Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 21 Feb 2010 15:30 and updated at 21 Feb 2010 15:30
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.1.88 | Narada recited them to the Devas, Devala to the Pitris, and Suka published them to the Gandharvas, Yakshas, and Rakshasas: and in this world they were recited by Vaisampayana, one of the disciples of Vyasa, a man of just principles and the first among all those acquainted with the Vedas. |
Mbh.1.53.2658 | Jaimini became the Brahmana, and Sarngarva and Pingala the Adhvaryus, Vyasa with his son and disciples, and Uddalaka, Pramataka, Swetaketu, Pingala, Asita, Devala, Narada, Parvata, Atreya, Kundajathara, the Brahmana Kalaghata, Vatsya, old Srutasravas ever engaged in japa and the study of the Vedas. |
Mbh.1.66.3346 | The son of Pratyusha, you must know, is the Rishi named Devala; and Devala had two sons who were both exceedingly forgiving and of great mental power. |
Mbh.1.184.9336 | Dhaumya, the younger brother of Devala is engaged there in ascetic penances. |
Mbh.2.4.117 | Upon the seats in that palace sat, along with the Pandavas, Rishis and kings that came from various countries, viz, Asita and Devala, Satya, Sarpamali and Mahasira; Arvavasu, Sumitra, Maitreya, Sunaka and Vali; Vaka, Dalvya, Sthulasira, Krishna-Dwaipayana, and Suka Sumanta, Jaimini, Paila, and the disciples of Vyasa, viz, ourselves; Tittiri, Yajanavalkya, and Lomaharshana with his son; Apsuhomya, Dhaumya, Animandavya; and Kausika; Damoshnisha and Traivali, Parnada, and Varayanuka, Maunjayana, Vayubhaksha, Parasarya, and Sarika; Valivaka, Silivaka, Satyapala, and Krita-srama; Jatukarna, and Sikhavat. |
Mbh.2.11.436 | And Agastya of great energy, and Markandeya, of great ascetic power, and Jamadagni and Bharadwaja, and Samvarta, and Chyavana, and exalted Durvasa, and the virtuous Rishyasringa, the illustrious Sanatkumara of great ascetic merit and the preceptor in all matters affecting Yoga; Asita and Devala, and Jaigishavya acquainted with truth; Rishava, Ajitasatru, and Mani of great energy; and the Science of healing with its eight branches, all in their personified forms, O Bharata; the moon with all the stars and the stellar conjunctions; Aditya with all his rays; the winds; the Sacrifices, the Declarations of purpose in sacrifices, the Vital principles, these illustrious and vow-observing beings in their personified forms, and many others too numerous to mention, attend all upon Brahma in that mansion. |
Mbh.2.52.2180 | Then Dhaumya and Vyasa, of great ascetic merit, with Narada and Asita's son Devala, standing before performed the ceremony of sprinkling the sacred water over the king. |
Mbh.2.58.2393 | Yudhishthira said, That best of Munis, Devala, the son of Asita, who always instructeth us about all those acts that may lead to heaven, hell, or the other regions, hath said, that it is sinful to play deceitfully with a gamester. |
Mbh.2.70.3054 | Vaisampayana continued, Hearing these words of Karna in the midst of the Kurus, viz, that the sons of Pandu were saved by their wife, the angry Bhimasena in great affliction said unto Arjuna, O Dhananjaya, it hath been said by Devala three lights reside in every person, viz, offspring, acts and learning, for from these three hath sprung creation. |
Mbh.3.12.647 | Vaisampayana continued, When the illustrious Kesava had said so in the midst of that assembly of brave kings, all excited with anger, Panchali surrounded by Dhrishtadyumna and her other heroic brothers, approached him of eyes like lotus leaves seated with his cousins, and, desirous of protection, addressed in angry accents that refuge of all, saying, Asita and Devala have said that in the matter of the creation of all things, thou hast been indicated by the sages as the only Prajapati and the Creator of all the worlds! |
Mbh.3.85.4733 | Those foremost of Rishis, Valmiki, and Kasyapa, and Atreya, and Kundajathara, and Viswamitra, and Gautama, and Asita, and Devala, and Markandeya, and Galava, and Bharadwaja, and Vasishtha, and the Muni Uddalaka, and Saunaka with his son, and Vyasa, that best of ascetics, and Durvasas, that foremost of Munis, and Javali of great austerities, all these illustrious Rishis endued with wealth of asceticism, are staying in expectation of thee. |
Mbh.6.34.1580 | All the Rishis proclaim thee thus, and also the celestial Rishi Narada; and Asita, Devala, and Vyasa; thyself also tellest me so. |
Mbh.6.68.3712 | Devala said of thee that the unmanifest all is thy body, and the manifest is in thy mind, and that the gods are all the result of thy breath |
Mbh.7.91.4171 | Let Asita, and Devala and Viswamitra, and Angiras, and Vasishtha, and Kasyapa, O king, do what is beneficial to thee. |
Mbh.9.48.3527 | Indeed, while the great Muni Jaigishavya resided there, Devala kept his eyes on him, never neglecting him at any time. |
Mbh.9.48.3529 | On one occasion, Devala lost sight of Jaigishavya, that foremost of ascetics. |
Mbh.9.48.3530 | At the hour, however, of dinner, O Janamejaya, the intelligent and righteous ascetic, leading a life of mendicancy, approached Devala for soliciting alms. |
Mbh.9.48.3531 | Beholding that great ascetic re-appear in the guise of a mendicant, Devala showed him great honour and expressed much gratification. |
Mbh.9.48.3532 | And Devala worshipped his guest, O Bharata, according to the measure of his abilities, after the rites laid down by the Rishis and with great attention for many years. |
Mbh.9.48.3533 | One day, however, O king, in the sight of that great Muni, a deep anxiety perturbed the heart of the highsouled Devala. |
Mbh.9.48.3536 | Having thought of this, the blessed Devala proceeded to the shores of the ocean, journeying through the welkin and bearing his earthen jug with him. |
Mbh.9.48.3537 | Arrived at the coast of the Ocean, that lord of rivers, O Bharata, the righteous-souled Devala saw Jaigishavya arrived there before him. |
Mbh.9.48.3541 | Having finished his ablutions and silent prayers, the blessed Devala returned to his asylum, O Janamejaya, bearing with him his earthen vessel filled with water. |
Mbh.9.48.3543 | The great ascetic Jaigishavya never spoke a word to Devala, but lived in the latter's asylum as if he were a piece of wood. |
Mbh.9.48.3545 | Witnessing this power, derived through Yoga, of Jaigishavya's penances, Asita Devala, O king, endued with great intelligence, began to reflect upon the matter. |
Mbh.9.48.3547 | While absorbed in such thoughts, the ascetic Devala, conversant with mantras, then soared aloft, O monarch, from his hermitage into the sky, for ascertaining who Jaigishavya, wedded to a life of mendicancy, really was. |
Mbh.9.48.3548 | Devala saw crowds of sky-ranging Siddhas rapt in meditation, and he saw Jaigishavya reverentially worshipped by those Siddhas. |
Mbh.9.48.3549 | Firm in the observance of his vows and persevering in his efforts, Devala became filled with wrath at the sight. |
Mbh.9.48.3552 | Devala saw him then proceed to the region of Yama. |
Mbh.9.48.3556 | The intelligent Devala then saw him proceed from those regions of persons performing sacrifices by killing animals to that pure region which is worshipped by the very gods. |
Mbh.9.48.3557 | Devala next saw the mendicant proceed to the place of those ascetics that perform the sacrifice called Chaturmasya and diverse others of the same kind. |
Mbh.9.48.3559 | Devala then saw his guest repair to the place of those ascetics that perform the sacrifice called Agnishutta. |
Mbh.9.48.3560 | Indeed, Devala next saw him in the regions of those highly wise men that perform the foremost of sacrifices, Vajapeya, and that other sacrifice in which a profusion of gold is necessary. |
Mbh.9.48.3563 | Indeed, Devala saw Jaigishavya in the regions also of those that perform the sacrifice called Sautramani and that other in which the flesh, so difficult to procure, of all living animals, is required. |
Mbh.9.48.3570 | The highly blessed Devala then reflected upon the power of Jaigishavya and the excellence of his vows as also upon the unrivalled success of his yoga. |
Mbh.9.48.3574 | The Siddhis said, Listen, O Devala of rigid vows, as we speak to thee the truth. |
Mbh.9.48.3577 | The Siddhas then, once more addressing Devala, said unto him, Thou, O Devala, art not competent to proceed thither, to the abode of Brahman, whither Jaigishavya hath gone |
Mbh.9.48.3578 | Vaishampayana continued, Hearing those words of the Siddhas, Devala came down, descending from one region to another in due order. |
Mbh.9.48.3581 | Then Devala, beholding the power derived through Yoga of Jaigishavya's penances, reflected upon it with his righteous understanding and approaching that great ascetic, O king, with humility, addressed the high-souled Jaigishavya, saying, I desire, O adorable one, to adopt the religion of Moksha Emancipation! |
Mbh.9.48.3585 | Then all creatures, with the Pitris, beholding Devala resolved to adopt the religion of Moksha, began to weep, saying, Alas, who will henceforth give us food' |
Mbh.9.48.3586 | Hearing these lamentations of all creatures that resounded through the ten points, Devala set his heart upon renouncing the religion of Moksha. |
Mbh.9.48.3587 | Then all kinds of sacred fruits and roots, O Bharata, and flowers and deciduous herbs, in thousands, began to weep, saying, The wicked-hearted and mean Devala will, without doubt, once more pluck and cut us! |
Mbh.9.48.3590 | Reflecting upon this, Devala, O best of kings, abandoned the religion of Domesticity and adopted that of Moksha. |
Mbh.9.48.3591 | Having indulged in those reflections, Devala, in consequence of that resolve obtained the highest success, O Bharata, and the highest Yoga. |
Mbh.12.1.7 | Among them were the Island-born Vyasa, and Narada, and the great Rishi Devala, and Devasthana, and Kanwa. |
Mbh.12.228.14149 | Devala said, Thou art not gladdened when praised. |
Mbh.12.228.14154 | Bhishma said, Thus questioned by Devala, the pure Jaigishavya of austere penances, said those words of high import, fraught with full faith and profound sense' |
Mbh.12.228.14156 | They, O Devala, who behave uniformly towards those that praise them and those that blame them, they who conceal their own vows and good acts, they who never indulge in recriminations, they who never say even what is good when it is calculated to injure instead of producing any benefit, they who do not desire to return injury for injury received, are said to be men possessed of wisdom |
Mbh.12.228.14160 | Possessed of power and regulated minds, they do at their pleasure, according to the way in which it should be done, what waits for them to do in respect of all objects, O Devala, if solicited regardfully thereto |
Mbh.12.274.16799 | Once on a time Narada, beholding that foremost of intelligent men, viz, Devala of venerable years, seated at his ease, questioned him about the origin and the destruction of all creatures' |
Mbh.12.292.18304 | Then, again, Asita and Devala, and Narada and Parvata, and Karkshivat, and Jamadagni's son Rama, and Tandya possessed of cleansed soul, and Vasishtha, and Jamadagni, and Viswamitra and Atri, and Bharadwaja, and Harismasru, and Kundadhara, and Srutasravas, these great Rishis, by adoring Vishnu with concentrated minds with the aid of Richs, and by penances, succeeded in attaining to success through the grace of that great deity endued with intelligence. |
Mbh.12.318.19808 | In the very presence of Devala, I took half of that Dakshina the other half going to my maternal uncle. |
Mbh.12.318.19884 | I have heard discourses on this subject from Jaigishavya, Aista, Devala, the regenerate sage Parasara, the intelligent Varshaganya, Bhrigu, Panchasikha Kapila, Suka, Gautama, Arshtisena, the high-souled Garga, Narada, Asuri, the intelligent Paulastya, Sanatkumara, the high-souled Sukra, and my sire Kasyapa. |
Mbh.13.66.6288 | Then there came to that place Agastya and Kanwa and Bhrigu and Atri and Vrishakapi, and Asita and Devala. |
Mbh.13.139.11418 | For beholding him who had gone through the rite of initiation for the observance of his great vow, there came to that place Narada and Parvata, and the Island-born Krishna, and Dhaumya, that foremost of silent reciters, and Devala, and Kasyapa, and Hastikasyapa. |
Mbh.13.165.13705 | They are Atri, Vasishtha, Saktri, Parasara's son Vyasa of great energy; Viswamitra, Bharadwaja, Jamadagni, the son of Richika, Rama, Auddalaka, Swetaketu, Kohala, Vipula, Devala, Devasarman, Dhaumya, Hastikasyapa, Lomasa, Nachiketa, Lomaharsana, Ugrasravas, and Bhrigu's son Chyavana. |
Mbh.13.167.13752 | He beheld his grandsire waited upon with reverence by Parasara's son Vyasa of great intelligence, by Narada, O royal sage, by Devala and Asita, and also by the remnant of unslain kings assembled from various parts of the country. |
Mbh.14.52.2289 | O thou that art irresistible, I have learnt it from Narada and Devala and the Island-born Vyasa, and the Kuru grandsire also, that all this universe rests on thee. |
Mbh.15.20.793 | SECTION XX Vaisampayana said, Those foremost of ascetics, viz Narada and Parvata and Devala of austere penances, came there to see king Dhritarashtra. |
Mbh.15.29.1141 | They were Narada, and Parvata and Devala of austere penances, and Viswavasu and Tumvuru, and Chitrasena, |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
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Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text:; Wikified at AncientVoice. |