Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 21 Feb 2010 17:48 and updated at 21 Feb 2010 17:48
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.8.1.8 | The Suta's son Karna, and king Suyodhana and Duhshasana and Shakuni, in special, could not compose themselves to sleep. |
Mbh.8.4.100 | Duhshasana also hath been slain by the renowned son of Pandu. |
Mbh.8.5.115 | The brave son of Duhshasana, possessed of mighty arms and fierce in battle, hath been despatched to Yama's abode by Draupadi's son exerting himself with great prowess! |
Mbh.8.5.119 | Thy son Duhshasana, accomplished in arms and invincible in battle, and who was always wrathful, hath, O monarch, been slain by Bhimasena. |
Mbh.8.6.171 | The mighty bowman Vrihanta, accomplished in arms and invincible in battle, hath been despatched to Yama's abode by Duhshasana, exerting himself with great prowess. |
Mbh.8.9.284 | Was my son Duhshasana, O Suta, slain, while flying away from the field, humbled to the dust, of cheerless soul, and destitute of all manliness? |
Mbh.8.9.323 | That foolish child of mine, of wicked understanding, who having got Karna, as also his brother Duhshasana, for his ally, had made up his mind for the rejection of Vasudeva's proposals, surely, that wight, beholding the slaughter of the bull-shouldered Karna and of Duhshasana, is now indulging in lamentations! |
Mbh.8.13.512 | Srutakirti encountered Shalya, and Madri's son, the valiant Sahadeva, O king, encountered thy son Duhshasana. |
Mbh.8.23.946 | SECTION Sanjaya said, While Sahadeva, filled with rage, was thus blasting thy host, Duhshasana, O great king, proceeded against him, the brother against the brother. |
Mbh.8.23.950 | Then Duhshasana, O monarch, having cut off Sahadeva's bow in that great battle, pierced Sahadeva himself with three and seventy arrows in the arms and the chest. |
Mbh.8.23.953 | Then the valiant Sahadeva taking up another bow, shot a deadly shaft at Duhshasana. |
Mbh.8.23.955 | Then whirling that sharp sword, Duhshasana quickly hurled it in that battle as his foe. |
Mbh.8.23.962 | Then Duhshasana, O king, having pierced Sahadeva in that battle, struck the latter's driver with nine arrows. |
Mbh.8.30.1307 | Then cutting off the bow of Duhshasana, he proceeded against the son of Radha. |
Mbh.8.46.2521 | The mighty-armed Duhshasana, possessed of the effulgence of the sun or fire with tawny eyes and handsome features, riding on the neck of a huge elephant, surrounded by many troops, and stationed at the rear of the army gradually approached for fight. |
Mbh.8.46.2537 | Yudhishthira said, With that view, do thou proceed against the son of Radha, and let Bhimasena proceed against Suyodhana, Nakula against Virshasena, Sahadeva against the son of Subala, Satanika against Duhshasana, that bull amongst the Sinis, viz, Satyaki, against the son of Hridika, and Pandya against the son of Drona. |
Mbh.8.48.2660 | Piercing Duhshasana with three arrows made wholly of iron, and Shakuni with six, he deprived both Uluka and his brother Patatri of their cars. |
Mbh.8.48.2679 | Then Duhshasana, beholding Vrishasena made carless and weaponless, quickly caused him to ascend his own car, and bearing him away from the spot, caused him to ride another vehicle. |
Mbh.8.48.2683 | The grandson of Sini, having made Duhshasana driverless and steedless and carless by means of nine times nine arrows made wholly of iron, struck Duhshasana with ten shafts in the forehead. |
Mbh.8.61.3556 | Shikhandi proceeded against Karna, and Dhrishtadyumna proceeded against thy son Duhshasana, accompanied by a large force. |
Mbh.8.61.3572 | Meanwhile Dhrishtadyumna, O monarch, afflicted by thy son, pierced Duhshasana, in return, with three arrows in the centre of the chest. |
Mbh.8.61.3573 | Then Duhshasana, O sire, pierced his assailant's left arm with a broad-headed shaft, sharp and straight and equipped with wings of gold. |
Mbh.8.61.3574 | Thus pierced, Dhrishtadyumna, filled with wrath and the desire to retaliate, sped a terrible shaft, O Bharata, at Duhshasana. |
Mbh.8.61.3580 | We then saw the mighty Dhrishtadyumna thus assailed by Duhshasana to resemble a huge elephant, held in check by a lion. |
Mbh.8.61.3613 | Duhshasana and Subala's son, encompassing the son of Pandu with a large elephant force, began to strike him with small arrows. |
Mbh.8.66.3882 | That Suta's son of wicked soul who had, laughing the while, commanded Duhshasana to forcibly drag Yajnasena's daughter won in gambling by Subala's son, hath he been slain today by thee? |
Mbh.8.75.4556 | Duhshasana, O Bharata, with the swelling host of the samsaptakas forming a portion of the Bharata army, fiercely attacked in that battle Bhima, that foremost of warriors of irresistible impetuosity. |
Mbh.8.78.4718 | Or, what did Karna, that foremost of victors, or the warriors of my army in that battle, or Kripa, or Kritavarma, or Drona's son Duhshasana, say? |
Mbh.8.78.4777 | At that time, the king Duryodhana, and Duhshasana, and Kripa, the son of Sharadvata, and Ashvatthama, and Kritavarma, and Shakuni also of great might, slaughtered the Pandava warriors in hundreds and thousands. |
Mbh.8.82.5037 | When such was the state of affairs, thy son Duhshasana, the younger brother of the king, fearlessly advanced against Bhima, shooting showers of shafts. |
Mbh.8.82.5043 | Prince Duhshasana, taking up another bow, pierced Vrikodara with a dozen shafts. |
Mbh.8.82.5045 | Then Duhshasana sped a shaft bright as the rays of the sun, decked with gold, diamonds, and other precious gems, capable of piercing the body of his assailant, and irresistible as the stroke of Indra's thunder. |
Mbh.8.83.5048 | SECTION Sanjaya said, Fighting fiercely, prince Duhshasana achieved the most difficult feats in that encounter. |
Mbh.8.83.5056 | Blazing with wrath at sight of Duhshasana, Bhima then addressed him, saying, Pierced I have been, O hero, quickly and deeply, by thee. |
Mbh.8.83.5064 | With that weapon, Bhimasena forcibly threw Duhshasana down from his car at a distance measured by the length of ten bows. |
Mbh.8.83.5065 | Struck with the impetuous mace, Duhshasana, thrown down on the ground, began to tremble. |
Mbh.8.83.5067 | As regards Duhshasana himself, his armour and ornaments and attire and garlands were all displaced, and he began to writhe, afflicted with agony. |
Mbh.8.83.5069 | The mighty-armed Bhima of inconceivable feats, O king, beholding Duhshasana in that plight, and recollecting the seizure of Draupadi's tresses and her disrobing while she was ill, indeed, the innocent Bhima, reflecting also upon the diverse other wrongs inflicted on that princess while her husbands sat with faces turned away from the scene, blazed up in wrath like fire fed with libations of clarified butter. |
Mbh.8.83.5070 | Addressing Karna and Suyodhana and Kripa and Drona's son and Kritavarma, he said, Today I shall slay the wretched Duhshasana. |
Mbh.8.83.5072 | Having said this, Bhima of exceeding strength and great activity suddenly rushed, from desire of slaying Duhshasana. |
Mbh.8.83.5073 | Like a lion of fierce impetuosity rushing towards a mighty elephant, Vrikodara, that foremost of heroes, rushed towards Duhshasana in that battle and attacked him in the very sight of Suyodhana and Karna. |
Mbh.8.83.5075 | Drawing then his whetted sword of keen edge, and trembling with rage, he placed his foot upon the throat of Duhshasana, and ripping open the breast of his enemy stretched on the ground, quaffed his warm life-blood. |
Mbh.8.83.5078 | Once more, Bhima of fierce deeds, his heart filled with wrath, beholding Duhshasana dead, laughed softly and said, What more can I do to thee? |
Mbh.8.83.5083 | Indeed, all those that stood around Bhima and beheld him drink the blood of Duhshasana, fled away, overwhelmed with fear, and saying unto one another, This one is no human being |
Mbh.8.83.5089 | Bhima, having slain there at the very sight of Karna the vindictive Duhshasana, took up a little quantity of his blood, and, endued with stentorian lungs, he said these words in the hearing of all those foremost of heroes of the world, O wretch amongst men, here I drink thy life-blood from thy throat. |
Mbh.8.83.5096 | Indeed, bathed in blood, with blood flowing from his wounds, with face exceedingly red, filled with great wrath, Bhimasena endued with great activity, said these words, Ye heroes, that which I had vowed in respect of Duhshasana in battle, I have accomplished today. |
Mbh.8.84.5100 | SECTION Sanjaya said, After the slaughter of Duhshasana, O king, ten of thy sons, heroes that never retreated from battle, all of whom were great car-warriors, endued with mighty energy, and filled with the poison of wrath, shrouded Bhima with their shafts. |
Mbh.8.84.5109 | Exceedingly pained by the calamity that has befallen his brother Duhshasana in consequence of his blood having been quaffed by the high-souled Bhima, Duryodhana is stupefied! |
Mbh.8.84.5123 | Possessed of mighty weapons, Karna's son then, desirous of showing his regard for Duhshasana, quickly took up another bow, and pierced Nakula, the son of Pandu with many mighty celestial weapons. |
Mbh.8.88.5452 | The wicked-hearted Vrikodara, having slain Duhshasana like a tiger, spoke words that still dwell in my heart. |
Mbh.8.91.5780 | Thyself and Suyodhana and Duhshasana and Shakuni, the son of Subala, had caused Draupadi, clad in a single piece of raiment, to be brought into the midst of the assembly. |
Mbh.9.2.116 | When Duryodhana had been slain, when Shalya has been slain, when Duhshasana and Vivingsati and the mighty Vikarna have been slain, how shall I be able to bear the roars of that Bhimasena who hath alone slain a hundred sons of mine in battle? |
Mbh.9.4.252 | Where was the Suta's son, where was Drona with all his followers, where was I, where wert thou, where was Hridika's son, where thy brother Duhshasana accompanied by his brothers when Jayadratha was slain? |
Mbh.9.5.315 | While clad in a single raiment and in her season, the princess Krishna was treated cruelly by Duhshasana in the midst of the assembly and before the eyes of all. |
Mbh.9.5.354 | We will now ascend the path that is trod by the celestials and by heroes unreturning from battle, that path which has been taken by our venerable grandsire, by the preceptor endued with great intelligence, by Jayadratha, by Karna, and by Duhshasana. |
Mbh.9.19.1185 | Save Bhima of mighty strength, there is none else in this world that can achieve that which was achieved by Bhima himself at the slaughter of Duhshasana. |
Mbh.9.22.1512 | After the fall of heroic Bhagadatta, of the Kamboja chief Sadakshina, and of Duhshasana, the carnage did not still cease! |
Mbh.9.58.4222 | All these wretches headed by Duhshasana, who used to utter cruel words, as also those other foes of thine, the son of Radha, and Shakuni, have been slain! |
Mbh.9.59.4242 | Having fought a wonderful battle, by good luck, O sinless one, thou hast quaffed the blood of Duhshasana, like a lion quaffing the blood of a buffalo! |
Mbh.9.62.4528 | I am now like a moneyless wayfarer and shall follow in the wake of Drona who has already gone to heaven, of Karna and Shalya, of Vrishasena of great energy, of Shakuni the son of Subala, of Jalasandha of great valour, of king Bhagadatta, of Somadatta's son, that mighty bowman, of Jayadratha, the king of the Sindhus, of all my brothers headed by Duhshasana and equal unto myself, of Duhshasana's son of great prowess, and of Lakshmana, my son, and thousands of others that fought for me. |
Mbh.9.63.4554 | I do not see Duhshasana beside thee, nor the great car-warrior Karna, nor those friends of thine numbering in hundreds! |
Mbh.10.16.1019 | I have quaffed the blood of the living Duhshasana. |
Mbh.11.1.27 | Alas, having heard of the slaughter of Duryodhana whose roars were as deep as those of a bull, having heard also of the death of Duhshasana and the extinction of Karna and the setting of the Drona-sun, my heart does not break into pieces. |
Mbh.11.1.40 | Thy son had Duhshasana for his counsellor, and the wicked-souled son of Radha, and the equally wicked Shakuni and Citrasena of foolish understanding, and Salya. |
Mbh.11.14.577 | Through the fault of Duryodhana and of Shakuni the son of Subala, and through the action of Karna and Duhshasana, extermination of the Kurus hath taken place. |
Mbh.11.18.790 | There, Duhshasana sleepeth, felled by Bhima, and the blood of all his limbs quaffed by that heroic slayer of foes. |
Mbh.11.18.792 | Addressing the dice-won princess of Pancala in the midst of the assembly, this Duhshasana, desirous of doing what was agreeable to his elder brother as also to Karna, O Janardana, had said, Thou art now the wife of a slave! |
Mbh.11.18.800 | There, that Duhshasana sleepeth, stretching his two massive arms, slain by Bhimasena like a mighty elephant by a lion. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
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Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text: www.sacred-texts.com; Wikified at AncientVoice. |