Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 25 Feb 2010 13:54 and updated at 25 Feb 2010 13:54
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.1.159 | When I heard that Vasudeva and Arjuna and the bow Gandiva of immeasurable prowess, these three of dreadful energy had come together, then, O Sanjaya, I had no hope of success. |
Mbh.1.2.374 | This parva then describes Arjuna's meeting on the way with Ulupi, the daughter of a Naga serpent; it then relates his visits to several sacred spots; the birth of Vabhruvahana; the deliverance by Arjuna of the five celestial damsels who had been turned into alligators by the imprecation of a Brahmana, the meeting of Madhava and Arjuna on the holy spot called Prabhasa; the carrying away of Subhadra by Arjuna, incited thereto by her brother Krishna, in the wonderful car moving on land and water, and through mid-air, according to the wish of the rider; the departure for Indraprastha, with the dower; the conception in the womb of Subhadra of that prodigy of prowess, Abhimanyu; Yajnaseni's giving birth to children; then follows the pleasure-trip of Krishna and Arjuna to the banks of the Jamuna and the acquisition by them of the discus and the celebrated bow Gandiva; the burning of the forest of Khandava; the rescue of Maya by Arjuna, and the escape of the serpent, and the begetting of a son by that best of Rishis, Mandapala, in the womb of the bird Sarngi. |
Mbh.1.2.436 | In this, Krishna also smote with piercing words Arjuna, the bearer of the Gandiva and the foremost in battle among all wielders of weapons. |
Mbh.1.2.545 | He witnessed also the disgrace of his bow Gandiva and the unpropitiousness of his celestial weapons. |
Mbh.1.2.551 | In this, asked by Agni himself, Arjuna worshipped him duly, returned to him the excellent celestial bow called Gandiva. |
Mbh.1.61.2954 | And Agni gave unto the son of Pritha the excellent bow Gandiva and a quiver that was inexhaustible, and a war-chariot bearing the figure of Garuda on its standard. |
Mbh.1.226.11055 | Partha will achieve a great task with Gandiva, and Vasudeva also with the discus! |
Mbh.1.226.11079 | And taking up that celestial and first of bows created by Brahman of old and called Gandiva, Arjuna was filled with joy. |
Mbh.1.226.11093 | Having obtained the bow Gandiva and this couple of inexhaustible quivers I also am ready to conquer in battle the three worlds. |
Mbh.2.3.73 | It is a fit weapon for Bhima, even as the Gandiva is for thee. |
Mbh.2.47.1938 | Having gratified Hustasana, Dhananjaya hath obtained the bow Gandiva and the couple of inexhaustible quivers and many celestial weapons. |
Mbh.2.60.2459 | The steeds of the Tittiri, Kalmasha, and Gandharva breeds, decked with ornaments, which Chitraratha having been vanquished in battle and subdued cheerfully gave unto Arjuna, the wielder of the Gandiva. |
Mbh.2.72.3113 | Even now Arjuna proceedeth, encased in mail and furnished with his couple of quivers, frequently taking up the Gandiva and breathing hard and casting angry glances around. |
Mbh.2.78.3364 | And Arjuna the son of Kunti, capable of using both his arms in wielding the Gandiva followeth the footsteps of Yudhishthira, scattering sand-grains emblematical of the arrows he would shower in battle. |
Mbh.3.4.295 | What is there in the world which is unattainable to those who cannot among their warriors Savyasachin skilled in arms; who have the Gandiva, the most powerful of all weapons in the world, for their bow; and who have amongst them the mighty Bhima also as a warrior? |
Mbh.3.5.332 | And if our possession of the Gandiva becomes doubtful, will not the acquisition of our kingdom also be so' |
Mbh.3.11.555 | And in the space of a moment the ever-victorious Arjuna stringed his bow Gandiva possessing the force of the thunderbolt. |
Mbh.3.12.668 | Oh, fie on the might of Bhimasena, fie on the Gandiva of Arjuna, for they, O Janardana, both suffered me to be thus disgraced by little men! |
Mbh.3.12.680 | Fie on that Gandiva which none else can string save Arjuna and Bhima and thyself, O slayer of Madhu! |
Mbh.3.33.1637 | It was for thy carelessness, O king, that our kingdom protected by the wielder of the Gandiva and therefore, incapable of being wrested by Indra himself, was snatched from us in our very sight. |
Mbh.3.33.1758 | There is no mortal that can bear the touch of the shafts furnished with the feathers of the vulture and resembling snakes of virulent poison, that would be shot from the Gandiva. |
Mbh.3.37.1926 | And at the command of Yudhishthira, the strong-armed Arjuna, taking up the Gandiva as also his inexhaustible quivers, and accoutred in mail and gauntlets and finger-protectors made of the skin of the guana, and having poured oblations into the fire and made the Brahmanas to utter benedictions after gifts, set out from Kamyaka with the objects of beholding Indra. |
Mbh.3.39.2032 | Phalguna, at the sight of the enemy seeking to slay him, took up the Gandiva and a number of arrows resembling snakes of virulent poison. |
Mbh.3.39.2053 | Arjuna said, Depending on the Gandiva and arrows blazing like fire, I live in this great forest, like a second Pavaki. |
Mbh.3.39.2070 | Alas, this mountaineer of delicate limbs, dwelling on the heights of the Himavat, beareth, without wavering, the shafts shot from the Gandiva! |
Mbh.3.39.2074 | Except the god who wieldeth the Pinaka, there is none rise that can bear the impetuosity of the thousands of arrows shot by me from the Gandiva. |
Mbh.3.40.2143 | Even this Gandiva is that bow, O son of Pritha, fit for thy hands. |
Mbh.3.40.2172 | Then the lord of all the dwellers of heaven, the deity of blazing splendour having his abode on mountain-breasts, the husband of Uma, the god of passions under complete control, the source of all blessings, Bhava gave unto Arjuna, that foremost of men, the great bow called Gandiva, destructive of Danavas and Pisachas. |
Mbh.3.48.2484 | Reflecting day and night, I see not the warrior amongst us that is able to stay in battle before the wielder of the Gandiva. |
Mbh.3.51.2549 | And high above the din will be heard the twang of the Gandiva loud as the thunder of heaven. |
Mbh.3.51.2550 | The impetus of Bhima's mace and the loud twang of the Gandiva are incapable of being stood against by any of the kings on my side. |
Mbh.3.52.2625 | Vaisampayana continued, Thus addressed by Bhima, king Yudhishthira the just, smelt the crown of that son of Pandu, and pacifying him said, O mighty-armed one, without doubt, thou wilt, assisted by the wielder of the Gandiva, slay Suyodhana at the expiry of the thirteenth year. |
Mbh.3.52.2638 | Deprived also of the company of the illustrious wielder of the Gandiva, on whom depend the lives of us all, I am almost deprived of life. |
Mbh.3.86.4763 | Only that mighty mass of clouds called Arjuna, aided by Krishna like unto a powerful wind, with celestial weapon representing its fierce lightning, the white steeds, the rows of white cranes coursing underneath and the unbearable Gandiva, the rainbow ahead, is capable of extinguishing the blazing flame represented by Karna by means of its arrowy showers let off with unflagging steadiness. |
Mbh.3.157.7926 | In the place like unto the region of the gods, shall we behold the wielder of Gandiva, arrive after having obtained the weapons' |
Mbh.3.159.8060 | In Khandava thy high-souled brother, firm in promise, had baffled Gandharvas and Nagas and Vasava himself, and slain fierce Rakshasas, and also obtained the bow Gandiva. |
Mbh.3.161.8196 | And, O Partha, in heaven he that with justice had brought under his subjection all the rulers of the earth, even that exceedingly powerful and highly energetic monarch, the grandsire of thy father, Santanu himself, is well-pleased with the behaviour of that wielder of the Gandiva, the foremost of his race. |
Mbh.3.167.8469 | And he granted unto me the impenetrable mail, the best of its kind, and easy to the touch; and fastened unto the Gandiva this durable string. |
Mbh.3.169.8512 | And in the conflict, shooting from the Gandiva sundry swift arrows coursing straight, I pierced each of them with ten. |
Mbh.3.169.8528 | And in the field arrows were shot from the Gandiva like unto rows of black-bees; and this Matali admired. |
Mbh.3.170.8562 | Behold the might of my arms, and the power of my weapons and of the bow, Gandiva. |
Mbh.3.171.8577 | And the shafts duly discharged from the Gandiva, began to sever their heads at those different places where they were respectively stationed. |
Mbh.3.171.8590 | And inspiring the Gandiva with mantras, I, aiming at the locality of the crags, shot sharpened iron shafts of the touch of the thunder-bolt. |
Mbh.3.172.8663 | And saying, O best of the Bharatas, the dreadful and eternal Raudra, I being free from fear, set it on the Gandiva; and, bowing unto the three-eyed Sarva of immeasurable energy, let go the weapon, with the object of vanquishing those foremost of the Danavas, O Bharata. |
Mbh.3.172.8668 | And, seeing them hewn by the Gandiva, and deprived of life, and thrown from the sky, I again bowed unto that god, the Destroyer of Tripura. |
Mbh.3.174.8704 | Dhananjaya seated on the earth, as his chariot, which had the mountain for its pole, the base of the axle and the cluster of beautiful-looking bamboo trees for its socket-pole, looked resplendent with that celestial armour of great lustre, took his bow Gandiva and the conch-shell given to him by the gods, commenced to exhibit those celestial weapons in order. |
Mbh.3.234.11864 | The wielder of the Gandiva and Vrikodara, when angry, are like Yama and Kala themselves; scattering their shafts, which are like unto thunder-bolts, they exterminate in battle the ranks of the enemy. |
Mbh.3.234.11888 | The bow he wieldeth is the Gandiva of fierce impetus. |
Mbh.3.266.12956 | The terrible arrows of Dhananjaya, shot from the string of the Gandiva and propelled by his arms fly with great force through the air, roaring like the very clouds. |
Mbh.3.266.12957 | And when thou wilt behold Arjuna shooting from the Gandiva a thick mass of mighty arrows like unto a flight of locusts, then wilt thou repent of thine own folly! |
Mbh.3.266.12958 | Bethink thyself of what thou wilt feel when that warrior armed with the Gandiva, blowing his conch-shell and with gloves reverberating with the strokes of his bowstring will again and again pierce thy breast with his shafts. |
Mbh.3.310.15208 | And why doth the wielder also of the Gandiva delay? |
Mbh.3.313.15577 | Then that foremost of strong persons, the mighty-armed Bhimasena endued with great strength encouraging the king greatly, spake these words, Looking up to thy face for permission, the wielder of the Gandiva, acting according to his sense of duty hath not yet, O king, shown any rashness! |
Mbh.4.2.53 | And O Bharata, what office will be performed by Vibhatsu, the wielder of Gandiva, whose car is drawn by white horses, and who is not inferior to Indra or Vasudeva Himself? |
Mbh.4.5.191 | Further, the tremendous bow, the Gandiva, is known to all men, so that people will, without doubt, recognise us soon. |
Mbh.4.5.198 | And that bull among the Kurus, then loosened the string of the large and dreadful Gandiva, ever producing thundering twang and always destructive of hostile hosts, and with which he had conquered, on a single car, gods and men and Nagas and swelling provinces. |
Mbh.4.21.854 | SECTION XXI Bhima said, Fie on the might of my arms and fie on the Gandiva of Falguni, inasmuch as thy hands, red before, now become covered with corns. |
Mbh.4.40.1602 | There also is that bow of great energy, the Gandiva of Arjuna, which singly is equal to many thousands of other bows and which is capable of extending the limits of a kingdom. |
Mbh.4.41.1614 | And cutting off their wrappings first and then the ropes with which they were tied, the prince beheld the Gandiva there along with four other bows. |
Mbh.4.43.1637 | SECTION XLIII Vrihannala said, That about which thou hath first enquired is Arjuna's bow, of world-wide fame, called Gandiva, capable of devastating hostile hosts. |
Mbh.4.43.1638 | Embellished with gold, this Gandiva, the highest and largest of all weapons belonged to Arjuna. |
Mbh.4.44.1687 | And since both of my hands are capable of drawing the Gandiva, I am known as Savyasachin among gods and men. |
Mbh.4.45.1713 | Ridden by myself wielding the Gandiva, this car will be incapable of being vanquished by the hostile host, O son of Virata, let thy fear be dispelled' |
Mbh.4.45.1745 | And quickly stringing his bow, the Gandiva, he twanged it. |
Mbh.4.46.1783 | My ears also have been deafened by the twang of the Gandiva |
Mbh.4.46.1788 | And with the blare of the conch and the rattle of the car-wheels, and the twang of the Gandiva, the earth itself seemed to tremble. |
Mbh.4.50.1946 | The Gandiva, however, doth not cast dice such as the Krita or the Dwapara, but it shooteth upon foes blazing and keen-edged shafts by myriads. |
Mbh.4.50.1947 | The fierce arrows shot from the Gandiva, endued with great energy and furnished with vulturine wings, car, pierce even mountains. |
Mbh.4.53.2022 | And the Kurus beheld his banner-top and heard the rattle and din of his car as also the twang of the Gandiva stretched repeatedly by him. |
Mbh.4.53.2023 | And noting all this, and seeing that great car-warrior, the wielder of the Gandiva, come, Drona spoke thus, That is the banner-top of Partha which shineth at a distance, and this is the noise of his car, and that is the ape that roareth frightfully. |
Mbh.4.53.2025 | And there stationed on that excellent car, the foremost of car-warriors draweth that best of bows, the Gandiva, whose twang is as loud as the thunder. |
Mbh.4.53.2050 | And at the blare of his conch and the rattle of his car-wheels, and the twang of the Gandiva, and the roar of the superhuman creatures stationed on his flagstaff, the earth itself began to tremble. |
Mbh.4.54.2069 | And like unto a raging fire consuming a forest at the close of summer, that foremost of men, wielding the Gandiva, ranged the field in all directions, slaying his foes in battle thus. |
Mbh.4.54.2081 | And beholding Kiritin filling the air with the twang of Gandiva, and the upraised tail of the monkey that constituted his flag and that terrible creature yelling furiously from the top of his flagstaff, Karna sent forth a loud roar. |
Mbh.4.54.2086 | Thus struck, that grinder of all adversaries in battle, that bull of the Kuru race, Jishnu wielding the Gandiva, like a lion awaked from slumber, furiously attacked Kama by means of straight-going arrows. |
Mbh.4.54.2090 | And that grinder of foes pierced Karna's arms and thighs and head and forehead and neck and other principal parts of his body with whetted shafts endued with the impetuosity of the thunderbolt and shot from the Gandiva in battle. |
Mbh.4.55.2095 | Partha soon covered all the points of the horizon with countless arrows shot from the Gandiva, like the sun covering the whole earth with his rays. |
Mbh.4.55.2115 | And the arrows of the wielder of the Gandiva never fell upon anything except the aim, even as the eye never dwelleth on anything that is not beautiful. |
Mbh.4.57.2187 | And Pritha's son also, on his part, drawing that foremost of weapons, the Gandiva, celebrated over the world, shot innumerable iron-arrows, all capable of penetrating into the very core of the body. |
Mbh.4.57.2192 | Then the heroic Arjuna quickly pierced the four steeds of his adversary with four fatal arrows shot from the Gandiva, sharp and straight, and furnished with golden wings. |
Mbh.4.58.2249 | Then taking up that foremost of bows, the Gandiva, destructive of foes and capable of withstanding the greatest strain, the impetuous son of Pandu cheerfully discharged countless shafts of various kinds adorned with gold, and that powerful warrior also baffled in a moment Drona's arrowy shower by means of those shafts shot from his own bow. |
Mbh.4.58.2281 | And, O bull of the Bharata race, lifting up his excellent bow, the Gandiva the unforbearing Partha drew it now with one hand and now with another shot an arrowy shower. |
Mbh.4.58.2288 | And, O bull of the Bharata race, beholding Drona completely covered by the wielder of the Gandiva with his arrows, the Kuru army set up exclamation of Oh! |
Mbh.4.59.2303 | And as Pritha's son ranged on the field, the powerful son of Drona finding an opportunity, cut off the string of the Gandiva with an arrow furnished with a horse-shoe head And beholding that extraordinary feat of his, the celestials applauded him highly. |
Mbh.4.59.2308 | Thereupon, with a loud laughter, the mighty-armed son of Pritha attached a strong and fresh string to Gandiva. |
Mbh.4.60.2353 | And then the warriors that followed the son of Radha rushed in crowds at Arjuna, but Partha sent them all to the abode of Yama by means of arrows shot from the Gandiva. |
Mbh.4.61.2368 | And at the flapping of fences, and the blare of conchs, the leonine roars made by the warriors and the shrieks of elephants, and the twang of the Gandiva resembling the thunder, I have, O hero, been so stupefied that I have been deprived of both hearing and memory. |
Mbh.4.61.2369 | And, O hero, beholding thee incessantly drawing to a circle, in course of the conflict, the Gandiva which resembleth a circle of fire, my sight faileth me and my heart is rent asunder. |
Mbh.4.61.2385 | The Kauravas shall behold the gold decked back of my Gandiva today, and assembled together the foe shall dispute, saying, By which hand of his, the right or the left, doth he should? |
Mbh.4.62.2427 | And sorely affrighted at the twang of the Gandiva resembling the noise of the thunder, many were the combatants that fled from that terrible conflict. |
Mbh.4.62.2444 | Indeed, so swift-handed was Arjuna that the spectators could not perceive any interval between his taking up an arrow, and fixing it on the bow-string, and letting it off by a stretch of the Gandiva |
Mbh.4.63.2457 | And, O king, in consequence of Partha's shooting arrows with both his right and left hands, the bent Gandiva seemed like a continuous circle of fire. |
Mbh.4.63.2487 | And the feathery arrows of Svetavahana, shot from the Gandiva, fell in all directions as if with the object of making a wholesale slaughter of the foe. |
Mbh.4.63.2490 | And beholding that wonderful weapon of great beauty, the mighty Gandiva, Chitrasena, highly pleased, addressed the lord of celestials, saying, Behold these arrows shot by Partha coursing through the sky in one continuous line. |
Mbh.4.63.2494 | No interval can be perceived between his taking up the arrows, fixing them on the bow-string, and letting them off by stretching the Gandiva. |
Mbh.4.64.2519 | And both the elephant and the king having thus been wounded, and Vikarna having broken and fled along with the supporters of the king's car, the other warriors, smitten with the arrows shot from the Gandiva, fled from the field in panic. |
Mbh.4.65.2537 | And with celestial weapons in their hands, they completely surrounded the son of Pritha and rained on him from all sides a perfect shower of shafts, like clouds showering on the mountain breast a heavy downpour of rain, And warding off with weapons, all the weapons of those bulls among the Kurus, the wielder of the Gandiva who was capable of enduring all foes, evolved another irresistible weapon obtained from Indra, called Sanmohana. |
Mbh.4.65.2538 | And entirely covering the cardinal and other directions with sharp and keen-edged arrows furnished with beautiful feathers, that mighty hero stupefied their senses with the twang of the Gandiva. |
Mbh.4.65.2564 | And having saluted all the venerable and brave warriors thus, he filled the three worlds with the twang of the Gandiva. |
Mbh.4.66.2589 | And having replaced the arrows and quivers of those foremost of the Kuru princes, and also that other weapon the Gandiva which enhances the fierceness of a battle, the illustrious prince of Matsya set out for the city with a glad heart, having Kiritin as his charioteer. |
Mbh.5.22.922 | That wielder of the Gandiva, Savyasachin, seated on his car, would alone be able to devastate the whole world. |
Mbh.5.22.925 | Alone on his car, holding the Gandiva, he had conquered the northern regions as also the Kurus of the north and brought away with him all their wealth. |
Mbh.5.22.927 | It was Falguna, the wielder of the Gandiva, who defeating in the Khandava woods all the gods together with Indra, made offerings to Agni, enhancing the honour and fame of the Pandavas. |
Mbh.5.23.1011 | I hope they remember the arrows shot from the Gandiva, which course through the air in a straight path, impelled onwards by the stretched bow-string in contact with the fingers of his hand, and making a noise loud as that of the thunder. |
Mbh.5.23.1017 | Those wicked ones having been over-powered by their enemies were afterwards liberated by Bhimasena and Arjuna, myself protecting the rear of Arjuna in the fight that ensued and Bhima protecting the rear of the sons of Madri, and the wielder of the Gandiva coming out unharmed from the press of battle having made a great slaughter of the hostile host, do they remember that? |
Mbh.5.26.1108 | Dhritarashtra's sons are alive simply because they have not as yet heard that twang of the stretch Gandiva. |
Mbh.5.48.2672 | Just these are the words spoken by Arjuna, the wielder of Gandiva, eager for the fight and with eyes red as the lotus, If Dhritarashtra's son doth not surrender to king Yudhishthira of the Ajamida race, his kingdom, then it is evident there must be some sinful act committed by the sons of Dhritarashtra, whose consequences are yet unreaped by them, for it can be nothing else when they desire battle with Bhimasena and Arjuna, and the Aswins and Vasudeva and Sini's son, and Dhrishtadyumna infallible in arms, and Sikhandin, and Yudhishthira, who is like Indra himself and who can consume heaven and earth by merely wishing them ill. |
Mbh.5.48.2717 | When he will hear the fierce twang produced by the constant stretch of the bow-string with fingers cased in leather gloves, that terrible twang, loud as the rolling of the thunder, of my bow Gandiva wielded by me in the midst of the great battle, then will that wicked wretch, the son of Dhritarashtra repent, beholding himself abandoned by his troops, flying away like kine from the field of battle in all directions, overwhelmed with the darkness created by my arrowy downpour. |
Mbh.5.48.2718 | When he will behold innumerable keen-edged arrows, furnished with beautiful wings, and capable of penetrating into the very vitals, shot from the string of Gandiva, like fierce and terrible flashes of lightning emitted by the clouds, destroying enemies by thousands, and devouring numberless steeds and elephants clad in mail, then will the son of Dhritarashtra repent for this war. |
Mbh.5.48.2724 | When he will behold his own troops, covered with the dust raised by my car wander in all directions, torn to pieces by Gandiva and reft of senses, then will that wretch repent. |
Mbh.5.48.2726 | When he will behold on my car, Gandiva, Vasudeva, and the celestial conch Panchajanya, myself, my couple of inexhaustible quivers, and my conch called Devadatta as also my white steeds, then will the son of Dhritarashtra repent for this war. |
Mbh.5.48.2776 | My bow, Gandiva, yawneth without being handled; my bow-string trembleth without being stretched; and arrows also, issuing from my quiver's mouth, are again and again seeking to fly. |
Mbh.5.52.2950 | Reflecting from day to day I do not find the warrior who may, on his car, advance in battle against the wielder of Gandiva. |
Mbh.5.52.2951 | When that wielder of Gandiva will shoot winged arrows and Nalikas and shafts capable of piercing the breast of warriors, there is no rival of his in battle. |
Mbh.5.52.2964 | We hear that the two Krishnas on the same car and the stringed Gandiva, these three forces, have been united together. |
Mbh.5.52.2969 | Even now I behold the arrowy conflagration, blazing all around, issuing from the Gandiva, consuming in battle the ranks of my sons. |
Mbh.5.54.2996 | On the event of battle, the destruction of the Kshatriyas by means of Gandiva is certain. |
Mbh.5.54.3010 | Falguna is the foremost of all shooters; Gandiva is the foremost of all bows; Kesava is the foremost of all beings; the Sudarsana is the foremost of all weapons; and of cars, that furnished with the banner bearing the blazing Ape on it is the foremost. |
Mbh.5.57.3171 | All the kings of the earth too, consecrated by Death himself for sacrifice, will rush to the Gandiva, like so many moths into fire. |
Mbh.5.57.3202 | The celestial car of the holder of Gandiva is protected by the very gods. |
Mbh.5.59.3260 | Ye have provoked hostilities with that Savyasachin, who hath for his bow the invincible Gandiva, of fiery energy, and who hath me for his helpmate. |
Mbh.5.60.3282 | Endued with energy and well-versed in the use of weapons, those tigers among men, the sons of Pritha, when united with the celestials, will be incapable of being even gazed upon by human warriors, He who hath the irresistible, excellent and celestial Gandiva for his bow, he who hath a couple of celestial quivers obtained from Varuna, large, full of shafts, and inexhaustible, he on whose banner, that is unobstructed like smoke in its action, is stationed the monkey-image of celestial origin, whose car is unequalled on the earth girt by the four seas, and the rattle of which as heard by men is like the roar of the clouds, and which like the rolling of the thunder frightens the foe; he whom the whole world regards as superhuman in energy; he whom all the kings of the earth know to be the vanquisher of the very gods in battle; he that taketh up five hundred arrows at a time and in the twinkling of the eye, shooteth them, unseen by other, to a great distance; that son of Pritha and tiger among car-warriors and chastiser of foes, whom Bhishma and Drona and Kripa and Drona's son and Salya, the king of the Madras, and in fact, all impartial persons, regard as incapable of being vanquished by even earthly kings of superhuman prowess, when ready for fight who shooteth at one stretch full five hundred arrows, and who is equal unto Kartavirya in strength of arms; that great bowman, Arjuna, equal unto Indra or Upendra in prowess, I behold that great warrior committing a great havoc in this terrible battle. |
Mbh.5.65.3414 | What man of sense would encounter in battle the wielder of Gandiva, who is the foremost of all wielders of weapons, as the Meru among mountains? |
Mbh.5.90.4229 | What peace can my heart know when I do not see before me that wielder of Gandiva, viz, Dhananjaya, that foremost of all bearers of arms? |
Mbh.5.96.4588 | Therefore, O king, besides such weapons as Kakudika, Suka, Naka, Akshisantarjana, Santana, Nartana, Ghora, and Asyamodaka, are placed on the string of that best of bows called Gandiva, go thou unto Dhananjaya, laying aside thy pride Struck with these weapons, men always yield up their lives. |
Mbh.5.126.5588 | SECTION CXXVI Vaisampayana said, Hearing these words of Dhritarashtra, both Bhishma and Drona who sympathised with the old king, again addressed disobedient Duryodhana and said, As yet the two Krishnas are not accoutred in mail, as yet Gandiva resteth inactive, as yet Dhaumya doth not consume the enemy's strength by pouring libations on the war-fire, as yet that mighty bowman Yudhishthira, having modesty for his ornament, doth not cast angry glances on thy troops, so let hostility cease. |
Mbh.5.138.6185 | Obtaining Arjuna now, who is skilled in every weapon, and Bhima of firm resolution, and Gandiva and the couple of inexhaustible quivers, and that car of Arjuna and that banner bearing the device of the ape, and Nakula and Sahadeva, both endued with great might and energy, and Vasudeva also, as his allies, Yudhishthira will not forgive thee. |
Mbh.5.138.6220 | Hearing in battle the terrible yells uttered by the mighty Bhima and the twang of Gandiva, thou wilt remember our these words. |
Mbh.5.141.6329 | The ape-bannered Vibhatsu accoutred in mail will be the Hotri his bow, Gandiva will be the sacrificial ladle, and the prowess of the warriors will be the clarified butter that is to be consumed. |
Mbh.5.141.6341 | The arrows shot by the wielder of Gandiva and by other mighty car-warriors, and by Drona and Drona's son, will play the part of ladles for distributing the Soma. |
Mbh.5.142.6368 | When thou wilt behold in battle Arjuna, on his car drawn by white steeds and driven by Krishna, applying Aindra, Agneya and Maruta weapons, and when thou wilt hear the twang of Gandiva piercing the welkin like the very thunder, then all signs of the Krita, the Treta, and the Dwapara ages will disappear but, instead, Kali embodied will be present. |
Mbh.5.143.6427 | I saw also Dhananjaya, the wielder of Gandiva, seated on the back of a white elephant, with thee, O lord of the senses, and blazing forth with great beauty. |
Mbh.5.143.6437 | I have no doubt that myself and the other kings, indeed, the entire assemblage of Kshatriyas shall have to enter into the Gandiva fire' |
Mbh.5.157.6967 | After Bhishma is slain, I shall fight with the wielder of Gandiva' |
Mbh.5.158.6997 | And beholding him, king Yudhishthira the Just, and Kesava of great effulgence, and Pritha's son Vrikodara of terrible deeds, and Arjuna the wielder of Gandiva, and all the other kings that were, rose from their seats. |
Mbh.5.159.7025 | And that mighty-armed warrior had obtained also the bow named Vijaya of celestial workmanship, belonging to the great Indra, and which was equal to Gandiva in energy and to also Sarnga held by Krishna. |
Mbh.5.159.7026 | There were three celestial bows owned by the denizens of heaven, viz, Gandiva owned by Varuna, the bow called Vijaya owned by Indra, and that other celestial bow of great energy said to have been owned by Vishnu. |
Mbh.5.159.7028 | The bow called Gandiva was obtained by Indra's son Arjuna from Agni on the occasion of the burning of Khandava, while the bow called Vijaya was obtained from Drona by Rukmi of great energy. |
Mbh.5.159.7051 | Then casting his eyes on Vasudeva and Pandu's son king Yudhishthira the Just, Dhananjaya the intelligent son of Kunti smilingly but in a friendly voice said these words, Born in the race of Kuru, being especially the son of Pandu, naming Drona as my preceptor, having Vasudeva for my ally, and bearing, besides the bow called Gandiva, how can I say that I am afraid? |
Mbh.5.159.7056 | Having paid my respects, for battle's sake, to Rudra, Sakra, Vaisravana, Yama, Varuna, Pavaka, Kripa, Drona, and Madhava, and wielding that tough celestial bow of great energy called Gandiva, and accoutred with inexhaustible arrows and armed with celestial weapons, how can a person like me, O tiger among men, say, even unto Indra armed with the thunderbolt, such words as I am afraid, |
Mbh.5.161.7236 | I know that thy Gandiva is full six cubits long. |
Mbh.5.161.7243 | Where was thy Gandiva then, when thou wert made slave won at stake? |
Mbh.5.161.7245 | Your deliverance then came neither from Bhimasena, armed with mace, nor from you armed with Gandiva, but from the faultless Krishna. |
Mbh.5.162.7301 | I know that thy Gandiva is full six cubits long. |
Mbh.5.162.7308 | Where was thy Gandiva then when thou wert made a slave won at dice? |
Mbh.5.162.7310 | Your deliverance then came neither from Bhimasena armed with mace, nor from you armed with Gandiva, but from faultless Krishna. |
Mbh.5.163.7377 | When the morrow cometh, stationed at the head of my division, the answer to these words shall I give through Gandiva! |
Mbh.5.168.7572 | Like the wielder of Gandiva, the shafts of this warrior, shot from his bow, proceed in a continuous line, touching one another. |
Mbh.5.168.7621 | An encounter took place between him and the wielder of Gandiva for days together, O king, each desirous of victory over the other. |
Mbh.5.170.7713 | Dhananjaya himself is the warrior who fighteth from it; his, again, is that celestial bow called Gandiva; he owneth again those steeds fleet as the wind; his coat of mail is impenetrable and of celestial make; his two large quivers are inexhaustible; his arms have been obtained from the great Indra, Rudra, Kuvera, Yama and Varuna; and upon his car, again, are those maces of frightful mien, and diverse other great weapons having the thunderbolt amongst them! |
Mbh.5.173.7788 | I shall advance against these two foremost of car-warriors, Vasudeva and Arjuna, bearing respectively Gandiva and the discus, and resembling the sun and the moon as seen together in the evening. |
Mbh.6.19.932 | And this array, fearless and having its face turned towards all sides called Vajra, having bows for its lightning sign and extremely fierce, was protected by the wielder of Gandiva. |
Mbh.6.22.1008 | And on that ape-bannered car the reins of which were held by Kesava, stood Arjuna with Gandiva and arrows in hand, a bowman whose peer exists not on earth, nor ever will |
Mbh.6.25.1095 | Gandiva slips from my hand, and my skin burns. |
Mbh.6.43.1993 | Thither where Krishna, the Lord of Yoga is, thither where the great bowman Partha is, thither, in my opinion, are prosperity, and victory, and greatness, and eternal justice End of the Bhagavad Gita SECTION XLIII Sanjaya said, Beholding Dhananjaya then to take up once again his arrows and Gandiva, the mighty car-warriors of the Pandava party uttered a tremendous shout. |
Mbh.6.45.2199 | And Arjuna also, endued with great energy, taking up the bow Gandiva celebrated overall the world, rushed, on the field of battle, against Ganga's son. |
Mbh.6.47.2359 | And his bow, emitting a twang like that of Gandiva, while stretched and re-stretched, seemed to revolve like a circle of fire |
Mbh.6.50.2645 | And the bearer of Gandiva with that standard graced with gems, and that standard itself with the bearer of Gandiva, looked highly adorned, like the Self-create with the Sun and the Sun with the Self-create |
Mbh.6.52.2700 | Who else save the Kuru grandsire and those car-warriors, viz, Drona and Vikartana's son Karna, are capable of advancing in battle against the bearer of the bow called Gandiva? |
Mbh.6.59.3224 | And the twang of Partha's Gandiva, resembling the roll of the thunder, filled the welkin and all the quarters. |
Mbh.6.59.3230 | Then drawing with his two hands and with great force his beautiful bow Gandiva of immeasurable energy, he invoked with proper mantras the highly wonderful and terrible Mahendra weapon and caused it to appear in the welkin. |
Mbh.6.59.3233 | And filling the cardinal and the subsidiary directions with those sharp and terrible shafts of his, Pritha's son decked with diadem and garland of gold, agitated the hearts of his foes by means of the twang of Gandiva. |
Mbh.6.59.3234 | And in that awful passage at arms, the blare of conches and beat of drums and the deep rattle of cars were all silenced by the twang of Gandiva. |
Mbh.6.59.3235 | And ascertaining that twang to be of Gandiva, king Virata and other heroes among men, and the brave Drupada, the king of the Panchalas, all proceeded to that spot with undepressed hearts. |
Mbh.6.59.3236 | And all thy combatants stood, struck with fear, each at the spot where he heard that twang of Gandiva. |
Mbh.6.59.3253 | And then the bearer of Gandiva himself, and Janardana both filled with delight, uttered loud roars. |
Mbh.6.60.3294 | Then Arjuna decked with diadem and garlands with his Gandiva of wonderful mien and twang loud as the roar of the thunder, shooting showers of arrows, baffled that shower of mighty weapons shot by Bhishma. |
Mbh.6.69.3743 | And in its neck was Arjuna shaking his Gandiva. |
Mbh.6.71.3796 | Hearing the blare of Panchajanya and the twang of the bow Gandiva, and seeing also the standard of Pritha's son, a great fear entered our hearts. |
Mbh.6.71.3797 | And the standard that we behold, O king, of the wielder of Gandiva bore the device of lion's tail and looked like a blazing mountain in the welkin. |
Mbh.6.71.3799 | And in that great battle, the warriors beheld Gandiva, the back of whose staff was decked with pure gold, and which looked beautiful like a flash of lightning in the midst of a mass of clouds in the firmament. |
Mbh.6.71.3807 | Hearing the twang of Gandiva that resembled the roar of the thunder, all thy warriors were struck with fear and seemed, O Bharata, to melt away. |
Mbh.6.73.3878 | And that terrible bowman and mighty car-warrior of firm hand, viz, Drona's son, pierced with six shafts the wielder of Gandiva between his two breasts. |
Mbh.6.73.3885 | But though thus pierced by the wielder of Gandiva, Drona's son wavered not. |
Mbh.6.79.4148 | Then, O monarch, the twang of Gandiva was heard, of Partha, who was engaged in slaughtering the foe on the right of the army. |
Mbh.6.86.4514 | Partha also beholding those brave men advanced towards him with the ruler of the Trigartas, mangled them in battle with arrows shot from Gandiva. |
Mbh.6.105.5592 | Although acquainted with the awful prowess, in battle of the wielder of Gandiva, these yet proceeded with loud cries and great bravery to the spot where Bhishma was and surrounded him on all sides. |
Mbh.6.113.6154 | The loud blare of Panchajanya and the twang of Gandiva are heard on all sides of both the armies. |
Mbh.6.118.6467 | And while that firm bowman was by means of his celestial weapons creating thousands upon thousands of arrows, his Gandiva looked highly resplendent in the welkin. |
Mbh.6.120.6598 | Then Vibhatsu, drawing his bow Gandiva with a laugh, pierced the son of Ganga with five and twenty arrows. |
Mbh.6.120.6616 | Then Bhishma, deeply and excessively pierced by the wielder of Gandiva with keen-pointed shafts, once more addressed Dussasana with a smile and said, These arrows coursing towards me in one continuous line, whose touch resembleth that of heaven's bolt, have been shot by Arjuna. |
Mbh.6.120.6625 | Save the heroic wielder of Gandiva, viz, the ape-bannered Jishnu, even all other kings united together cannot cause me pain. |
Mbh.6.122.6755 | Taking up Gandiva and a number of straight shafts, and inspiring them with mantras, and obtaining the permission of that illustrious and mighty car-warrior of Bharata's race, Arjuna then, with three keen shafts endued with great force, supported Bhishma's head. |
Mbh.6.123.6809 | The valiant Arjuna then saying, So be it, mounted on his car, and striking his Gandiva with force, began to stretch it. |
Mbh.7.3.119 | Today the noise, resembling that of heaven's thunder, of the arrows shot from Gandiva, will inspire the Kurus and other kings with great terror. |
Mbh.7.3.123 | Hearing the blare of Panchajanya and the twang of Gandiva all the Kaurava troops, O Bharata, will be filled with fear. |
Mbh.7.7.234 | Amongst bowmen, Arjuna is the foremost; amongst bows, Gandiva is the foremost amongst creature Vasudeva is the first; and amongst all kinds of discs, Sudarsana is the first. |
Mbh.7.10.362 | When that car-warrior of exceeding energy, viz, Vibhatsu, looking like a mass of clouds, came, emitting thunderbolts like the clouds themselves, shooting showers of arrows like Indra pouring rain, and making all the points of the compass resound with the slaps of his palms and the rattle of his car-wheels, when that hero whose bow was like the lightning's flash and whose car resembled a cloud having for its roars the rattle of its wheels when that hero came the whizz of whose arrows made him exceedingly fierce, whose wrath resembles an awful cloud, and who is fleet as the mind or the tempest, who always pierces the foe deep into his very vitals, who, armed with shafts, is terrible to look at, who like Death himself bathes all the points of the compass with human blood in profusion, and who, with fierce uproar and awful visage, wielding the bow Gandiva incessantly pours on my warriors headed by Duryodhana shafts whetted on stone and furnished with vultures' feathers, alas, when that hero of great intelligence came upon you, what became the state of your mind? |
Mbh.7.10.364 | Did Arjuna advance upon you, slaying your troops with the twang of the Gandiva and achieving fierce feats on the way? |
Mbh.7.10.366 | What man is there that is capable of bearing in battle the wielder of the Gandiva? |
Mbh.7.10.370 | My troops are incapable of bearing the impetus of that warrior having white steeds yoked unto his car and the twang of Gandiva, that resembles the roll of the very clouds. |
Mbh.7.16.747 | Indeed, O king, when the wielder of Gandiva caused that thick darkness by means of his arrows, nothing could be seen in that battle. |
Mbh.7.17.766 | Sanjaya continued, Hearing those words of Drona, the ruler of the Trigartas, O monarch, with his brothers, said these words: We, O king, are always humiliated by the wielder of Gandiva! |
Mbh.7.19.849 | Then Phalguni, excited with wrath, doubled his energy, and quickly rubbing its string, grasped Gandiva, firmly in the battle. |
Mbh.7.26.1366 | He then held in his hands that Gandiva which in battle was beneficial to the innocent Pandavas and baneful to all foes, for the destruction of Kshatriyas brought about, O king, by the fault of thy son who had recourse to deceitful dice for accomplishing his end. |
Mbh.7.28.1481 | Indeed, the twang of Gandiva was heard, rising above the blare of conchs and the beat of drums and the noise of other instruments. |
Mbh.7.32.1688 | Of Partha, the wielder of Gandiva, who always achieveth his vows in battle, I do not see a proper parallel on earth. |
Mbh.7.46.2189 | I do not see that in battle there is any difference between the wielder of Gandiva himself and this one of great lightness of hand, filling all the points of the horizon with his mighty shafts' |
Mbh.7.71.3132 | Sanjaya continued, Having uttered these words, Arjuna began to stretch Gandiva with both his arms. |
Mbh.7.72.3148 | Without doubt, the wielder of Gandiva hath sworn for my death! |
Mbh.7.73.3210 | Who, even if it be Satakratu himself, will stay in front of Arjuna having Vasudeva for his ally, while wielding the bow Gandiva? |
Mbh.7.74.3236 | The shafts shot from Gandiva, fleet as the mind or the wind, will deprive thousands of men and elephants and steeds of life! |
Mbh.7.74.3244 | My Gandiva is a celestial bow! |
Mbh.7.76.3311 | Thou wast the sister's son of Vasudeva, the son of the wielder of Gandiva, and thyself, a hero and an Atiratha. |
Mbh.7.77.3353 | And everybody in the Pandava camp thought of this, viz, The high-souled wielder of Gandiva, burning with grief for the death of his son, hath suddenly vowed the slaughter of the Sindhus. |
Mbh.7.83.3705 | Having, O son, greatly offended the wielder of Gandiva, my warriors are incapable of bearing in battle his achievements. |
Mbh.7.86.3793 | Then thy son Durmarshana, accompanied by a thousand cars, a hundred elephants, three thousand heroes, and ten thousand foot-soldiers, and covering a piece of ground that measured the length of fifteen hundred bows, took up his position at the very van of all the troops, and said: Like the continent resisting the surging sea, even I will today resist the wielder of Gandiva, that scorcher of foes, that warrior who is irresistible in battle. |
Mbh.7.86.3798 | Then, like the Destroyer himself in wrath, or Vasava himself armed with the thunder, or Death's irresistible self armed with his club and urged on by Time, or Mahadeva armed with the trident and incapable of being ruffled, or Varuna bearing his noise, or the blazing fire at the end of the Yuga risen for consuming the creation, the slayer of the Nivatakavachas inflamed with rage and swelling with might, the ever-victorious Jaya, devoted to truth and desirous of achieving his great vow, clad in mail and armed with sword, decked in golden diadem, adorned with garlands of swords of white flowers and attired in white robes, his arms decked with beautiful Angadas and ears with excellent ear-rings, mounted on his own foremost of cars, the incarnate Nara, accompanied by Narayana, shaking his Gandiva in battle, shone brilliantly like the risen sun. |
Mbh.7.87.3855 | And in consequence of the sound of horses' hoofs, rattle of car-wheels, the shouts of combatants, the twang of bow-strings, the noise of diverse musical instruments, the blare of Panchajanya and Devadatta, and roar of Gandiva, men and elephants were dispirited and deprived of their senses. |
Mbh.7.87.3857 | And those elephants, in that battle, were pierced all over their bodies with shafts, numbering thousands upon thousands shot from Gandiva. |
Mbh.7.87.3863 | In some instances, two or three warriors, pierced by one arrow winged with beautiful feathers and well-shot from Gandiva, fell down on the earth. |
Mbh.7.89.4008 | Deeply pierced those shafts sped in battle from Gandiva, Sudakshina pierced Arjuna in return with ten shafts winged with Kanka feathers. |
Mbh.7.89.4013 | Then the brave Sudakshina, filled with wrath, hurled at the wielder of Gandiva a terrible dart made wholly of iron and decked with bells. |
Mbh.7.90.4028 | Dhananjaya then, with shafts sped from Gandiva, speedily felled the heads and arms of the combatants thus rushing upon him. |
Mbh.7.90.4060 | Partha however, with shafts sped from Gandiva, quickly cut off the heads and arms, decked with ornaments, of those advancing combatants. |
Mbh.7.90.4072 | And those arrows, shot from Gandiva, looked like flights of locusts, as they coursed through the welkin. |
Mbh.7.96.4448 | Sanjaya continued, Alighting then from the terrace of his car, Dhananjaya, taking up his bow, Gandiva, fearlessly stood there like an immovable hill. |
Mbh.7.100.4623 | O bull of Bharata's race, hath thy Gandiva decayed in power? |
Mbh.7.100.4669 | Thus addressed, Arjuna drawing his bow Gandiva with great force, began to slaughter the foe, shooting dense showers of shafts and making a loud noise by stretching the bowstring with his fingers. |
Mbh.7.100.4671 | In consequence of the blare of that conch and of the twang of Gandiva, the Kuru warriors, strong or weak, all fell down on the ground. |
Mbh.7.102.4729 | That standard, O king of the wielder of Gandiva, bearing that foremost of apes, and adorned with many banners, frightened the Kuru host. |
Mbh.7.102.4756 | Similarly, Partha also, that achiever of celestial feats, took up his foe-destroying bow Gandiva, in consequence, O king, of thy evil policy. |
Mbh.7.102.4762 | And that mighty-armed hero looked resplendent as he stretched his bow Gandiva, desirous of vanquishing all those tigers among men for slaying the ruler of the Sindhus. |
Mbh.7.107.5002 | Indeed, while the heroic protectors of the ruler of the Sindhus were fighting, and while the Dhartarashtras were roaring in front of Arjuna's car, the twang of Gandiva could not be heard. |
Mbh.7.111.5366 | Beholding those two exceedingly active heroes pierce through the divisions placed in the van, and seeing the ruler of the Sindhus also within reach of the shafts from Gandiva, what, indeed, was the measure adopted by the Kaurava impelled by fate? |
Mbh.7.116.5645 | Hark, the well-known twang of Gandiva of immeasurable energy is being heard. |
Mbh.7.119.5827 | What, however, O Kaurava, wilt thou do when thou wilt see the wielder of Gandiva in battle, or Bhimasena, or the twins Nakula and Sahadeva? |
Mbh.7.123.6069 | Not seeing that tiger among men viz, the ape-bannered Arjuna, and not hearing also the twang of Gandiva, the monarch became filled with anxiety, not seeing Satyaki also, that foremost of car-warriors among the Vrishnis, king Yudhishthira the Just became equally anxious. |
Mbh.7.126.6318 | Arjuna stretched Gandiva, and Krishna blew Panchajanya. |
Mbh.7.136.6857 | Those arrows adorned with gold, shot by Partha's arms and issuing out of Gandiva, entered Karna's body, like cranes into the Krauncha mountains. |
Mbh.7.136.6858 | With those arrows shot from Gandiva which entered Karna's body like so many snakes, Dhananjaya drove the Suta's son from Bhimasena's vicinity. |
Mbh.7.136.6862 | That shaft shot from Gandiva, like Garuda in the welkin in quest of a mighty snake, quickly coursed towards Karna. |
Mbh.7.136.6866 | The mighty son of Kunti, then, with the twang of Gandiva, drowned the noise made in that battle by all other twangings of bows, of shafts decked with gold. |
Mbh.7.139.7026 | Having said these words, in obedience to Vasudeva, the son of Pandu, fixed on Gandiva a sharp razor-headed arrow. |
Mbh.7.142.7227 | We then beheld the prowess of the brave Partha as also the inexhaustible character of his shafts, and the might, too, of his bow Gandiva. |
Mbh.7.142.7277 | Desirous of recovering the kingdom and recollecting all the wrongs he had suffered for twelve years in consequence of the Kurus, the high-souled and immeasurable Arjuna darkened all the points of the compass with shafts from Gandiva. |
Mbh.7.142.7280 | Meanwhile, Arjuna continued to slay the foe with his Gandiva, like Mahadeva slaying the Asuras with his Pinaka equipped with tawny string |
Mbh.7.142.7283 | Then Arjuna, bending with his arms his formidable bow Gandiva which resembled the bow of Indra himself and whose twang was as loud as the roar of the clouds congregating at the end of the Yuga, and laughing the while, went on consuming thy troops and increasing the population of Yama's kingdom. |
Mbh.7.143.7327 | The shafts issuing out of the bow Gandiva of that illustrious hero in that battle, seemed to us to resemble a row of cranes in the welkin. |
Mbh.7.143.7342 | The ruler of the Sindhus, however, thus pierced by the wielder of Gandiva with his arrows, became filled with rage and unable to brook it, like an elephant when pierced with the hook. |
Mbh.7.143.7399 | Duly inspiring it by mantras with the force of the thunderbolt, that descendant, of Kuru, viz, the mighty-armed Arjuna, fixed it on Gandiva. |
Mbh.7.143.7419 | That shaft, sped from Gandiva, coursing swiftly, snatched Jayadratha's head away, like a hawk snatching away a smaller bird from the top of a tree. |
Mbh.7.149.7815 | Armed with celestial weapons and mounted on his ape-bannered car, the reins of whose steeds again were in the hands of Krishna, cased in impenetrable armour, and taking his celestial bow Gandiva of unfading might, the valiant Arjuna, scattering keen arrows, and proud of the strength of his arms, transgressed Drona. |
Mbh.7.156.8378 | Where was thy prowess and where were thy weapons when vanquishing thee in battle the wielder of Gandiva slew Jayadratha in thy very sight? |
Mbh.7.156.8458 | While I shall fight with the wielder of Gandiva today, Partha will behold my prowess to resemble that of the Destroyer himself at the end of the Yuga. |
Mbh.7.168.9081 | During the progress of that fierce conflict that was so destructive of heroes the loud twang of Gandiva, O king, was heard over every other sound. |
Mbh.7.168.9082 | Hearing then the rattle of Arjuna's car as also that twang of Gandiva, the Suta's son, O king, said these words unto Duryodhana, Slaughtering our entire army and the foremost of heroic warriors and many mighty bowmen among the Kauravas, Arjuna is loudly twanging his bow. |
Mbh.7.168.9089 | The loud wails, O king, of the foremost of warriors, O monarch, flying away from the field, or falling down in consequence of the arrows sped from Gandiva, are being heard. |
Mbh.7.178.9709 | Indeed, if that bull among men had his armour and ear-rings, neither thyself, bending the Gandiva, nor myself, uplifting my discus, called Sudarsana, could vanquish him in battle. |
Mbh.7.180.9832 | Karna having assented to this, saying So be it' the desire of slaughtering the wielder of Gandiva, O bull amongst the Sinis, was ever present in Karna's heart. |
Mbh.7.181.9896 | For a little offence, O Krishna, was the ruler of the Sindhus slain by the wielder of Gandiva. |
Mbh.7.183.10036 | What Kshatriya is there that would slay that bull amongst Kshatriyas, that unslayable one, viz, the bearer of Gandiva, that hero blazing forth with energy? |
Mbh.7.197.11044 | O Arjuna, O Vibhatsu, thou shouldst not lay Gandiva aside. |
Mbh.7.197.11046 | Thus addressed Bhima, Arjuna said, O Bhima, even this is my great vow, viz, that my Gandiva shall not be used against the Narayana weapon, kine, and Brahmanas. |
Mbh.7.198.11253 | Indeed, the wielder of Gandiva and Kesava were both unwounded. |
Mbh.8.16.682 | Shot from Gandiva, those winged arrows of diverse forms slew in that battle elephants and steeds and men whether stationed in his immediate front or at the distance of two miles. |
Mbh.8.30.1298 | Then Arjuna, bending Gandiva and as if dancing on his car, filled the welkin and all the points of the compass, cardinal and subsidiary, with showers of shafts, not leaving the smallest space empty. |
Mbh.8.31.1403 | That formidable bow, the gift of Rama, is superior to Gandiva. |
Mbh.8.31.1414 | His is that celestial and foremost of bows, called Gandiva, which is irrefragible in battle. |
Mbh.8.36.1928 | When, son of Radha thou wilt hear the twang of Gandiva in battle, resembling the peal of the thunder itself, thou wilt not then utter such speeches. |
Mbh.8.39.2057 | As long as thou dost not hear the twang of Gandiva in great battle, so long art thou able to do what thou pleasest. |
Mbh.8.46.2568 | Yonder twangs Gandiva, drawn by Savyasaci. |
Mbh.8.46.2582 | If, O son of Radha, thou succeedest in slaying him that hath Keshava for his driver and Gandiva for his bow, then thou shalt be our king. |
Mbh.8.47.2613 | Beholding the samsaptakas standing in array, Arjuna, with wrath excited, rushed against them, drawing his bow Gandiva. |
Mbh.8.53.2995 | SECTION Sanjaya said, During the progress of that battle in which so many Kshatriyas sank down, the loud twang of Gandiva, O sire, was heard above the din on that spot, O king, where the son of Pandu was engaged in slaughtering the samsaptakas, the Kosalas, and the Narayana forces. |
Mbh.8.56.3282 | Hast thou not that Gandiva still in thy hands, and dost thou not stay on thy car now? |
Mbh.8.59.3428 | Those arrows, decked with gold and sped from Gandiva, approached the son of Drona and pierced him deeply like snakes penetrating into an ant-hill. |
Mbh.8.68.3955 | This thy bow Gandiva is full six cubits long. |
Mbh.8.68.3959 | If thou art unable to resist the fierce son of Radha today, as he is careering in battle, give this thy Gandiva today to some other king, that may be thy superior in the use and knowledge of weapons. |
Mbh.8.68.3962 | Fie on thy Gandiva, fie on the might of thy arms, fie on thy inexhaustible arrows! |
Mbh.8.69.3978 | Thus addressed by Krishna, Arjuna, casting his eyes on Yudhishthira, and breathing like an angry snake, said unto Govinda, I would cut off the head of that man who would tell me Give thy Gandiva to another person |
Mbh.8.69.4064 | O Keshava of the Vrishni clan, thou knowest my vow that whoever among men would tell me, Partha, give thy Gandiva to some one braver than you' I shall at once put an end to his life. |
Mbh.8.70.4203 | Then Vasudeva, bowing down, said unto him, O king, the celebrated vow of the wielder of Gandiva who is ever devoted to truth about his Gandiva, is known to thee. |
Mbh.8.70.4204 | That man in the world who would tell him, Give thy Gandiva to another, would be slain by him. |
Mbh.8.72.4292 | The slayer of Madhu then, beholding Partha filled with anxiety as he proceeded, addressed the wielder of Gandiva and said these words. |
Mbh.8.72.4293 | Vasudeva said, O wielder of Gandiva, save thee there exists no other man that could vanquish those whom thou hast vanquished with this bow of thine. |
Mbh.8.72.4303 | The Creator of all beings, viz, Brahma himself created the great bow Gandiva with which thou fightest, O Partha! |
Mbh.8.73.4447 | Feeling the touch of terrible arrows sped from Gandiva, let the wicked-souled Karna recollect today the words of Bhishma and Drona! |
Mbh.8.74.4499 | Cloth-yard shafts, of the effulgence of the lightning, shot by myself possessed of mighty arms, sped from Gandiva, will send Karna on his last journey. |
Mbh.8.74.4533 | Alone assailing all the Kurus and the Bahlikas with the fire of my shafts issuing from Gandiva, I will, putting forth my might, burn them with their followers like a fire in the midst of a heap of dry grass at the close of winter. |
Mbh.8.76.4610 | Visoka said, How is it, O Bhima, that thou dost not hear the loud twang of the yawning Gandiva stretched by Partha in wrath? |
Mbh.8.76.4614 | Behold, the string of Gandiva is flashing repeatedly like lightning amid blue clouds. |
Mbh.8.79.4805 | There cometh he about whom thou wert enquiring, holding his bow Gandiva. |
Mbh.8.79.4852 | There, on that occasion, the high-souled Krishna obtained his discus, and Savyasaci, the son of Pandu, obtained his bow Gandiva. |
Mbh.8.79.4879 | Like men with diseased eyes that are unable to gaze at the sun, the Kauravas on that occasion could not gaze at Jaya who seemed to be possessed of the energy of the all-destroying Sun that rises at the end of the Yuga, having arrows for his rays, and Gandiva for his beautiful circular disc. |
Mbh.8.79.4881 | In return, he struck them with innumerable arrows, drawing his bow Gandiva to a complete circle. |
Mbh.8.80.4917 | The twang of Gandiva became tremendously loud, like the peal of thunder in the welkin. |
Mbh.8.80.4919 | Diverse kinds of fatal shafts, sped from Gandiva, and resembling burning brands and meteors and thunderbolts, burnt thy army. |
Mbh.8.81.4951 | Amid that roaring and shouting and wailing army of men and elephants and steeds, the twang of Gandiva, O monarch, rose high. |
Mbh.8.81.4975 | Men and steeds and elephants, pierced in that battle with showers of shafts by the wielder of Gandiva, looked beautiful like Kadamva flowers with their filaments. |
Mbh.8.81.4982 | Regarding the touch of Arjuna's shafts to be unbearable, the Kauravas, vanquished by the wielder of Gandiva, fled from the field. |
Mbh.8.81.4987 | The Kauravas, O monarch, like snakes without poison, took Karna's shelter, moved by the fear of the wielder of Gandiva. |
Mbh.8.82.5014 | Stretching his Gandiva of loud twang and fiercely striking his palms with her bow-string, he suddenly created a darkness by means of his arrows and destroyed large numbers of men and steeds and cars and standards. |
Mbh.8.87.5364 | The impetuous Ape on the standard of the wielder of Gandiva, becoming desirous of battle, rushed from his station and fell upon Karna's standard. |
Mbh.8.90.5686 | Thus addressed by the slayer of Madhu, the wielder of Gandiva, that bowman who was always fierce unto foes, enquired of him, saying, Who is that snake that advanceth of his own accord against me, as if, indeed he advanceth right against the mouth of Garuda |
Mbh.8.91.5827 | His grasp became loosened, at which his bow Gandiva dropped from his hand. |
Mbh.8.91.5850 | The wielder of Gandiva then fixed on his bow that unrivalled arrow, uniting it with a high and mighty weapon. |
Mbh.8.91.5851 | Drawing his bow Gandiva, he quickly said, Let this shaft of mine be like a mighty weapon capable of quickly destroying the body and heart of my enemy, if I have ever practised ascetic austerities, gratified my superiors, and listened to the counsels of well-wishers. |
Mbh.8.93.5945 | Meanwhile Dhananjaya, O lord, proceeding against thy car-force, twanged his bow Gandiva celebrated over the three worlds. |
Mbh.8.93.5955 | Possessed of great energy, Dhananjaya, rushed against that car-force, drawing his bow Gandiva celebrated over the three worlds. |
Mbh.8.96.6112 | Smiling then, Krishna, otherwise called Acyuta, joined his palms and addressed king Yudhishthira whose foes had been killed saying, By good luck, the wielder of Gandiva, and Vrikodara, the son of Pandu, and thyself, and the two sons of Madri, are all safe, having been freed from this battle that has been so destructive of heroes and that made the very hair of the body to stand on end. |
Mbh.8.96.6133 | Having beheld Karna with his son slain and mangled with shafts sped from Gandiva, king Yudhishthira repeatedly looked at him before he could believe his eyes. |
Mbh.8.96.6139 | By good luck, the wielder of Gandiva, the son of Pandu, hath been crowned with victory. |
Mbh.9.3.186 | Then Dhananjaya, O king, penetrated into the midst of the car-division of the Kauravas, stretching his bow Gandiva celebrated over the three worlds. |
Mbh.9.4.239 | At the leonine roars of Bhimasena and the blare of Panchajanya and the twang of Gandiva, our heart will die away within us. |
Mbh.9.4.240 | Moving like flashes of lightning, and blinding our eyes, Arjuna's Gandiva is seen to resemble a circle of fire. |
Mbh.9.4.257 | The twang, again, of Gandiva robbeth us of our energies. |
Mbh.9.4.263 | While Karna was battling before it, the army of the Pandavas, difficult to be defeated, was vigorously protected by the wielder of Gandiva. |
Mbh.9.14.827 | Then the Partha-fire, having for its wonderful flames and the loud twang of Gandiva for the wind that fanned it, began to consume the fuel constituted by thy troops. |
Mbh.9.14.840 | Having shown for a short while some regard for the preceptor's son in that great battle, Vibhatsu then, smiling the while, stretched his bow Gandiva with force. |
Mbh.9.16.963 | At that time, the wielder of Gandiva, drawing his bow, began to slay them with his arrows. |
Mbh.9.18.1117 | Meanwhile, hearing that Shalya had been slain and that Yudhishthira was afflicted by the mighty car-warriors of the Madrakas devoted to the welfare of the Madraka king, the great car-warrior Partha came there, stretching his bow Gandiva, and filling the Earth with the rattle of his car. |
Mbh.9.19.1242 | The valiant Dhananjaya, stretching his bow Gandiva celebrated over the three worlds, proceeded on his car against the foe. |
Mbh.9.22.1549 | Impelled from Gandiva, arrows, whose touch resembled that of Indra's thunder, striking men and elephants and horses, O king, fell in that battle with a noise like that of winged insects. |
Mbh.9.22.1550 | Everything was shrouded with those shafts shot from Gandiva. |
Mbh.9.23.1559 | SECTION Sanjaya said, Dhananjaya, with his Gandiva, frustrated the purpose of those unreturning heroes struggling in battle and striking their foes. |
Mbh.9.26.1814 | At that time, thy sons, with cars, elephants, horse and foot entirely broken, heard the twang of Gandiva and fled away with colourless faces, afflicted with fear and deprived of their senses. |
Mbh.9.27.1821 | With his Gandiva, Dhananjaya baffled the purpose of those warriors, who, armed with darts and swords and lances, desired to slay Sahadeva. |
Mbh.9.27.1849 | With his Gandiva, Dhananjaya baffled the purpose of the Kaurava troops, who, armed with darts and swords and lances, were uttering loud roars. |
Mbh.12.2.77 | Thinking of the might of Bhimasena, the quickness of Arjuna in the use of weapons, the intelligence of thyself, O king, the humility of the twins, the friendship, from earliest years, between Vasudeva and the wielder of Gandiva, and the affection of the people for you all, that young man burnt with envy. |
Mbh.12.5.190 | In consequence of a Brahmana's curse, as also of the curse of the illustrious Rama, of the boon granted to Kunti and the illusion practised on him by Indra, of his depreciation by Bhishma as only half a car-warrior, at the tale of Rathas and Atirathas, of the destruction of his energy caused by Salya with his keen speeches, of Vasudeva's policy, and, lastly of the celestial weapons obtained by Arjuna from Rudra and Indra and Yama and Varuna and Kuvera and Drona and the illustrious Kripa, the wielder of Gandiva succeeded in slaying Vikartana's son Karna of effulgence like that of Surya himself. |
Mbh.12.40.2120 | By good luck, the wielder of Gandiva, and Bhimasena, and thyself, O king, and the two sons of Madri, are all well, having slain your foes and escaped with life from the battle, so destructive of heroes. |
Mbh.12.52.2830 | Then Govinda and Yudhishthira and Bhima and the wielder of Gandiva and the twins and Satyaki, alighting from their vehicles, saluted the Rishis by raising their right hands. |
Mbh.13.148.12430 | Duryodhana, with his sons, brothers and kinsmen, was much to be pitied inasmuch as, moved by wrath, he made war with Hari and the wielder of Gandiva. |
Mbh.13.148.12479 | Vasudeva, accompanied by the wielder of Gandiva, practised eternal penances in the retreat of Vadari for ten thousand years |
Mbh.14.60.2755 | Then Sikhandin, in great battle, aided by the wielder of Gandiva, slew, with innumerable arrows, the son of Ganga fighting bravely. |
Mbh.14.73.3214 | Repeatedly drawing his bow, named Gandiva, O king, and casing his hand in a fence made of iguana skin, Arjuna, O monarch, prepared to follow that horse, O ruler of men, with a cheerful heart. |
Mbh.14.73.3225 | Even that is celebrated bow Gandiva of terrible twang. |
Mbh.14.74.3271 | Deeply pierced in the hand by that arrow, Vijaya became stupefied and his bow Gandiva fell down on the Earth from his relaxed grasp. |
Mbh.14.75.3292 | Marking this, the mighty-armed chief of the Kuru race, speedily stretched his Gandiva, and suddenly rushed towards his foe. |
Mbh.14.75.3293 | Stupefied by the shafts sped from Gandiva, the heroic son of Bhagadatta, letting off loose the steed, fled from Partha |
Mbh.14.75.3304 | Arjuna, however, with shafts sped from Gandiva, cut off those arrows, some into two and some into three pieces. |
Mbh.14.76.3324 | Beholding that beast of Vajradatta advance towards him, that slayer of foes, viz, the mighty Dhananjaya, relying on Gandiva, stood his ground without shaking with fear. |
Mbh.14.77.3368 | His bow, Gandiva, fell down from his relaxed grip and his leathern fence also slipped down. |
Mbh.14.77.3377 | They were frightened at the very sound of Gandiva, and afflicted by fear they fled away. |
Mbh.14.78.3382 | SECTION LXXVIII Vaisampayana said, The irresistible wielder of Gandiva, addresst for battle, stood immovable on the field like Himavat himself. |
Mbh.14.78.3389 | The wielder of Gandiva, having said these words in wrath, recollected, however, the words, O Bharata, of his eldest brother. |
Mbh.14.78.3406 | The Saindhavas then, O king, shot hundreds and thousands of straight arrows at the wielder of Gandiva. |
Mbh.14.79.3500 | King Vabhruvahana, however, with his own broad-headed shafts, cut all those arrows which were shot from Gandiva and which resembled the thunder-bolt of Indra in splendour, some in twain and some into three parts. |
Mbh.14.80.3564 | Be happy today, O mother, seeing myself and the wielder of Gandiva both embrace death today. |
Mbh.14.82.3678 | Then, O chief of Bharata's race, the heroic wielder of Gandiva, with shafts sped from his excellent bow, baffled all the arrows shot carefully at him by his antagonist. |
Mbh.14.82.3682 | The wielder of Gandiva, deeply struck by the prince of Magadha, shone like a flowering Palasa Butea frondosa in the season of spring. |
Mbh.14.82.3706 | In those realms Dhananjaya, with his bow Gandiva, O king, vanquished innumerable Mlechecha armies one after another |
Mbh.14.84.3739 | Then Arjuna, carelessly shooting from Gandiva many shafts with razor-like heads that blazed with splendour, cut off the heads of many Gandhara warriors. |
Mbh.14.84.3755 | Verity, the Gandhara army was exceedingly afflicted with those large shafts which Partha sped from Gandiva. |
Mbh.16.7.323 | The puissant Arjuna, supported by the servants of the Vrishnis, struck the robbers with shafts sped from Gandiva. |
Mbh.16.8.384 | No longer beholding him who by his energy first burnt all hostile troops whom I afterwards despatched with shafts sped from Gandiva, I am filled with grief and my head swims, O best of men. |
Mbh.17.1.54 | Dhananjaya had not cast off his celestial bow Gandiva, nor his couple of inexhaustible quivers, actuated, O king, by the cupidity that attaches one to things of great value. |
Mbh.17.1.61 | Let your brother Phalguna proceed to the woods after casting off Gandiva, that high weapon. |
Mbh.17.1.65 | This foremost of bows, Gandiva, was procured by me from Varuna for the use of Partha. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
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Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text:; Wikified at AncientVoice. |