Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 21 Feb 2010 18:00 and updated at 21 Feb 2010 18:00
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.2.353 | Those that follow are called respectively Suka-prasna-abhigamana, Brahma-prasnanusana, the origin of Durvasa, the disputations with Maya. |
Mbh.1.2.394 | Here also is recited the story of Durvasa; then the abduction by Jayadratha of Draupadi from the asylum; the pursuit of the ravisher by Bhima swift as the air and the ill-shaving of Jayadratha's crown at Bhima's hand. |
Mbh.1.67.3553 | One day she had to wait upon the wrathful ascetic of rigid vows, Durvasa by name, acquainted with truth and fully conversant with the mysteries of religion. |
Mbh.1.111.6109 | Once she gratified by her attentions the terrible Brahmana of rigid vows, who was known by the name of Durvasa and was well-acquainted with the hidden truths of morality. |
Mbh.1.111.6120 | Surya Sun replied, I know that Durvasa hath granted this boon. |
Mbh.1.122.6568 | One day I gratified with my attentions that Brahmana whom people call Durvasa, of mind under full control and possessing knowledge of all the mysteries of religion. |
Mbh.1.123.6589 | And she offered without loss of time, sacrifices unto the god and began to duly repeat the formula that Durvasa had imparted to her some time before. |
Mbh.1.224.10987 | He is known by the name of Durvasa. |
Mbh.1.224.10993 | Having heard these words of that illustrious king, Rudra summoned Durvasa before him and said. |
Mbh.1.224.10994 | This, O Durvasa, is that best of monarchs called Swetaki. |
Mbh.1.224.10996 | And the Rishi Durvasa said unto Rudra, So be it' |
Mbh.2.7.325 | And Parasara and Parvata and Savarni and Galava; and Sankha, and the Muni, Gaursiras, and Durvasa, and Krodhana and Swena and the Muni Dhirghatamas; and Pavitrapani, Savarni, Yajnavalkya and Bhaluki; and Udyalaka, Swetaketu, and Tandya, and also Bhandayani; and Havishmat, and Garishta, and king Harischandra; and Hridya, Udarshandilya. |
Mbh.2.11.436 | And Agastya of great energy, and Markandeya, of great ascetic power, and Jamadagni and Bharadwaja, and Samvarta, and Chyavana, and exalted Durvasa, and the virtuous Rishyasringa, the illustrious Sanatkumara of great ascetic merit and the preceptor in all matters affecting Yoga; Asita and Devala, and Jaigishavya acquainted with truth; Rishava, Ajitasatru, and Mani of great energy; and the Science of healing with its eight branches, all in their personified forms, O Bharata; the moon with all the stars and the stellar conjunctions; Aditya with all his rays; the winds; the Sacrifices, the Declarations of purpose in sacrifices, the Vital principles, these illustrious and vow-observing beings in their personified forms, and many others too numerous to mention, attend all upon Brahma in that mansion. |
Mbh.3.82.4035 | One should next proceed, O best of the Bharata, unto the tirtha known by the name of Varadana, where the Rishi Durvasa had given a boon unto Vishnu. |
Mbh.3.258.12642 | And, O king, it came to pass that having heard of the virtuous Mudgala observant of vows, the Muni Durvasa, having space alone for his covering his accoutrements worn like that of maniac, and his head bare of hair, came there, uttering, O Pandava various insulting words. |
Mbh.3.258.12654 | In this way, Durvasa having made up his mind, during successive seasons presented himself for six several times before that best of sages living according to the Unchha mode; yet that Muni could not perceive any agitation in Mudgala's heart; and he found the pure heart of the pure-souled ascetic always pure. |
Mbh.3.258.12669 | Whilst the Muni Durvasa was speaking thus, a celestial messenger appeared before Mudgala, upon a car yoked with swans and cranes, hung with a neat work of bells, scented with divine fragrance, painted picturesquely, and possessed of the power of going everywhere at will. |
Mbh.3.260.12762 | And while those evil-minded persons were employed in concerting various wicked designs, the virtuous and celebrated ascetic Durvasa, following the bent of his own will, arrived at the city of the Kurus with ten thousand disciples. |
Mbh.3.260.12771 | And then, O Bharata, the intractable Durvasa said unto him, I have power to grant thee boons. |
Mbh.3.260.12782 | And having said this to Suyodhana, that great Brahmana, Durvasa, went away in the very same state in which he had come. |
Mbh.3.261.12790 | SECTION CCLXI Draupadi-harana Parva Vaisampayana said, One day, having previously ascertained that the Pandavas were all seated at their ease and that Krishna was reposing herself after her meal, the sage Durvasa, surrounded by ten thousand disciples repaired to that forest. |
Mbh.3.261.12823 | Then, O good king, the celebrated Bhimasena quickly went to invite all those Munis, Durvasa and others, who had gone to the nearest stream of transparent and cool water to perform their ablutions. |
Mbh.3.261.12826 | And turning towards Durvasa, all those ascetics observed, Having bade the king make our meals ready, we have come hither for a bath. |
Mbh.3.261.12830 | Durvasa replied, By spoiling the repast, we have done a great wrong to that royal sage, king Yudhishthira. |
Mbh.3.261.12844 | But now ye have not the least fear from the Rishi Durvasa. |
Mbh.5.144.6471 | Pleased with me, while I was living in the inner apartments of the palace of my father, Kuntibhoja, the holy Durvasa gave me a boon in the form of an invocation consisting of mantras. |
Mbh.13.150.12628 | Samvarta, Merusavarna, the righteous Markandeya, and Sankhya and Yoga, and Narada and the great Rishi Durvasa, these are endued with severe penance and great self-restraint, and are celebrated over the three worlds. |
Mbh.13.158.13194 | It was this Krishna, O king, who alone was able to keep the Rishi Durvasa of great energy as a guest for some time in his house. |
Mbh.13.159.13271 | Formerly, in my house, O son, dwelt the Brahmana Durvasa whose complexion was green and tawny. |
Mbh.13.159.13276 | Who is there that would cause the Brahmana Durvasa to dwell in his house, doing the duties of hospitality towards him? |
Mbh.13.159.13308 | There is no physician for a person that has been bitten or burnt by the virulent snake of a Brahmana, As the irresistible Durvasa proceeded on the car, Rukmini tottered on the road and frequently fell down. |
Mbh.13.159.13333 | Indeed, the Rishi Durvasa, blazing like a fire, said, O Kesava, let thy understanding be always disposed even thus towards the Brahmana' |
Mbh.13.160.13344 | SECTION CLX Yudhishthira said, It behoveth thee, O slayer of Madhu, to expound to me that knowledge which thou hast acquired through the grace of Durvasa! |
Mbh.13.160.13406 | The Mahadeva, taking birth as the Brahmana Durvasa of great energy, resided for a long time at Dwaravati in my house. |
Mbh.13.160.13414 | The holy and illustrious Durvasa is of the complexion of the celestials. |
Mbh.13.165.13703 | They are Ushango with his uterine brothers, Parivyadha of great energy, Dirghatamas, Gautama, Kasyapa, Ekata, Dwita, Trita, the righteous-souled son of Atri viz, Durvasa, and puissant Saraswat. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
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Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text: www.sacred-texts.com; Wikified at AncientVoice. |