Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 25 Feb 2010 16:15 and updated at 25 Feb 2010 16:15
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.2.390 | Bhima's meeting on his way, in a grove of bananas, with Hanuman, the son of Pavana of great prowess; Bhima's bath in the tank and the destruction of the flowers therein for obtaining the sweet-scented flower he was in search of; his consequent battle with the mighty Rakshasas and the Yakshas of great prowess including Hanuman; the destruction of the Asura Jata by Bhima; the meeting of the Pandavas with the royal sage Vrishaparva; their departure for the asylum of Arshtishena and abode therein: the incitement of Bhima to acts of vengeance by Draupadi. |
Mbh.1.2.391 | Then is narrated the ascent on the hills of Kailasa by Bhimasena, his terrific battle with the mighty Yakshas headed by Hanuman; then the meeting of the Pandavas with Vaisravana Kuvera, and the meeting with Arjuna after he had obtained for the purpose of Yudhishthira many celestial weapons; then Arjuna's terrible encounter with the Nivatakavachas dwelling in Hiranyaparva, and also with the Paulomas, and the Kalakeyas; their destruction at the hands of Arjuna; the commencement of the display of the celestial weapons by Arjuna before Yudhishthira, the prevention of the same by Narada; the descent of the Pandavas from Gandhamadana; the seizure of Bhima in the forest by a mighty serpent huge as the mountain; his release from the coils of the snake, upon Yudhishthira's answering certain questions; the return of the Pandavas to the Kamyaka woods. |
Mbh.3.145.7423 | And hearing those sounds emitted, and knowing also Bhimasena to be his brother, the ape Hanuman, the chief of monkeys, with the view of doing good to Bhima, obstructed the path leading to heaven. |
Mbh.3.145.7425 | With the object that Bhima might not come by curse or defeat, by entering into the plantain wood, the ape Hanuman of huge body lay down amidst the plantain trees, being overcome with drowsiness. |
Mbh.3.145.7441 | The powerful Hanuman, however, opening his eyes partially looked at him Bhima with disregard, with eyes reddened with intoxication. |
Mbh.3.145.7442 | And then smilingly addressing him, Hanuman said the following words, Ill as I am, I was sleeping sweetly. |
Mbh.3.146.7466 | Hearing these words of the Kuru hero, Hanuman smiled, and that son of the wind-god Hanuman spake unto that offspring of the wind-god Bhimasena, saying, I am a monkey, I will not allow thee the passage thou desirest. |
Mbh.3.146.7474 | Hanuman said, I have no strength to rise; I am suffering from illness. |
Mbh.3.146.7479 | If I had not known Him from Whom become manifest all creatures, I would have leapt over thee and also the mountain, even as Hanuman had bounded over the ocean' |
Mbh.3.146.7480 | Thereupon Hanuman said, Who is that Hanuman, who had bounded over the ocean? |
Mbh.3.146.7493 | Then knowing him Bhima to be intoxicated with strength, and proud of the might of his arms, Hanuman, slighting him at heart, said the following words, Relent thou, O sinless one. |
Mbh.3.146.7496 | Being thus addressed by Hanuman, Bhima proud of the strength of his arms, took him for one wanting in energy and prowess, and thought within himself, Taking fast hold of the tail, will I send this monkey destitute of energy and prowess, to the region of Yama' |
Mbh.3.146.7507 | Thereupon Hanuman said, O represser of foes, even to the extent of thy curiosity to know me, shall I relate all at length. |
Mbh.3.146.7510 | I am a monkey, by name Hanuman. |
Mbh.3.147.7517 | SECTION CXLVII Hanuman said, And after his wife was carried away, that descendant of Raghu, while searching with his brother for his queen, met, on the summit of that mountain, with Sugriva, chief of the monkeys. |
Mbh.3.148.7542 | SECTION CXLVIII Vaisampayana continued, Thus addressed, the powerful Bhimasena of mighty arms, affectionately, and with a cheerful heart, bowed unto his brother, Hanuman, the monkey-chief, and said in mild words, None is more fortunate than I am; now have I seen my elder brother. |
Mbh.3.148.7556 | Thereupon Hanuman said, O child, that yuga is called Krita when the one eternal religion was extant. |
Mbh.3.149.7618 | And wishing to gratify his brother, Hanuman assumed a gigantic body which both in length and breadth increased exceedingly. |
Mbh.3.149.7623 | Thereupon Hanuman addressed Bhima with a smile, saying, O sinless one, thou art capable of beholding my size up to this extent. |
Mbh.3.149.7626 | Vaisampayana said, Witnessing that dreadful and wonderful body of Hanuman, like unto the Vindhya mountain, the son of the wind-god became bewildered. |
Mbh.3.149.7627 | Then with his down standing erect, the noble-minded Bhima, joining his hands, replied unto Hanuman saying there, O lord, by me have been beheld the vast dimensions of thy body. |
Mbh.3.149.7633 | Vaisampayana continued, Thus addressed by Bhima, Hanuman, the chief of monkeys, answered in affectionate words uttered in solemn accents. |
Mbh.3.150.7694 | Vaisampayana said, Hearing those words of that high-souled one, Bhimasena with a cheerful heart answered Hanuman, saying, O foremost of monkeys, I take all this as already performed by thee. |
Mbh.3.150.7700 | Thus addressed, Hanuman said unto Bhimasena, From fraternal feeling and affection, I will do good unto thee, by diving into the army of thy foes copiously furnished with arrows and javelins. |
Mbh.3.150.7705 | Hanuman vanished at that spot |
Mbh.3.278.13548 | And seeing them approach, Sugriva sent his counsellor the intelligent Hanuman, huge as the Himavat-mountains, to receive them. |
Mbh.3.278.13549 | And the brothers, having first exchanged words with Hanuman, approached Sugriva. |
Mbh.3.278.13563 | And Mainda and Dwivida, and Hanuman the son of Pavana, and Jamvuman, the king of the bears, are beside Sugriva as his counsellors. |
Mbh.3.278.13578 | Then Hanuman placed on Sugriva's neck a garland of flowers. |
Mbh.3.280.13702 | Then Hanuman and the other monkeys, having refreshed themselves thus, came towards their king, who was then staying with Rama and Lakshmana. |
Mbh.3.280.13703 | And, O Bharata, observing the gait of Hanuman and the colour of his face, Rama was confirmed in the belief that Hanuman had really seen Sita. |
Mbh.3.280.13704 | Then those successful monkeys with Hanuman at their head, duly bowed unto Rama and Lakshmana and Sugriva. |
Mbh.3.280.13752 | Thus addressed by me, Sita seemed to meditate for a moment and then replied to me, saying, From the words of Avindhya I know that thou art Hanuman! |
Mbh.3.281.13776 | And Hanuman, the son of the Wind-god, was in the van of that host, while the rear was protected by the fearless son of Sumitra. |
Mbh.3.284.13901 | And seeing those foremost of monkeys suddenly give way, that tiger among monkeys, Hanuman, the son of Pavana, began to advance. |
Mbh.3.284.13906 | Then that vanquisher of foes, Hanuman, the son of Pavana, quickly seized that advancing leader of the Rakshasa. |
Mbh.3.284.13909 | Then Hanuman, the son of Pavana, slew in great wrath that Rakshasa along with his charioteer and horses and broke his chariot also into pieces. |
Mbh.3.287.13998 | And the king of the monkeys stood there, accompanied by Sushena and Mainda and Dwivida, and Kumuda and Angada and Hanuman and Nila and Tara and Nala. |
Mbh.3.287.14008 | And Sugriva and Jambuvan, and Hanuman and Angada, and Mainda and Dwivida, and Nila and many other foremost of the monkeys, laved their eyes with that water. |
Mbh.3.288.14044 | And beholding him rushing in wrath towards the monkey army, Mainda and Nila and Nala and Angada, and Hanuman and Jamvuman, surrounded him with all their troops. |
Mbh.3.289.14138 | And he also asked for the restoration to life of all those monkeys that had been slain by the Rakshasas, and after Brahma had said, So be it, those monkeys, O king, restored to life, rose up from the field of battle, and Sita too, of great good fortune, granted unto Hanuman a boon, saying, Let thy life, O son, last as long as the fame of Rama's achievements! |
Mbh.3.289.14139 | And, O Hanuman of yellow eyes, let celestial viands and drinks be ever available to thee through my grace' |
Mbh.3.289.14153 | And having reached the city of Ayodhya, the king despatched Hanuman thence as envoy to Bharata. |
Mbh.3.289.14154 | And Hanuman, having ascertained Bharata's intentions from external indications, gave him the good news of Rama's arrival. |
Mbh.12.338.21742 | Thou art Hanuman that bore Rama on his shoulders. |
Mbh.13.17.2107 | Thou art the mighty ape Hanuman that aided Vishnu in the incarnation of Rama in his expedition against Ravana. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
Suggestions are welcome: email:moc.liamg|rnhtijij#moc.liamg|rnhtijij
Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text: www.sacred-texts.com; Wikified at AncientVoice. |