Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 21 Feb 2010 17:12 and updated at 21 Feb 2010 17:12
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.2.8.348 | And Yayati, Nahusha, Puru, Mandhatri, Somaka, Nriga; the royal sage Trasadasyu, Kritavirya, Sautasravas; Arishtanemi, Siddha, Kritavega, Kriti, Nimi, Pratarddana, Sivi, Matsya, Prithulaksha, Vrihadratha, Vartta, Marutta, Kusika, Sankasya, Sankriti, Dhruva, Chaturaswa, Sadaswormi and king Kartavirya; Bharata and Suratha, Sunitha, Nisatha, Nala, Divodasa, and Sumanas, Amvarisha, Bhagiratha; Vyaswa, Vadhraswa, Prithuvega, Prithusravas, Prishadaswa, Vasumanas, Kshupa, and Sumahavala, Vrishadgu, and Vrishasena, Purukutsa, Dhwajin and Rathin; Arshtisena, Dwilipa, and the high-souled Ushinara; Ausinari, Pundarika, Saryati, Sarava, and Suchi; Anga, Rishta, Vena, Dushmanta, Srinjaya and Jaya; Bhangasuri, Sunitha, and Nishada, and Bahinara; Karandhama, Valhika, Sudymna, and the mighty Madhu; Aila and the mighty king of earth Maruta; Kapota, Trinaka, and Shadeva, and Arjuna also. |
Mbh.5.116.5269 | And Galava too, saying, Let the steeds remain with thee' then went, accompanied by the maiden, to king Divodasa |
Mbh.5.117.5270 | SECTION CXVII Narada said, Galava then, addressing Madhavi, said, The ruler of the Kasis is an illustrious king known by the name of Divodasa. |
Mbh.5.117.5277 | Thus addressed, Divodasa said, I heard of all this before. |
Mbh.5.117.5286 | And unto king Divodasa, that sporting with and taking delight in her, Madhavi bore a son named Pratardana. |
Mbh.5.117.5287 | And after she had borne him a son, the holy Galava came to Divodasa at the appointed time, and said unto him, Let the maiden come with me, and let the steeds also thou art to give me remain with thee, for I desire to go elsewhere, O ruler of Earth, for dower' |
Mbh.5.117.5288 | Thus addressed, the virtuous king Divodasa, who was devoted to truth, thereupon, gave back the maiden to Galava at the appointed time |
Mbh.5.118.5307 | I will, O Galava, beget only one son upon her, by treading the path that hath been told by others such as Haryyaswa and Divodasa. |
Mbh.12.95.5362 | King Divodasa, after subjugating his foes, brought away the very remnants of their sacrificial fires, their clarified butter intended for libations, and their food. |
Mbh.13.30.3820 | In Kasi also, O monarch, there was a king who was the grandfather of Divodasa. |
Mbh.13.30.3827 | After that Divodasa, the son of Sudeva, became installed on the throne of Kasi as its ruler. |
Mbh.13.30.3828 | Realising the prowess of those high-souled princes, viz, the sons of Vitahavya, king Divodasa, endued with great energy, rebuilt and fortified the city of Baranasi at the command of Indra. |
Mbh.13.30.3829 | The territories of Divodasa were full of Brahmanas and Kshatriyas, and abounded with Vaisyas and Sudras. |
Mbh.13.30.3833 | The mighty king Divodasa endued with great splendour, issuing out of his capital, gave them battle. |
Mbh.13.30.3835 | King Divodasa fought the enemy for a thousand days at the end of which, having lost a number of followers and animals, he became exceedingly distressed |
Mbh.13.30.3836 | King Divodasa, O monarch, having lost his army and seeing his treasury exhausted, left his capital and fled away. |
Mbh.13.30.3838 | Beholding King Divodasa before him, the eldest son of Vrihaspati, viz, Bharadwaja of excellent conduct, who was the monarch's priest, said unto him, What is the reason of thy coming here? |
Mbh.13.30.3850 | After this, the Rishi performed a sacrifice with the object of bestowing a son on Divodasa. |
Mbh.13.30.3851 | As the result thereof, unto Divodasa was born a son named Pratarddana. |
Mbh.13.30.3858 | Beholding the prince, the son of Sudeva, viz, king Divodasa, became filled with joy. |
Mbh.13.30.3860 | Divodasa then installed his son Pratarddana as Yuvaraja, and regarding himself crowned with success became exceedingly happy. |
Mbh.13.30.3873 | Arrived at the Rishi's retreat, the son of Divodasa said in a loud voice, |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
Suggestions are welcome: email:moc.liamg|rnhtijij#moc.liamg|rnhtijij
Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text: www.sacred-texts.com; Wikified at AncientVoice. |