Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 25 Feb 2010 14:24 and updated at 25 Feb 2010 14:24
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.2.563 | Then Yudhishthira, after leaving the human body by a plunge in the celestial Ganges, attained to that region which his acts merited, and began to live in joy respected by Indra and all other gods. |
Mbh.1.3.877 | On the northern banks of the Ganges are many habitations of serpents. |
Mbh.1.61.2912 | Then the wretch again tied the sleeping Bhima on the margin of the Ganges and, casting him into the water, went away. |
Mbh.1.97.5451 | And one day, as he was wandering along the bank of the Ganges, he came upon a region frequented by Siddhas and Charanas. |
Mbh.1.100.5581 | One day, while pursuing along the banks of the Ganges a deer that he had struck with his arrow, king Santanu observed that the river had become shallow. |
Mbh.1.104.5872 | One day a king named Vali conversant with every duty went to the Ganges to perform his ablutions. |
Mbh.1.143.7724 | Vaisampayana continued, Hearing these words, the illustrious Kunti was deeply grieved, and with her children, O bull of Bharata's race, stepped into the boat and went over the Ganges. |
Mbh.1.215.10522 | At length, on arriving at the source of the Ganges the mighty hero thought of settling there. |
Mbh.1.215.10525 | And, O king, in consequence of those learned vow-observing, and illustrious Brahmanas, who never deviated from the right path, daily establishing and igniting with mantras on the banks of that sacred stream, after the performance of their ablutions, fires for their sacrifices, and pouring libations of clarified butter into the same, and worshipping those fires with offerings of flowers, that region itself where the Ganges entered the plains became exceedingly beautiful. |
Mbh.1.215.10526 | One day that bull amongst the Pandavas, while residing in that region in the midst of those Brahmanas, descended as usual into the Ganges to perform his ablutions. |
Mbh.1.215.10566 | Accompanied by Ulupi he came back from the palace of Kauravya to the region where the Ganges entereth the plains. |
Mbh.1.229.11219 | At that sound the fishes of the Ganges and the sea, and the various tribes of Vidyadharas dwelling in that forest all became frightened. |
Mbh.2.20.899 | Passing over that country they went to Mithila and then crossing the Mala and Charamanwati, the three heroes crossed the Ganges and the Sone and went on towards the east. |
Mbh.3.1.51 | The citizens having ceased to follow, the Pandavas ascended their cars, and setting out reached the site of the mighty banian tree called Pramana on the banks of the Ganges. |
Mbh.3.3.205 | And touching the water of the Ganges the virtuous Yudhishthira with senses under complete control and depending upon air alone for his sustenance, stood there with rapt soul engaged in pranayama |
Mbh.3.5.322 | SECTION V Vaisampayana said, Desirous of living in the forest, those bulls of the Bharata race, the Pandavas, with their followers, setting out from the banks of the Ganges went to the field of Kurukshetra. |
Mbh.3.12.685 | O Krishna, it is Duryodhana who at the house standing by the banyan called Pramana bound Bhima sleeping unsuspectingly, and casting him into the Ganges returned to the city. |
Mbh.3.42.2261 | Arjuna then, with a cheerful heart, purified himself by a bath in the Ganges. |
Mbh.3.84.4416 | One should then repair, O virtuous one, after bowing to the great mountain Himavat, to the source of the Ganges, which is, without doubt, like the gate of heaven. |
Mbh.3.84.4486 | Arriving next, O king, at the rare tirtha called Markandeya celebrated over the world and situated at the confluence of the Ganges, a person obtaineth the merit of Agnishtoma sacrifice, and delivereth his race. |
Mbh.4.39.1587 | Then addressing Bhishma, the preceptor continued, O offspring of the Ganges, apparelled as a woman, this is Kiriti called after a tree, the son of the enemy of the mountains, and having on his banner the sign of devastator of the gardens of Lanka's lord. |
Mbh.5.111.5088 | It is in this region, O foremost of Brahmanas, that those illustrious and truth-speaking Munis called by the name of Dharma, guard the source of the Ganges. |
Mbh.5.161.7096 | A wicked cat, O king, once on a time took up his abode on the banks of the Ganges, abandoning all work and with his hands upraised after the manner of a devotee. |
Mbh.5.167.7550 | Like huge Makaras, O king, agitating the stream of the Ganges crested with high waves, they will agitate the ranks of the Parthas in battle. |
Mbh.9.18.1121 | Like the great river Ganges agitated by a hostile wind, the Pandava host, O king, once more became exceedingly agitated. |
Mbh.12.108.6133 | An owl again, on the banks of the Ganges, by doing an unrighteous deed obtained great merit |
Mbh.12.176.10623 | Like the sweet water of the Ganges, wealth only increases one's hankering. |
Mbh.12.257.15583 | After this, O monarch, the blessed maiden proceeded to the Ganges and thence to the mountains of Meru. |
Mbh.12.282.17397 | It hath been heard by us that the high-souled deities, with the permission o f Mahadeva, mounted their celestial cars resembling the fire or the Sun in splendour, and proceeded to that spot on the Himavat whence the Ganges is said to issue. |
Mbh.12.283.17459 | Vaisampayana said, In days of yore Daksha made arrangements for performing a Sacrifice on the breast of Himavat in that sacred region inhabited by Rishis and Siddhas where the Ganges issues out of the mountains. |
Mbh.12.284.17645 | Salutations to thee that hast locks of hair marked by the current of the Ganges, and that hast locks of hair resembling blades of Munja grass! |
Mbh.12.284.17665 | Salutations to thee that art the excitement of Fever and that art endued with matted locks drenched with the waters of the Ganges characterised by hundreds of eddies. |
Mbh.12.354.23666 | He belongs to a family that is as pure and stainless as the water of a lake in the midst of the Ganges |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
Suggestions are welcome: email:moc.liamg|rnhtijij#moc.liamg|rnhtijij
Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text:; Wikified at AncientVoice. |