Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 06 Mar 2010 15:39 and updated at 06 Mar 2010 15:39
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
Brahmanas are mentioned many (2649) times in Mahabharata. For a summary, see the bond data below:-
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Mbh.1.1.44 | Some read the Bharata beginning with the initial mantra invocation, others with the story of Astika, others with Uparichara, while some Brahmanas study the whole. |
Mbh.1.1.76 | This work is a tree, of which the chapter of contents is the seed; the divisions called Pauloma and Astika are the root; the part called Sambhava is the trunk; the books called Sabha and Aranya are the roosting perches; the books called Arani is the knitting knots; the books called Virata and Udyoga the pith; the book named Bhishma, the main branch; the book called Drona, the leaves; the book called Karna, the fair flowers; the book named Salya, their sweet smell; the books entitled Stri and Aishika, the refreshing shade; the book called Santi, the mighty fruit; the book called Aswamedha, the immortal sap; the denominated Asramavasika, the spot where it groweth; and the book called Mausala, is an epitome of the Vedas and held in great respect by the virtuous Brahmanas. |
Mbh.1.1.80 | It was not till after these were born, grown up, and departed on the supreme journey, that the great Rishi Vyasa published the Bharata in this region of mankind; when being solicited by Janamejaya and thousands of Brahmanas, he instructed his disciple Vaisampayana, who was seated near him; and he, sitting together with the Sadasyas, recited the Bharata, during the intervals of the ceremonies of the sacrifice, being repeatedly urged to proceed. |
Mbh.1.1.90 | Yudhishthira is a vast tree, formed of religion and virtue; Arjuna is its trunk; Bhimasena, its branches; the two sons of Madri are its full-grown fruit and flowers; and its roots are Krishna, Brahma, and the Brahmanas. |
Mbh.1.1.140 | When I heard that Yudhishthira had been followed into the wilderness by Snatakas and noble-minded Brahmanas who live upon alms, then, O Sanjaya, I had no hope of success. |
Mbh.18.5.271 | King Janamejaya then gratified all the Brahmanas with copious presents. |
Mbh.18.5.273 | Having dismissed those learned Brahmanas, king Janamejaya came back from Takshasila to the city named after the elephant. |
Mbh.18.5.294 | It should be read by Brahmanas, by kings, and by women quick with children. |
Mbh.18.6.343 | Unto the Brahmanas also, O chief of Bharatas race, should, with due devotion and according to ones power, be made large gifts and diverse kinds of gems, and kine, and vessels of white brass for milking kine, and maidens decked with every ornament, and possessed of every accomplishment suited to enjoyment, as also diverse kinds of conveyances, beautiful mansions, plots of land, and cloths. |
Mbh.18.6.345 | Whatever objects occur in the house, of the foremost kind, whatever wealth of great value occurs in it, should be given away unto Brahmanas. |
Mbh.18.6.353 | When the first Parana is reached, the hearer should gratify Brahmanas with presents of all desirable objects. |
Mbh.18.6.375 | Reaching the tenth Parana and gratifying Brahmanas, he acquires a car which tinkles with innumerable bells, which is decked with flags and banners, which is equipt with a seat made of precious gems, which has many arches made of lapis lazuli, which has a net-work of gold all round, which has turrets made of corals, which is adorned with Gandharvas and Apsaras well-skilled in singing, and which is fit for the residence of the Righteous. |
Mbh.18.6.390 | Causing the Brahmanas to utter benedictions, the business of recitation should be begun. |
Mbh.18.6.414 | When the Harivansa Parva is being recited, Brahmanas should be fed with frumenty at each successive Parana, O king. |
Mbh.18.6.420 | Then, adorning the persons of some foremost of Brahmanas with scents and garlands, they should be gratified with diverse kinds of gifts of enjoyable and very superior or costly articles. |
Mbh.18.6.425 | After entertaining a number of foremost Brahmanas, presents should be made unto them according to the ordinances. |
Mbh.18.6.428 | If the Brahmanas are gratified, all the deities are gratified. |
Mbh.18.6.429 | After this, O chief of the Bharatas, Brahmanas should be duly entertained with diverse kinds of enjoyable articles and superior things. |
Mbh.18.6.443 | One that proclaims the merits of this history called the Mahabharata, of the Earth, of the cow, of Sarasvati the goddess of speech, of Brahmanas, and of Keshava, has never to languish. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
Suggestions are welcome: email:moc.liamg|rnhtijij#moc.liamg|rnhtijij
Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text:; Wikified at AncientVoice. |