Hidimva S
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 25 Feb 2010 16:54 and updated at 25 Feb 2010 16:54
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.5.197.8819 | Thou hast for thy allies Sikhandin, and Yuyudhana and Dhristadyumna of Prishata's race; and Bhimasena, and these twins, and Yudhamanyu, and Uttamaujas, and Virata and Drupada who are equal in battle unto Bhishma and Drona; and the mighty-armed Sankha, and Hidimva's son of great might; and this latter's son Anjanparvan endued with great strength and prowess; and Sini's descendant of mighty arms and well-versed in battle, and the mighty Abhimanyu and the five sons of Draupadi! |
Mbh.6.58.3048 | And the prowess we then beheld of Hidimva's son was exceedingly wonderful, insomuch that he fought in battle, O Bharata, transcending his very father. |
Mbh.6.82.4289 | And Hidimva's son, that prince of the Rakshasas, rushed against that mighty bowman, the ruler of the Pragjyotishas, like one infuriate elephant against another. |
Mbh.6.84.4409 | They could not, however, notice any distinction between Hidimva's son and Bhagadatta. |
Mbh.6.92.4884 | Having said these words, Hidimva's son, drawing his gigantic bow, biting his nether lip with his teeth, and licking the corners of his mouth, covered Duryodhana with a profuse shower, like a mass of clouds covering the mountain-breast with torrents of rain in the rainy season |
Mbh.6.93.4906 | Hearing those fierce roars of the terrible Rakshasa, Bhishma the son of Santanu, approaching the preceptor, said these words, These fierce roars that are heard, uttered by Rakshasas, without doubt indicate that Hidimva's son is battling with king Duryodhana. |
Mbh.6.94.4947 | O thou of mighty arms hearing now of these two tasks, both of which demand prompt attention, go and give succour to Hidimva's son who is placed in a position of very great danger' |
Mbh.6.112.6116 | Hidimva's son, however, O king, excited with rage, struck Durmukha, that chastiser of foes, in the chest a straight shaft. |
Mbh.7.106.4942 | Then the Pandavas, O king, filled with anxiety, and Hidimva's son Ghatotkacha, also sped at their foe from every side clouds of keen shafts. |
Mbh.7.153.8189 | Within the twinkling of an eye, he destroyed, by means of his sharp shafts, a full Akshauhini of Rakshasa troops with steeds, drivers, cars, and elephants, in the very sight of Bhimasena and Hidimva's son and Prishata's son and the twins and Dharma's son and Vijaya and Achyuta |
Mbh.7.163.8841 | Beholding Hidimva's son deprived of his senses, his charioteer, inspired with fear, speedily removed him from the field, bearing him away from the presence of Drona's son. |
Mbh.7.171.9255 | Then he of Dasarha's race, addressed Hidimva's son, that Rakshasa of blazing mouth and fiery eyes and body of the hue of clouds, and said these words, Listen, O Ghatotkacha, attend to what I say. |
Mbh.7.172.9312 | Crushing him then in rage, Hidimva's son quickly threw him down, and seizing him with his two arms he began to press him with great force upon the earth. |
Mbh.7.175.9509 | Indeed, beholding those feats of Hidimva's son on the field of battle, all thy warriors were agitated with fear, and uttering cries of woe became almost deprived of their senses. |
Mbh.7.175.9554 | Then, Hrishikesa, ever devoted to the good of the Pandavas, beholding that combat, despatched Hidimva's son for protecting Bhimasena |
Mbh.7.176.9585 | Then rushing with speed and whirling the Rakshasas on high and dashing him down, Hidimva's son cut off his large head. |
Mbh.7.177.9621 | Having achieved that feat, Hidimva's son quickly made himself invisible' |
Mbh.7.178.9686 | SECTION CLXXX Sanjaya said, Beholding Hidimva's son slain and lying like a riven mountain, all the Pandavas became filled with grief and began to shed copious tears. |
Mbh.7.178.9691 | Beholding those tokens of delight that Kesava manifested, Dhananjaya, O king, with heart in grief, addressed him, saying, O slayer of Madhu, thou showest great joy at a time scarcely fit for it, indeed on an occasion for sorrow caused by the death of Hidimva's son. |
Mbh.7.178.9693 | We also are filled with anxiety in consequence of the fall of Hidimva's son. |
Mbh.7.179.9761 | Similarly, Alayudha, possessed of large powers of illusion, had been slain by Hidimva's son. |
Mbh.7.179.9762 | Hidimva's son also, I have slain by the employment of means, viz, through Karna with his dart. |
Mbh.7.180.9791 | As in a fight between a boar and a dog, upon the death of either, the hunter is the party profited, I think, O learned one, that even so was Vasudeva the party to profit by the battle between Karna and Hidimva's son. |
Mbh.7.181.9853 | Tell me now how the battle once more raged between the Kurus and the Pandavas after the fall of Hidimva's son. |
Mbh.7.181.9863 | In consequence of the slaughter of Hidimva's son, a great stupefaction overwhelms me' |
Mbh.7.181.9887 | How, O Janardana, when we are alive and thyself too, could Hidimva's son be slain while engaged with the Suta's son? |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
Suggestions are welcome: email:moc.liamg|rnhtijij#moc.liamg|rnhtijij
Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text: www.sacred-texts.com; Wikified at AncientVoice. |