Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 25 Feb 2010 14:41 and updated at 25 Feb 2010 14:41
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.1.206 | Suhotra; Rantideva, and Kakshivanta, great in glory; Valhika, Damana, Saryati, Ajita, and Nala; Viswamitra the destroyer of foes; Amvarisha, great in strength; Marutta, Manu, Ikshaku, Gaya, and Bharata; Rama the son of Dasaratha; Sasavindu, and Bhagiratha; Kritavirya, the greatly fortunate, and Janamejaya too; and Yayati of good deeds who performed sacrifices, being assisted therein by the celestials themselves, and by whose sacrificial altars and stakes this earth with her habited and uninhabited regions hath been marked all over. |
Mbh.1.2.386 | Here also is recited the sacrificial magnificence of Gaya; then the story of Agastya in which the Rishi ate up the Asura Vatapi, and his connubial connection with Lopamudra from the desire of offspring. |
Mbh.1.206.10159 | Without doubt, O king of Bharata's race, they are both, in virtue and truthfulness, not inferior to Rama, the son of Dasaratha, and Gaya. |
Mbh.1.216.10577 | And beholding in the forest of Naimisha the delightful river Utpalini full of lotuses and the Nanda and the Apara Nanda, the far-famed Kausiki, and the mighty rivers Gaya and Ganga, and all the regions of sacred water, he purified himself, O Bharata, with the usual rites, and gave away many cows unto Brahmanas. |
Mbh.2.8.349 | Vysawa; Saswa and Krishaswa, and king Sasavindu; Rama the son of Dasaratha, and Lakshmana, and Pratarddana; Alarka, and Kakshasena, Gaya, and Gauraswa; Rama the son of Jamadagnya, Nabhaga, and Sagara; Bhuridyumna and Mahaswa, Prithaswa, and also Janaka; king Vainya, Varisena, Purujit, and Janamejaya; Brahmadatta, and Trigarta, and king Uparichara also; Indradyumna, Bhimajanu, Gauraprishta, Nala, Gaya; Padma and Machukunda, Bhuridyumna, Prasenajit; Aristanemi, Sudymna, Prithulauswa, and Ashtaka also; a hundred kings of the Matsya race and hundred of the Vipa and a hundred of the Haya races; a hundred kings of the name of Dhritarashtra, eighty kings of the name of Janamejaya; a hundred monarchs called Brahmadatta, and a hundred kings of the name of Iri; more than two hundred Bhishmas, and also a hundred Bhimas; a hundred Prativindhyas, a hundred Nagas, and a hundred Palasas, and a hundred called Kasa and Kusa; that king of kings Santanu, and thy father Pandu, Usangava, Sata-ratha, Devaraja, Jayadratha; the intelligent royal sage Vrishadarva with his ministers; and a thousand other kings known by the name of Sasa-vindu, and who have died, having performed many grand horse-sacrifices with large presents to the Brahmanas, these holy royal sages of grand achievements and great knowledge of the Sastras, wait upon, O King, and worship the son of Vivaswat in that assembly house. |
Mbh.3.84.4487 | Sojourning next to Gaya, with subdued senses and observing the Brahmacharya vow, one obtaineth the merit of the horse-sacrifice and also rescueth his race. |
Mbh.3.84.4507 | The person that stayeth at Gaya during both the dark and lighted fortnights, certainly sanctifieth, O king, his own race up and down to the seventh generation. |
Mbh.3.84.4508 | One should wish for many sons so that even one may go to Gaya, or celebrate the horse-sacrifice, or offer a nila bull. |
Mbh.3.87.4782 | In that quarter also is that best of hills called Gaya, which is sacred and much regarded by royal ascetics. |
Mbh.3.87.4784 | It is for this that the ancients say that one should wish for many sons, so that even one among them may visit Gaya, celebrate the horse-sacrifice or give away a nila bull, and thereby deliver ten generations of his race up and down. |
Mbh.3.92.4945 | For, O son of Pandu, thou art even as king Bhagiratha, or Gaya, or Yayati, or any one, O son of Kunti, that is like them' |
Mbh.3.94.5017 | And, O monarch, as king Nriga and Shivi and Ausinara and Bhagiratha and Vasumanas and Gaya and Puru and Pururavas, by practising ascetic penances and visiting tirthas and touching sacred waters and beholding illustrious ascetics, obtained fame and sanctity and merit and wealth, so wilt thou also obtain prosperity that is great. |
Mbh.3.95.5027 | They then proceeded to Mahidhara consecrated by that virtuous royal sage Gaya of unrivalled splendour. |
Mbh.3.95.5039 | And it was in that place that the learned vow-observing, and sacred Shamatha, leading, besides, a life of celibacy, spake unto them, O king, of Gaya, the son of Amurttaraya. |
Mbh.3.95.5040 | And Shamatha said, Gaya, the son of Amurttaraya, was one of the foremost of royal sages. |
Mbh.3.95.5042 | It was here, O king, that Gaya had performed many sacrifices distinguished by the enormous quantities of food that were distributed and the profuse gifts that were given away unto Brahmanas. |
Mbh.3.95.5049 | And gratified with the excellent viands and drinks that the illustrious Gaya provided, men, O bull of the Bharata race, went about singing these verses. |
Mbh.3.95.5052 | What the royal sage Gaya of immense splendour hath achieved in his sacrifice was never achieved by men before, nor will be by any in future. |
Mbh.3.95.5053 | The gods have been so surfeited by Gaya with clarified butter that they are not able to take anything that anybody else may offer. |
Mbh.3.95.5055 | O son of the Kuru race, many times did king Gaya perform sacrifices of this description, here, by the side of this Brahmasara |
Mbh.3.121.6185 | In all those magnificent sacrifices instituted by Gaya, the protector of the earth, Indira, was delighted by drinking the Soma juice, and the ministering priests were gratified with the gratuities paid to them. |
Mbh.3.121.6187 | And as the sand-grains of the earth, or as the stars in the sky, or as the rain-drops when it raineth, cannot be counted by anyone, so the wealth Gaya gave away was incapable of being counted by figures. |
Mbh.3.121.6192 | when the high-souled Gaya performed his sacrificial rites, he erected sacrificial piles at so many different spots that but little space was left on the surface of the earth. |
Mbh.3.121.6195 | Whoever should bathe in the river, Payosini, would go to the regions attained by Gaya. |
Mbh.3.281.13763 | And those two foremost of monkeys endued with mighty energy, viz, Gaya and Gavakshya, each accompanied by a hundred crores of monkeys, showed themselves there. |
Mbh.4.56.2164 | And seated on the car of the lord of the celestials, appeared the effulgent persons of king, Vasumanas and Valakshas and Supratarddana, and Ashtaka and Sivi and Yayati and Nahusha and Gaya and Manu and Puru and Raghu and Bhanu and Krisaswa and Sagara and Nala. |
Mbh.5.83.3980 | And Vasishtha and Vamadeva, and Bhuridyumna and Gaya, and Kratha and Sukra and Kusika and Bhrigu, and other Brahmarshis and celestial Rishis united together, all stood on the right side of Krishna, that delighter of the Yadavas, that younger brother of Vasava. |
Mbh.6.91.4783 | Those six brothers endued with great strength, viz, Gaya, Gavaksha, Vrishava, Charmavat, Arjava, and Suka dashed out of the mighty Kaurava array, supported by Sakuni and by their respective forces of great valour, themselves clad in mail, skilled in battle, fierce in mien, and possessed of exceeding might. |
Mbh.7.64.2784 | SECTION LXVI Narada said, Gaya, the son of Amartarayas, O Srinjaya, we hear, fell a prey to death, That king, for a hundred years, ate nothing but what remained of the libations of clarified butter poured into the sacrificial fire. |
Mbh.7.64.2786 | Gaya solicited the boon desired, saying, I desire to have a thorough knowledge of the Vedas through ascetic penances, through practice of Brahmacharya, and of vows and rules, and through the grace of my superiors |
Mbh.7.64.2794 | And Gaya also, acquiring all he had asked for, subjugated his foes in fair fight. |
Mbh.7.64.2795 | King Gaya then performed, for a full hundred years, diverse kinds of sacrifices with profuse presents unto the Brahmanas and the vows called Chaturmasyas and others. |
Mbh.7.64.2799 | In his great Horse-sacrifice, king Gaya, making a golden earth, gave her away unto the Brahmanas. |
Mbh.7.64.2800 | In that sacrifice, the stakes of king Gaya were exceedingly costly, being of gold, decked with gems delightful to all creatures. |
Mbh.7.64.2801 | Capable of killing every wish, Gaya gave those stakes unto well-pleased Brahmanas and other people. |
Mbh.7.64.2803 | And they all said, No other sacrifice can come up to this one of Gaya. |
Mbh.7.64.2804 | The sacrificial altar of Gaya was thirty Yojanas in length, six and twenty Yojanas in width, and twenty Yojanas in height. |
Mbh.7.64.2809 | And in consequence of the merit of that great sacrifice, Gaya came to be well-known in the three worlds. |
Mbh.9.36.2681 | While king Gaya was engaged in the performance of a great sacrifice at Gaya, the foremost of rivers, Sarasvati, summoned at Gaya's sacrifice made her appearance there. |
Mbh.9.36.2682 | The Rishis of rigid vows that were there, named this form of hers at Gaya as Visala. |
Mbh.12.29.1469 | He vanquished king Angada, Marutta, Asita, Gaya, and Vrihadratha the king of the Angas |
Mbh.12.29.1497 | We hear, O Srinjaya, that Gaya also, the son of Amurtarayas, fell a prey to death. |
Mbh.12.29.1500 | The boons solicited by Gaya were, Let my wealth be inexhaustible even if I give ceaselessly. |
Mbh.12.29.1503 | It hath been heard by us that king Gaya obtained all those wishes from Agni. |
Mbh.12.29.1504 | On days of the new moon, on those of the full moon, and on every fourth month, for a thousand years, Gaya repeatedly performed the Horse-sacrifice. |
Mbh.12.29.1507 | In his great Horse-sacrifice, king Gaya caused a golden ground to be made, measuring a hundred cubits in length and fifty in breadth, and gave it away as the sacrificial fee. |
Mbh.12.29.1508 | That foremost of men, viz, Gaya, the son of Amurtarayas, gave away as many kine as there are sand grains, O king, in the river Ganga. |
Mbh.12.233.14486 | Nimi, the ruler of the Videhas, gave away his kingdom, Jamadagni's son Rama gave away the whole earth; and Gaya gave away the earth with all her towns and cities, unto the Brahmanas. |
Mbh.13.25.3461 | Bathing in Asmaprishtha and Niravinda mountains and Kraunchapadi, all three in Gaya, one becomes cleansed of the sin of Brahmanicide. |
Mbh.13.29.3763 | Indeed, it has been heard by us that the righteous-souled Matanga, while practising those austerities at Gaya, dropped down on the ground from sheer exhaustion. |
Mbh.13.88.8032 | Many sons should be coveted so that even one may go to Gaya for performing the Sraddha of his ancestors, where stands the banian that is celebrated over all the worlds and that makes all offerings made under its branches inexhaustible |
Mbh.13.115.10347 | They were Nabhaga and Amvarisha and the high-souled Gaya and Ayu and Anaranya and Dilipa and Raghu and Puru and Kartavirya and Aniruddha and Nahusha and Yayati and Nrigas and Vishwaksena and Sasavindu and Yuvanaswa and Sivi, the son of Usinara, and Muchukunda and Mandhatri, and Harischandra. |
Mbh.13.125.10905 | Sakra said, Thinking in one's mind of Kurukshetra and Gaya and Ganga and Prabhasa and the lakes of Pushkara, one should dip one's head in water. |
Mbh.13.165.13693 | Sarayu, Gandaki, the great river Lohita, Tamra, Aruna, Vetravati, Parnasa, Gautami, the Godavari, Vena, Krishnavena, Dwija, Drishadvati, Kaveri, Vankhu, Mandakini Prayaga, Prabhasa, the sacred Naimisha, the spot sacred to Visweswara or Mahadeva, viz, Kasi, that lake of crystal water, Kurukshetra full of many sacred waters, the foremost of oceans viz, the ocean of milk, Penances, Gifts, Jamvumarga, Hiranwati, Vitasta, the river Plakshavati, Vedasmriti, Vedavati, Malava, Aswavati, all sacred spots on Earth, Gangadwara, the sacred Rishikulya, the river Chitravaha, the Charmanwati, the sacred river Kausiki, the Yamuna, the river Bhimarathi, the great river Vahuda, Mahendravani, Tridiva Nilika, Saraswati, Nanda, the other Nanda, the large sacred lake, Gaya, Phalgutirtha Dharmarayana the sacred forest that is peopled with the deities, the sacred celestial river, the lake created by the Grandsire Brahma which is sacred and celebrated over the three worlds, and auspicious and capable of cleansing all sins, the Himavat mountain endued with excellent herbs, the Vindhya mountain variegated with diverse kinds of metals, containing many Tirthas and overgrown with medicinal herbs. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
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Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text:; Wikified at AncientVoice. |