Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 21 Feb 2010 16:07 and updated at 21 Feb 2010 16:07
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.5.57.3153 | Then numbering to this extent, have I seen assembled there, and these, on behalf of the Pandavas, will encounter the Dhartarashtra host. |
Mbh.5.151.6799 | Without doubt, it will slay the Dhartarashtra host. |
Mbh.6.16.826 | The eleventh great division of the Kauravas, consisting of the Dhartarashtra troops, stood in advance of the whole army. |
Mbh.6.20.970 | Thronged with a large number of Maharathas, and roaring like the very ocean, the Dhartarashtra army, arrayed by Bhishma, stood facing the west for battle. |
Mbh.6.21.972 | SECTION XXI Sanjaya said, Beholding the vast Dhartarashtra army ready for battle, king Yudhisthira, the son of Kunti, gave way to grief. |
Mbh.6.23.1014 | SECTION XXIII Sanjaya said, Beholding the Dhartarashtra army approach for fight, Krishna said these words for Arjuna's benefit |
Mbh.6.25.1088 | Then beholding the Dhartarashtra troops drawn up, the ape-bannered son of Pandu, rising his bow, when, the throwing of missiles had just commenced, said these words, O lord of earth, to Hrishikesha |
Mbh.6.47.2364 | And the heroic son of Arjuna, though surrounded by those mighty car-warriors of the Dhartarashtra army, still showered on those five car-warriors arrowy downpours. |
Mbh.6.48.2460 | And beholding the generalissimo Sweta smiting the Dhartarashtra divisions, thy father Bhishma, called also Devavrata, impetuously rushed against him. |
Mbh.6.48.2492 | Then thy sire Devavrata, yielding to anger, and beholding his own standard overthrown and the Dhartarashtra army checked, shot a great many arrows, O king, at Sweta. |
Mbh.6.61.3303 | Then that smiter of foes, the son of Subhadra, depending upon his prowess and might, advanced with undepressed heart against the Dhartarashtra host. |
Mbh.6.74.3928 | And Bhurisravas also, that enhancer of the fame of the Kurus, beholding the Dhartarashtra ranks thus felled by Yuyudhana, rushed in wrath against the latter |
Mbh.6.77.4045 | The mighty Bhima, beholding Dussasana and Durvisaha and Dussaha and Durmada and Jaya, and Jayasena and Vikarna and Chitrasena and Sudarsana, and Charuchitra and Suvarman and Duskarna and Karna, and many other mighty car-warriors, excited with rage, of the Dhartarashtra host near enough to himself, penetrated into thy mighty array that was protected by Bhishma in that battle. |
Mbh.6.77.4053 | Then leaving his car and taking up his mace, the son of Pandu began to smite that very sea of Dhartarashtra troops. |
Mbh.6.77.4054 | Then when Bhimasena thus penetrated the Dhartarashtra host, Dhrishtadyumna the son of Prishata, forsaking Drona with whom he had been engaged, quickly proceeded to the spot where Suvala's son was stationed. |
Mbh.6.77.4058 | Visoka then, joining his hands, replied unto Dhrishtadyumna saying, The mighty son of Pandu, endued with great strength, ordering me to wait for him here, hath alone penetrated into the Dhartarashtra host that resembleth the very ocean. |
Mbh.6.82.4296 | Then Arjuna, excited with great wrath, addressing him of Vrishni's race, said, Behold, O Madhava, the Dhartarashtra troops in battle, arrayed by the high-souled son of Ganga, acquainted with every kind of array. |
Mbh.6.84.4405 | Then that mighty Dhartarashtra host, while thus slaughtered in battle, began to reel in many directions like a person who hath drunk poison. |
Mbh.6.87.4604 | And Drona, and Drona's son, and Kripa, and Salya, and Kritavarman of the Satwata race, surrounding the whole Dhartarashtra army, proceeded towards their tents. |
Mbh.6.91.4786 | Saying Yes, all those warriors of Iravat began to slay those mighty and invincible Dhartarashtra soldiers. |
Mbh.6.91.4834 | When the heroic son of Arjuna was thus slain by the Rakshasa, the Dhartarashtra host with all the kings in it were freed from grief. |
Mbh.6.94.4943 | Hearing those roars of the Rakshasa, O chief of the Bharatas, king Yudhishthira then, addressing Bhima, said unto that chastiser of foes these words, The noise that we hear uttered by the fiercely-roaring Rakshasa, without doubt, indicates that he is battling with the mighty car-warriors of the Dhartarashtra army. |
Mbh.6.94.4983 | During however, that dreadful battle making the hair stand on end, the Dhartarashtra troops generally were made to run their backs on the field |
Mbh.6.95.4998 | The mighty-armed son of Bharadwaja also, having said those words unto the Dhartarashtra warriors, stretched his own large bow and pierced Bhima with six and twenty arrows. |
Mbh.6.97.5138 | Urge the steeds on with speed towards the Dhartarashtra army, I will, with my two arms, reach the other shore of this ocean of battle that is so difficult to cross. |
Mbh.6.102.5452 | Then many mighty car-warriors of the Dhartarashtra army, standing in a ring round that single hero, began to strike him forcibly with their shafts. |
Mbh.6.113.6176 | There cometh Partha, having Vasudeva for his protector, checking as he cometh this entire Dhartarashtra army. |
Mbh.6.114.6195 | Bhimasena, O king, pierced in return every one of those kings, those foremost of men in the world, those mighty car-warriors of the Dhartarashtra army, one after another. |
Mbh.6.118.6457 | With his tall standard bearing the device of the golden palmyra, Bhishma stayeth, protecting the honour and the armour of all the Dhartarashtra warriors. |
Mbh.7.47.2239 | Beholding the heroic Abhimanyu lying on the field of battle, like the moon dropped from the firmament, diverse creatures, O king, in the welkin, said aloud, Alas, this one lieth on the field, slain, while fighting singly, by six mighty car-warriors of the Dhartarashtra army, headed by Drona and Karna. |
Mbh.7.90.4057 | And those bulls among Kshatriyas that were in the Kuru army were unable to resist Partha who agitated the Dhartarashtra ranks, like an elephant agitating the waters of a lake filled with lotuses. |
Mbh.7.92.4238 | Indeed, the Dhartarashtra force, divided into three bodies, was slaughtered by the Pandavas and the Srinjayas fiercely, like a herd of cattle in the woods by many beasts of prey, when unprotected by herdsmen. |
Mbh.7.107.5045 | Like the very ocean at full tide agitated by a mighty tempest, the Dhartarashtra host, O sire, is agitated by Savyasachin. |
Mbh.7.107.5050 | Behold the invincible Dhartarashtra force, stationed there, that bristles with arrows and darts and tall standards, and that teems with steeds and elephants. |
Mbh.7.117.5699 | The Dhartarashtra force, swelling with rage and pride, and teeming with elephants and steeds and cars and foot-soldiers, that is rushing with speed towards me, filling the ten points of the compass with deep roar of its cars, O charioteer, and causing the earth, the welkin, and the very seas, to tremble, therewith, this sea of troops, O driver, I will resist in great battle, like the continent resisting the ocean swelling to its utmost height at full moon. |
Mbh.7.145.7595 | The celestial generalissimo himself, O -Bharata, encountering the Dhartarashtra force, would, in battle, O Jishnu, lose his senses. |
Mbh.7.146.7675 | O puissant one, although the Dhartarashtra host is vast and swelleth with pride, yet, O Bharata, struck and slain, it is being exterminated. |
Mbh.7.171.9270 | O scorcher of foes, be thou the means by which the Pandavas who are routed by Karna with his shafts this night, and who are now sinking in the Dhartarashtra ocean, may safely reach the shore. |
Mbh.8.10.387 | Like the celestial generalissimo, the lord Skanda of unfading prowess, supporting the celestial army, do thou support this Dhartarashtra host! |
Mbh.8.11.431 | When, O great king, that foremost of men, Karna, thus came out, king Yudhishthira the just, casting his eyes on Arjuna, said these words: Behold, O Partha, how the Dhartarashtra force, O hero, in this battle, protected by heroes and mighty car-warriors, hath been arrayed by Karna! |
Mbh.8.11.432 | This vast Dhartarashtra force hath lost its bravest warriors. |
Mbh.8.49.2728 | Beholding Karna in that plight, the vast Dhartarashtra host uttered cries of Oh and Alas and the faces of all the combatants became colourless. |
Mbh.8.49.2777 | The din of battle-drums and conchs and cymbals and bows, and leonine shouts, arose from among the Dhartarashtra troops. |
Mbh.8.50.2813 | Karna also, beholding the Dhartarashtra force with all its kings flying away, addressed the ruler of the Madras, saying, Proceed towards the car of Bhima |
Mbh.8.50.2865 | Then after Karna's defeat, Bhimasena began to rout the vast Dhartarashtra host like Indra routing the danavas |
Mbh.8.60.3448 | Those Dhartarashtra elephants and horses and car-warriors and foot-soldiers are advancing to seize Yudhishthira like poor men after a precious gem. |
Mbh.8.60.3518 | There the Pancalas of great speed, O Dhananjaya, are rushing against the riderless Dhartarashtra elephants and steeds and cars. |
Mbh.8.60.3526 | Like swans of great speed leaving the Manasa lake and rushing into the Ganga, the Pancalas are rushing against the Kauravas, and every part of the vast Dhartarashtra force is assailed by them. |
Mbh.8.60.3528 | The Pancala heroes headed by Dhrishtadyumna are slaying thousands of their foes, viz, the great car-warriors of the Dhartarashtra army already sinking in the ocean of Bhima's weapons. |
Mbh.8.60.3530 | The greater portion of the vast Dhartarashtra army has become exceedingly frightened. |
Mbh.8.60.3547 | As regards Partha, that tiger among men, he continued, with his straight shafts, to slaughter the Dhartarashtra host consisting of four kinds of forces |
Mbh.8.64.3744 | The vast Dhartarashtra host, then, O king, was repeatedly broken by the heroic Pandavas inspired with desire of victory, in the very sight, O monarch, of thy sons, conversant with all modes of warfare, and of, Shakuni the son of Subala, and of Karna, O king! |
Mbh.8.64.3749 | Loud shouts were uttered then, O monarch, by the Pandavas, inspired with this desire of victory, on beholding the Dhartarashtra host flying away on all sides. |
Mbh.8.73.4392 | If, on that day, thou hadst not checked in battle all the Dhartarashtra car-warriors headed by the Suta's son, Drona then would never have been slain. |
Mbh.8.73.4393 | Thou heldst in check the whole Dhartarashtra force. |
Mbh.8.73.4400 | When Bhishma and Drona have been slain, the terrible Dhartarashtra host, O Partha, may be regarded to have lost all its heroes. |
Mbh.8.76.4564 | SECTION Sanjaya said, During the progress of the fierce engagement, Bhima, while fighting along, being encompassed by innumerable foes, addressed his driver, saying, Bear me into the midst of the Dhartarashtra host. |
Mbh.8.77.4709 | When that tiger among men, Shakuni was thus taken up on Duryodhana's car, the Dhartarashtra troops, turning their faces from battle, fled away on all sides inspired with fear on that occasion of great terror due to Bhimasena. |
Mbh.8.77.4712 | Seeing all the Dhartarashtra troops turn away from battle and fly in all directions, Bhima rushing impetuously, fell upon them, shooting many hundreds of shafts. |
Mbh.8.78.4726 | Bhima also of great strength began to destroy the Dhartarashtra troops. |
Mbh.8.78.4768 | Beholding the Pandava army turn away from battle, the Dhartarashtra bowmen of great might rushed against the retreating host uttering terrible shouts. |
Mbh.8.80.4918 | The Dhartarashtra army then, smitten with the shafts of Dhananjaya, broke, like a large vessel on the bosom of the ocean violently lashed by the tempest. |
Mbh.9.7.447 | Upon his slaughter, the vast Dhartarashtra host will be slain. |
Mbh.9.19.1209 | Those Dhartarashtra combatants, filled with rage and invincible in battle, having approached Bhimasena, uttered furious shouts. |
Mbh.9.19.1219 | The Dhartarashtra foot-soldiers, thus slain, lay down on the ground, bathed in blood, like Karnikaras with their flowery burthens laid low by a tempest. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
Suggestions are welcome: email:moc.liamg|rnhtijij#moc.liamg|rnhtijij
Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text: www.sacred-texts.com; Wikified at AncientVoice. |