Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 21 Feb 2010 13:32 and updated at 21 Feb 2010 13:32
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.2.74.3163 | Yudhishthira said, Creatures obtain fruits good and ill according to the dispensation of the Ordainer of the creation. |
Mbh.3.196.9921 | And after the pigeon said so, the hawk addressed the king, and said, Creatures do not come into the world in the same particular order. |
Mbh.5.42.2285 | Sanat-sujata said, There is great objection in completely identifying as here the two that are different Creatures always spring from the union of Conditions with what in its essence is without Conditions. |
Mbh.5.99.4675 | Creatures inhabiting the earth, if brought hither by force of the water's current, shriek loudly, afflicted with fear. |
Mbh.5.187.8403 | Creatures, therefore, that range the welkin were unable to stay in their element. |
Mbh.6.4.262 | Creatures in this world are of two kinds, mobile and immobile. |
Mbh.7.52.2459 | Thus addressed, Death said unto the divine Grandsire, Creatures, O Lord, are living in health. |
Mbh.7.52.2509 | Creatures kill themselves. |
Mbh.8.33.1550 | Unitedly they solicited the Grandsire of all the worlds, O king, for the boon of immunity from death at the hands of all Creatures of all times. |
Mbh.11.3.170 | Creatures are born or destroyed according to their acts in previous lives. |
Mbh.11.7.270 | Creatures, O bull of Bharatas race, whether mobile or immobile, have to repeatedly return to the world. |
Mbh.12.72.4104 | Creatures are seen to be destroyed by creatures. |
Mbh.12.88.5011 | Bhishma said, Creatures that are mobile devour things that are immobile; animals again that have teeth devour those that have no teeth; wrathful snakes of virulent poison devour smaller ones of their own species. |
Mbh.12.109.6183 | SECTION CX Yudhishthira said, Creatures are seen to be afflicted by diverse means and almost continually. |
Mbh.12.121.6929 | Creatures are kept awake in this world, and Chastisement is awake among them. |
Mbh.12.138.8136 | Creatures act ie, take birth and live in consequence of Time, and it is in consequence also of Time that they cease to live. |
Mbh.12.179.10840 | Creatures that have hands, without doubt, become strong and earn wealth. |
Mbh.12.193.11558 | Earth, air, space, water, and light numbered as the fifth, are regarded as Great Creatures. |
Mbh.12.200.12178 | Creatures have all been created by Mind and Act. |
Mbh.12.236.14635 | Creatures, again, that are mobile should be known to be superior to those that are immobile. |
Mbh.12.278.17046 | Creatures take birth as men or as intermediate animals or as gods and go to hell. |
Mbh.12.297.18566 | Creatures, influenced by the attributes of Sattwa, Rajas, and Tamas, pursue acts which have an end |
Mbh.12.319.20005 | Creatures, as they are borne along the current of time, become repeatedly attracted towards one another like masses of clouds moved by the wind meeting one another with loud sound. |
Mbh.12.330.21072 | Creatures sometimes acquire and sometimes lose worldly object. |
Mbh.13.26.3593 | Creatures that live on Earth, in the welkin, or in Heaven, indeed, even beings that are very superior, should always bathe in Ganga. |
Mbh.13.49.5035 | Creatures in the world are endued with diverse kinds of disposition. |
Mbh.13.111.9999 | Creatures, bound by their acts, endure diverse kinds of misery. |
Mbh.14.42.1681 | Creatures of two feet or of many feet and those which move crookedly, are the beings born of wombs. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
Suggestions are welcome: email:moc.liamg|rnhtijij#moc.liamg|rnhtijij
Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text:; Wikified at AncientVoice. |