord Mahadeva himself had given wealth in the shape of a golden plateau of Himavat. |
Mbh.7.78.3435 | And Partha, possessed of the speed of the mind, seemed to reach, with Kesava, the sacred foot of Himavat and the Manimat mountain abounding in many brilliant gems and frequented by Siddhas and Charanas. |
Mbh.7.88.3896 | Struck with Arjuna's shafts, thousands of steeds fell down like swans on the breast of Himavat, struck down by the force of watery current. |
Mbh.7.102.4754 | And with that standard Arjuna looked highly resplendent, like Himavat with a blazing fire on its top. |
Mbh.7.109.5203 | That division of the assembled Mlecchas that are all sinful and that come from the fastnesses of Himavat, seem at a distance to be of smoky colour. |
Mbh.7.173.9468 | himself, struck with the keen arrows that were sped from Karna's bow, that huge Rakshasa, looking like Himavat the prince of mountains, disappeared then and there. |
Mbh.7.197.11039 | Beholding these two strong arms of mine like unto the trunks of a couple of mighty elephants, capable of pulling down the mountain of Himavat. |
Mbh.7.198.11282 | On the mountain of Himavat he underwent the severest ascetic austerities. |
Mbh.8.19.767 | Then those warriors, filled with rage, covered Arjuna from every side with diverse kinds of weapons like the clouds urged by the Maruts shrouding Himavat at the close of summer. |
Mbh.8.34.1651 | Himavat and Vindhya mountains became its Apaskara and Adhishthana; and the Udaya and the Asta mountains were made the wheels of that car by those foremost ones among the gods. |
Mbh.8.42.2280 | Like Himavat bearing the mighty, all-crushing, fierce and smiting god of wind, I shall, without moving, bear the angry and vindictive Dhananjaya. |
Mbh.8.44.2357 | A foremost one among brahmanas, venerable in years while reciting old histories, said these words, blaming the Vahikas and Madrakas, One should always avoid the Vahikas, those impure people that are out of the pale of virtue, and that live away from the Himavat and the Ganga and Sarasvati and Yamuna and Kurukshetra and the Sindhu and its five tributary rivers. |
Mbh.8.44.2385 | I must, however, speak again to thee about what another brahmana had said unto us in the Kuru court, There where forests of Pilus stand, and those five rivers flow, viz, the Satadru, the Vipasa, the Iravati, the Candrabhaga, and the Vitasa and which have the Sindhu for their sixth, there in those regions removed from the Himavat, are the countries called by the name of the Arattas. |
Mbh.8.45.2414 | Observing our practices he became highly gratified and said unto us, I dwelt for a long time on a peak of the Himavat quite alone. |
Mbh.8.45.2467 | So Rakshasas and Pishacas protect the Himavat, the best of mountains. |
Mbh.8.79.4864 | Indeed, the mountains of Himavat may move from the spot where they stand but not the two Krishnas. |
Mbh.8.85.5177 | Then Vrika deeply pierced with a dozen shafts that prince having his abode on the Himavat as he stood on his elephant. |
Mbh.9.5.368 | Having reached the Sarasvati of red waters on the sacred and beautiful table-land at the foot of Himavat, they bathed in that water and quenched their thirst with it. |
Mbh.9.6.371 | SECTION Sanjaya said, On that table land at the foot of Himavat, those warriors, O monarch, delighting at the prospect of battle and assembled together, passed the night. |
Mbh.9.6.373 | After the heroic Karna had been slain in battle, thy sons, inspired with fright by the Pandavas desirous of victory, failed to obtain peace anywhere else than on the mountains of Himavat. |
Mbh.9.9.521 | Adorned with yak-tails, steeds rushed on all sides, looking like the swans found on the plains at the foot of Himavat. |
Mbh.9.31.2324 | Am I not armed with a formidable mace that looks like a cliff of Himavat? |
Mbh.9.36.2683 | That river of swift current flows from the sides of the Himavat. |
Mbh.9.36.2694 | Once again, while Brahman was engaged in a sacrifice on the sacred forest of the Himavat mountains, the adorable Sarasvati, summoned by him, appeared there. |
Mbh.9.42.3034 | Ganga also, unable to hold it, cast it on the beautiful breast of Himavat that is worshipped by the celestials. |
Mbh.9.42.3040 | And since the adorable child had been cast by the river Ganga upon the summit of Himavat, that mountain looked beautiful, having, O delighter of the Kurus, been transformed into gold! |
Mbh.9.42.3053 | One day, the child, of great energy, saw that god of gods, the lord of Uma, seated with the daughter of Himavat, amid a swarm of ghostly creatures. |
Mbh.9.42.3073 | Visakha went to the spot where the divine daughter of Himavat was. |
Mbh.9.42.3088 | Then the gods headed by Brahman, taking that youth with them, together came to Himavat. |
Mbh.9.42.3089 | The spot they selected was the bank of the sacred and divine Sarasvati, that foremost of rivers, taking her rise from Himavat, that Sarasvati which, at Samanta-panchaka, is celebrated over the three worlds. |
Mbh.9.43.3092 | Himavat gave a seat which was adorned with many costly gems. |
Mbh.9.43.3095 | The diverse gods, Indra and Vishnu, both of great energy, and Surya and Candramas, and Dhatri, and Vidhatri, and Vayu, and Agni, and Pushan, and Bhaga, and Aryaman, and Ansa, and Vivaswat, and Rudra of great intelligence, and Mitra, and the eleven Rudras, the eight Vasus, the twelve Adityas, the twin Ashvinis, the Viswedevas, the Maruts, the Saddhyas, the Pitris, the Gandharvas, the Apsaras, the Yakshas, the Rakshasas, the Pannagas, innumerable celestial Rishis, the Vaikhanasas, the Valakhilyas, those others among Rishis that subsist only on air and those that subsist on the rays of the Sun, the descendants of Bhrigu and Angiras, many high-souled Yatis, all the Vidyadharas, all those that were crowned with ascetic success, the Grandsire, Pulastya, Pulaha of great ascetic merits, Angiras, Kasyapa, Atri, Marichi, Bhrigu, Kratu, Hara, Prachetas, Manu, Daksha, the Seasons, the Planets, and all the luminaries; O monarch, all the rivers in their embodied forms, the eternal Vedas, the Seas, the diverse tirthas, the Earth, the Sky, the Cardinal and Subsidiary points of the compass, and all the Trees, O king, Aditi the mother of the gods, Hri, Sri, Swaha, Sarasvati, Uma, Sachi, Sinivali, Anumati, Kuhu, the Day of the new moon, the Day of the full Moon, the wives of the denizens of heaven, Himavat, Vindhya, Meru of many summits, Airavat with all his followers, the Divisions of time called Kala, Kashtha, Fortnight, the Seasons, Night, and Day, O king, the prince of steeds, Ucchaisravas, Vasuki the king of the Snakes, Aruna, Garuda, the Trees, the deciduous herbs, and the adorable god Dharma, all came there together. |
Mbh.9.43.3125 | Himavat gave unto Agni's son two companions, O King, Suvarchas and Ativarchas. |
Mbh.9.46.3442 | In this very tirtha, O auspicious, sinless, and highly blessed one, the seven Rishis had, on one occasion, left Arundhati, the wife of one of them, when they went to Himavat. |
Mbh.9.46.3444 | While they thus lived in a forest of Himavat for procuring their sustenance, a drought occurred extending for twelve years. |
Mbh.9.46.3460 | Gratified, he spoke unto them about the noble conduct of Arundhati in these words The ascetic merit, ye regenerate ones, that this lady hath earned, is, I think, much greater than what ye have earned on the breast of Himavat! |
Mbh.9.46.3487 | Keeping the girl in his hermitage, Bharadwaja repaired to the forests of Himavat. |
Mbh.9.52.3760 | Bidding farewell to the Rishis, Baladeva of unfading glory went through the performance of all the rites and ceremonies of the evening twilight on the side of Himavat and then began his ascent of the mountain. |
Mbh.9.56.4066 | All their limbs mangled and bruised, and covered with blood from head to foot, they looked like a couple of Kinsukas on the breast of Himavat. |
Mbh.11.21.875 | Incapable of being checked by foes in battle like Maghavat himself who is invincible by enemies, Karna was like the all-destroying fire of fierce flames at the end of the yuga, and immovable like Himavat himself! |
Mbh.12.56.3061 | If the king is not wrathful, if he is not addicted to evil practices and not severe in his punishments, if he succeeds in keeping his passions under control, he then becomes an object of confidence unto all like the Himavat mountains unto all creatures. |
Mbh.12.58.3242 | Ocean, that lord of rivers, and Himavat, the king of mountains, and Sakra, O Yudhishthira, bestowed upon him inexhaustible wealth. |
Mbh.12.121.6856 | There, on that peak of Himavat, near the golden mountains of Merit, the great Brahmana here Rama, sitting under the shade of a well-known banian, had tied his matted locks together |
Mbh.12.125.7167 | The prince of mountains, viz, Himavat, and that vast receptacle of waters, viz, the ocean, cannot, for its vastness, measure the extent of the firmament. |
Mbh.12.127.7271 | Do thou also, O son of Kunti, hearing these words of mine, be calm and collected like Himavat. |
Mbh.12.153.9252 | There was a lordly Salmali tree on one of the heights of Himavat. |
Mbh.12.155.9309 | Narada said, There is a certain Salmali on the breast of Himavat, adorned with branches and leaves. |
Mbh.12.165.9837 | Then the divine Brahman, accompanied by the regenerate sages, proceeded to a delightful summit of Himavat, extending for a hundred Yojanas in area, adorned with diverse kinds of jewels and gems, and upon whose surface the stars seemed to rest like so many lotuses on a lake. |
Mbh.12.191.11437 | Bhrigu said, Towards the north, on the other side of Himavat, which is sacred and possessed of every merit, there is a region that is sacred, blessed, and highly desirable. |
Mbh.12.198.11797 | Residing at the foot of Himavat, he was devoted to the Vedas. |
Mbh.12.202.12278 | Nobody has seen the other side of the Himavat mountains, nor the reverse of the moon's disc. |
Mbh.12.225.13738 | The person of wisdom, naturally standing immovable like Himavat, never gives way to wrath; never suffers himself to be attached to the objects of the senses; never languishes in sorrow or rejoices in happiness. |
Mbh.12.257.15585 | Proceeding thence to the summit of Himavat where the deities had performed their great sacrifice, she stood there for another hundred billions of years, supporting her weight upon only the toes of her feet with the object of gratifying the Grandsire with such an act of austerity. |
Mbh.12.282.17397 | It hath been heard by us that the high-souled deities, with the permission o f Mahadeva, mounted their celestial cars resembling the fire or the Sun in splendour, and proceeded to that spot on the Himavat whence the Ganges is said to issue. |
Mbh.12.283.17459 | Vaisampayana said, In days of yore Daksha made arrangements for performing a Sacrifice on the breast of Himavat in that sacred region inhabited by Rishis and Siddhas where the Ganges issues out of the mountains. |
Mbh.12.325.20661 | Crossing many hills and mountains, many rivers, many waters and lakes, and many woods and forests abounding with beasts of prey and other animals, crossing, the two Varshas of Meru and Hari successively and next the Varsha of Himavat, he came at last to the Varsha known by the name of Bharata. |
Mbh.12.327.20786 | His object being accomplished, he became happy and tranquil, and without putting further questions to Janaka, he proceeded northwards to the mountains of Himavat with the speed of the wind and like the wind |
Mbh.12.327.20824 | Vyasa the son of Parasara, after the arrival of his puissant son, continued to dwell there on the Himavat engaged in teaching his disciples and his son. |
Mbh.12.333.21275 | Loud-reports as of thunder were heard that seemed to rive the Himavat mountains. |
Mbh.12.333.21281 | Suka as he proceeded through the welkin, beheld two beautiful summits, one belonging to Himavat and another to Meru. |
Mbh.12.342.22579 | The daughter, named Uma, of the Himavat mountains, was desired by Rudra in marriage After Himavat had promised the hand of Uma to Mahadeva, the great Rishi Bhrigu, approaching Himavat, addressed him, saying, Give this daughter of thine unto me in marriage. |
Mbh.12.342.22580 | Himavat replied unto him, saying, Rudra is the bridegroom already selected by me for my daughter, |
Mbh.12.342.22582 | To this day, in consequence of the Rishi's words, the mountains of Himavat have not any jewels and gems. |
Mbh.12.342.22696 | The mountains of Himavat became riven. |
Mbh.12.343.22733 | When, however, the celestial Rishi Narada had succeeded in obtaining a sight of the Supreme Lord of the universe, a residing in the form of Aniruddha, why did he again proceed so quickly to the retreat of Vadari on the breast of Himavat for beholding those two foremost of godly of Rishis viz, Nara and Narayana? |
Mbh.12.344.22871 | Worshipping the Supreme Deity Narayana, and adoring those two ancient Rishis also that had taken birth in the house of Dharma, the illustrious Rishi Narada, endued with great energy, continued to reside, thus employed, in that retreat, called Vadari, on the breast of Himavat, belonging to Nara and Narayana, for a thousand years as measured by the standard of the celestials |
Mbh.12.346.22924 | Having resided for a full thousand years in the retreat of Nara and Narayana, having beheld the immutable Hari, and heard the excellent discourse having Narayana for its topic, the celestial Rishi repaired to his own retreat on the breast of Himavat, Those foremost of ascetics viz, Nara and Narayana, however continued to reside in their delightful retreat of Vadari, engaged in the practice of the severest austerities. |
Mbh.12.349.23339 | Vaisampayana said, Desirous of understanding the meaning of the Srutis, my preceptor, that ocean of penances, who is exceedingly devoted to the observance of all scriptural duties and the acquisition of knowledge, dwelt for some time in a particular region of the Himavat mountains. |
Mbh.12.349.23343 | Surrounded by these disciples of his, Vyasa shone in beauty on the breast of the Himavat mountains like the Lord of all the ghostly beings, viz, Mahadeva, in the midst of those ghostly attendants of his. |
Mbh.13.10.578 | The incident which I shall relate occurred in the asylum of certain regenerate sages that stood on the auspicious breast of Himavat. |
Mbh.13.14.913 | He immediately came to me and bore me to Himavat at my bidding. |
Mbh.13.14.914 | Arrived at Himavat, I dismissed him. |
Mbh.13.14.944 | Thus addressed, it stood in all its beauty on the breast of Himavat, like the lunar disc in the firmament. |
Mbh.13.14.1399 | Thou art the Ocean of milk among all oceans, among all rocky eminences thou art Himavat, among all the orders thou art the Brahmana, and among all learned Brahmanas thou art he that has undergone and is observant of the Diksha. |
Mbh.13.17.2015 | Thou art identical with the Himavat mountains. |
Mbh.13.17.2383 | Thou art he who repairs to the mountains of Himavat. |
Mbh.13.17.2603 | Thou art the husband of Uma, the daughter of Himavat. |
Mbh.13.17.2715 | Thou art the lord of all immobile things in the form of Himavat and Meru. |
Mbh.13.19.2923 | Vadanya said, Passing over the dominions of the lord of Treasures thou will cross the Himavat mountains. |
Mbh.13.19.2946 | He proceeded more and more towards the north and at last reached the Himavat mountains peopled by Siddhas and Charanas |
Mbh.13.19.2947 | Arrived at the Himavat mountains, that foremost of Brahamanas then came upon the sacred river Vahuda whose waters produce great merit. |
Mbh.13.25.3485 | The celebrated Himavat is sacred. |
Mbh.13.26.3619 | Ganga is the daughter of Himavat, the spouse of Hara, and the ornament of both Heaven and Earth. |
Mbh.13.30.3866 | Encompassing him with innumerable cars, O Yudhisthira, the Vitahavyas poured upon Pratarddana showers of weapons of various kinds like clouds pouring torrents of rain on the breast of Himavat. |
Mbh.13.35.4174 | The Himavat mountains are incapable of being moved from their site. |
Mbh.13.66.6292 | Himavat, the deities attached to the gift of earth a sixth part of the merit arising from their sacrifice. |
Mbh.13.84.7555 | After the wedding was over of the illustrious and high-souled Rudra armed with the trident, O son of Bhrigu's race, with the goddess who became his spouse, on the breast of that foremost of mountains, viz, Himavat, the illustrious and high-souled deity wished to unite himself with the goddess. |
Mbh.13.103.9214 | Observant of penances, subsisting on regulated diet, adopting tranquillity of soul, and restraining speech, I dwelt for a long time on the breast of Himavat by the side of that Ganga whose irresistible current as it fell from heaven was borne by Mahadeva on his head. |
Mbh.13.139.11469 | The ascetics said, It behoveth thee, O Narada, to describe, in full, from the beginning, unto Hrishikesa, that wonderful and inconceivable incident which occurred, O puissant one, on the mountains of Himavat and which, O ascetic, was witnessed by those of us that had proceeded thither in course of our pilgrimage to the sacred waters. |
Mbh.13.140.11473 | Narada said, Once on a time the righteous-souled lord of all the deities, viz, Mahadeva with the bull for his device, practised severe penances on the sacred mountains of Himavat that are the resort of Siddhas and Charanas. |
Mbh.13.140.11516 | Unto Mahadeva seated there, came his spouse, the daughter of Himavat, surrounded by the wives of the ghostly beings who are the companions of the great deity. |
Mbh.13.140.11521 | She who loved to reside on the breast of Himavat advanced in this guise towards her great lord. |
Mbh.13.140.11532 | The large-eyed daughter of Himavat, beholding what occurred, bowed her head unto Mahadeva endued with that third eye which resembled a blazing fire. |
Mbh.13.140.11537 | In a moment, the Himavat mountains were consumed, with their minerals and summits and blazing herbs. |
Mbh.13.140.11538 | Beholding Himavat crushed and consumed, the daughter of that prince of mountains sought the protection of the great deity and stood before him her hands joined in reverence. |
Mbh.13.140.11539 | Then Sarva, seeing Uma overcome by an accession of womanly mildness and finding that she was unwilling to behold her father Himavat reduced to that pitiable plight, cast benignant looks upon the mountain. |
Mbh.13.140.11540 | In a moment the whole of Himavat was restored to his former condition and became as beautiful to look at as ever. |
Mbh.13.140.11543 | Beholding Himavat to his natural condition, the goddess Uma, divested of every fault, addressed her lord, that master of all creatures, the divine Maheswara, in these words' |
Mbh.13.140.11553 | For pleasing thee, however, O goddess, I once more made Himavat what he was by repairing the injury' |
Mbh.13.141.11606 | Narada continued, When the daughter of Himavat put this question, conclave of Rishis there present worshipped the goddess and adored her with words adorned with Riks and with hymns fraught with deep import' |
Mbh.13.146.12155 | Thou art endued with every virtue, possessed of beautiful eyebrows and hair ending in the fairest curls, O daughter of Himavat, the king of mountains! |
Mbh.13.148.12386 | Some time also Mahadeva burnt Himavat with his energy. |
Mbh.13.148.12436 | Listen to me as I tell thee what Mahadeva having the bovine bull for the device on his standard had recited unto the ascetics on the breast of the Himavat. |
Mbh.13.148.12461 | Verily, I have discoursed also on the surpassing puissance of Krishna as recited by Mahadeva, unto that conclave of Rishis on the breast of the Himavat. |
Mbh.13.148.12462 | The discourse too between Maheswara and the daughter of Himavat, O Bharata, has been recited by me to thee. |
Mbh.13.148.12477 | O puissant king, even these are the wonderful incidents that occurred on the sacred breast of the Himavat respecting Vasudeva and Sthanu, O son of Kunti. |
Mbh.13.149.12531 | He whose acts are never futile, He that cleanses those that worship Him, those that hear of Him and those that think of Him, He that is endued with pre-eminent energy and strength, He that transcends Indra in all attributes, He that accepts all His worshippers, He that is the Creation itself in consequence of His being the Causes thereof, He that upholds His self in the same form without being ever subject to birth, growth, or death, He that sustains all creatures in their respective functions in the universe, He that controls the hearts of all creatures CLI, CLXII; He that deserves to be known by those who wish to achieve what is for their highest good; He who is the celestial physician in the form of Dhanwantari, or He who cures that foremost of all diseases, viz, the bonds that bind one to the world; He that is always engaged in Yoga; He that slays great Asuras for establishing Righteousness; He that is the Lord of that Lakshmi who sprang from the ocean when it was churned by the deities and the Asuras, or, He that cherishes both the goddesses of prosperity and learning; He that is honey in consequence of the pleasure He gives to those that succeed in having a taste of him; He that transcends the senses or is invisible to those that turn away from Him; He that is possessed of great powers of illusion manifested in His beguiling Mahadeva and the deities on many occasions; He that puts forth great energy in achieving mighty feats; He that transcends all in might CLXIII, CLXXII; He that transcends all in intelligence; He that transcends all in puissance; He that transcends all in ability; He that discovers the universe by the effulgence emanating from his body; He whose body is incapable of being ascertained by the eye or any other sense organ of knowledge; He that is possessed of every beauty; He whose soul is incapable of being comprehended by either deities or men; He that held on his back, in the form of the vast tortoise, the huge mountain, Mandara, which was made the churning staff by the deities and the Asuras when they set themselves to churn the great ocean for obtaining therefrom all the valuables hid in its bosom; or, He who held up the mountains of Govardhana in the woods of Brinda for protecting the denizens of that delightful place, who were especial objects of His kindness, from the wrath of Indra who poured incessant showers for days together with a view to drowning every thing CLXXIII, CLXXX; He that can shoot His shafts to a great distance, piercing through obstruction of every kind; He that raised the submerged Earth, having assumed the form of the mighty Boar; He on whose bosom dwells the goddess of Prosperity; or He that is identical with Kama, the lord of Rati; He that is the Refuge of those that are righteous; He that is incapable of being won without thorough devotion; or, He that is incapable of being immured or restrained by any one putting forth his powers; He that is the delight of the deities, or, He that is the embodiment of fullness of joy; He that rescued the submerged Earth; or He that understands the hymns addressed to him by His devotees; He that is the Master of ell eloquent persons or He that dispels the calamities of all those who know him CLXXXL, CLXXXVIII; He that is full of blazing effulgence He that suppressed the afflictions of His adorers; or, He that assumes the form of Yama, the universal Destroyer, for chastising all persons that fall away from their duties; He that assumed the form of a Swan for communicating the Vedas to the Grandsire Brahman; or, He that enters into the bodies of all persons; He that has Garuda, the prince of the feathery denizens of the welkin, for His vehicle; He that is the foremost of snakes in consequence of His identity with Sesha or Ananta who upholds on his head the vast Earth, or, He that has the hood of the prince of snakes for His bed while He lies down to sleep on the vast expansion of water after the dissolution of the universe; He whose navel is as beautiful as gold; He that underwent the severest austerities in the form of Narayana at Vadari on the breast of Himavat; He whose navel resembles a lotus; or, He from whose navel sprang the primeval lotus in which the Grandsire Brahma was born; He that is the Lord of all creatures CLXXXIX, CXCVII; He that transcends death; or, He that wards off Death from those that are devoted to him; He that always casts a kind eye on His worshippers; or, He that sees all things in the universe; He that destroys all things; or, He that drenches with nectar all those that worship Him with single-minded devotion; He that is the Ordainer of all ordainers; or, He that unites all persons with the consequences of their acts; He that himself enjoys and endures the fruits of all acts, or, He that assumed the form of Rama, the son of Dasaratha, and going into exile at the command of His sire made a treaty with Sugriva the chief of the Apes for aiding him in the recovery of his kingdom from the grasp of his elder brother Vali in return for the assistance which Sugriva promised Him for recovering from Ravana His wife Sita who had been ravished by that Rakshasa and borne away to his island home in Lanka, He that is always of the same form; or, He that is exceedingly affectionate unto His worshippers; He that is always moving; or, He that is of the form of Kama who springs up in the heart of every creature; He that is incapable of being endured by Danavas and Asuras or, He that rescued His wife Sita after slaying Ravana, or, He that shows compassion towards even Chandalas and members of other low castes when they approach Him with devotion, in allusion to His friendship, in the form of Rama, for Guhaka the chief of the Chandalas, inhabiting the country known by the name of Sringaverapura; He that chastises the wicked; or, He that regulates the conduct of all persons by the dictates of the Srutis and the Smritis; He whose soul has true knowledge for its indication; or, He that destroyed Ravana, the foe of the gods, having assumed the form of Rama that was full of compassion and other amiable virtues; He that destroys the foes of the deities or, He that slays those who obstruct or forbid the giving of presents unto deserving persons CXCVII, CCVIII; He that is the instructor in all sciences and the father of all; He that is the instructor of even the Grandsire Brahma; He that is the abode or resting place of all creatures; He that is the benefactor of those that are good and is free from the stain of falsehood; He whose prowess is incapable of being baffled; He that never casts his eye on such acts as are not sanctioned or approved by the scriptures; He that casts his eye on such acts as are sanctioned or approved by the scriptures; or, He whose eye never winks or sleeps; He that wears the unfading garland of victory called by the name of Vaijayanti; He that is the Lord of speech and that is possessed of great liberality insomuch that He rescued the lowest of the low and the vilest of the vile by granting them His grace CCLX, CCXVIII; He that leads persons desirous of Emancipation to the foremost of all conditions, viz, Emancipation itself; or, He that assumes the form of a mighty Fish and scudding through the vast expanse of waters that cover the Earth when the universal dissolution comes, and dragging the boat tied to His horns, leads Manu and others to safety; He that is the leader of all creatures; or, He that sports in the vast expanse of waters which overwhelm all things at the universal dissolution; He whose words are the Veda and who rescued the Vedas when they were submerged in the waters at the universal dissolution; He that is the accomplisher of all functions in the universe; He that assumes the form of the wind for making all living creatures act or exert themselves; or, He whose motions are always beautiful, or, who wishes His creatures to glorify Him; He that is endued with a thousand heads; He that is the Soul of the universe and as such pervades all things; He that has a thousand eyes and a thousand legs; CCXIX, CCXXVI; He that causes the wheel of the universe to revolve at His will; He whose soul is freed from desire and who transcends those conditions that invest Jiva and to which Jiva is liable; He that is concealed from the view of all persons that are attached to the world; or, He that has covered the eyes of all persons with the bandage of nescience; He that grinds those that turn away from him; He that sets the days a-going in consequence of His being identical with the Sun; He that is the destroyer of all-destroying Time itself; He that conveys the libations poured on the sacred fire unto those for whom they are intended; or, He that bears the universe, placing it on only a minute fraction of His body; He that has no beginning; or, He that has no fixed habitation He that upholds the Earth in space in the form of Sesha, or, rescues her in the form of the mighty boar or supports her as a subtil pervader CCXXVII, CCXXXV; He that is exceedingly inclined to grace, insomuch that He grants happiness to even foes like Sisupala; He that has been freed from the attributes of Rajas passion and Tamas darkness so that He is pure or stainless Sattwa by itself; or, He that has obtained the fruition of all His wishes; He that supports the universe; He that feeds or enjoys the universe; He that is displayed in infinite puissance; He that honours the deities, the Pitris, and His own worshippers; He that is honoured or adored by those that are themselves honoured or adored by others; or, He whose acts are all beautiful and enduring; He that accomplishes the purposes of others; or, He that is the benefactor of others; He that withdraws all things unto Himself at the universal dissolution; or, He that destroys the foes of the deities or of His worshippers; He that has the waters for his home; or, He that is the sole Refuge of all creatures or He that destroys the ignorance of all creatures CCXXXVI, CCXLVI; He that is distinguished above all, He that cherishes the righteous, He that cleanses all the worlds, He that crowns with fruition the desires of all creatures, He whose wishes are always crowned with fruition, He that gives success to all, He that bestows success upon those that solicit Him for it CCXLVII, CCLVI; He that presides over all sacred days; or, He that overwhelms Indra himself with His own excellent attributes, He that showers all objects of desire upon His worshippers, He that walks over all the universe, He that offers the excellent flight of steps constituted by Righteousness unto those that desire to ascend to the highest place; He that has Righteousness in His abdomen; or, He that protects Indra even as a mother protects the child in her womb; He that aggrandises His worshippers, He that spreads Himself out for becoming the vast universe, He that is aloof from all things though pervading them; He that is the receptacle of the ocean of Srutis CCLVII, CCLXIV; He that is possessed of excellent arms ie, arms capable of upholding the universe; He that is incapable of being borne by any creature, He from whom flowed the sounds called Brahman or Veda, He that is the Lord of all Lords of the universe, He that is the giver of wealth, He that dwells in His own puissance, He that is multiform, He that is of vast form, He that resides in the form of Sacrifice in all animals, He that causes all things to be displayed CCLXV, CCLXXIV, He that is endued with great might, energy, and splendour; He that displays Himself in visible forms to His worshippers, He that scorches the unrighteous with His burning energy, He that is enriched with the sixfold attributes of affluence, etc, |
Mbh.13.150.12605 | These three and thirty deities, who are the lords of all beings as also Nandiswara of huge body, and that pre-eminent one who has the bull for the device on his banner, and those masters of all the worlds, viz, the followers and associates of him called Ganeswara, and those called Saumyas, and called the Rudras, and those called the Yogas, and those that are known as the Bhutas, and the luminaries in the firmament, the Rivers, the sky, the prince of birds viz, Garuda, all those persons on earth who have become crowned with success in consequence of their penances and who are existing in an immobile or mobile form, the Himavat, all the mountains, the four Oceans, the followers and associates of Bhava who are possessed of prowess equal to that of Bhava himself, the illustrious and ever-victorious Vishnu, and Skanda, and Ambika, these are the great souls by reciting whose name with restrained senses, one becomes cleansed of all sins. |
Mbh.13.165.13693 | Sarayu, Gandaki, the great river Lohita, Tamra, Aruna, Vetravati, Parnasa, Gautami, the Godavari, Vena, Krishnavena, Dwija, Drishadvati, Kaveri, Vankhu, Mandakini Prayaga, Prabhasa, the sacred Naimisha, the spot sacred to Visweswara or Mahadeva, viz, Kasi, that lake of crystal water, Kurukshetra full of many sacred waters, the foremost of oceans viz, the ocean of milk, Penances, Gifts, Jamvumarga, Hiranwati, Vitasta, the river Plakshavati, Vedasmriti, Vedavati, Malava, Aswavati, all sacred spots on Earth, Gangadwara, the sacred Rishikulya, the river Chitravaha, the Charmanwati, the sacred river Kausiki, the Yamuna, the river Bhimarathi, the great river Vahuda, Mahendravani, Tridiva Nilika, Saraswati, Nanda, the other Nanda, the large sacred lake, Gaya, Phalgutirtha Dharmarayana the sacred forest that is peopled with the deities, the sacred celestial river, the lake created by the Grandsire Brahma which is sacred and celebrated over the three worlds, and auspicious and capable of cleansing all sins, the Himavat mountain endued with excellent herbs, the Vindhya mountain variegated with diverse kinds of metals, containing many Tirthas and overgrown with medicinal herbs. |
Mbh.14.3.81 | O son of Pritha, in the mountain Himavat The Himalayas there is gold which had been left behind by Brahmanas at the sacrifice of the high-souled Marutta |
Mbh.14.4.110 | And in energy he resembled the sun and in forbearance Earth herself; in intelligence, he was like Vrihaspati, and in calmness the mountain Himavat himself. |
Mbh.14.4.116 | Desirous of celebrating a sacrifice, that virtuous monarch, coming to Mount Meru on the northern side of Himavat, caused thousands of shining golden vessels to be forged. |
Mbh.14.43.1720 | Himavat, Patipatra, Sahya, Vindhya, Trikutavat, Sweta, Nila, Bhasa, Koshthavat, Guruskandha, Mahendra and Malayavat, these are the foremost of mountains. |
Mbh.14.78.3382 | SECTION LXXVIII Vaisampayana said, The irresistible wielder of Gandiva, addresst for battle, stood immovable on the field like Himavat himself. |
Mbh.15.37.1587 | Endued with great energy and great intelligence, he bade them farewell and then started for the mountains of Himavat. |
Mbh.16.7.347 | Going beyond the Himavat, they took up their abode in a place called Kalpa. |
Mbh.17.2.75 | SECTION Vaishampayana said: Those princes of restrained souls and devoted to Yoga, proceeding to the north, beheld Himavat, that very large mountain. |
Mbh.17.2.76 | Crossing the Himavat, they beheld a vast desert of sand. |
Mbh.18.5.322 | As the sacred Ocean, as the Himavat mountain, are both regarded as mines of precious gems, even so is this Bharata regarded as a mine of precious gems. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
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Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text: www.sacred-texts.com; Wikified at AncientVoice. |