Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 22 Feb 2010 15:36 and updated at 22 Feb 2010 15:36
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.142.7637 | Fight with me first and then eat of this flesh as you please' |
Mbh.2.22.1015 | Fight standing before us. |
Mbh.3.282.13850 | Fight and show thy courage |
Mbh.5.57.3187 | Sanjaya said, O Bharata, Dhrishtadyumna is always urging the Pandavas to war, saying, Fight ye, best among the Bharatas. |
Mbh.5.132.5906 | Fight, according to the practices of kings. |
Mbh.5.161.7173 | Fight now, be a man! |
Mbh.5.161.7176 | Say, O Uluka, unto Nakula, from me, these words, viz, Fight now, O Bharata, patiently! |
Mbh.5.161.7179 | Next, thou must say these words of mine unto Sahadeva in the presence of the assembled monarchs, Fight in battle now, to the best of thy power! |
Mbh.5.161.7190 | Fight now without any fear! |
Mbh.5.161.7213 | Fight, O son of Pritha, and prove to be a man! |
Mbh.5.161.7230 | Fight, O Arjuna, without bragging! |
Mbh.5.161.7255 | Fight with Kesava as thy ally! |
Mbh.5.162.7295 | Having said these words unto king Yudhishthira, the son of Dharma, Uluka, turning his face then towards Jishnu, said unto him these words, Fight without bragging, O Arjuna! |
Mbh.5.162.7319 | Fight, with Kesava as thy ally! |
Mbh.5.164.7443 | Fight against us with all thy friends! |
Mbh.6.43.2074 | Fight, however, for the Kauravas. |
Mbh.6.43.2106 | Fight, and obtain victory. |
Mbh.6.43.2125 | Fight, according to thy pleasure, for the sake of the foe. |
Mbh.6.54.2890 | When, however, they were rallied again, the commander of the Pandava army Dhrishtadyumna, O Bharata, ordered his own troops, saying, Fight. |
Mbh.6.59.3151 | Fight hard with me, O son. |
Mbh.6.95.5030 | And although, O king, both myself and Devavrata cried out at the top of our voices, saying, Fight, do not fly away, all this is Rakshasa illusion in battle, applied by Ghatotkacha' |
Mbh.6.104.5574 | Hearing then these words uttered by all the combatants, thy son Duryodhana, that offender against all, addressed Bhishma and Drona and Kripa and Salya, O Bharata, saying, Fight ye without boastfulness. |
Mbh.6.116.6308 | Fight! |
Mbh.6.120.6646 | Throw down, Seize, Fight, Cut into pieces, this was the furious uproar, O king, heard in the vicinity of Bhishma's car. |
Mbh.6.124.6923 | Fight, moved by the desire of heaven! |
Mbh.7.13.505 | Fight thou, therefore, today, O thou of mighty arms, in my vicinity, so that Duryodhana may not obtain from Drona the fruition of his desire' |
Mbh.7.29.1523 | Fight with my unaided self, and filled with rage, strike me' |
Mbh.7.149.7834 | Fight with resolution, O king, setting Fate at nought. |
Mbh.7.164.8890 | Fight with thy equals, O son of Madri! |
Mbh.7.183.10063 | Fight now with the son of Pandu' |
Mbh.7.195.10883 | Fight now. |
Mbh.7.196.10957 | Fight now with the Kauravas, without returning to the home of thy fathers' |
Mbh.8.3.68 | Fight ye with faces turned towards every direction. |
Mbh.8.24.978 | Fight now with me to the best of thy might. |
Mbh.8.93.5973 | Fight, observant of the Kshatriya's duty. |
Mbh.9.21.1406 | Then Shakuni, the son of the Gandhara king, said, Fight all of ye in front! |
Mbh.9.21.1414 | Fight with the foe! |
Mbh.9.26.1764 | Fight! |
Mbh.9.30.2179 | Fight any one of us, taking whatever weapon thou likest! |
Mbh.9.31.2264 | How then, O Bharata, canst thou say unto such a foe words such as these, Fight, selecting the mace as thy weapon, and if thou canst slay one amongst us, thou shalt then be king' |
Mbh.9.31.2321 | Fight now with me! |
Mbh.9.54.3911 | Fight me, O Vrikodara! |
Mbh.12.1.44 | Thus answered, Pritha once more addressed her son of broad chest and said, Fight Phalguna then, but spare my four other sons' |
Mbh.12.14.588 | Fight thy foes. |
Mbh.14.79.3474 | Fight thy father, this foremost one of Kuru's race, this hero that is irresistible in battle. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
Suggestions are welcome: email:moc.liamg|rnhtijij#moc.liamg|rnhtijij
Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text:; Wikified at AncientVoice. |