Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 21 Feb 2010 08:59 and updated at 21 Feb 2010 08:59
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.1.1.14 | The Rishi replied, The Purana, first promulgated by the great Rishi Dwaipayana, and which after having been heard both by the gods and the Brahmarshis was highly esteemed, being the most eminent narrative that exists, diversified both in diction and division, possessing subtile meanings logically combined, and gleaned from the Vedas, is a sacred work. |
Mbh.1.1.28 | After these were produced the wise and most holy Brahmarshis, and the numerous Rajarshis distinguished by every noble quality. |
Mbh.1.1.230 | Herein Devas, Devarshis, and immaculate Brahmarshis of good deeds, have been spoken of; and likewise Yakshas and great Uragas Nagas. |
Mbh.1.65.3253 | And then, O tiger among kings, the celestials had their births, according as they pleased, in the races of Brahmarshis and royal sages. |
Mbh.1.100.5663 | Let me tell you that I have even rejected the solicitations of that best of Brahmarshis, the celestial sage Asita, who, too, had often asked for Satyavati's hand in marriage. |
Mbh.1.212.10402 | Arrived there, they beheld the Grandsire seated with gods, Siddhas, and Brahmarshis around him. |
Mbh.2.11.455 | Filled with every kind of energy, and worshipped by Brahmarshis, that celestial Sabha blazes forth with the graceful possessions of Brahma and looks extremely handsome, O tiger among kings as this Sabha of yours is unrivalled in the world of men, so is that Sabha of Brahma, seen by me unrivalled in all the worlds. |
Mbh.3.43.2304 | There he met with the Sadhyas, the Viswas, the Marutas, the twin Aswins, the Adityas, the Vasus, the Rudras, the Brahmarshis of the great splendour, and numerous royal sages with Dilipa at their head, and Tumvura and Narada, and that couple of Gandharvas known by the names of Haha and Huhu. |
Mbh.3.81.3953 | And purifying himself and with rapt attention, he approached that best of Brahmarshis, with the Arghya on his head. |
Mbh.3.82.3986 | It was there, O king, that the gods, the Daityas and Brahmarshis, having performed ascetic devotions there, obtained great merit and finally attained to god-hood |
Mbh.3.83.4379 | The sacred Kurukshetra which is worshipped by Brahmarshis, is regarded as the sacrificial altar of the celestials. |
Mbh.3.84.4592 | Repairing next to the sacred tirtha called Dharma that is visited by Brahmarshis, one acquireth the merit of the Vajapeya sacrifice and becometh respected in heaven. |
Mbh.3.85.4680 | Then, O king, should one proceed to Prayaga, whose praises have been sung by Rishis and where dwell the gods with Brahma at their head, the Directions with their presiding deities, the Lokapalas, the Siddhas, the Pitris adored by the worlds, the great Rishis-Sanatkumara and others, stainless Brahmarshis, Angiras and others, the Nagas, the Suparnas, the Siddhas, the Snakes, the Rivers, the Seas, the Gandharvas, the Apsaras, and the Lord Hari with Prajapati. |
Mbh.3.90.4884 | O king, Sanatkumara regardeth that spot visited by Brahmarshis, as also the tirtha Kanakhala that is near to it, as sacred. |
Mbh.3.101.5290 | And the spotless Brahmarshis also imparted their energies unto the chief of the celestials. |
Mbh.3.144.7343 | And seeing that hermitage inhabited by the Brahmarshis and containing fruits dropping honey, the Pandavas were filled with delight. |
Mbh.3.145.7374 | And in this state that represser of foes for the flowers began to survey all the mountain, inhabited by Yakshas and Gandharvas and celestials and Brahmarshis. |
Mbh.3.162.8231 | O child, not to speak of the Maharshis, even Brahmarshis have no access to that place. |
Mbh.3.168.8505 | And there came to the mighty battle the Devarshis and the Danavarshis and the Brahmarshis and the Siddhas. |
Mbh.3.174.8709 | Then the Brahmarshis, and the Siddhas, and the Maharshis and the mobile beings, all these appeared on the scene. |
Mbh.3.180.8965 | In days of yore, while I used to sojourn in heaven in a celestial chariot, revelling in my pride, I did not think of anything else, I used to exact tribute from Brahmarshis, Devas, Yakshas, Gandharvas, Rakshasas, Pannagas and all other dwellers of the three worlds. |
Mbh.3.180.8967 | Thousands of Brahmarshis used to draw my chariot. |
Mbh.3.222.11243 | I shall tell thee of that wonderful and famous and highly energetic son of the Adbhuta fire begotten of the wives of the Brahmarshis. |
Mbh.3.274.13314 | SECTION CCLXXIV Markandeya said, Then the Brahmarshis, the Siddhas and the Devarshis, with Havyavaha as their spokesman, sought the protection of Brahma. |
Mbh.5.83.3980 | And Vasishtha and Vamadeva, and Bhuridyumna and Gaya, and Kratha and Sukra and Kusika and Bhrigu, and other Brahmarshis and celestial Rishis united together, all stood on the right side of Krishna, that delighter of the Yadavas, that younger brother of Vasava. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
Suggestions are welcome: email:moc.liamg|rnhtijij#moc.liamg|rnhtijij
Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text:; Wikified at AncientVoice. |