Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 22 Feb 2010 15:29 and updated at 22 Feb 2010 15:29
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.5.69.3479 | Dhritarashtra said, O son of Gavalgana, what is the nature of that Faith which thou hast in Janardana and in consequence of which thou knowest the slayer of Madhu to be the union of the Gross, the Subtle, and the Cause' |
Mbh.5.69.3481 | Having obtained purity of Soul through Faith, I have known Janardana from the scriptures. |
Mbh.12.227.14017 | I am Faith, I am Intelligence, I am Affluence, I am Victory, and I am Immutability. |
Mbh.12.227.14123 | They are Hope, Faith, Intelligence, Contentment, Victory, Advancement, and Forgiveness. |
Mbh.12.262.15984 | one may make Faith one's wedded wife, for dedicating such innocent offerings to the deities. |
Mbh.12.263.16005 | Faith with respect to Brahma is the daughter of Surya, O regenerate one. |
Mbh.12.263.16007 | Faith is superior to the merit born of Vedic recitations and meditation |
Mbh.12.263.16008 | An act vitiated by defect of speech is saved by Faith. |
Mbh.12.263.16009 | An act vitiated by defect of mind is saved by Faith. |
Mbh.12.263.16010 | But neither speech nor mind can save an act that is vitiated by want of Faith |
Mbh.12.263.16012 | The offerings in sacrifices of a person that is pure in body and acts but wanting in Faith, and of another that is impure in respect of their worthiness of acceptance. |
Mbh.12.263.16015 | The food of a liberal person is sanctified by Faith. |
Mbh.12.263.16016 | The food, however, of the person that is void of Faith is lost in consequence of such want of Faith. |
Mbh.12.263.16018 | Only one person in the world, viz, he that is bereft of Faith, is unfit to make offerings to the deities. |
Mbh.12.263.16021 | Want of Faith is a high sin. |
Mbh.12.263.16022 | Faith is a cleanser of sins. |
Mbh.12.263.16023 | Like a snake casting off its slough, the man of Faith succeeds in casting off all his sin. |
Mbh.12.263.16024 | The religion of abstention with Faith is superior to all things considered sacred. |
Mbh.12.263.16025 | Abstaining from all faults of behaviour, he who betakes himself to Faith, becomes sanctified. |
Mbh.12.263.16027 | Every man has Faith. |
Mbh.12.263.16028 | Faith, however, is of three kinds, viz, as affected by Sattwa, by Rajas and by Tamas, and according to the kind of Faith that one has, one is named. |
Mbh.12.263.16031 | O thou of great wisdom, betake thyself to Faith, for thou shalt then obtain that which is superior. |
Mbh.12.263.16032 | He who has Faith in the declarations of the Srutis, and who acts according to their import in the belief that they are good for him, is certainly of righteous soul. |
Mbh.12.263.16033 | O Jajali, he who adheres to his own path under the influence of Faith is certainly a superior person' |
Mbh.12.268.16488 | Many men, who believe only what directly appeals to their senses, behold only this world and not what is addressed in the scriptures to Faith. |
Mbh.14.35.1430 | They that are possessed of wisdom say that Religion or duty has Faith for its chief indication. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
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Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text:; Wikified at AncientVoice. |