Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 21 Feb 2010 08:16 and updated at 21 Feb 2010 08:16
Mahabharata: 18 Parvas
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Mbh.2.41.1665 | And when that monarch offered at first unto this wretch water to wash his feet, it was then that he denied his Brahmanahood from seeming motives of virtue. |
Mbh.3.87.4788 | And, O bull among the Bharatas, there also, in that place, is the Kausiki, whose basin abounds in various fruit and roots, and where Viswamitra endued with wealth of asceticism acquired Brahmanahood. |
Mbh.3.311.15448 | It is neither birth, nor study, nor learning, that is the cause of Brahmanahood, without doubt, it is behaviour that constitutes it. |
Mbh.12.179.10821 | If thou becomest affluent, thou wilt never succeed in becoming a king for thou art a Brahmana by birth, nor in becoming a god because, in reality, thy status of Brahmanahood is equal if not superior to that of a god. |
Mbh.13.3.248 | SECTION III Yudhishthira said, If, O prince, Brahmanahood be so difficult of attainment by the three classes Kshatriyas, Vaisyas and Sudras, how then did the high souled Viswamitra, O king, though a Kshatriya by birth, attain to the status of a Brahmana? |
Mbh.13.55.5597 | Indeed, let the status of Brahmanahood attach to my race, O holy one. |
Mbh.13.55.5600 | In what way, O delighter of Bhrigu, will the status of Brahmanahood attach to my race? |
Mbh.13.56.5626 | Unto one that is third in descent from thee, the status of Brahmanahood will attach. |
Mbh.13.56.5632 | Let my race become invested with the status of Brahmanahood, and let it always set its heart upon righteousness' |
Mbh.13.143.11919 | That Brahmana who drinks alcohol, who becomes guilty of Brahmanicide or mean in his behaviour, or a thief, or who breaks his vows, or becomes impure, or unmindful of his Vedic studies, or sinful, or characterised by cupidity, or guilty of cunning or cheating, or who does not observe vows, or who weds a Sudra woman, or who derives his subsistence by pandering to the lusts of other people or who sells the Soma plant, or who serves a person of an order below his, falls away from his status of Brahmanahood |
Mbh.13.143.11920 | That Brahmana who violates the bed of his preceptor, or who cherishes malice towards him, or who takes pleasure in speaking ill of him, falls away from the status of Brahmanahood even if he be conversant with Brahman. |
Mbh.13.143.11965 | It is with the aid of these acts, O goddess, that a person who has sprung from a degraded order, viz, a Sudra, may become a Brahmana refined of all stains and possessed of Vedic lore, One that is a Brahmana, when he becomes wicked in conduct and observes no distinction in respect of food, falls away from the status of Brahmanahood and becomes a Sudra. |
Jijith Nadumuri Ravi
Research data published for the interest of people researching on Mahabharata.
Suggestions are welcome: email:moc.liamg|rnhtijij#moc.liamg|rnhtijij
Reference:- Mahabharata of Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, translated to English by Kisari Mohan Ganguli; Source of Plain Text:; Wikified at AncientVoice. |