Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 21 Feb 2010 15:18 and updated at 21 Feb 2010 15:18
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.211.10371 | The celestials knowing they were coming and acquainted also with the boons granted unto them by the Supreme Deity left heaven and sought refuge in the region of Brahman. |
Mbh.1.211.10382 | Even those Rishis on earth that were crowned with ascetic success, and had their passions under complete control and were wholly engrossed in meditation of the Deity, from fear of the Asura brothers, fled like snakes at the approach of Vinata's son Garuda the snake-eater. |
Mbh.1.213.10459 | The Supreme Deity, before Tilottama spoke, desirous of granting her a boon, cheerfully said, O beautiful damsel, thou shalt roam in the region of the Adityas. |
Mbh.1.215.10520 | Followed by Brahmanas conversant with the Vedas and their branches and devoted to the contemplation of the Supreme Spirit, by persons skilled in music, by ascetics devoted to the Deity, by reciters of Puranas, by narrators of sacred stories by devotees leading celibate lives, by Vanaprasthas, by Brahmanas sweetly reciting celestial histories, and by various other classes of persons of sweet speeches, Arjuna journeyed like Indra followed by the Maruts. |
Mbh.1.224.11010 | Approaching the great Deity seated on his seat, Agni said, O exalted one, Swetaki hath by his sacrifice gratified me to excess. |
Mbh.1.224.11023 | Hearing the words that fell from the lips of the Supreme Deity, Hutasana proceeded with great speed and soon reached the forest of Khandava in great vigour. |
Mbh.2.10.410 | The son of Pulastya Kuvera formerly used always to worship in all the modes and sit, with permission obtained, beside the god of gods, Siva, the creator of the three worlds, that supreme Deity surrounded by his attendants. |
Mbh.2.11.434 | In that mansion O king, the Supreme Deity, the Grand-sire of all created things, having himself created everything by virtue of his creative illusion, stayeth ever. |
Mbh.2.11.437 | Wealth and Religion and Desire, and Joy, and Aversion, and Asceticism and Tranquillity, all wait together upon the Supreme Deity in that palace. |
Mbh.2.11.439 | viz, Rig, Sama, Yajuh, and Atharva; all Sciences and branches of learning; Histories and all minor branches of learning; the several branches of the Vedas; the planets, the Sacrifices, the Soma, all the deities; Savitri Gayatri, the seven kinds of rhyme; Understanding, Patience, Memory, Wisdom, Intelligence, Fame, Forgiveness; the Hymns of the Sama Veda; the Science of hymns in general, and various kinds of Verses and Songs; various Commentaries with arguments, all in their personified forms, O king, and various Dramas and Poems and Stories and abridged Glosses, these also, and many others wait upon the Supreme Deity in that Sabha, Kshanas, Lavas, Muhurtas, Day, Night, Fortnights, Months, the six Seasons, O Bharata, Years, Yugas, the four kinds of Days and Nights viz, appearing to man, to the Pitris, to the gods, and to Brahma and that eternal, indestructible, undeteriorating, excellent Wheel of Time and also the Wheel of Virtue, these always wait there. |
Mbh.2.11.446 | All these tribes of Pitris wait upon the Lord of the creation and cheerfully worship the Supreme Deity of immeasurable energy. |
Mbh.2.11.452 | And all the dwellers in heaven repairing thither behold the Supreme Deity when they please, and worshipping him with a bow of their head return whence they came. |
Mbh.2.12.460 | And so the Yakshas, the Guhyakas, the Rakshasas, the Gandharvas and Apsaras and the Deity Yama having the bull for his vehicle, are to be found in the Sabha of the lord of treasures. |
Mbh.3.90.4893 | In that spot are the celestial Rishis, the Siddhas, and, indeed, all the Rishis, where dwelleth the slayer of Madhu, that primeval Deity and mighty Yogin! |
Mbh.3.131.6653 | Do thou not withhold from me that which hath been appointed by the Deity for my food, under the impression that thereby thou servest the interests of virtue, whereas in reality, thou wilt forsake it, by committing thyself to this act. |
Mbh.3.141.7208 | O child, in days of yore, there was once a terrible time in the Krita Yuga when the eternal and primeval Deity assumed the duties of Yama. |
Mbh.3.187.9421 | I then, in thought and deed sought the protection of that boon-giving and pre-eminent Deity, duly acknowledging his superiority. |
Mbh.3.188.9441 | SECTION CLXXXVIII Markandeya continued, The Deity then said, O Brahmana, the gods even do not know me truly! |
Mbh.3.188.9497 | Markandeya continued, Having said so unto me that wonderful Deity vanished, O son, from my sight! |
Mbh.3.188.9500 | And the Deity, of eyes large as lotus leaves, seen by me, in days of yore is this tiger among men, this Janardana who hath become thy relative! |
Mbh.3.200.10311 | And beholding the Deity, the Rishi in all humility began to gratify him with many hymns, and Utanka said, O thou of great effulgence all creatures with the gods, Asuras and human beings, all things that are mobile or immobile, even Brahma himself, the Vedas, and all things that are capable of being known, have, O lord, been created by thee! |
Mbh.3.202.10397 | He who is the Source and Creator of the Universe, viz, the Eternal and unfading Vishnu, He who is called by Munis crowned with ascetic success as the Supreme Lord of the Universe, that Being of great holiness, then lay in Yoga sleep on the wide hood of the Snake Sesha of immeasurable energy, and the Creator of the Universe, that highly-blessed and holy Hari, knowing no deterioration, lay on the hood of that Snake encircling the whole Earth and as the Deity lay asleep on that bed, a lotus, endued with great beauty and effulgence equal unto that of the Sun, sprang from his navel. |
Mbh.3.202.10400 | And awakened from his slumber, Govinda beheld those Danavas of mighty energy, and beholding them the Deity said unto them, Welcome, ye mighty ones! |
Mbh.3.202.10404 | O thou that art the Supreme Deity, we are disposed to grant thee a boon. |
Mbh.3.202.10413 | Hearing these words of the Deity, both Madhu and Kaitabha said, We have never before spoken an untruth; no, not even in jest; what shall we say of other occasions! |
Mbh.3.202.10423 | Let not that O Deity, be false which thou hadst at first promised to us' |
Mbh.3.202.10426 | Markandeya continued, Then Govinda began to reflect but uncovered space found he none and when he could not discover any spot that was uncovered on earth or in the sky, that foremost Deity then beheld his thighs to be absolutely uncovered. |
Mbh.3.202.10427 | And there, O king, the illustrious Deity cut off the heads of Madhu and Kaitabha with his keenedged discus |
Mbh.3.203.10433 | And thus addressed by the Grandsire, the Danava placed the feet of the Deity on his head and having thus touched with reverence the Deity's feet he went away and possessed of mighty energy and prowess. |
Mbh.3.203.10434 | Dhundhu, having obtained the boon hastily approached Vishnu remembering the death of his father at the hands of that Deity, and the wrathful Dhundhu having vanquished the gods with the Gandharvas began to distress all the celestials with Vishnu at their head. |
Mbh.3.205.10531 | O best of Brahmanas, I practise that virtue which consists in serving my husband whom I regard as the highest Deity. |
Mbh.3.206.10691 | These men who believe in the existence of the Deity, who are free from false pride, and versed in holy writ, and who respect regenerate twice-born men, go to heaven. |
Mbh.3.207.10710 | The Deity takes away life, the executioner acts only as a secondary agent. |
Mbh.4.1.5 | And, O Brahman, how did the highly blessed Draupadi, stricken with woe, devoted to her lords, and ever adoring the Deity, spend her days unrecognised |
Mbh.4.2.54 | What office will be performed by Arjuna who, dwelling for five years in the abode of the thousand-eyed Deity Indra shining in celestial lustre, acquired by his own energy the science of superhuman arms with all celestial weapons, and whom I regard as the tenth Rudra, the thirteenth Aditya, the ninth Vasu, and the tenth Graha, whose arms, symmetrical and long, have the skin hardened by constant strokes of the bowstring and cicatrices which resemble those on the humps of bulls, that foremost of warriors who is as Himavat among mountains, the ocean among expanses of water, Sakra among the celestial, Havya-vaha fire among the Vasus, the tiger among beasts, and Garuda among feathery tribes |
Mbh.5.10.398 | Thou art the God, the mighty Deity, saluted by all persons. |
Mbh.6.66.3624 | SECTION LXVI Bhishma said, Then that illustrious Deity, the Lord of the worlds, replied unto Brahma in a soft deep voice, saying, Through Yoga, O sire, all that is wished by thee is known to me. |
Mbh.7.40.1994 | That illustrious Deity, always inspired with compassion for his devotees, at last, became kind towards him. |
Mbh.7.50.2373 | When Sthanu fell at Brahma's feet from a desire of doing good to all creatures, the Supreme Deity to that greatest of ascetics, blazing with splendour, said, What wish of thine shall we accomplish, O thou that deservest to have all thy wishes fulfilled? |
Mbh.7.51.2406 | And while the Supreme Deity exterminated that fire born of his wrath, there came out from the doors of his diverse senses a female who was dark and red and tawny, whose tongue and face and eyes were red, and who was decked with two brilliant ear-rings and diverse other brilliant ornaments. |
Mbh.7.52.2444 | And upon that, invincible and illustrious Lord having shaken off his wrath, that damsel left the presence of that wise Deity. |
Mbh.7.78.3468 | And Arjuna repeatedly adored that Deity, knowing that he was the origin of all creatures and the cause of the past, the future, and the present. |
Mbh.7.198.11286 | When by those austerities, O sire, he became: like Brahma he then beheld the Master, Origin, and Guardian of the Universe, the Lord of all the gods, the Supreme Deity, who is exceedingly difficult of being gazed at, who is minuter than the minutest and larger than, the largest, who is called Rudra who is the lord of all the superior ones, who is called Hara and Sambhu, who has matted locks on his head, who is the infuser of life into every form, who is the First cause of all immobile: and mobile things, who is irresistible and of frightful aspect, who is of fierce wrath and great Soul, who is the All-destroyer, and of large heart; who beareth the celestial bow and a couple of quivers, who is cased in golden armour, and whose energy is infinite, who holdeth Pinaka, who is; armed with thunderbolt, a blazing trident, battle axe, mace, and a large sword; whose eye-brows are fair, whose locks are matted, who wieldeth the heavy short club, who hath the moon on his forehead, who is clad in tiger-skin, and who is armed with the bludgeon; who is decked with beautiful angadas, who hath snakes for his sacred thread, and who is surrounded by diverse creatures of the universe and by numerous ghosts and spirits, who is the One, who is the abode of ascetic austerities, and who is highly adored by persons of venerable age; who is Water, Heaven, Sky, Earth, Sun, Moon, Wind and Fire, and who is the measure of the duration of the universe. |
Mbh.7.199.11349 | O, seek the protection of that boon, giving Deity, that lord of the universe. |
Mbh.7.199.11350 | He is called Mahadeva the Supreme Deity, of Supreme Soul, the one only Lord, with matted locks on head, the abode of auspiciousness. |
Mbh.7.199.11352 | That boon-giving lord of the universe, that Supreme Deity, is also called Hara and Sthanu. |
Mbh.7.199.11367 | That Supreme Deity, called Mahadeva, is worshipped by followers that are even such. |
Mbh.7.199.11369 | In that fierce battle, O Partha, making the very hair stand on end, who else, O Arjuna, than the divine Maheswara, that foremost of all bowmen, that Deity of divine form, could even in imagination venture to vanquish that force which was protected by those great smiters and bowmen, viz, Aswatthaman and Karna and Kripa? |
Mbh.7.199.11494 | Many also are the names, of truthful import, of this Deity in all the worlds. |
Mbh.7.199.11541 | The person who always attentively reads or listens to the recitation of this excellent and auspicious account, appertaining to battle, of the illustrious Deity, and he worships with devotion that illustrious Lord of the universe, obtaineth all the objects of desire, in consequence of the three-eyed God being gratified with him. |
Mbh.8.33.1586 | The illustrious Deity, hearing the words of Indra, told the gods, He that is an offender against you offends against me also. |
Mbh.8.33.1598 | Hearing these words of his, the gods with Sakra at their head, making Brahman take their lead, sought the protection of the Deity having the bull for his mark. |
Mbh.8.33.1602 | Though that Deity is one they had imagined him to be of various forms. |
Mbh.8.34.1617 | SECTION Duryodhana said, After the fears of those throngs of the pitris, the gods, and the Rishis had thus been dispelled by that high-souled Deity, Brahman then offered his adorations, unto Sankara, and said these words for the benefit of the universe, Through thy favour, O Lord of all, the Lordship of all creatures is mine. |
Mbh.8.34.1677 | Seeing the energies of the entire universe united together in one place, O sire, the gods wondered, and at last represented unto that illustrious Deity that the car was ready. |
Mbh.8.34.1699 | The gods, O king, then commanded that foremost of celestials, viz, Wind, to breathe after that puissant Deity all the fragrance that he carries. |
Mbh.8.34.1706 | Hearing these words uttered by that high-souled Deity, the gods repaired unto the Grandsire and inclining him to grace, said these words, We have accomplished everything, O holy one, that thou hadst ordered us to do in the matter of afflicting the foes of celestials. |
Mbh.8.34.1707 | The Deity having the bull for his mark has been gratified with us. |
Mbh.8.34.1715 | The Deity armed with Pinaka hath been made the warrior who is to stand on it. |
Mbh.8.34.1734 | Having ascended the car the illustrious Deity, viz, the Grandsire resplendent with his own energy, took the reins and the goad. |
Mbh.8.34.1739 | The great Deity once more said unto the gods headed by Indra, Ye should never grieve, doubting my ability to destroy the Asura. |
Mbh.8.34.1745 | And the illustrious Deity was adored, all the while by the attendants that always wait upon him, and by others that subsisted on meat, that were invincible in battle, and that danced in joy on the present occasion, running wildly on all sides and shouting at one another, Rishis also, of great good fortune, possessed of ascetic merit and endued with high qualities, as also the gods, wished for Mahadeva's success. |
Mbh.8.34.1763 | During the time the car had sunk and the foe had began to roar, the illustrious Deity, endued with great might began, from rage, to utter loud shouts, standing, O giver of honours, on the head of his bull and the back of his steeds. |
Mbh.8.34.1772 | The triple city then appeared immediately before that god of unbearable energy, that Deity of fierce and indescribable form, that warrior who was desirous of slaying the Asuras. |
Mbh.8.34.1780 | Thus that illustrious Deity, that Creator of the worlds, that Lord of both the Gods and the Asuras, viz, Maheswara, did that which was for the good of all the worlds. |
Mbh.8.34.1781 | As the illustrious Brahman, the Creator of the worlds, the Grandsire, the Supreme Deity of unfading glory, acted as the driver of Rudra, so do thou restrain the steeds of the high-souled son of Radha like Grandsire restraining those of Rudra. |
Mbh.8.35.1844 | SECTION Duryodhana said, Even thus did that illustrious Deity, that Grandsire of all the worlds, viz, Brahman, act as driver on that occasion and even thus did Rudra become the warrior. |
Mbh.12.208.12615 | That Supreme Deity, rushing to the spot whither those wretches among Danavas, of terrible aspect, are dwelling in thousands below the earth, will slay them all' |
Mbh.12.264.16058 | The leaves and flowers of such trees as have been indicated in the Vedas, whatever act is regarded as worthy and whatever else is held as pure by persons of pure hearts and cleansed natures and those eminent for knowledge and holiness, are all worthy of being offered to the Supreme Deity and not unworthy of His acceptance |
Mbh.12.279.17159 | Having attained to that end viz, Humanity and having been afflicted for the duration of one creation by the bonds born of his own acts, Jiva then attains to the colours called Yellow or becomes a Deity. |
Mbh.12.279.17204 | Bhishma said, The Highest Deity, endued with the six attributes of puissance, etc |
Mbh.12.283.17558 | It is preferable to incur even the wrath of that foremost of gods than to obtain boons from any other Deity' |
Mbh.12.285.17880 | Having created these, the Supreme Deity, O Bharata, united with them Sattwa, Rajas, Tamas, Time, Consciousness of functions, and Mind forming the sixth |
Mbh.12.336.21605 | That great Deity is incapable of being ever seen by one that is destitute of devotion. |
Mbh.12.336.21606 | Incapable of being seen in consequence of his dazzling effulgence, that illustrious Deity can be beheld by only those persons that in course of long ages succeed in devoting themselves wholly and solely to Him. |
Mbh.12.336.21610 | Having heard these wonderful words that were sweet as nectar, we soon got back to the place we desired, through the grace of that great Deity. |
Mbh.12.336.21611 | When with the aid of even such austere penances and of offerings devoutly given in sacrifices, we failed to have a sight of the great Deity, how, indeed, can you expect to behold Him so easily? |
Mbh.12.339.21792 | Bearing these diverse kinds of hues on his person, the eternal Deity appeared before Narada. |
Mbh.12.339.21798 | With mind under complete control, the great Deity, called by the names of Hari and Narayana, by his other mouths, multitudinous in number, uttered many mantras from the four Vedas which are known by the name of Aranyaka. |
Mbh.12.340.22023 | Then, again, Brahman, and Rudra, the puissant Sakra the slayer of Vala, Surya, Chandramas the Lord of the stars, the Wind-god, the Deity of fire, the Deity of the Waters, Infinite Space as living Being, the Universe too as a conscious agent, and the rest of the denizens of heaven, they, it seems, are ignorant of the way of securing annihilation of conscious existence, that is capable of being brought about by self-realisation |
Mbh.12.340.22166 | After the Rishis and denizens of heaven had left that place, Brahman remained there, desirous of beholding the great Deity eminent in the form of Aniruddha. |
Mbh.12.340.22169 | Beholding the great Deity of immeasurable energy in that form crowned with an equine head, the puissant Brahman, the Creator of all the worlds. |
Mbh.12.340.22172 | The great Deity embraced Brahman and then told him these words. |
Mbh.12.340.22180 | It is for this, O blessed one, that the eternal Deity, with the lotus in his navel, became the acceptor of the first share offered in sacrifices and hence it is that He came to be called as the eternal upholder of all Sacrifices. |
Mbh.12.340.22193 | The supreme Deity, who is immutable, pervadeth all things. |
Mbh.12.340.22200 | Our preceptor, with ourselves, O king, then adored the great Deity with Richs extracted from the four Vedas. |
Mbh.12.340.22214 | Hearing these words of the great Rishi, fraught with certainty of conclusion, and embodying a recital of the attributes of that high-souled one who is the foremost of all beings, hearing this narrative of the great conclave of Rishis and other denizens of heaven, men who are devoted to the supreme Deity derive great happiness |
Mbh.12.343.22806 | They are always engaged in worshipping that great Deity, and the latter always sports with them. |
Mbh.12.343.22824 | Whatever rites and religious acts are performed by persons whose souls are entirely devoted to him, are all received by that great Deity on his head. |
Mbh.12.344.22863 | We are thus engaged, O regenerate one, being moved by the desire of benefiting those manifestations of the Supreme Deity, dear to all the celestials, that will occur in the three worlds for achieving diverse feats that are incapable of being achieved by any other Being. |
Mbh.12.344.22871 | Worshipping the Supreme Deity Narayana, and adoring those two ancient Rishis also that had taken birth in the house of Dharma, the illustrious Rishi Narada, endued with great energy, continued to reside, thus employed, in that retreat, called Vadari, on the breast of Himavat, belonging to Nara and Narayana, for a thousand years as measured by the standard of the celestials |
Mbh.12.345.22880 | It is from that Supreme Deity that Brahma, the Grandsire of all the worlds, took his rise in days of yore. |
Mbh.12.347.22978 | I have heard also of the birth of the Supreme Deity in the house of Dharma, in the form of Nara and Narayana. |
Mbh.12.347.22979 | I have also heard from thee the origin of the Pinda from the mighty Baraha Boar which form the supreme Deity had assumed for raising by the submerged Earth. |
Mbh.12.347.22988 | O thou of foremost intelligence, for what reason did he supreme Deity assume that form and display himself in it unto Brahman? |
Mbh.12.347.23143 | Whatever forms, the Supreme Deity desires to assume with a view to ordaining the various affairs of the universe, he assumes those forms immediately within himself by exercise of his own inherent powers. |
Mbh.12.347.23144 | The Supreme Deity, endued with every prosperity, is the receptacle of the Vedas. |
Mbh.12.347.23163 | The presiding deities of Fame, of Beauty, and of Prosperity have the same Supreme Deity for their soul. |
Mbh.12.349.23438 | The Supreme Deity, called by the name of Hari, resides in the hearts of those that have succeeded with the aid of the scriptures and of inference in dispelling all doubts. |
Mbh.13.14.959 | Projecting into existence and withdrawing once more unto himself all things fraught with good and evil, that inconceivable Deity whom thou seekest, O destroyer of foes, lives here with his spouse. |
Mbh.13.14.1184 | Upamanyu said, I solicit boons from that great Deity named Siva whom utterers of Brahma has described as existent and non-existent, manifest and unmanifest, eternal or immutable, one and many. |
Mbh.13.14.1442 | The illustrious Deity said, Be thou free from every misery and pain, and be thou above decrepitude and death. |
Mbh.13.14.1458 | I also obtained all that was said by the great Deity endued with supreme intelligence. |
Mbh.13.14.1462 | O thou of mighty arms, all these are endued with a celestial nature through the grace of that god of gods, that Supreme Lord, that high-souled Deity' |
Mbh.13.14.1470 | Through the grace of that Deity endued with supreme wisdom, the Past, the Future and the Present are known to me. |
Mbh.13.14.1472 | Why will not the puissant Deity show favour to thee, O Mahadeva? |
Mbh.13.14.1494 | Verily, the great Deity seemed to shine with his penances, energy, beauty, effulgence, and his dear spouse by his side. |
Mbh.13.14.1508 | Eleven hundred Rudras stood around that Deity of restrained soul and white deeds, then seated upon his bull. |
Mbh.13.14.1520 | The great Deity then addressed me saying, Behold, O Krishna, and speak to me. |
Mbh.13.14.1552 | The innumerable Brahmanas there present, the deities and the Asuras, the Nagas, the Pisachas, the Pitris, the birds, diverse Rakshasas, diverse classes of ghosts and spirits, and all the great Rishis, then bowed down unto that great Deity. |
Mbh.13.15.1561 | SECTION XV The blessed Krishna said, Bowing my head with great joy unto that mass of energy and effulgence, I said these words unto the great Deity, with a heart filled with gladness, Firmness in virtue, the slaughter of foes in battle, the highest fame, the greatest might, devotion to Yoga, thy adjacence, and hundreds upon hundreds of children, these are the boons I solicit of thee, So be it, said Sankara repeating the words I had uttered. |
Mbh.13.16.1585 | After he had said these words, Tandi beheld before him that ocean of penances, that great Deity who is immutable and undeteriorating, who is without compare, who is inconceivable, who is eternal, and who is without any change, who is indivisible, who is whole, who is Brahma, who transcends all attributes, and who is endued with attributes, who is the highest delight of Yogins, who is without deterioration, who is called Emancipation, who is the refuge of the Mind, of Indra, of Agni, of the god of wind, of the entire universe, and of the Grandsire Brahma; who is incapable of being conceived by the Mind, who is without mutation of any kind, who is pure, who is capable of being apprehended by understanding only and who is immaterial as the Mind; who is difficult of comprehension, who is incapable of being measured, who is difficult of being attained by persons of uncleansed souls, who is the origin of the universe, and who transcends both the universe and the attribute of darkness; who is ancient, who is Purusha, who is possessed of effulgence, and who is higher than the highest. |
Mbh.13.16.1617 | Alas, so long I was steeped in Ignorance; for this long period I was a senseless fool, since I had no knowledge of thee that art the Supreme Deity, thee that art the only eternal Entity as can be only known by all persons endued with wisdom. |
Mbh.13.16.1704 | Upamanyu continued, Thus praised by that utterer of Brahma, viz, Tandi, Mahadeva that illustrious and puissant Deity, who was accompanied by his spouse lima, said these words. |
Mbh.13.16.1716 | Upamanyu continued, Having given unto Tandi these boons and having received the adorations of both the deities and the Rishis, the great Deity disappeared there and then. |
Mbh.13.16.1722 | O thou that transcendest destruction, in days of yore, the Grandsire Brahma uttered these names for adoring the high-souled Deity. |
Mbh.13.17.1726 | Upamanyu said, I shall adore that great Deity who deserves the adorations of all creatures, by uttering those names that are celebrated over all the worlds, names some of which were uttered by the Grandsire Brahma, some by the Rishis, and some of which occur in the Vedas and the Vedangas. |
Mbh.13.17.1727 | Those names have been applied unto the great Deity by persons that are eminent. |
Mbh.13.17.1736 | Thou art a devoted worshipper of the Supreme Deity. |
Mbh.13.17.1740 | Persons endued with Yoga; Yoga's achievements are unable to know in even a hundred years, the glory and puissance of the great Deity in their entirety. |
Mbh.13.17.1743 | For all that, I shall through the grace of that illustrious and supreme Deity of perfect wisdom, extended to me for my devotion to him, recite his attributes as embodied in an abstract of few words and letters. |
Mbh.13.17.1746 | I shall indicate only a few names of that great Deity who is without birth and without destruction, who is the original cause of the universe, who is endued with the highest Soul, and whose origin is unmanifest. |
Mbh.13.17.2043 | Thou art the Deity called Ansu. |
Mbh.13.17.2069 | Thou art the Deity that distributes unto all creatures the fruits in the form of joys and griefs of their acts. |
Mbh.13.17.2167 | Thou art in the form of the Deity of Righteousness, the distributor of the fruits that attach to acts good and bad. |
Mbh.13.17.2371 | Thou art the maker of the field of those actions by which persons adore the supreme Deity. |
Mbh.13.17.2731 | I have thus, O Krishna, hymned the praises of the illustrious Deity by reciting his names in the order of their importance. |
Mbh.13.17.2733 | Aided, however, by my devotion to him, and having received his permission, I have praised that Lord of sacrifices, that Deity of supreme puissance, that foremost of all creatures endued with intelligence. |
Mbh.13.17.2743 | It is through good luck alone that undivided devotion to Bhava who is the original cause of the universe fully springs up in the heart of one that is conversant with every mode of worshipping that great Deity |
Mbh.13.17.2747 | The illustrious Deity who is always inclined to extend his grace towards them that seek him with humility, and throw themselves with their whole soul upon him rescues them from the world. |
Mbh.13.17.2748 | Except the great Deity who frees creatures from rebirth, all other gods constantly nullify the penances of men, for men have no other source of puissance that is as great as these |
Mbh.13.17.2749 | It was even thus Tandi of tranquil soul, resembling Indra himself in splendour, praised the illustrious Lord of all existent and non-existent things, that great Deity clad in animal skins. |
Mbh.13.18.2783 | The illustrious Deity at last became gratified with me and gave me knowledge that is capable of aiding the acquirer in getting over rebirth, |
Mbh.13.18.2791 | I hymned the praises of the great Deity by reciting his names. |
Mbh.13.18.2794 | Even thus did the illustrious and crested Deity of auspicious form said unto me. |
Mbh.13.18.2795 | Through the grace of that Deity of supreme intelligence I obtained all that He had said. |
Mbh.13.18.2797 | I paid my adorations to Bhava with the desire of becoming a Brahmana Through the grace of that great Deity I succeeded in obtaining the high status of a Brahmana that is so difficult to obtain, |
Mbh.13.18.2812 | The great Deity said unto me, Thou shalt be freed from disease of every kind, and besides immortality shall be thine. |
Mbh.13.18.2817 | That illustrious Deity is incapable of being comprehended in thought, word, or deed. |
Mbh.13.18.2820 | Gratified with me, O Yudhishthira, the illustrious Deity said unto me, Thou shalt, O Krishna, through my grace, become dearer to all persons than wealth which is coveted by all. |
Mbh.13.18.2825 | Gratified with me, the illustrious Deity said unto me these words, Blessed be thou, do thou solicit boons as thou wishest. |
Mbh.13.18.2843 | Having said these words, the great Deity disappeared there and then. |
Mbh.13.18.2854 | Having said these words unto me, the adorable Deity having the bull for his vehicle, viz, Maheswara of unrivalled splendour and clad in animal skin, O king, disappeared there and then with all his associates' |
Mbh.13.18.2861 | Having obtained the permission of the illustrious Deity, I then repaired to my home, O Yudhishthira, and beheld my father, O son, coming out after having finished his daily sacrifice. |
Mbh.13.18.2871 | Their dispositions being stained by the attributes of Rajas and Tamas, they can never approach the Supreme Deity. |
Mbh.13.18.2872 | It is only those regenerate persons who are of cleansed souls that succeed in attaining to the Supreme Deity. |
Mbh.13.18.2873 | Even if a person lives in the enjoyment of every pleasure and luxury, yet if he be devoted to the Supreme Deity, he comes to be regarded as the equal of forest recluses of cleansed souls. |
Mbh.13.18.2876 | A person who raises houses to the ground and destroys tanks and lakes indeed, who devastates the whole universe, does not become stained with sin, if he adores and worships the illustrious Deity of three eyes. |
Mbh.13.18.2881 | Vishnu said, O Great King, Aditya, Chandra, Wind, Fire, Heaven, Earth, the Vasus, the Viswedevas, Dhatri, Aryyaman, Sukra, Vrihaspati, the Rudras, the Saddhyas, Varuna, Brahma, Sakra, Maruts, the Upanishads that deal with knowledge of Brahman, Truth, the Vedas, the Sacrifices, Sacrificial Presents, Brahmanas reciting the Vedas, Soma, Sacrificer, the shares of the deities in sacrificial offerings or clarified butter poured in sacrifices, Raksha, Diksha, all kinds of restraints in the form of vows and fasts and rigid observances, Swaha, Vashat, the Brahmanas, the celestial cow, the foremost acts of righteousness, the wheel of Time, Strength, Fame, Self-restraint, the Steadiness of all persons endued with intelligence, all acts of goodness and the reverse, the seven Rishis, Understanding of the foremost order, all kinds of excellent touch, the success of all religious acts, the diverse tribes of the deities, those beings that drink heat, those that are drinkers of Soma, Clouds, Suyamas, Rishitas, all creatures having Mantras for their bodies, Abhasuras, those beings that live upon scents only, those that live upon vision only, those that restrain their speech, those that restrain their minds, those that are pure, those that are capable of assuming diverse forms through Yoga-puissance, those deities that live on touch as their food, those deities that subsist on vision and those that subsist upon the butter poured in sacrifices, those beings that are competent to create by fiats of their will the objects they require, they that are regarded as the foremost ones among the deities, and all the other deities, O descendant of Ajamila, the Suparnas, the Gandharvas, the Pisachas, the Danavas, Yakshas, the Charanas, the snakes, all that is gross and all that is exceedingly subtile, all that is soft and all that is not subtile, all sorrows and all joys, all sorrows that come after joy and all joy that comes after sorrow, the Sankhya philosophy, Yoga, and that which transcends objects which are regarded as foremost and very superior, all adorable things, all the deities, and all the protectors of the universe who entering into the physical forces sustain and uphold this ancient creation of that illustrious Deity, have sprung from that Creator of all creatures. |
Mbh.13.19.2929 | That delightful spot on the mountains, we have heard, is the favourite abode of the great Deity. |
Mbh.13.19.2931 | It was there that the goddess Uma practised the severest austerities for the sake of obtaining for her lord the three-eyed Deity. |
Mbh.13.103.9246 | I observed that vow, O boon giving Deity! |
Mbh.13.149.12536 | He that is the foremost Refuge of all things DLIX, DLXVIII; He that is armed with the best of bows called Saranga; He that was divested of His battle-axe by Rama of Bhrigu's race He that is fierce; He that is the giver of all objects of desire; He that is so tall as to touch the very heavens with his head in allusion to the form He assumed at Valis sacrifice; He whose vision extends over the entire universe; He that is Vyasa who distributed the Vedas; He that is the Master of speech or all learning; He that has started into existence without the intervention of genital organs DLXVIII, DLXXVI; He that is hymned with the three foremost Samans; He that is the singer of the Samans; He that is the Extinction of all worldly attachments in consequence of His being the embodiment of Renunciation; He that is the Medicine; He that is the Physician who applies the medicine; He that has ordained the fourth or last mode of life called renunciation for enabling His creatures to attain to emancipation; He that causes the passions of His worshippers to be quieted with a view to give them tranquillity of soul; He that is contented in consequence of His utter dissociation with all worldly objects; He that is the Refuge of devotion and tranquillity of Soul DLXXVII, DLXXXV; He that is possessed of beautiful limbs; He that is the giver of tranquillity of soul; He that is Creator; He that sports in joy on the bosom of the earth; He that sleeps in Yoga lying on the body of the prince of snakes, Sesha, after the universal dissolution; the Benefactor of kine; or, He that took a human form for relieving the earth of the weight of her population; the Master of the universe; the Protector of the universe; He that is endued with eyes like those of the bull; He that cherishes Righteousness with love DLXXXVI, DXCV: He that is the unreturning hero; He whose soul has been withdrawn from all attachments; He that reduces to a subtle form the universe at the time of the universal dissolution; He that does good to His afflicted worshippers; He whose name, as soon as heard, cleanses the hearer of all his sins; He who has the auspicious whorl on His breast; He in whom dwells the goddess of Prosperity for ever; He who was chosen by Lakshmi the goddess of Prosperity as her Lord; He that is the foremost one of all Beings endued with prosperity DXCVI, DCIV; He that give prosperity unto His worshippers; the Master of prosperity; He that always lives with those that are endued with prosperity; He that is the receptacle of all kinds of prosperity; He that gives prosperity unto all persons of righteous acts according to the measure of their righteousness; He that holds the goddess of Prosperity on his bosom; He that bestows prosperity upon those that hear of, praise, and mediate on Him; He that is the embodiment of that condition which represents the attainment of unattainable happiness; He that is possessed of every kind of beauty; He that is the Refuge of the three worlds DCV, DCXIV; He that is possessed of beautiful eye; He that is possessed of beautiful limbs; He that is possessed of a hundred sources of delight; He that represents the highest delight; He that is the Master of all the luminaries in the firmament for it is He that maintains them in their places and orbits; He that has subjugated His soul; He whose soul is not swayed by any superior Being; He that is always of beautiful acts; He whose doubts have all been dispelled for He is said to behold the whole universe as an Amlaka in His palm DCXV, DCXXIII; He that transcends all creatures; He whose vision extends in all directions: He that has no Master; He that at all times transcends all changes; He that in the form of Rama had to lie down on that bare ground; He that adorns the earth by His incarnations; He that is puissance's self; He that transcends all grief; He that dispels the griefs of all His worshippers as soon as they remember His DCXXIV, DCXXXII; He that is possessed of effulgence, He that is worshipped by all; He that is the water-pot as all things reside within Him; He that is of pure soul; He that cleanses all as soon as they hear of him; He that is free and unrestrained; He whose car never turns away from battles; He that is possessed of great wealth; He whose prowess is incapable of being measured DCXXXIII, DCXLI; He that is the slayer of the Asura named Kalanemi; He that is the Hero; He that has taken birth in the race of Sura; He that is the Lord of all the deities; the soul of the three worlds; the Master of the three worlds; He that has the solar and lunar rays for his hair; the slayer of Kesi; He that destroys all things at the universal dissolution DCXLII, DCL; the Deity from whom the fruition of all desires is sought; He that grants the wishes of all; He that has desires; He that has a handsome form; He that is endued with thorough knowledge of Srutis and Smritis; He that is possessed of a form that is indescribable by attributes; He whose brightest rays overwhelm heaven; He that has no end; He that in the form of Arjuna or Nara acquired vast wealth on the occasion of his campaign of conquest DCLI, DCLX; He who is the foremost object of silent recitation, of sacrifice, of the Vedas, and of all religious acts; He that is the creator of penances and the like; He that is the form of the grandsire Brahman, He that is the augmentor of penances; He that is conversant with Brahma; He that is of the form of Brahmana; He that has for His limbs Him that is called Brahma; He that knows all the Vedas and everything in the universe; He that is always fond of Brahmanas and of whom the Brahmanas also are fond DCLXI, DCLXX; He whose footsteps cover vast areas; He whose feats are mighty; He who is possessed of vast energy; He that is identical with Vasuki, the king of the snakes; He that is the foremost of all sacrifices; He that is Japa, that first of sacrifices; He that is the foremost of all offerings made in sacrifices DCLXXI, DCLXXVIII He that is hymned by all; He that loves to be hymned by his worshippers; He that is himself the hymns uttered by His worshippers; He that is the very act of hymning; He that is the person that hymns; He that is fond of battling with everything that is evil; He that is full in every respect; He that fills others with every kind of affluence; He that destroys all sins as soon as He is remembered; He whose acts are all righteous; He that transcends all kinds of disease DCLXXIX, DCLXXXIX; He that is endued with the speed of the mind; He that is the creator and promulgator of all kinds of learning; He whose vital seed is gold; He that is giver of wealth being identical with Kuvera the Lord of treasures; He that takes away all the wealth of the Asuras; the son of Vasudeva; He in whom all creatures dwell; He whose mind dwells in all things in thorough identity with them; He that takes away the sins of all who seek refuge in him DCXC, DCXCVIII; He that is attainable by the righteous; He whose acts are always good; He that is the one entity in the universe; He that displays Himself in diverse forms; He that is the refuge of all those that are conversant with truth; He who has the greatest of heroes for his troops He that is the foremost of the Yadavas; He that is the abode of the righteous He that sports in joy in the woods of Brinda on the banks of Yamuna DCXCIX, DCCVVII; He in whom all created things dwell; the deity that overwhelms the universe with His Maya illusion; He in whom all foremost of Beings become merged when they achieve their emancipation He whose hunger is never gratified; He that humbles the pride of all; He that fills the righteous with just pride; He that swells with joy; He that is incapable of being seized; He that has never been vanquished DCCVII, DCCXVI; He that is of universal form; He that is of vast form; He whose form blazes forth with energy and effulgence; He that is without form as determined by acts; He that is of diverse forms; He that is unmanifest; He that is of a hundred forms; He that is of a hundred faces DCCXVII, DCCXXIV; He that is one; He that is many through illusion; He that is full of felicity; He that forms the one grand topic of investigation; He from whom is this all; He that is called THAT; He that is the highest Refuge; He that confines Jiva within material causes; He that is coveted by all; He that took birth in the race of Madhu; He that is exceedingly affectionate towards His worshippers DCCXXV, DCCXXXV; He that is of golden complexion; He whose limbs are like gold in hue; He that is possessed of beautiful limbs; He whose person is decked with Angadas made with sandal-paste; He that is the slayer of heroes; He that has no equal; He that is like cipher in consequence of no attributes being affirmable of Him; He that stands in need of no blessings in consequence of His fulness; He that never swerves from His own nature and puissance and knowledge; He that is mobile in the form of wind DCCXXXVI, DCCXLV; He that never identifies Himself with anything that is not-soul He that confers honours on His worshippers; He that is honoured by all; He that is the Lord of the three worlds; He that upholds the three worlds; He that is possessed of intelligence and memory capable of holding in His mind the contents of all treatises; He that took birth in a sacrifice; He that is worthy of the highest praise; He whose intelligence and memory are never futile; He that upholds the earth DCCXLVI, DCCLV; He that pours forth heat in the form of the Sun; He that is the bearer of great beauty of limbs; He that is the foremost of all bearers of weapons; He that accepts the flowery and leafy offerings made to Him by His worshippers; He that has subdued all his passions and grinds all His foes; He that has none to walk before Him; He that has four horns; He that is the elder brother of Gada DCCLVI, DCCLXIV; He that has four arms; He from whom the four Purushas have sprung; He that is the refuge of the four modes of life and the four orders of men; He that is of four souls Mind, Understanding, Consciousness, and Memory; He from whom spring the four objects of life, viz, Righteousness, Wealth, Pleasure, and Emancipation; He that is conversant with the four Vedas; He that has displayed only a fraction of His puissance DCCLXV, DCCLXXII; He that sets the wheel of the world to revolve round and round; He whose soul is dissociated from all worldly attachments; He that is incapable of being vanquished; He that cannot be transcended; He that is exceedingly difficult of being attained; He that is difficult of being approached; He that is difficult of access; He that is difficult of being brought within the heart by even Yogins; He that slays even the most powerful foes among the Danavas DCCLXXIII, DCCLXXXI; He that has beautiful limbs; He that takes the essence of all things in the universe; He that owns the most beautiful warp and woof for weaving this texture of fabric of the universe; He that weaves with ever-extending warp and woof; He whose acts are done by Indra; He whose acts are great; He who has no acts undone; He who has composed all the Vedas and scriptures DCCLXXXII, DCCLXXXIX; He whose birth is high; He that is exceedingly handsome; He whose heart is full of commiseration; He that has precious gems in His navel; He that has excellent knowledge for His eye; He that is worthy of worship by Brahman himself and other foremost ones in the universe; He that is giver of food; He that assumed horns at the time of the universal dissolution; He that has always subjugated His foes most wonderfully; He that knows all things; He that is ever victorious over those that are of irresistible prowess DCCXC, DCCXCIX; He whose limbs are like gold; He that is incapable of being agitated by wrath or aversion or other passion; He that is Master of all those who are masters of all speech; He that is the deepest lake; He that is the deepest pit; He that transcends the influence of Time; He in whom the primal elements are established DCCC, DCCCVI; He that gladdens the earth; He that grants fruits which are as agreeable as the Kunda flowers Jasmim pubescens, Linn; He that gave away the earth unto Kasyapa in His incarnation as Rama; He that extinguishes the three kinds of misery mentioned in the Sankhya philosophy like a rain-charged cloud cooling the heat of the earth by its downpour; He that cleanses all creatures; He that has none to urge Him; He that drank nectar; He that has an undying body; He that is possessed of omniscience; He that has face and eyes turned towards every direction DCCCVIII, DCCCXVI; He that is easily won with, that is, such gifts as consist of flowers and leaves; He that has performed excellent vows; He that is crowned with success by Himself; He that is victorious over all foes; He that scorches all foes; He that is the ever-growing and tall Banian that overtops all other trees; He that is the sacred fig tree Ficus glomerata, Willd; He that is the Ficus religiosa; or, He that is not durable, in consequence of His being all perishable forms in the universe even as he is all the imperishable forms that exist; He that is the slayer of Chanura of the Andhra country DCCCXVII, DCCCXXV; He that is endued with a thousand rays; He that has seven tongues in the forms of Kali, Karali, etc; |
Mbh.13.152.12808 | Deity or man, there is none in the three worlds who can hurl me from the sovereignty I enjoy. |
Mbh.16.4.174 | Conversant with the truth of every topic, Vasudeva, though he was the Supreme Deity, wished to die, for dispelling all doubts and establishing a certainty of results in the matter of human existence, simply for upholding the three worlds and for making the words of Atris son true. |
Mbh.16.6.223 | Thyself, Narada, and the Munis, knew him to be the eternal and sinless Govinda, the Deity of unfading glory. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
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Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text:; Wikified at AncientVoice. |