Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 25 Feb 2010 13:52 and updated at 25 Feb 2010 13:52
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.1.81 | Vyasa hath fully represented the greatness of the house of Kuru, the virtuous principles of Gandhari, the wisdom of Vidura, and the constancy of Kunti. |
Mbh.1.1.196 | Gandhari, destitute of children, grand-children, parents, brothers, and kindred, is to be pitied. |
Mbh.1.2.494 | Then the wrath of Gandhari and Dhritarashtra and their loss of consciousness. |
Mbh.1.2.496 | Then the pacification by Krishna of the wrath of Gandhari distressed at the death of her sons and grandsons. |
Mbh.1.2.529 | In this, Dhritarashtra, abdicating the kingdom, and accompanied by Gandhari and Vidura went to the woods. |
Mbh.1.63.3172 | And unto him was also born a daughter Gandhari, the mother of Duryodhana. |
Mbh.1.67.3589 | And she who was Mati became the daughter Gandhari of Suvala. |
Mbh.1.95.5273 | And Ajamidha had four wives named Raikeyi, Gandhari, Visala and Riksha. |
Mbh.1.95.5302 | King Dhritarashtra had a hundred sons by his wife, Gandhari in consequence of the boon granted by Dwaipayana. |
Mbh.1.110.6096 | Vaisampayana continued, Soon after Bhishma heard from the Brahmanas that Gandhari, the amiable daughter of Suvala, having worshipped Hara Siva had obtained from the deity the boon that she should have a century of sons. |
Mbh.1.110.6098 | King Suvala at first hesitated on account of the blindness of the bridegroom, but taking into consideration the blood of the Kurus, their fame and behaviour, he gave his virtuous daughter unto Dhritarashtra and the chaste Gandhari hearing that Dhritarashtra was blind and that her parents had consented to marry her to him, from love and respect for her future husband, blindfolded her own eyes. |
Mbh.1.110.6100 | And Gandhari was received with great respect and the nuptials were celebrated with great pomp under Bhishma's directions. |
Mbh.1.110.6102 | And, O thou of Bharata's race, the beautiful Gandhari gratified all the Kurus by her behaviour and respectful attentions. |
Mbh.1.110.6103 | And Gandhari, ever devoted to her husband, gratified her superiors by her good conduct; and as she was chaste, she never referred even by words to men other than her husband or such superiors |
Mbh.1.115.6221 | SECTION CXV Sambhava Parva continued Vaisampayana said, Meanwhile, O Janamejaya, Dhritarashtra begat upon Gandhari a hundred sons, and upon a Vaisya wife another besides those hundred. |
Mbh.1.115.6223 | Janamejaya said, O best of Brahmanas, how did Gandhari bring forth those hundred sons and in how many years? |
Mbh.1.115.6226 | How did Dhritarashtra behave towards his loving obedient, and virtuous wife Gandhari? |
Mbh.1.115.6229 | Vaisampayana said, One day Gandhari entertained with respectful attention the great Dwaipayana who came to her abode, exhausted with hunger and fatigue. |
Mbh.1.115.6231 | Some time after Gandhari conceived and she bore the burden in her womb for two long years without being delivered. |
Mbh.1.115.6237 | Gandhari, without endeavouring to disguise her feelings, addressed the Rishi and said, Having heard that Kunti had brought forth a son like unto Surya in splendour, I struck in grief at my womb. |
Mbh.1.115.6270 | And during the time when Gandhari was in a state of advanced pregnancy, there was a maid servant of the Vaisya class who used to attend on Dhritarashtra. |
Mbh.1.116.6278 | Illustrious one, how is that thou sayest Gandhari had a daughter over and above her hundred sons? |
Mbh.1.116.6279 | If the ball of flesh was distributed by the great Rishi only into a hundred parts, and if Gandhari did not conceive on any other occasion, how was then Duhsala born. |
Mbh.1.116.6285 | While this process was going on, the beautiful and chaste Gandhari of rigid vows, realising the affection that one feeleth for a daughter, began to think within herself, There is no doubt that I shall have a hundred sons, the Muni having said so. |
Mbh.1.124.6671 | I do not grieve, O thou of Kuru's race, that Gandhari hath obtained a hundred sons. |
Mbh.1.126.6767 | And there also came out Bhishma, the son of Santanu, and Somadatta or Valhika and the royal sage Dhritarashtra endued with the vision of knowledge and Vidura himself and the venerable Satyavati and the illustrious princess of Kosala and Gandhari accompanied by the other ladies of the royal household. |
Mbh.1.136.7296 | And, O first of victorious men, Gandhari blessed with great good fortune and Kunti, and the other ladies of the royal house-hold, in gorgeous attire and accompanied by their waiting women, joyfully ascended the platforms, like celestial ladies ascending the Sumeru mountain. |
Mbh.1.136.7315 | And Vidura described to Dhritarashtra and the mother of the Pandavas Kunti and Gandhari, all the feats of the princes |
Mbh.1.145.7805 | Then addressing Bhishma, the son of Santanu, the wise Vidura, Drona, Valhika, the Kaurava, Somadatta, Kripa, Aswatthaman, Bhurisravas, and the other councillors, and Brahmanas and ascetics, and the priests and the citizens, and the illustrious Gandhari, he said slowly and humbly, With our friends and followers we go to the delightful and populous town of Varanavata at the command of Dhritarashtra. |
Mbh.1.203.10057 | O son of Gandhari, as long as their innumerable vehicles and animals, friends, and friendly tribes are not mustered together, continue, O king, to exhibit thy prowess. |
Mbh.1.204.10077 | And the sons of Gandhari are to me, as those of Kunti. |
Mbh.1.204.10095 | Follow thou, O son of Gandhari, the practice that is worthy of the Kuru race. |
Mbh.1.204.10100 | From that time when I heard that the sons of Kuntibhoja's daughter had been burnt to death, I was, O son of Gandhari, ill able to meet any living creature. |
Mbh.2.49.2050 | Ascertaining the opinion of Vidura, Dhritarashtra the son of Amvika, calling Duryodhana told him again in private, O son of Gandhari, have nothing to do with dice. |
Mbh.2.57.2361 | And then Yudhishthira beheld the reverend Gandhari, ever obedient to her lord, and surrounded by her daughters-in-law like Rohini by the stars. |
Mbh.2.57.2362 | And saluting Gandhari and blessed by her in return, the king then beheld his old uncle, that illustrious monarch whose wisdom was his eye. |
Mbh.2.69.3032 | Then Gandhari and the learned Vidura beholding that frightful omen, represented everything, in great affliction, unto the king. |
Mbh.2.71.3093 | Look at thy mother Gandhari and myself also, if thou desirest to remember only what is good. |
Mbh.2.73.3136 | SECTION LXXIV Vaisampayana said, O monarch, it was then that the virtuous Gandhari, afflicted with grief on account of her affection for her sons, addressed king Dhritarashtra and said, When Duryodhana was born, Vidura of great intelligence had said, It is well to send this disgrace of the race to the other world. |
Mbh.2.73.3156 | The king, thus addressed by Gandhari who pointed out to him in such language the path of virtue, replied unto her, saying, If the destruction of our race is come, let it take place freely. |
Mbh.2.79.3432 | The wives of the Bharatas, uniting with Gandhari upon beholding virtuous Krishna, the wedded wife of the Pandavas, endued with beauty and youth, dragged into the court, set up frightful wail. |
Mbh.3.9.433 | Neither Bhishma, nor Drona, nor Vidura, nor Gandhari liked this game at dice. |
Mbh.3.230.11622 | And Gauri, Vidya, Gandhari, Kesini, and the lady called Mitra in company with Savitri, all proceeded in the train of Parvati, as also all the Vidyas presiding deities of all branches of knowledge that were created by the learned. |
Mbh.3.237.11975 | And permitted by the monarch the Bharata prince born of Gandhari started, accompanied by Karna and surrounded by a large host. |
Mbh.3.245.12194 | And as the king Duryodhana was seated on an elevated bedstead endued with the effulgence of fire, himself looking like the moon under an eclipse, towards the small hours of the morning Karna, approaching him, said, Fortunate it is, O son of Gandhari, that thou art alive! |
Mbh.3.251.12408 | Even in the presence of thee, O son of Gandhari, together with thy army, did the Suta's son, struck with panic, fly from the battle of the Gandharvas, O king. |
Mbh.3.252.12469 | Do thou, O mighty bowman, O Karna, see Dhritarashtra, and the illustrious Gandhari, as the bearer of the thunderbolt did Aditi' |
Mbh.3.252.12475 | Then, O represser of foes, entering into the interior of the palace that hero saw Dhritarashtra with Gandhari, O tiger among men, that one conversant with morality took hold of his feet even like a son. |
Mbh.3.254.12512 | Then commenced that sacrifice sanctified by mantras, and abounding in edibles, and the son of Gandhari was duly initiated according to the ordinance. |
Mbh.3.254.12513 | And Dhritarashtra, and the illustrious Vidura, and Bhishma, and Drona, and Kripa, and Karna, and the celebrated Gandhari experienced great delight. |
Mbh.3.269.13089 | And Yudhishthira replied, saying, O thou of mighty arms remembering our sister Dussala and the celebrated Gandhari, thou shouldst not slay the king of Sindhu even though he is so wicked' |
Mbh.5.8.239 | And the son of Gandhari repeated again and again, It is done' |
Mbh.5.48.2691 | Indeed, when the modest but mighty Sahadeva, skilled in battle, truthful, conversant with all the ways of morality, and endued with great activity and impetuousness, will fall upon the son of Gandhari in fierce encounter and rout all his followers, then will the son of Dhritarashtra repent for this war. |
Mbh.5.67.3446 | Bring thou hither, O Ajamida, thy father Vyasa of high vows and thy queen Gandhari. |
Mbh.5.67.3449 | Vaisampayana continued, Thus addressed, Dhritarashtra caused both Gandhari and Vyasa to be brought there. |
Mbh.5.69.3486 | Dhritarashtra said, This evil-minded son of thine, O Gandhari, is resolved to sink in misery. |
Mbh.5.69.3488 | Gandhari said, Thou covetous wretch that disregardest the commands of the aged, abandoning thy father and myself and giving up prosperity and life, enhancing the joy of thy foes, and afflicting me with deep distress, thou wilt, O fool, remember thy father's words, when struck by Bhimasena, thou wilt bite the dust' |
Mbh.5.85.4069 | O mighty-armed son of Gandhari, make such arrangements that he may be gratified with thee. |
Mbh.5.105.4888 | Kanwa continued, In the same way, O son of Gandhari, thou livest, O son, as long as thou approachest not the heroic sons of Pandu in battle. |
Mbh.5.123.5464 | For this reason, O son of Gandhari, forsake vanity and wrath, O hero, make peace with the sons of Pandu. |
Mbh.5.124.5474 | O mighty-armed one, he never listeneth to the beneficial words, O Hrishikesa, of Gandhari, or of wise Vidura, or of other friends headed by Bhishma, all of whom seek his good. |
Mbh.5.125.5576 | I grieve, however, for this old couple, viz, Gandhari and thy father. |
Mbh.5.129.5691 | And the king said, Go, O child, unto Gandhari, possessed of great wisdom and foresight and bring her hither. |
Mbh.5.129.5695 | Hearing these words of the king, Vidura, at Dhritarashtra's command, brought thither Gandhari, possessed of great foresight. |
Mbh.5.129.5696 | And Dhritarashtra then addressed Gandhari and said, Behold, O Gandhari, this thy son of wicked soul, transgressing all my commands, is about to sacrifice both sovereignty and life in consequence of his lust for sovereignty. |
Mbh.5.129.5698 | Vaisampayana said, Hearing these words of her husband, that princess of great fame, Gandhari, desirous of what was highly beneficial, said these words, Bring hither, without loss of time, that kingdom-coveting, sick son of mine. |
Mbh.5.129.5709 | And beholding her son, who was treading in a wrong path, enter the court, Gandhari rebuked him severely and said these words for bringing about peace' |
Mbh.5.129.5710 | Gandhari said, O Duryodhana, attend, O dear son, to these words of mine that are beneficial to thee as also to all thy followers, words that thou art competent to obey and that will conduce to thy happiness. |
Mbh.5.141.6351 | When the wives of Dhritarashtra's sons and grandsons assembled together, deprived, O Kesava, of their husbands and sons and without protectors, will indulge in lamentations with Gandhari in their midst, on the field of battle haunted by dogs and vultures and other carnivorous birds, then, O Janardana, will the final bath of this sacrifice take place. |
Mbh.5.147.6561 | And what did his parents Dhritarashtra and Gandhari say? |
Mbh.5.147.6623 | What I have said unto thee represents also the opinion of thy father, of Gandhari, and also of Vidura. |
Mbh.5.149.6679 | SECTION CXLIX Vasudeva said, After Gandhari had said this, that ruler of men, Dhritarashtra, then said these words to Duryodhana in the midst of the assembled monarchs, O Duryodhana, listen, O son, to what I say, and blessed be thou; do that if thou hast any respect for thy father. |
Mbh.5.149.6690 | His father Yayati, the son of Nahusha, enraged with him, cursed that son of his, and, O son of Gandhari, even expelled him from the kingdom. |
Mbh.5.150.6728 | SECTION CXLX Vasudeva said, Though thus addressed by Bhishma, and Drona, and Vidura, and Gandhari, and Dhritarashtra, that wicked wight could not yet be brought to his senses. |
Mbh.5.150.6736 | I have told thee, O king, everything that, O Bharata, that was said by Bhishma, Drona, Vidura, Gandhari and Dhritarashtra, in my presence. |
Mbh.5.166.7510 | Bhishma said, Listen, O son of Gandhari, O king of kings, to the tale of Rathas in thy own army! |
Mbh.5.168.7622 | Then Bhagadatta, O son of Gandhari, who regarded Indra as his friend, made friendship with Indra's son the high-souled Pandava. |
Mbh.6.49.2550 | Nor Kripa, nor Gandhari liked it. |
Mbh.6.49.2552 | Always forbidden by me, by Gandhari, by Vidura, by Rama the son of Jamadagni, and by the high-souled Vyasa also, the wicked-minded and sinful Duryodhana, with Dussasana, O Sanjaya, always following the counsels of Karna and Suvala's son, behaved maliciously towards the Pandavas. |
Mbh.6.80.4163 | Behold, O son of Gandhari, the dire fruit of that sinful behaviour. |
Mbh.6.89.4701 | Even this was said by me before, as also by Drona, and Vidura, and the renowned Gandhari. |
Mbh.6.90.4713 | Though forbidden always by Gandhari, too, from motives of doing him good, Duryodhana of wicked understanding awoke not before from folly |
Mbh.6.99.5279 | So thou also, O son of Gandhari, seest everything inverted. |
Mbh.6.99.5289 | Pass the night in happy sleep, O son of Gandhari. |
Mbh.7.91.4175 | O son of Gandhari, formerly the Asura named Vritra, displaying his prowess in battle, had defeated the best of celestials in battle. |
Mbh.7.148.7758 | O son of Gandhari, this great evil, viz, that dragging in our very sight to the Kuru assembly of Krishna who never deserved such treatment, who hath been born in a noble race, and who practiseth every virtue. |
Mbh.7.156.8471 | Thus addressed by his maternal uncle, Drona's son, that foremost of all wielders of weapons, quickly repaired unto Duryodhana and addressing him, said these words, When I am alive, O son of Gandhari, it behoveth thee not to engage thyself in battle, disregarding me, O descendant of Kuru, that am ever desirous of thy good. |
Mbh.7.183.10049 | O son of Gandhari, let this one addicted to gambling proceed against Arjuna in battle. |
Mbh.8.4.88 | Approaching the king, Gandhari, O bull of Bharata's race, and the other ladies of the household, all fell down on the earth, deprived of their senses. |
Mbh.8.10.395 | Karna said, I have, O son of Gandhari, said before in thy presence, even these words, vanquish all the Pandavas with their sons and Janardana' |
Mbh.8.32.1488 | Contracting his brow into three lines, and waving his arms repeatedly, and rolling his large eyes red in wrath, that warrior of massive arms proud of his lineage and wealth and knowledge and strength, said these words: Shalya said Thou insultest me, O son of Gandhari, or without doubt suspectest me, since thou solicitest me, without hesitation, saying, Act thou as a driver' |
Mbh.8.32.1501 | Behold also, O son of Gandhari, my mace decked with gold and twined with hempen chords. |
Mbh.8.32.1522 | I ask thy permission, O son of Gandhari, for returning home |
Mbh.8.32.1537 | Shalya said, Since, O son of Gandhari, thou describest me, O thou of Kuru's race, in the midst of all these troops, to be superior to Devaki's son, I am gratified with thee. |
Mbh.8.35.1875 | Shalya said, O son of Gandhari, when thou, O giver of honours, describest me before thy troops to be superior to the son of Devaki, I am exceedingly gratified with thee. |
Mbh.8.35.1888 | Sanjaya continued, Embracing thy son then, Shalya the ruler of the Madras, joyfully answered that slayer of foes, viz, Duryodhana, saying, If this is what is thou thinkest, O royal son of Gandhari, O thou of handsome features, I shall, for that, accomplish everything that may be agreeable to thee. |
Mbh.8.96.6151 | Similarly, the royal lady Gandhari of great foresight fell down. |
Mbh.8.96.6154 | Similarly the Kuru ladies raised Gandhari. |
Mbh.9.1.29 | Beholding the sinless monarch, that chief of Bharata's race, seated, surrounded by his daughters-in-law and Gandhari and Vidura and by other friends and kinsmen that were always his well-wishers, and engaged in thinking on that very subject, the death of Karna, the Suta Sanjaya, with heart filled with grief, O Janamejaya, weepingly and in a voice choked with tears, said unto him, I am Sanjaya, O tiger among men. |
Mbh.9.1.54 | Gandhari also, O best of kings, and all the Kuru ladies, suddenly fell down on the ground, hearing those cruel words. |
Mbh.9.1.64 | All the ladies too, with Gandhari of great celebrity, did the same. |
Mbh.9.1.65 | After a long while, O best of men, Dhritarashtra, having repeatedly swooned, addressed Vidura, saying, Let all the ladies retire, as also Gandhari of great fame, and all these friends. |
Mbh.9.30.2191 | Yudhishthira said, Rise, rise, O son of Gandhari, and fight me, Suyodhana! |
Mbh.9.30.2193 | Be a man, O son of Gandhari, and fight with good care! |
Mbh.9.59.4274 | Vasudeva said, Thou, O son of Gandhari, hast been slain with thy brothers, sons, kinsmen, friends, and followers, only in consequence of the sinful path in which thou hast trod! |
Mbh.9.60.4377 | While about to start on his car having Shaibya and Sugriva and the others yoked unto it, the Pandavas said unto him, Comfort the helpless Gandhari who hath lost all her sons' |
Mbh.9.60.4378 | Thus addressed by the Pandavas, that chief of the Satvatas then proceeded towards Hastinapura and arrived at the presence of Gandhari who had lost all her sons in the war |
Mbh.9.61.4379 | SECTION Janamejaya said, For what reason did that tiger among kings, Yudhishthira the just, despatch that scorcher of foes, Vasudeva, unto Gandhari? |
Mbh.9.61.4388 | Beholding Duryodhana, the mighty son of Dhritarashtra, struck down by Bhimasena in contravention of the rules of fair fight, in fact, beholding the Kuru king slain unfairly, O Bharata, Yudhishthira, O monarch, became filled with great fear, at the thought of the highly blessed Gandhari possessed of ascetic merit. |
Mbh.9.61.4390 | By sending Krishna, Gandhari, blazing with wrath, would be comforted before Yudhishthira's own arrival. |
Mbh.9.61.4392 | How will Gandhari endure such poignant grief, after she hears her son, who always fought fairly, slain unfairly by us |
Mbh.9.61.4410 | That thou shouldst go there, O Madhava, is what I think to be proper, for pacifying Gandhari, O chastiser of foes, who is blazing with wrath! |
Mbh.9.61.4413 | By words fraught with reasons, visible and invisible that are all the result of time, thou wilt quickly, O thou of great wisdom, be able to pacify Gandhari! |
Mbh.9.61.4415 | O mighty-armed one, it is thy duty to dispel, by all means in thy power, the wrath of Gandhari |
Mbh.9.61.4422 | Janardana, embracing the feet of both Vyasa and Dhritarashtra, quietly saluted Gandhari also. |
Mbh.9.61.4443 | Race, line, funeral cake, and what else depends upon offspring, now depend on the Pandavas as regards both thyself and Gandhari! |
Mbh.9.61.4444 | Thyself, O tiger among the Kurus, and the renowned Gandhari also, should not harbour malice towards the Pandavas. |
Mbh.9.61.4448 | That tiger among men, grieving for thee and for Gandhari, faileth to obtain any happiness. |
Mbh.9.61.4450 | Having said these words unto Dhritarashtra, that foremost one of Yadu's race, O monarch, addressed the grief-stricken Gandhari in these words of high import: O daughter of Subala, thou of excellent vows, listen to what I say! |
Mbh.9.61.4460 | Hearing these words of Vasudeva, Gandhari said, It is even so, O Keshava, as thou sayest! |
Mbh.9.61.4464 | Having said so much, Gandhari, burning in grief on account of the death of her sons, covered her face with her cloth and began to weep aloud. |
Mbh.9.61.4466 | Having comforted Gandhari and Dhritarashtra, Keshava of Madhu's race came to know by intuition the evil that was meditated by Drona's son. |
Mbh.9.61.4472 | Hearing these words, both Gandhari and Dhritarashtra said unto Keshava that slayer of Keshi, these words: Go, quickly, O mighty-armed one, protect the Pandavas! |
Mbh.9.62.4530 | Alas, what shall be the plight of the old king, my sire, with Gandhari, and his daughters-in-law and grand-daughters-in-law! |
Mbh.10.2.150 | Let us, therefore, repair to Dhritarashtra and Gandhari and the high-souled Vidura and ask them as what we should do. |
Mbh.10.9.701 | I grieve only for thy mother Gandhari and thy sire, childless as they now are. |
Mbh.10.9.706 | Thou art highly fortunate, O son of Gandhari, since thou hast been slain on the field of battle, O bull among men, while advancing fairly against the foe. |
Mbh.10.9.707 | Alas, what will be the plight of Gandhari who is now childless, and who hath lost all her kinsmen and relatives! |
Mbh.11.1.42 | Thy son, O Bharata, did not obey the words of Bhishma, the reverend chief of the Kurus, of Gandhari and Vidura, of Drona, O king, of Kripa the son of Sharadvata, of the mighty-armed Krishna, of the intelligent Narada, of many other rishis, and of Vyasa himself of immeasurable energy. |
Mbh.11.10.433 | The king once more said, Bring Gandhari hither without delay, and all the Bharata ladies. |
Mbh.11.10.436 | Then Gandhari, afflicted with grief on account of the death of her sons, accompanied by Kunti and the other ladies of the royal household, came at the command of her lord to that spot where the latter was waiting for her. |
Mbh.11.11.462 | Having said these words unto the king, Sharadvatas son Kripa, addressing the grief-afflicted Gandhari, said these words unto her, Thy sons have fallen while engaged in achieving feats worthy of heroes, while fearlessly fighting in battle and striking down large numbers of foes. |
Mbh.11.14.551 | SECTION Vaishampayana said, Commanded by Dhritarashtra, those bulls of Kurus race, the Pandava brothers, accompanied by Keshava, then proceeded to see Gandhari. |
Mbh.11.14.552 | The faultless Gandhari, afflicted with grief on account of the death of her hundred sons, recollecting that king Yudhishthira the just had slain all his enemies, wished to curse him. |
Mbh.11.14.558 | Thou shouldst not be angry with the Pandavas, O Gandhari! |
Mbh.11.14.564 | I do not, O Gandhari, remember that any words spoken by thee have become false. |
Mbh.11.14.572 | Remembering thy own righteousness and the words spoken by thyself, restrain thy wrath, O Gandhari! |
Mbh.11.14.574 | Hearing these words, Gandhari said, O holy one, I do not cherish any ill feelings towards the Pandavas, nor do I wish that they should perish. |
Mbh.11.15.585 | SECTION Vaishampayana said, Hearing these words of Gandhari, Bhimasena, looking like one in fright, said these words for soothing her, Be the act righteous or unrighteous, it was done by me through fear and for the object of protecting my own self. |
Mbh.11.15.606 | Hearing these words of Bhima, Gandhari said, Since thou praisest my son thus for his skill in battle, he did not deserve such a death. |
Mbh.11.15.623 | It behoveth thee not, O Gandhari, to impute any fault to me. |
Mbh.11.15.625 | Gandhari said, Unvanquished by anyone, thou hast slain a hundred sons of this old man. |
Mbh.11.15.629 | Vaishampayana continued, Having said these words, Gandhari, filled with wrath at the slaughter of all her sons and grandsons, enquired after Yudhishthira, saying, Where is the king? |
Mbh.11.15.635 | Unto Yudhishthira who spoke such words, who was overcome with fear, and who stood in her presence, Gandhari, drawing long sighs, said nothing. |
Mbh.11.15.640 | Gandhari then, having cast off her wrath, comforted the Pandavas as a mother should. |
Mbh.11.15.649 | Then Kunti, accompanied by the princess of Pancala and followed by her sons, proceeded towards the grief-afflicted Gandhari herself in greater affliction still. |
Mbh.11.15.650 | Beholding that illustrious lady with her daughter-in-law, Gandhari addressed her, saying, Do not, O daughter, grieve so. |
Mbh.11.16.661 | SECTION Stri-vilapa-parva Vaishampayana said, Having said these words, Gandhari, though staying on that spot which was distant from the field of battle, beheld, with her spiritual eye, the slaughter of the Kurus. |
Mbh.11.17.734 | SECTION Vaishampayana said, Beholding Duryodhana, Gandhari, deprived of her senses by grief, suddenly fell down on the earth like an uprooted plantain tree. |
Mbh.11.17.736 | Embracing her son, Gandhari indulged in piteous lamentations for him. |
Mbh.11.18.774 | SECTION Gandhari said, Behold, O Madhava, my century of sons, incapable of fatigue from exertion in battle, have all been slain by Bhimasena with his mace in battle! |
Mbh.11.19.802 | SECTION Gandhari said, There, O Madhava, my son Vikarna, applauded by the wise, lieth on the bare ground, slain by Bhima and mangled horribly! |
Mbh.11.20.825 | SECTION Gandhari said, He whose might and courage were regarded, O Keshava, as a one and half times superior to those of his sire and thee, he who resembled a fierce and proud lion, he who, without a follower, alone pierced the impenetrable array of my son, he who proved to be the death of many, alas, he now sleepeth there, having himself succumbed to death! |
Mbh.11.21.865 | SECTION Gandhari said, Then the mighty Karna, that great bowman, lieth on the ground! |
Mbh.11.22.887 | SECTION Gandhari said, Slain by Bhimasena, behold, the lord of Avanti lies there! |
Mbh.11.23.910 | SECTION Gandhari said, There lies Shalya, the maternal uncle himself of Nakula, slain in battle, O sire, by the pious and virtuous Yudhishthira! |
Mbh.11.24.962 | SECTION Gandhari said, Behold the son of Somadatta, who was slain by Yuyudhana, pecked at and torn by a large number of birds! |
Mbh.11.25.997 | SECTION Gandhari said, Behold that irresistible ruler of the Kambojas, that bull-necked hero, lying amid the dust, O Madhava, though deserving of being stretched at his ease on Kamboja blankets. |
Mbh.11.25.1038 | Vaishampayana continued, Having said these words, Gandhari, deprived of her senses by grief, fell down on the earth! |
Mbh.11.25.1040 | Filled with wrath and with sorrow at the death of her sons, Gandhari, with agitated heart, ascribed every fault to Keshava. |
Mbh.11.25.1041 | Gandhari said, The Pandavas and the Dhartarashtras, O Krishna, have both been burnt. |
Mbh.11.25.1050 | Vaishampayana continued, Hearing these words, the high-souled Vasudeva, addressing the venerable Gandhari, said unto her these words, with a faint smile, There is none in the world, save myself, that is capable of exterminating the Vrishnis. |
Mbh.11.26.1058 | SECTION The holy one said, Arise, arise, O Gandhari, do not set thy heart on grief! |
Mbh.11.26.1068 | Vaishampayana said, Hearing these words of Vasudeva that were disagreeable to her, Gandhari, with heart exceedingly agitated by grief, remained silent. |
Mbh.12.37.2014 | The eldest uncle of Pritha's son, O Bharata, accompanied by Gandhari, proceeded at the head of the train, upon a vehicle borne on the shoulders of men. |
Mbh.12.40.2103 | Yuyutsu and Sanjaya and Gandhari of great fame, all sat down where king Dhritarashtra had taken his seat. |
Mbh.12.42.2151 | He showed due honour, as before, unto Dhritarashtra, and Gandhari, and Vidura, and unto all the superior Kauravas and unto all the officers. |
Mbh.12.45.2227 | Placing his kingdom, at the disposal of Dhritarashtra, of Gandhari, and of Vidura, king Yudhishthira continued to pass his days happily. |
Mbh.13.166.13738 | Placing Dhritarashtra at the head and also Gandhari who was exceedingly devoted to her lord, and accompanied by the Rishis and Kesava, as also by the citizens and the inhabitants of the country and by his counsellors, O monarch, that foremost one of Kuru's race entered the city named after the elephant |
Mbh.13.167.13748 | Placing Dhritarashtra ahead and queen Gandhari celebrated for her virtues, and his own mother Kunti and all his brothers also, Yudhishthira of great intelligence, accompanied by Krishna and Vidura of great wisdom, as also by Yuyutsu and Yuyudhana, and by his other relatives and followers forming a large train, proceeded, his praises hymned the while by eulogists and bards. |
Mbh.14.1.14 | O lord of the Earth, having lost a hundred sons like unto riches obtained in a dream, it is Gandhari and I, who should mourn. |
Mbh.14.52.2304 | They then saw, O monarch, king Dhritarashtra, and Vidura of great intelligence, and king Yudhishthira and the irresistible Bhimasena, and the two sons of Madri by Pandu; and the unvanquished Yuyatsu, seated before Dhritarashtra and Gandhari of great wisdom, and Pritha, and the beautiful Krishna, and the other ladies of Bharata's race with Subhadra counting first. |
Mbh.14.52.2305 | They also saw all those ladies that used to wait upon Gandhari. |
Mbh.14.52.2307 | Indeed, those high-souled ones also touched the feet of Gandhari and Pritha and king Yudhishthira the Just, and Bhima. |
Mbh.14.63.2912 | Taking the permission of king Dhritarashtra who was afflicted with grief on account of the death of his sons, his queen Gandhari, and Pritha also of large eyes, and keeping the Kaurava prince Yuyutsu, the son of Dhritarashtra, in the capital, they set out, worshipped by the citizens and by many Brahmanas possessed of great wisdom |
Mbh.14.71.3126 | Those foremost ones of Bharata's race, O chief of kings, then paid their respectful salutations to Gandhari, the daughter of Suvala and to Kunti, They next worshipped their uncle Vidura and met Yuyutsu, the son of Dhritarashtra by his Vaisya wife. |
Mbh.14.78.3449 | Recollecting queen Gandhari and king Dhritarashtra, Dhananjaya, afflicted with grief, addressed Dussala who had said so unto him, and answered her, censuring Kshatriya practices the while. |
Mbh.14.84.3764 | Recollecting my mother Gandhari, and for the sake of Dhritarashtra also, I have not taken thy life. |
Mbh.15.1.6 | How also did Gandhari of great fame conduct herself? |
Mbh.15.1.15 | The daughter of king Kuntibhoja also obeyed Gandhari in everything. |
Mbh.15.1.18 | Similarly Kunti behaved towards Gandhari as towards a senior. |
Mbh.15.2.52 | Gandhari, by performing the diverse rites of the Sraddha and making gifts unto Brahmanas of diverse objects of enjoyment, became freed from the debt she owed to her slain children. |
Mbh.15.2.55 | Suvala's daughter, Gandhari, casting off all sorrow for her slain children, began to show great affection for the Pandavas as if they were her own children. |
Mbh.15.2.58 | Whatever acts, grave or light, were directed by king Dhritarashtra, or the helpless Gandhari to be done, were all accomplished with reverence, O monarch, by that slayer of hostile heroes, viz, the Pandava king. |
Mbh.15.2.68 | Both Gandhari and Vidura also wore well pleased with the capacity the king Ajatasatru showed for bearing wrongs. |
Mbh.15.3.78 | Recollecting the evil counsels of the old king and some acts of his, Bhima, one day, in the midst of his friends, slapped his armpits, in the hearing of Dhritarashtra and of Gandhari. |
Mbh.15.3.85 | Queen Gandhari, however, who was conversant with every duty and possessed of great intelligence, and who knew what Time brings on its course, regarded them as untrue. |
Mbh.15.3.98 | The holy and high-souled Vyasa repeatedly said the same, as also Sanjaya and Gandhari. |
Mbh.15.3.107 | Gandhari knows this. |
Mbh.15.3.111 | Gandhari of great fame passes her time in the observance of similar vows. |
Mbh.15.3.120 | This Gandhari, though destitute of sons, has lived with great fortitude, looking all the while at me. |
Mbh.15.3.124 | I should now accomplish what is beneficial and meritorious for me as also for Gandhari. |
Mbh.15.3.131 | O king, alone with this Gandhari, I shall live in the woods, always blessing thee. |
Mbh.15.3.157 | My conviction is that Gandhari is as much my mother as Kunti. |
Mbh.15.3.174 | Having said so, that perpetuator of Kuru's race, viz, the, righteous-souled old king, blessed with prosperity, leaned on Gandhari and suddenly looked like one deprived of life. |
Mbh.15.3.184 | Verily, I shall fast if this king and Gandhari of great fame abstain from food' |
Mbh.15.3.200 | Gandhari, conversant with every duty, bore her sorrow with fortitude, and loaded as her heart was, O king, said nothing. |
Mbh.15.4.218 | The highly blessed Gandhari, possessed of great wisdom and endued with kindly speech, bears with fortitude her excessive grief owing to the logs of her song. |
Mbh.15.4.244 | Thyself also, O chief of men, with thy servants, O sinless one, hast adored this king and the famous Gandhari with that ready obedience which. |
Mbh.15.5.256 | SECTION V Vaisampayana said, Having received the king's permission, king Dhritarashtra of great energy then proceeded to his own palace, followed by Gandhari. |
Mbh.15.5.260 | Gandhari conversant with every duty, as also Kunti of great intelligence, worshipped with offers of various articles by their daughters-in-law, then took some food, O Bharata. |
Mbh.15.8.401 | Having said these words, the old king entered the apartments of Gandhari. |
Mbh.15.8.402 | Unto that husband of hers who resembled a second Lord of all creatures, while resting on a seat, Gandhari of righteous conduct, conversant with the opportuneness of everything, said these words, the hour being suited to them, Thou hast obtained the permission of that great Rishi, viz, Vyasa himself. |
Mbh.15.8.404 | Dhritarashtra said, O Gandhari, I have received the permission of my high-souled sire. |
Mbh.15.8.408 | Vaisampayana continued, Having said so to Gandhari, Dhritarashtra sent for Yudhishthira. |
Mbh.15.8.414 | I have set my heart upon retiring into the woods, along with Gandhari as my companion. |
Mbh.15.8.421 | Ye sinless ones, I am emaciated with fasts, along with Gandhari. |
Mbh.15.9.440 | This Gandhari also is cheerless and old. |
Mbh.15.9.456 | Ye sinless one, I, with Gandhari by my side, solicit your pardon now for anything done to you by those sons of mine, of restless understandings, stained by cupidity, and ever acting as their desires prompted' |
Mbh.15.10.460 | Ye sinless ones, I, with Gandhari, repeatedly solicit you with bent heads. |
Mbh.15.10.529 | He then entered his own mansion with Gandhari. |
Mbh.15.14.621 | It was even in this way, O king, that that monarch made gifts for the advancement in the other world of his sons and grandsons and Pitris as also of himself and Gandhari. |
Mbh.15.15.628 | Possessed of great intelligence, the old monarch, with Gandhari, duly accosted those princes. |
Mbh.15.15.639 | Kunti walked ahead, bearing on her shoulders the hand of Gandhari who walked with her bandaged eyes. |
Mbh.15.15.640 | King Dhritarashtra walked confidently behind Gandhari, placing his hand on her shoulder |
Mbh.15.16.658 | Though king Yudhishthira said these words unto her, with his eyes bathed in tears, Kunti, however, without answering him, continued to proceed, catching hold of Gandhari. |
Mbh.15.16.670 | I shall live in the woods with Gandhari, besmearing my body with filth, engaged in the performance of penances, and devoted to the service of my father-in-law and mother-in-law |
Mbh.15.18.735 | Then Amvika's son of great energy, viz, Dhritarashtra, addressing Gandhari and Vidura and supporting himself on them, said, Let the royal mother of Yudhishthira cease to go with us. |
Mbh.15.18.740 | O Gandhari, I have been much gratified with the services rendered to me by this daughter-in-law of mine. |
Mbh.15.18.758 | Near the bed of that Kuru hero they made another for Gandhari. |
Mbh.15.18.759 | In close proximity to Gandhari, Yudhishthira's mother Kunti, observant of excellent vows, happily laid herself down. |
Mbh.15.19.773 | As evening came, the king, and Gandhari of great fame, both descended into the stream of the Bhagirathi and duly performed their ablutions for purifying themselves. |
Mbh.15.19.775 | After the king had purified himself by a bath, the daughter of Kuntibhoja gently led both him, who was to her as her father-in-law and Gandhari from the water into the dry bank. |
Mbh.15.19.788 | Queen Gandhari also, O monarch, along with Kunti, assumed barks of trees and deer-skins for her robe, and set herself to the observance of the same vows as her lord. |
Mbh.15.20.814 | Thou also, O foremost of kings, at the end of thy penances, become endued with great prosperity and, accompanied by Gandhari, attain to the goal reached by those high-souled ones. |
Mbh.15.20.817 | Through serving thee and Gandhari, this daughter-in-law of thine, possessed of great fame, will attain to residence with her husband in the other world. |
Mbh.15.20.840 | After that, king Dhritarashtra, accompanied by his wife Gandhari, will go to the regions of Kuvera and be highly honoured by that king of kings. |
Mbh.15.21.855 | How will the highly blessed Gandhari, and Pritha, the daughter of Kuntibhoja, live there? |
Mbh.15.21.864 | The Pandavas also, exceedingly afflicted with grief, sorrowed for their old mother, and could not live in their city long, Thinking also of their old sire, the king, who had lost all his children, and the highly blessed Gandhari, and Vidura of great intelligence, they failed to enjoy peace of mind. |
Mbh.15.22.879 | Alas, how does that highly blessed queen, Gandhari, whose dear ones have all been slain, follow her blind lord in the solitary woods, |
Mbh.15.22.893 | Know, O king, that all these ladies of thy house are staying with their feet raised for the journey, from desire of beholding Kunti, and Gandhari, and my father-in-law. |
Mbh.15.24.939 | Raising her son up and embracing him with her arms, she informed Gandhari of Sahadeva's arrival. |
Mbh.15.24.944 | Shedding tears, those high-souled princes, with due formalities, approached the old king and Gandhari, as also their own mother. |
Mbh.15.24.949 | Saluted with reverence by all his daughters-in-law headed by Krishna, king Dhritarashtra, endued with great intelligence, with Gandhari and Kunti, became filled with joy. |
Mbh.15.27.1072 | He saw king Dhritarashtra, that lord of Earth, at his ease, with Gandhari beside him, after having finished his morning rites. |
Mbh.15.28.1092 | Does my daughter-in-law, Gandhari, allow herself to be overwhelmed by grief? |
Mbh.15.29.1146 | Gandhari and Kunti and Draupadi, and she of the Sattwata race, and other ladies of the royal household also sat down. |
Mbh.15.29.1149 | The sorrow that always exists in the heart of Gandhari, that which exists in the heart of Kunti, and that also which is cherished by Draupadi in her heart, and that burning grief, on account of the death of her son, which Krishna's sister Subhadra also cherishes, are all known to me. |
Mbh.15.29.1175 | Vaisampayana continued, Hearing these lamentations expressed in diverse ways, of that royal sage, the grief, O Janamejaya, of Gandhari, became fresh. |
Mbh.15.29.1177 | Queen Gandhari, with bandaged eyes, joining her hands, addressed her father-in-law. |
Mbh.15.29.1193 | After Gandhari had said so, Kunti, whose face had become wasted through observance of many hard vows, began to think of her secret-born son endued with solar effulgence. |
Mbh.15.31.1253 | Vyasa said, Blessed be thou, O Gandhari, thou shalt behold thy sons and brothers and friends and kinsmen along with thy sires this night like men risen from sleep. |
Mbh.15.31.1257 | I entertained this purpose when I was urged to that effect by the king, by thee, O Gandhari, and by Kunti. |
Mbh.15.32.1293 | The ladies of the royal household sat with Gandhari in a secluded spot. |
Mbh.15.32.1312 | Endued with celestial knowledge and strength, Gandhari of great fame saw all her children as also all that had been slain in battle. |
Mbh.15.36.1465 | Unto him Gandhari then said, O son, let it not be so. |
Mbh.15.36.1472 | Vaisampayana continued, Thus addressed by Gandhari, King Yudhishthira, rubbing his eyes which were bathed in tears of affection, said these words of lament. |
Mbh.15.36.1473 | The king casts me off, as also Gandhari of great fame. |
Mbh.15.36.1519 | They worshipped the feet of Gandhari and received her blessings also. |
Mbh.15.36.1524 | Gandhari and Kunti embraced each of them, and blessing them bade them go. |
Mbh.15.37.1543 | Are Gandhari and Pritha, and the Suta's son Sanjaya also, in peace? |
Mbh.15.37.1548 | That intelligent monarch took with him his sacred fire, Gandhari and his daughter-in-law Kunti, as also Sanjaya of the Suta caste, and all the Yajakas. |
Mbh.15.37.1553 | Gandhari subsisted on water alone, while Kunti took a little every sixth day. |
Mbh.15.37.1560 | The faultless Pritha, O king, became the eye of Gandhari. |
Mbh.15.37.1578 | Facing the east, he sat down, with Gandhari and Kunti. |
Mbh.15.37.1583 | The highly blessed Gandhari, and thy mother Pritha too, remained in the same attitude. |
Mbh.15.37.1588 | Even thus the high-souled Kuru king met with his death, and it was even thus that Gandhari and Kunti, thy two mothers, also met with death, O monarch. |
Mbh.15.37.1594 | The monarch, of his own will, as also Gandhari and thy mother, obtained that contact with fire' |
Mbh.15.37.1603 | All the people grieved upon hearing that the old king, who had become childless, had been burnt to death and that the helpless Gandhari too had shared his fate. |
Mbh.15.38.1612 | I do not grieve for the famous Gandhari who had been deprived of all her children. |
Mbh.15.39.1657 | And they also gave similar oblations unto Gandhari and Pritha, naming each separately and mentioning their families. |
Mbh.15.39.1660 | The king, having rewarded those men beforehand, commanded them to accomplish those rites of cremation which the bodies of Dhritarashtra and Gandhari and Kunti still awaited |
Mbh.15.39.1663 | Uttering the names of Gandhari and Pritha, the king, endued with great energy, made many excellent gifts. |
Mbh.16.2.78 | The slayer of Keshi, Janardana, thinking upon the omens that Time showed, understood that the thirty-sixth year had come, and that what Gandhari, burning with grief on account of the death of her sons, and deprived of all her kinsmen, had said was about to transpire. |
Mbh.16.4.170 | He had thought before this of everything that had been fore-shadowed by the words uttered by Gandhari in former days. |
Mbh.16.6.227 | He did not, however, wish to falsify the words of Gandhari and the Rishis, O scorcher of foes. |
Mbh.18.5.245 | The famous Gandhari obtained the same regions with her husband Dhritarashtra. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
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Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text:; Wikified at AncientVoice. |