Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 21 Feb 2010 15:25 and updated at 21 Feb 2010 15:25
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.2.3.74 | There is also in that lake a large conch-shell called Devadatta of loud sound, that came from Varuna. |
Mbh.3.167.8481 | Saying this, the gods offered unto me this shell, Devadatta, sprung in the deep; and I accepted it for the sake of victory. |
Mbh.3.168.8495 | Thereupon taking my shell, Devadatta, of tremendous roars, I again and again winded it with exceeding cheerfulness. |
Mbh.3.173.8687 | And the lord Maghavan granted me this golden garland and this shell, Devadatta, of mighty roars, and also his celestial mail impenetrable and capable of protecting the body. |
Mbh.4.57.2179 | Then announcing his own name, Arjuna powerfully blew that best of conchs called Devadatta, of loud blare. |
Mbh.4.65.2565 | And suddenly blowing his conch called Devadatta, the hero pierced the hearts of all his foes. |
Mbh.5.48.2726 | When he will behold on my car, Gandiva, Vasudeva, and the celestial conch Panchajanya, myself, my couple of inexhaustible quivers, and my conch called Devadatta as also my white steeds, then will the son of Dhritarashtra repent for this war. |
Mbh.6.25.1084 | And Hrishikesha blew the conch called Panchajanya and Dhananjaya that called Devadatta; and Vrikodara of terrible deeds blew the huge conch called Paundra. |
Mbh.6.51.2673 | And Hrishikesa blew the conch called Panchajanya, and Dhananjaya that called Devadatta. |
Mbh.7.18.810 | Having said these words unto the mighty-armed Hrishikesa, Arjuna came upon the arrayed ranks of the Trigartas in battle, taking up then his conch called Devadatta decked with gold, he blew it with great force, filling all the points of the compass with its blare. |
Mbh.7.19.850 | Causing wrinkles to form themselves on his brow, sure indications of wrath, the son of Pandu blew his prodigious conch, called Devadatta, and then he shot the weapon called Tvashtra that is capable of slaying large bodies of foes together. |
Mbh.7.71.3135 | And Phalguna blew Devadatta. |
Mbh.7.87.3855 | And in consequence of the sound of horses' hoofs, rattle of car-wheels, the shouts of combatants, the twang of bow-strings, the noise of diverse musical instruments, the blare of Panchajanya and Devadatta, and roar of Gandiva, men and elephants were dispirited and deprived of their senses. |
Mbh.7.101.4695 | The son of Kunti blew Devadatta, and Kesava blew Panchajanya. |
Mbh.7.101.4696 | The loud blast of Devadatta, sent forth by Dhananjaya, filled the earth, the welkin, and ten points of the compass. |
Mbh.8.76.4619 | There, beside him, behold his conch Devadatta of loud blare and the hue of a white cloud. |
Mbh.8.79.4854 | In the region of Indra he obtained his conch Devadatta and slew innumerable Daityas, and all the Kalakeyas. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
Suggestions are welcome: email:moc.liamg|rnhtijij#moc.liamg|rnhtijij
Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text:; Wikified at AncientVoice. |