Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 25 Feb 2010 15:35 and updated at 25 Feb 2010 15:35
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.21.1464 | Full of swelling billows caused by the waxing and waning of the moon the parent of Vasudeva's great conch called Panchajanya, the great mine of gems, its waters were formerly disturbed in consequence of the agitation caused within them by the Lord Govinda of immeasurable prowess when he had assumed the form of a wild boar for raising the submerged Earth. |
Mbh.1.49.2512 | And, O Janamejaya, thy father was dear unto Govinda. |
Mbh.1.200.9958 | And Yudhishthira the just, desirous of gratifying Govinda, accepted all those presents with great joy |
Mbh.1.221.10768 | How shall I, O Govinda, tamely bear it? |
Mbh.1.222.10830 | Govinda, gratified with the reception, humbly worshipped Yudhishthira. |
Mbh.1.223.10903 | Vaisampayana continued, Then, O Bharata, having consulted thus with each other, Partha and Govinda, with Yudhishthira's leave, set out, surrounded by friends. |
Mbh.1.223.10907 | Some amongst the women sported as they liked in the woods, some in the waters, and some within the mansions, as directed by Partha and Govinda. |
Mbh.2.2.49 | Then Govinda spoke unto Arjuna and clasped him firmly, and worshipping Yudhisthira and Bhima, embraced the twins. |
Mbh.2.2.52 | And Govinda, conversant with every duty, then reverentially saluted Yudhishthira and took hold of his feet. |
Mbh.2.2.58 | Those bulls among men, the sons of Pritha, with minds fixed on Govinda, desisted from following him further and unwillingly returned to their own city in haste. |
Mbh.2.20.873 | What thou sayest, O Govinda, is consistent with wise counsels. |
Mbh.2.20.888 | We shall, therefore, strive to accomplish our purpose following the leadership of Govinda conversant with the science of politics, that personage whose fame hath spread all over the world. |
Mbh.2.24.1111 | And Govinda, moved by kindness towards them, took a portion of those presents, Then the son of Jarasandha, the high-souled Sahadeva, accompanied by his relatives and the principal officers of state, and with his priest in front came thither. |
Mbh.2.32.1381 | Therefore, O Govinda, O thou of long arms, install thyself at that sacrifice; for, O thou of the Dasarha race, if thou performed the sacrifice, I shall be cleansed of sin. |
Mbh.2.37.1558 | In the matter of the worship offered unto Govinda, there are two reason, viz, knowledge of the Vedas and their branches, and also excess of strength. |
Mbh.2.42.1715 | Bhishma continued, Even thus, O Bhima, is this wretch of a king, Sisupala of wicked heart, who, proud of the boon granted by Govinda, summons thee to battle |
Mbh.2.43.1757 | Here is Govinda, that knoweth no deterioration. |
Mbh.2.44.1826 | Thus addressed by Janarddana, Yudhishthira replied, Owing to thy grace, O Govinda. |
Mbh.2.66.2851 | Vaisampayana continued, When the attire of Draupadi was being thus dragged, the thought of Hari, And she herself cried aloud, saying, O Govinda, O thou who dwellest in Dwaraka, O Krishna, O thou who art fond of cow-herdesses of Vrindavana. |
Mbh.2.66.2854 | O Krishna, O Krishna, O thou great yogin, thou soul of the universe, Thou creator of all things, O Govinda, save me who am distressed, who am losing my senses in the midst of the Kurus' |
Mbh.3.88.4839 | Govinda is said to be the purest of all pure things, the righteous of the righteous and the auspicious of the auspicious. |
Mbh.3.188.9503 | This one is Dhatri and Vidhatri, the Destroyer of all the Eternal, the bearer of the Sreevatsa mark on his breast, the Lord of the lord of all creatures, the highest of the high, called also Govinda! |
Mbh.3.202.10400 | And awakened from his slumber, Govinda beheld those Danavas of mighty energy, and beholding them the Deity said unto them, Welcome, ye mighty ones! |
Mbh.3.202.10426 | Markandeya continued, Then Govinda began to reflect but uncovered space found he none and when he could not discover any spot that was uncovered on earth or in the sky, that foremost Deity then beheld his thighs to be absolutely uncovered. |
Mbh.3.261.12850 | And cured of their fever of anxiety, they said unto him, As persons drowning in the wide ocean safely reach the shore by means of a boat, so have we, by thy aid, O lord Govinda, escaped from this inextricable difficulty. |
Mbh.5.68.3462 | Wherever there is truthfulness, wherever virtue, wherever modesty, wherever simplicity, even there is Govinda. |
Mbh.5.70.3522 | He possesseth a knowledge of all things, and, therefore, is called Sarva, Krishna is always in Truth and Truth is always in him, and Govinda is Truth's Truth. |
Mbh.5.70.3525 | He is called Ananta from his eternity, and Govinda from his knowledge of speech of every kind. |
Mbh.5.72.3552 | Avishthala, Vrikasthala, Makandi, Varanavata, with any other, O Govinda, as the fifth, Grant us, we said, five villages or towns, O sire, where we five may dwell in union, for we do not desire the destruction of the Bharatas, |
Mbh.5.82.3927 | O Govinda, saying, Save me, O save me, |
Mbh.5.83.3984 | And the illustrious king Yudhishthira the just, having followed Govinda to some distance, addressed him in these words in the presence of all those kings. |
Mbh.5.83.3996 | Then Arjuna, proceeding a few steps, further said unto his friend, that bull among men, that slayer of hostile heroes, that invincible warrior of Dasarha's race, It is known to all the kings, O illustrious Govinda, that at our consultation it was settled that we should ask back the kingdom. |
Mbh.5.83.4014 | Thus addressed, Jamadagni's son, the friend of Brahma, that lord of both gods and Asuras, approached Govinda the slayer of Madhu, embraced him, and said, The celestial Rishis of pious deeds, and Brahmanas of extensive acquaintance with the scriptures, and royal sages, O Dasarha, and venerable ascetic, these witnesses, O illustrious one, of the former feats of gods and Asuras, are desirous of beholding all the Kshatriyas of the earth assembled from every side as also the counsellors sitting in the assembly, the kings, and thyself the embodiment of truth, O Janardana. |
Mbh.5.83.4018 | We desire, O Madhava, to hear the excellent, truthful, and beneficial words that thou wilt utter and they also, O Govinda. |
Mbh.5.89.4175 | And after the rites of hospitality were over, Govinda remained there for a while, surrounded by the Kurus, laughing and jesting with them according to their relationship with him. |
Mbh.5.89.4179 | And after the hospitable reception was over, Vidura, conversant with all the principles of morality, enquired of Govinda, the slayer of Madhu, about the welfare of Pandavas. |
Mbh.5.90.4183 | And at the sight, after a long time, of Govinda of Vrishni's race, the companion of those mighty children of hers, the tears of Pritha flowed fast. |
Mbh.5.90.4204 | When Drupada's daughter endued with such a disposition, doth not enjoy uninterrupted happiness, it seemeth, O Govinda, that the happiness one enjoyeth is never the fruit of one's acts. |
Mbh.5.90.4210 | Vaisampayana continued, Filled with delight at the advent of Govinda, and afflicted with sorrow on account of her sons Pritha gave expression to all her diverse griefs. |
Mbh.5.90.4230 | I have not, for fourteen years, O Govinda, seen Yudhishthira, and Dhananjaya, and Vrikodara. |
Mbh.5.90.4276 | Vaisampayana continued, Bidding her farewell and respectfully walking round her, the mighty-armed Govinda then departed for Duryodhana's mansion |
Mbh.5.91.4277 | SECTION XCI Vaisampayana said, With Pritha's leave and having walked round her, the chastiser of foes, Govinda, also called Sauri, went to Duryodhana's palace that was furnished with great wealth, adorned with beautiful seats, and was like unto the abode of Purandara himself. |
Mbh.5.91.4285 | And then the Kauravas, with all the kings there present, worshipped Govinda on his seat and resembling the sun himself in splendour. |
Mbh.5.91.4290 | Thou, O Govinda, also knowest fully, and all things in details, both religion and profit. |
Mbh.5.91.4292 | Vaisampayana continued, The high-souled Govinda, of eyes like lotus leaves, then raising his mighty right arm, and in a voice deep as that of the clouds, replied unto the king in excellent words fraught with reasons, words that were clear, distinct, correctly pronounced, and without a single letter dropped, saying, Envoys, O king, eat and accept worship only after the success of their missions. |
Mbh.5.91.4298 | With thee, O Govinda, we have no hostility, no war. |
Mbh.5.94.4398 | They are all soliciting thy presence, O Govinda, like the celestials in heaven desiring the presence of Sakra himself, thus addressed, Govinda greeted them both with sweet and courteous enquiries. |
Mbh.5.94.4440 | And after Govinda had taken his seat, a perfect silence ensued, for none present there spoke a single word |
Mbh.5.130.5816 | Knowest thou not sinless Govinda, of terrible prowess and incapable of deterioration? |
Mbh.5.140.6255 | What conciliatory words did Govinda speak unto the Suta's son? |
Mbh.5.141.6306 | O Govinda. |
Mbh.5.141.6335 | The two sons of Madri, Nakula and Sahadeva, of great fame and prowess, will be the slayers of the sacrificial animals; rows of bright cars furnished with standards of variegated hue, will, O Govinda, be stakes for tying the animals, O Janardana, in this sacrifice. |
Mbh.5.147.6567 | O Govinda, I desire to hear, O lord, all those words again. |
Mbh.6.12.636 | After Mainaka, O monarch, is that best of mountains called Govinda; and after Govinda, O king, is the mountain called Nivida. |
Mbh.6.21.988 | Govinda is possessed of energy that is infinite. |
Mbh.6.23.1037 | Sanjaya continued, Understanding the measure of Partha's devotion, Durga who is always graciously inclined towards mankind, appeared in the firmament and in the presence of Govinda, said these words. |
Mbh.6.25.1099 | Of what use would sovereignty be to us, O Govinda, or enjoyments, or even life, since they, for whose sake sovereignty, enjoyments, and pleasures are desired by us, are here arrayed for battle ready to give up life and wealth, viz, preceptors, sires, sons and grandsires, maternal uncles, father-in-laws, grandsons, brother-in-laws, and kinsmen. |
Mbh.6.26.1133 | Sanjaya said, Having said this unto Hrishikesa, that chastiser of foes-Gudakesa, once more addressed Govinda, saying, I will not fight, and then remained silent |
Mbh.6.50.2604 | In consequence, O Kesava, of the weakness of my understanding, having obtained Bhishma for a foe in battle, I shall, O Govinda, retire into woods. |
Mbh.6.50.2624 | Then through thy grace, O Govinda, the son of Pandu, their foes being slain, will, after recovery of their kingdom, be happy with their kinsmen. |
Mbh.6.50.2626 | Beholding the son of Pandu stricken with grief and deprived of his senses by sorrow, Govinda then gladdening all the Pandavas said, Do not grieve, O chief of the Bharatas. |
Mbh.6.66.3654 | It is for this that thou hatest Govinda and Dhananjaya the son of Pandu, for who else among men would hate the divine Nara and Narayana? |
Mbh.6.67.3673 | Markandeya speaketh of Govinda as the Most Wonderful and the Most high, as the All-being, as the All-soul, as the Highest soul, and as the Supreme male Being. |
Mbh.6.107.5719 | And with a fearless heart he addressed Govinda, saying, Come, come, O thou of eyes like lotus petals. |
Mbh.6.107.5723 | Amongst all, in the three worlds, great is the honour done to me today in battle, O Govinda. |
Mbh.6.108.5806 | O foremost of victorious persons, I would conquer the very gods with Indra at their head, when, O Govinda, I have thee for my protector. |
Mbh.7.1.48 | He, indeed, O king, is competent to save us from great dangers, like Govinda always saving the celestials from great dangers' |
Mbh.7.11.400 | SECTION XI Dhritarashtra said, Hear, O Sanjaya, the celestial feats of Vasudeva, feats that Govinda achieved and the like of which no other person hath ever been able to achieve. |
Mbh.7.19.854 | This is Govinda' |
Mbh.7.27.1403 | Thus addressed by him, Bhagadatta became filled with rage, and taking up a bright bow showered upon both the Pandava and Govinda his arrowy down-pours. |
Mbh.7.31.1660 | There where Govinda, the Creator of the universe is, and there where Arjuna is the commander, whose might can avail, save three-eyed Mahadeva's, O lord? |
Mbh.7.70.2991 | And as he was proceeding, he asked Govinda, with voice choked with tears, Why is my heart afraid, O Kesava, and why both my speech falter? |
Mbh.7.77.3346 | Then Govinda, with a faint smile, addressed Partha, saying, Blessed be thou, O Partha, lay thyself down, I leave thee' |
Mbh.7.78.3403 | Rising up, therefore, now in his dream, he gave unto Govinda a seat. |
Mbh.7.82.3623 | Then Govinda, that foremost of charioteers, took the reins of the steeds, like Matali taking the reins of Indra's steeds, while the latter went to battle for slaying Vritra |
Mbh.7.85.3754 | Where is that Govinda? |
Mbh.7.96.4469 | Then Govinda smiling in joy, said, Excellent, Excellent' upon seeing the high-souled Partha create that arrowy hall |
Mbh.7.97.4480 | The Kauravas, O king, applauded the highly wonderful prowess of Partha as also of Vasudeva, saying, What more wonderful incident hath ever taken place in this world, or will ever take place than this, viz, that Partha and Govinda, in course of battle, have unyoked their steeds? |
Mbh.7.100.4634 | Maghavat himself, O Govinda, cannot pierce it with his thunder. |
Mbh.7.100.4663 | These, with many thousands of cars, well-equipped elephants and horses, as also with large bodies of foot-soldiers, excited with wrath, encompassed by large bodies of men, neither that car of theirs nor of Arjuna and Govinda could any longer be seen. |
Mbh.7.130.6485 | O Suta, obtaining Karna in battle, my son Suyodhana always ventures to vanquish the sons of Pritha with Govinda and the Satwatas. |
Mbh.7.132.6565 | Karna boasts of his competency to vanquish in battle all the Parthas with Govinda amongst them. |
Mbh.7.143.7344 | Then piercing Govinda with three shafts, he struck Arjuna with six. |
Mbh.7.146.7646 | Through thy grace, O Govinda, we will conquer our foes, like Indra conquering the Danavas in days of old. |
Mbh.7.153.8047 | Beholding that force, O Bharata, thus routed on that night by Drona, Jishnu asked Govinda to proceed towards Drona's car. |
Mbh.7.188.10393 | Meanwhile, O monarch, Govinda, knowing that Drona, that foremost of warriors, was capable of sweeping all the Pandavas off the face of the earth, became much distressed. |
Mbh.7.188.10399 | While Govinda and Yudhishthira were thus talking with each other, Bhimasena addressing the king said, As soon, O monarch, as I heard of the means by which the high-souled Drona might be slain, putting forth my prowess in battle, I immediately slew a mighty elephant, like unto the elephant of Sakra himself, belonging to Indravarman, the chief of the Malavas, who was standing within thy army. |
Mbh.7.188.10403 | Desirous of victory as thou art, accept the advice of Govinda. |
Mbh.7.198.11206 | Those troops then, O king, rallied with effort by Govinda and Arjuna, stayed on the field of battle. |
Mbh.7.198.11210 | Come now and encounter the Panchala prince, that hero resembling the Yuga fire and like the Destroyer himself with Govinda. |
Mbh.8.10.404 | Vanquish the Parthas with Govinda and all their followers even these were the words that the eulogists and the brahmanas said unto him, O bull among men! |
Mbh.8.19.785 | Govinda himself, O Bharata, regarded it wonderful. |
Mbh.8.19.787 | Then Govinda, beholding the field of battle during the progress of that carnage, said these words to Savyasaci, Here, O Partha, for the sake of Duryodhana alone, occurreth this great and terrible destruction of the Bharatas and other kings of Earth. |
Mbh.8.31.1412 | His driver is Govinda. |
Mbh.8.56.3233 | Hearing these words of his, Govinda smiled, and addressing Arjuna, said, Slay the Kauravas, O son of Pandu, without delay |
Mbh.8.56.3234 | Then those steeds, white as swans, urged by Govinda, and bearing Krishna and the son of Pandu penetrated thy vast force. |
Mbh.8.58.3329 | During the progress of that great carnage, Govinda, beholding the field of battle, addressed Savyasaci, saying, Behold, O Partha, how great and awful is this carnage, O Bharata, of Kshatriyas on Earth for the sake of Duryodhana. |
Mbh.8.58.3361 | Arjuna also, beholding the king in that great battle, repeatedly urged Govinda, saying, Proceed, Proceed |
Mbh.8.69.3978 | Thus addressed by Krishna, Arjuna, casting his eyes on Yudhishthira, and breathing like an angry snake, said unto Govinda, I would cut off the head of that man who would tell me Give thy Gandiva to another person |
Mbh.8.69.3980 | Those words have been spoken by this king, O thou of immeasurable prowess, in thy presence, O Govinda! |
Mbh.8.69.3990 | Sanjaya continued, Govinda then said, Fie, fie unto Partha and once more continued to say, I now know, O Partha, that thou hast not waited upon the old, since, O tiger among men, thou hast yielded to wrath at a time when thou shouldst not have done so. |
Mbh.8.70.4215 | I have been guilty of a transgression, I have now been awakened by thee, O Govinda. |
Mbh.8.71.4221 | SECTION Sanjaya said, Having heard these joyful words of king Yudhishthira, Govinda of virtuous soul, that delighter of the Yadus, then addressed Partha. |
Mbh.8.72.4273 | SECTION Sanjaya said, Having with a cheerful heart gratified king Yudhishthira the just, Partha, prepared to slay the Suta's son, addressed Govinda, saying, Let my car be once more equipped and let my foremost of steeds be yoked thereto. |
Mbh.8.72.4278 | Proceed quickly, O Govinda, for the slaughter of the Suta's son |
Mbh.8.74.4478 | Rubbing then the string of gandiva and stretching it, he held his bow for the destruction of Karna, and addressed Keshava, saying, With thee for my protector, O Govinda, and when thou that art acquainted with the past and the future art gratified with me today, victory is sure to be mine. |
Mbh.8.74.4490 | O Govinda, slaying Karna with keen shafts I will dispel the long sleeplessness of Kunti's son. |
Mbh.8.74.4517 | Today, with my straight shafts equipped with vulturine feathers, I will, O Govinda, cause the earth to be strewn with the bodies of kings cased in golden armour. |
Mbh.8.77.4634 | SECTION Sanjaya said, Hearing the roars of cars and the leonine shouts of the warriors in battle, Arjuna addressed Govinda, saying, Urge the steeds to greater speed |
Mbh.8.77.4635 | Hearing these words of Arjuna, Govinda said unto him, I am proceeding with great speed to the spot where Bhima is stationed |
Mbh.8.86.5237 | Or, O Govinda, thou wilt today behold me slain with Karna's arrows. |
Mbh.8.87.5375 | Sanjaya continued, Arjuna also asked Govinda a similar question. |
Mbh.8.87.5387 | Today, O Govinda, thou shalt behold Karna crushed by me like a tree with its load of flowers crushed by an infuriated elephant. |
Mbh.8.93.5928 | Slaying Arjuna and Govinda and the proud Vrikodara and the rest of my foes, I will free myself from the debt I owe to Karna |
Mbh.8.96.6104 | Unto Dhrishtadyumna and Yudhamanyu and the twin sons of Madri and Vrikodara and Yuyudhana, Govinda said, Ye kings, until we come back having informed the king of Karna's slaughter by Arjuna, stand ye here with care |
Mbh.8.96.6106 | With Partha in his company, Govinda beheld Yudhishthira, that tiger among kings, lying on an excellent bed of gold. |
Mbh.8.96.6134 | He then applauded those tigers among men, Madhava and Phalguna, saying, O Govinda, today I have become king of the earth, with my brothers, in consequence of thyself of great wisdom having become my protector and lord. |
Mbh.8.96.6137 | By good luck, victory hath been thine, O Govinda! |
Mbh.9.3.169 | Today, slaying Arjuna with Govinda, and the proud Vrikodara, and the rest of my foes, I will free myself from the debt I owe to Karna |
Mbh.9.4.278 | At the request of Vichitravirya's son and of Govinda, he will allow you to continue as king. |
Mbh.9.17.1042 | Recollecting the words of Govinda, he quickly set his heart on the destruction of Shalya. |
Mbh.9.58.4194 | In consequence, however, of morality being afflicted by Bhimasena, this harmony of which I have spoken hath been disturbed, whatever, O Govinda, thou mayst tell me |
Mbh.9.60.4346 | Beholding the vehicle thus reduced to ashes, O lord, the sons of Pandu became filled with wonder, and Arjuna, O king, having saluted Krishna and bowed unto him, said these words, with joined hands and in an affectionate voice, O Govinda, O divine one, for what reason hath this car been consumed by fire? |
Mbh.9.61.4393 | Having reflected in this strain for a long while, king Yudhishthira the just, filled with fear and grief, said these words unto Vasudeva: Through thy grace, O Govinda, my kingdom hath been reft of thorns! |
Mbh.10.12.871 | Having failed, O Keshava, in obtaining my almost unattainable wish, I am about to leave thee, O Govinda! |
Mbh.10.16.984 | Unto Govinda, that foremost one of the Satvata race, while he was saying these words, Drona's son, filled with wrath, replied, saying, This, O Keshava, that thou sayest from thy partiality for the Pandavas, shall not happen. |
Mbh.10.16.1006 | The Pandavas who had killed and chastised all their foes, placed Govinda and the island-born Krishna and the great ascetic Narada at their head, and taking the gem that was born with Ashvatthama, quickly came back to the intelligent Draupadi who was sitting in observance of the praya vow. |
Mbh.10.16.1015 | Nor art thou alive, O Govinda, since the king desires for peace |
Mbh.11.18.789 | Behold, O Govinda, the shields decked with hundred moons, the standards of solar effulgence, the golden coats of mail, and the collars and cuirasses made of gold, and the head-gears, of my sons, scattered on the earth, are blazing with splendour like sacrificial fires over which have been poured libations, of clarified butter. |
Mbh.11.25.1047 | Since thou wert indifferent to the Kurus and the Pandavas whilst they slew each other, therefore, O Govinda, thou shalt be the slayer of thy own kinsmen! |
Mbh.12.29.1352 | Vaisampayana continued, Thus addressed by the high-souled Arjuna, the lotus-eyed Govinda of unfading glory turned his face towards the king. |
Mbh.12.29.1354 | From the earliest years Govinda was dearer to Yudhishthira than Arjuna himself. |
Mbh.12.46.2243 | Both speech and mind, O Govinda, have been concentrated within thy understanding. |
Mbh.12.47.2331 | For this eternal salvation, the devout worshipper, with mind withdrawn from everything else and casting off all desires, beholds thee, O Govinda, that art the pure Soul, in his own soul. |
Mbh.12.47.2513 | They are freed from all feats that worship thee, O Govinda of unfading prowess, thee that art attired in yellow robes of the colour of the Atasi flower |
Mbh.12.47.2520 | Salutations to thee, O God, that art the Brahmana's self, to thee that art the benefactor of Brahmanas and kine, to thee that art the benefactor of the universe, to thee that art Krishna and Govinda! |
Mbh.12.50.2684 | Govinda and Satyaki and the others approached the son of Ganga. |
Mbh.12.50.2732 | In consequence of that kindness, O Govinda, I also behold thy eternal form. |
Mbh.12.51.2759 | I am so afflicted, O Govinda, by these shafts resembling poison or fire that I have not power to utter anything. |
Mbh.12.52.2830 | Then Govinda and Yudhishthira and Bhima and the wielder of Gandiva and the twins and Satyaki, alighting from their vehicles, saluted the Rishis by raising their right hands. |
Mbh.12.54.2891 | My speech and mind have become steady, through thy grace, O Govinda, since thou art the eternal soul of every being. |
Mbh.12.109.6211 | He is Govinda, the foremost of all beings. |
Mbh.12.206.12465 | SECTION CCVII Yudhishthira said, O grandsire, O thou of great wisdom, I desire to hear in detail, O chief of the Bharatas, of that lotus-eyed and indestructible one, who is the Creator of everything but who has been created by none, who is called Vishnu in consequence of his pervading everything, who is the origin of all creatures and unto whom all creatures return, who is known by the names of Narayana and Hrishikesa and Govinda and Kesava, and who is incapable of being vanquished by any one' |
Mbh.12.206.12467 | Asita-Devala, O son, Valmiki of austere penances, and Markandeya, speak of Govinda as the Most Wonderful and the Supreme. |
Mbh.12.206.12471 | I shall also, O prince of men, recite to thee those acts which persons conversant with old histories ascribe to Govinda. |
Mbh.12.206.12499 | Otherwise called Govinda, he became the foremost of them all. |
Mbh.12.284.17762 | Thou art the protector of the three worlds, thou art Govinda, thou art the director of the senses, and thou art incapable of being apprehended by the senses. |
Mbh.12.284.17791 | Neither Brahman, nor Govinda, nor the ancient Rishis, are competent to understand thy greatness, O auspicious deity, truly. |
Mbh.12.342.22599 | For this reason the deities adore me by the name of Govinda. |
Mbh.12.345.22894 | Govinda, assuming the form of a gigantic boar, raised her up with his mighty tusk, Having replaced the Earth in her former position, that foremost of Purushas, his body smeared with water and mud, set himself to do what was necessary for the world and its denizens. |
Mbh.13.14.1057 | After I had said these words, O Krishna, to my mother, she, filled with parental affection, smelt my head, O Govinda, her eyes covered with tears the while. |
Mbh.13.14.1303 | I also beheld, O Govinda, the weapons in their embodied forms and fraught with every kind of energy, that belong to Bhava of immeasurable prowess. |
Mbh.13.14.1315 | With the greatest ease, O Govinda, Mahadeva, using that single arrow, achieved that feat. |
Mbh.13.14.1324 | Endued with great might and great energy and resembling Sakra himself in prowess, the king, O Govinda, was slain by the Rakshasa Lavana with the aid of this Sula which he had got from Siva. |
Mbh.13.14.1332 | I saw this weapon, O Govinda, in the hand of Mahadeva. |
Mbh.13.14.1335 | It was with that weapon that Jamadagni's son, O Govinda, was able to exterminate the Kshatriyas for one and twenty times. |
Mbh.13.31.3921 | Narada said, Hear, O Govinda, as to who those are whom I am worshipping, O grinder of foes. |
Mbh.13.109.9908 | He who fasts on the twelfth day of the moon in the month of Phalguna and worships Krishna as Govinda, for the whole day and night, attains to the merit of the Atiratra sacrifice and goes to the region of Soma. |
Mbh.13.147.12264 | He is the slayer of Madhu, and is otherwise called Govinda. |
Mbh.13.147.12296 | For doing good to the deities, Govinda will take birth in the race of the high-souled Manu. |
Mbh.13.159.13314 | O Govinda, I have been highly gratified with thee. |
Mbh.14.2.40 | Having said this unto Yudhishthira, prince of the pious, the high-spirited Govinda paused; and Yudhishthira answered him thus, O Govinda, full well do I know thy fondness for me. |
Mbh.14.15.413 | Then Govinda Krishna consoling Arjuna with sweet speech addressed these well-reasoned words to him. |
Mbh.14.53.2353 | With great difficulty, the son of Pritha withdrew his gaze that had fallen on Govinda. |
Mbh.14.55.2447 | Vaisampayana continued, Unto him, O Janamejaya, Govinda of gratified soul said these words, Do thou ask for some boon' Unto him Utanka, however, said, Even this is a sufficient boon from thee for the present, O thou of great splendour, in that, O Krishna, I have beheld this form of thine, O foremost of all beings. |
Mbh.14.59.2709 | SECTION LIX Janamejaya said, After having conferred that boon on Utanka, O foremost of regenerate persons, what did the mighty-armed Govinda of great celebrity next do' |
Mbh.14.59.2710 | Vaisampayana said, Having granted that boon to Utanka, Govinda, accompanied by Satyaki, proceeded to Dwaraka on his car drawn by his large steeds endued with great speed. |
Mbh.14.59.2734 | Govinda entered his residence after a long absence, having accomplished feats of great difficulty like Vasava amid the Danava host. |
Mbh.14.61.2803 | I hope, O Govinda, that, his face did not become cheerless while fighting? |
Mbh.14.61.2809 | Unto his sire who, from excess of grief, indulged in such lamentations, Govinda, more afflicted than he answered in these words. |
Mbh.14.63.2890 | You have heard what Bhishma also said, and what Govinda too of great intelligence has uttered. |
Mbh.14.68.3043 | The helpless lady, with heart agitated by grief, beholding Govinda coming, indulged in these lamentations; O lotus-eyed one, behold us two deprived of our child. |
Mbh.14.68.3050 | Surely, O Govinda, I shall cast off my life-breaths if this child does not revive. |
Mbh.14.70.3099 | At the command of Govinda, the Brahmanas were made to utter benedictions. |
Mbh.14.86.3831 | The foremost of all men, viz, Govinda, came there, accompanied by the Vrishnis, and with Valadeva in the van. |
Mbh.14.89.3999 | The illustrious son of Pandu, that chastiser of foes, then duly worshipped the high-souled Govinda and Valadeva of great might, and the thousands of other Vrishni heroes having Pradyumna for their first. |
Mbh.16.5.210 | Praising Govinda and talking with the ladies, the son of Pandu comforted them and then proceeded to see his maternal uncle |
Mbh.16.6.223 | Thyself, Narada, and the Munis, knew him to be the eternal and sinless Govinda, the Deity of unfading glory. |
Mbh.16.8.382 | Alas, reft of Govinda, what have I to live for, dragging my life in sorrow? |
Mbh.16.8.394 | Govinda was able to alter the very course of the universe with all its mobile and immobile creatures. |
Mbh.18.4.193 | He beheld Govinda endued with his Brahma-form. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
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Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text:; Wikified at AncientVoice. |