Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 25 Feb 2010 16:54 and updated at 25 Feb 2010 16:54
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.61.2929 | It was here that Bhima gained Hidimva the sister of the Rakshasa he slew for a wife, and it was of her that Ghatotkacha was born. |
Mbh.1.63.3184 | From Yudhishthira was born Pritivindhya; from Vrikodara, Sutasoma; from Arjuna, Srutakirti; from Nakula, Satanika; and from Sahadeva, Srutasena of great prowess; and Bhima, in the forest begot on Hidimva a son named Ghatotkacha. |
Mbh.1.95.5337 | After that the Pandavas slew Hidimva, and then they went to a town called Ekachakra. |
Mbh.1.95.5349 | And Bhimasena had some time before begat upon Hidimva a son named Ghatotkacha. |
Mbh.1.154.8058 | SECTION CLIV Hidimva-vadha Parva Vaisampayana said, Not far from the place where the Pandavas were asleep, a Rakshasa by name Hidimva dwelt on the Sala tree. |
Mbh.1.154.8078 | Thus addressed by Hidimva in those woods, Hidimva, the female cannibal, at the command of her brother, went, O bull of Bharata's race, to the spot where the Pandavas were. |
Mbh.1.154.8090 | Truly do I say, here liveth the wicked Rakshasa called Hidimva. |
Mbh.1.155.8110 | SECTION CLV Hidimva-vadha Parva continued Vaisampayana said, Hidimva, the chief of the Rakshasas, seeing that his sister returned not soon enough, alighted from the tree, proceeded quickly to the spot where the Pandavas were. |
Mbh.1.155.8112 | And Hidimva, beholding her brother of frightful visage alight from the tree, became very much alarmed, and addressing Bhima said, The wicked cannibal is coming hither in wrath. |
Mbh.1.155.8126 | Hidimva replied saying, O tiger among men, O thou of the beauty of a celestial, I do not certainly hold thee in contempt. |
Mbh.1.155.8129 | And Hidimva beheld his sister disguised in human form, her head decked with garlands of flowers and her face like the full moon and her eyebrows and nose and eyes and ringlets all of the handsomest description, and her nails and complexion of the most delicate hue, and herself wearing every kind of ornament and attired in fine transparent robes. |
Mbh.1.155.8132 | Hast thou become so senseless, O Hidimva, that thou fearest not my wrath? |
Mbh.1.155.8137 | Addressing his sister thus, Hidimva, with eyes red with anger and teeth pressing against teeth, ran at her to kill her then and there. |
Mbh.1.155.8139 | Vaisampayana continued, And Bhima, beholding the Rakshasa angry with his sister, smiled in derision, and said, addressing him, O Hidimva, what need is there for thee to awaken these persons sleeping so comfortably? |
Mbh.1.155.8156 | Hearing these words, Hidimva said, What need is there, O man, for this thy vaunt and this thy boast? |
Mbh.1.155.8169 | Clasping and dragging each other with great force, both Hidimva and Bhimasena put forth their prowess. |
Mbh.1.155.8171 | And at those sounds, those tigers among men the sleeping Pandavas woke up with their mother, and saw Hidimva sitting before them |
Mbh.1.156.8172 | SECTION CLVI Hidimva-vadha Parva continued Vaisampayana said, Roused from sleep, those tigers among men, with their mother, beholding the extraordinary beauty of Hidimva, were filled with wonder. |
Mbh.1.156.8177 | Thereupon Hidimva replied, This extensive forest that thou seest, of the hue of blue cloud, is the abode of a Rakshasa of the name of Hidimva. |
Mbh.1.156.8215 | Beholding Hidimva slain, they became exceedingly glad and lost no time in offering their congratulations to Bhima, that chastiser of all foes. |
Mbh.1.156.8218 | Then all those mighty car-warriors, those tigers among men, saying, So be it' proceeded along with their mother, followed by Hidimva, the Rakshasa woman |
Mbh.1.157.8219 | SECTION CLVII Hidimva-vadha Parva continued Vaisampayana said, Bhima, beholding Hidimva following them, addressed her, saying, Rakshasas revenge themselves on their enemies by adopting deceptions that are incapable of being penetrated. |
Mbh.1.157.8220 | Therefore, O Hidimva, go thou the way on which thy brother hath gone' |
Mbh.1.157.8223 | Hidimva, who had come with the object of slaying us, thou hast already slain. |
Mbh.1.157.8225 | Vaisampayana continued, Then Hidimva reverentially saluting Kunti and her son Yudhishthira also, said, with joined palms, O revered lady, thou knowest the pangs that women are made to feel at the hands of the deity of love. |
Mbh.1.157.8245 | Hearing these words of Hidimva, Yudhishthira said. |
Mbh.1.157.8246 | It is even so, O Hidimva, as thou sayest. |
Mbh.1.157.8252 | Vaisampayana continued, Then Bhima, expressing his assent to all that Yudhishthira said, addressed Hidimva, saying, Listen to me, O Rakshasa woman! |
Mbh.1.157.8254 | Then Hidimva, saying, So be it' took Bhima upon her body and sped through the sides. |
Mbh.1.157.8256 | Hidimva sported with the Pandava and studied to make him happy. |
Mbh.1.157.8257 | So also, in inaccessible regions of forests, and on mountain-breasts overgrown with blossoming trees on lakes resplendent with lotuses and lilies, islands of rivers and their pebbly banks, on sylvan streams with beautiful banks and mountain-currents, in picturesque woods with blossoming trees and creepers in Himalayan bowers, and various caves, on crystal pools smiling with lotuses, on sea-shores shining with gold and pearls, in beautiful towns and fine gardens, in woods sacred to the gods and on hill-sides, in the regions of Guhyakas and ascetics, on the banks of Manasarovara abounding with fruits and flowers of every season Hidimva, assuming the handsomest form, sported with Bhima and studied to make him happy. |
Mbh.1.157.8270 | Then Hidimva, knowing that the period of her stay with her husband had come to an end, saluted the Pandavas and making a new appointment with them went away whithersoever she liked. |
Mbh.1.164.8504 | Beholding the prowess of Bhima on the occasion of our escape from the house of lac, and from the destruction also of Hidimva, my confidence in Vrikodara is great. |
Mbh.3.10.493 | they have slain the enemies of the celestials, those Rakshasas capable of assuming any form at will, such as were headed by Hidimva and Kirmira! |
Mbh.3.11.547 | It is also this one of wicked soul who formerly slew my dear friend Hidimva, living in this forest and ravished his sister! |
Mbh.3.11.583 | Then Bhima, dragging along the earth the bruised body of the Rakshasa with the eye-lids about to close, said, O sinful wretch, thou wilt no more have to wipe away the tears of Hidimva or Vaka, for thou too art about to go to the mansions of Yama' |
Mbh.3.12.697 | Setting out that night with their renowned mother, they came near the forest of Hidimva. |
Mbh.3.12.698 | And while fatigued and distressed, they were sleeping fast with her, a Rakshasa woman called Hidimva approached them. |
Mbh.3.12.708 | Of frightful form and dreadful to behold, uttering loud cries as he came, the Rakshasa said, O Hidimva, with whom dost thou converse? |
Mbh.3.12.715 | Then a dreadful combat took place between Bhimasena and Hidimva, both skilled in all weapons and which was like unto the encounter of Vasava with Vritra. |
Mbh.3.12.717 | Then having slain Hidimva, and taking his sister Hidimva at their head, of whom was subsequently born Ghatotkacha, Bhima and his brothers went away. |
Mbh.3.12.720 | Then arriving at Ekachakra, the Pandavas of rigid vows there also slew a mighty cannibal, Vaka by name, terrible as Hidimva himself. |
Mbh.3.144.7313 | Vaisampayana said, Hearing the words of his brother, that tiger among men, Bhimasena, commanded his son, Ghatotkacha, represser of foes, saying, O invincible son of Hidimva, this thy mother hath been sorely tired. |
Mbh.3.156.7895 | Thou shall not have to go whither thou intendest to, or whither thou hadst already gone mentally; but thou shall go whither have repaired Vaka and Hidimva' |
Mbh.4.22.961 | The delight that I feel, O thou of great beauty, on hearing from thee about my coming encounter with Kichaka, is equal to what I felt in slaying Hidimva. |
Mbh.5.50.2861 | Indeed, he through whose might the four sons of Pandu quickly could alight on the earth, having issued forth from the burning house of lac that son of Kunti, Vrikodara, who became the means of their rescue from the cannibal Hidimva; that son of Kunti, Vrikodara, who became their refuge when the daughter of Yajnasena was being carried away by Jayadratha; indeed, with that Bhima. |
Mbh.5.90.4192 | He that hath the strength of ten thousand elephants and the speed of the wind, he that is mighty and ever wrathful amongst the sons of Pandu, he that always doth good to his brothers and is, therefore, dear to them all, he, O slayer of Madhu, that slew Kichaka with all his relatives, he that is the slayer of the Krodhavasas, of Hidimva, and of Vaka, he that in prowess is equal unto Sakra, and in might unto the Wind-god, he that is terrible, and in wrath is equal unto Madhava himself, he that is the foremost of all smiters, that wrathful son of Pandu and chastiser of foes, who, restraining his rage, might, impatience, and controlling his soul, is obedient to the commands of his elder brother, speak to me, O Janardana, tell me how is that smiter of immeasurable valour, that Bhimasena, who in aspect also justifies his name, that Vrikodara possessing arms like maces, that mighty second son of Pandu? |
Mbh.5.173.7782 | That prince of Rakshasas Ghatotkacha, O king, born of Bhima and Hidimva, and endued with ample powers of illusion, is, in my judgment, a leader of the leaders of car-divisions. |
Mbh.6.64.3481 | And hearing those terrible and loud cries of that roaring elephant, Bhishma, addressing Drona, Suyodhana and all the kings, said, The mighty bowman Bhagadatta is battling with the wicked-souled son of Hidimva, and hath fallen into great distress. |
Mbh.6.64.3494 | Hearing that roar of his and beholding those battling elephants, Santanu's son Bhishma once again addressed Bharadwaja's son and said, I do not like to fight to-day with the wicked-souled son of Hidimva. |
Mbh.6.84.4406 | That prince of Rakshasa, the mighty son of Hidimva, on his car of solar effulgence furnished with a standard, rushed against Bhagadatta. |
Mbh.6.84.4423 | Beholding his dart cut off, the son of Hidimva fled from fear like Namuchi, that foremost of the Daityas, in days of old, from battle with Indra. |
Mbh.6.90.4729 | And the heroic Abhimanyu, and that mighty car-warrior, viz, the son of Hidimva, and Bhimasena excited with wrath, rushed against the other Kauravas. |
Mbh.6.94.4950 | And these surrounded the son of Hidimva with a large division of cars for aiding him |
Mbh.6.96.5050 | Having said this much unto the king, the grandsire skilled in speech then addressed Bhagadatta in the presence of the Kuru king, saying, Proceed quickly, O great monarch, against that invincible warrior, viz, the son of Hidimva. |
Mbh.7.106.4917 | And while he was thus fearlessly careering in battle, the son of Hidimva rushed impetuously at him and pierced him with keen shafts. |
Mbh.7.106.4923 | Smilingly, O king, Alamvusha also, repeatedly piercing the invincible son of Hidimva, uttered loud roars in joy, filling the entire welkin. |
Mbh.7.106.4936 | The son of Hidimva having pierced him with five hundred shafts, Alamvusha once more pierced him with seventy, and that mighty warrior uttered a loud roar. |
Mbh.7.106.4939 | Then that Rakshasa, O chief of the Bharatas, viz, the son of Hidimva, filled with rage, pierced that other angry Rakshasa in battle with many shafts. |
Mbh.7.106.4946 | The son of Hidimva, inflamed with wrath, flew from his own car to that of Alamvusha, and seized the latter. |
Mbh.7.153.8091 | The grandson of Hidimva then, O king, whirling a gold adorned mace, quickly hurled it at Aswatthaman. |
Mbh.7.153.8103 | It is not proper, O son of Hidimva, that sire should battle with son |
Mbh.7.153.8104 | I do not cherish any grudge against thee, O son of Hidimva! |
Mbh.7.153.8128 | The son of Hidimva was accompanied by those fierce followers of his, with frightful faces and heads and necks. |
Mbh.7.153.8200 | Having slain the Rakshasas, Drona's son then began to afflict the son of Hidimva with arrows. |
Mbh.7.171.9259 | Behold, O son of Hidimva, the army of the Pandavas is being beaten by Karna on the field of battle, like a herd of kine by the herdsman. |
Mbh.7.171.9265 | It is even for this, O son of Hidimva, that men desire children, viz, for being rescued from difficulties. |
Mbh.7.171.9283 | Sanjaya continued, Having said these words, that slayer of hostile heroes, viz, the son of Hidimva, rushed against Karna in that dreadful fight frightening thy troops. |
Mbh.7.172.9299 | The son of Hidimva, however, alone and unsupported began, to grind Alamvusha and Karna and the vast Kuru host, like the tempest crushing a mass of clouds. |
Mbh.7.173.9475 | The son of Hidimva, seeing his illusion dispelled, once more made himself invisible, saying unto Karna, the son of Vikartana, I will presently compass thy destruction |
Mbh.7.174.9479 | His kinsmen, that valiant Vaka, who ate Brahmanas, as also Kirmira of great energy, and his friend Hidimva, had been slain by Bhima. |
Mbh.7.174.9482 | Desirous of battle, he addressed Duryodhana and said, It is known to thee, how my kinsmen, the Rakshasa Vaka and Kirmira and Hidimva have been slain by Bhima. |
Mbh.7.174.9483 | What shall I say more, the virgin Hidimva was formerly deflowered by him, disregarding us and the other Rakshasas. |
Mbh.7.174.9484 | I am here, O king, to slay that Bhima with all his followers, steeds, cars, and elephants, as also that son of Hidimva with friends. |
Mbh.7.175.9511 | Then Duryodhana, beholding Karna fallen into great distress, summoned Alayudha and said unto him, Yonder Vikartana's son, Karna, is engaged with the son of Hidimva, and is accomplishing such feats in battle as are worthy of his might and prowess. |
Mbh.7.176.9559 | The battle then that took place at night between those two cannibals, viz, Alayudha and the son of Hidimva became fierce and dreadful, O Bharata. |
Mbh.7.178.9728 | Other great Rakshasas having Hidimva and Kirmira and Vaka for their foremost, as also Alayudha, that grinder of hostile troops, and Ghatotkacha, that crusher of foes and warrior of fierce deeds, have all been slain |
Mbh.7.179.9759 | Hidimva and Vaka and Kirmira have all been slain by Bhimasena. |
Mbh.7.181.9873 | Whilst we were living in the woods the high-souled son of Hidimva, although then a mere child did us many services, O Janardana! |
Mbh.12.42.2146 | Yudhishthira accompanied by Draupadi, gave much wealth for the sake of Drona and the high-souled Karna, of Dhrishtadyumna and Abhimanyu, of the Rakshasa Ghatotkacha, the son of Hidimva, and of Virata, and his other well-wishers that had served him loyally, and of Drupada and the five sons of Draupadi. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
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Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text: www.sacred-texts.com; Wikified at AncientVoice. |