Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 25 Feb 2010 16:06 and updated at 25 Feb 2010 16:06
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.2.387 | Then the story of Rishyasringa who adopted Brahmacharya mode of life from his very boyhood; then the history of Rama of great prowess, the son of Jamadagni, in which has been narrated the death of Kartavirya and the Haihayas; then the meeting between the Pandavas and the Vrishnis in the sacred spot called Prabhasa; then the story of Su-kanya in which Chyavana, the son of Bhrigu, made the twins, Aswinis, drink, at the sacrifice of king Saryati, the Soma juice from which they had been excluded by the other gods, and in which besides is shown how Chyavana himself acquired perpetual youth as a boon from the grateful Aswinis. |
Mbh.1.104.5813 | SECTION CIV Sambhava Parva continued Bhishma continued, In olden days, Rama, the son of Jamadagni, in anger at the death of his father, slew with his battle axe the king of the Haihayas. |
Mbh.3.106.5435 | And he carried havoc through the tribes of the Haihayas and the Talajanghas; brought under subjection the whole of the military caste; and so ruled over his own kingdom. |
Mbh.3.183.9126 | Thus asked, the revered Markandeya, of austere virtue and high spiritual energy, and proficient in all departments of knowledge, replied, A strong-limbed, handsome young prince of the race of the Haihayas, a conqueror of hostile cities, once went out hunting. |
Mbh.5.74.3729 | Even as, when Dharma became extinct, Kali was born in the race of Asuras flourishing with prosperity and blazing with energy, so was born Udavarta among the Haihayas. |
Mbh.5.184.8302 | Then that high-souled smiter of the lord of the Haihayas beholding those darts of mine equipped with gold-decked handles and resembling snakes emerged out of their holes, and filled with wrath at the sight, had recourse once more to celestial weapons! |
Mbh.7.68.2921 | Of the Haihayas, he slew a thousand with his short club, a thousand with his sword, and a thousand by hanging |
Mbh.12.49.2610 | Meanwhile the mighty son of Kritavirya, viz, Arjuna of the Kshatriya order and ruler of the Haihayas, endued with great energy, highly virtuous in behaviour, and possessed of a thousand arms through the grace of the great Rishi Dattatreya, having subjugated in battle, by the might of his own arms, the whole earth with her mountains and seven islands, became a very powerful emperor and at last gave away the earth unto the Brahmanas in a horse-sacrifice. |
Mbh.12.49.2614 | Assisted by the king of the Haihayas, the god of fire, caused by the wind to blaze forth with energy consumed the uninhabited but delightful retreat of the high-souled Apava. |
Mbh.12.49.2618 | The princes, O bull of Bharata's race, seize and brought away the calf of Jamadagni's homa cow, without the knowledge of Kritavirya, the ruler of the Haihayas. |
Mbh.12.49.2619 | For this reason a dispute took place between the high-souled Jamadagni and the Haihayas. |
Mbh.12.49.2624 | Slaughtering thousands of Haihayas in rage, the descendent of Bhrigu, O king, made the earth miry with blood. |
Mbh.12.49.2649 | They were born in the race of Haihayas. |
Mbh.12.125.7158 | Thus addressed, O bull among men, the king proceeded to duly give unto all those Brahmanas an account of himself, O Bharata, saying, I am born in the race of the Haihayas. |
Mbh.13.30.3832 | The Haihayas once again, O Bharata, attacked that tiger among kings, as he ruled his kingdom. |
Mbh.13.155.12926 | Indeed, O Chief of the Haihayas, all the religious acts and observances of human beings also were suspended by the Danavas. |
Mbh.13.156.12973 | The god of wind once more addressed him, saying, Hear me, O foremost one of the Haihayas, as I narrate to thee the achievement of the high-souled Atri. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
Suggestions are welcome: email:moc.liamg|rnhtijij#moc.liamg|rnhtijij
Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text: www.sacred-texts.com; Wikified at AncientVoice. |